What does Yea Forums think about seraphim rose?

What does Yea Forums think about seraphim rose?

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Based. Nihilism is the only thing I read by him though. Strong rec

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>seraphim rose
burn the soul pay the toll

the original orthodox convert larper

Nihilism is good book, his fans the ortholarpers are annoying as it gets.

Yes he does sort of come of as the proto-orthobro. Though unlike them he was actually a monk and not just some guy on the internet.

I don't really see him having the bro part of orthobros. Although he shares certain type of fundamentalism with them, but that's most likely because he's an American like most of orthobros.

Gay neurotic. Lead a fuller and more complete life hopping between San Francisco bathhouses than the drone he became repeating the Jesus prayer on a mental tape recoreder loop because he was afraid of space demons disrupting his astral waystation journey. His vision for life is an anti-life, to cloth yourself in black and repeat the same thought cowed in fear for all eternity.

What I particularly dislike at him and is also found (even more) at contemporary orthodox converts is the obsession with calling everything else demonic and even acting like demons are at the same level with God. For example, I remember when I told an orthodox convert who came to the religion after reading Rose about how demons are part of the subtle/psychic world, which is below the metaphysical one (which is that of God and angelic beings) and he told me that this opinion of mine is actually what the demons want me to believe and that they're just as metaphysical as God. This is becoming more like dualist manichaeism than anything christian.

btw op this guy was a gay man

It floors me that prominent convert orthodox (mostly of British origin) take greek and russian names after they convert. How isn't this cultural romanticism?

>What I particularly dislike at him and is also found (even more) at contemporary orthodox converts is the obsession with calling everything else demonic and even acting like demons are at the same level with God.
I'm pretty sure there is no dogmatic declaration on this, but don't underestimate the average orthlarp convert to zealously proclaim that any other view is "Not Orthodox" and a "theological feature of the west" or even "heretical".

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most converts to any religion take a new name

I think he stinks
'le everything but orfodocks is demonic!' is boring and tiresome

>most converts to any religion take a new name
that's true, in the case of christians I guess that is the baptism name

It mirrors the new age people who think everyone else is still under control of their ego. Same shit, everyone else is under prelest except they themselves.
I don't think most laymen do, not these days. Monks maybe, but most people who adopt religion to their life keep their name given by their parents.


He did a good job at exposing how schizo orthodoxy can be. People romanticize it too much. Yeah not every priest agrees 100% but he didn't just pull it out of his ass.

f-anons fbi file says hes a catholic

I legitimately do not understand the claim of larping.
If you convert to a religion, and then practice it the rest of your life, how is that larping?

There are chicks who have devoted their entire lives to being "Slave Girl Leia" at Star Wars conventions. You're going to need far more effective arguments than that.

You're basically saying that any convert is a disingenuous pretender. It's just not true. Also, comparing religious conversion to anime convention costuming is false equivalence.

do you think he knew that his best friend and abbot herman liked to fuck little kids?

Why is his entry so short? lol
I can't help but think if this person was not orthodox, he would have gotten a thorough writeup.

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>muh beards
>muh robes
>muh bells
>muh necklaces arranged in perfect patterns
Become a secret agent for Christ instead.

>You're basically saying that any convert is a disingenuous pretender
No, he isnt.

it's a LARP because he's an American in the 20th century playing dress up as a monk in Tsarist Russia

>naming yourself "seraphim"
that's some heady religious megalomania there

This right here almost says it all.

If he makes Yea Forums pseudos seethe THIS hard he must be onto something

His best friend from San Francisco
>Having met Eugene Rose—the future Fr. Seraphim—in San Francisco, the two began publishing an English language periodical called The Orthodox Word, and opened a small Orthodox bookstore near the Holy Virgin Cathedral in that city. Living under the guidance of St. John (Maximovitch) of Shanghai and San Francisco, they resolved after his repose to settle in the wilderness and live the monastic life. After searching for a suitable place, they decided to purchase a parcel of land in northern California, Shasta County. Eventually they would be tonsured monks and ordained priests of ROCOR.

They're called larpers because the term captures the essence of how these guys buy all the external paraphernalia related to a lifestyle, dress up in the clothes of the lifestyle, and say it's their lifestyle but they rarely act like a real practitioner. Tradcaths on Yea Forums don't go to mass, they will complain that the modern church is pozzed and then click on their /pol/ tab to spend an hour being racist as fuck, then an hour fapping to porn, not realizing the irony in their lifestyle and how they're not really Christians at all.

The San Francisco proto-Orthodox milieu

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That is absolutely mental. Why have I never heard about this? Any good books on its history?

Never mind, the article lists this as a source:
>The Odyssey of a New Religion: The Holy Order of MANS From New Age to Orthodoxy (Indiana UP, 1995)

They've uploaded a lot of their material here:
>Holy Order of MANS a.k.a. Christ the Savior Brotherhood

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From America's Alternative Religions (Suny Series in Religious Studies)

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Guess Rupi Kaur and John Green are also on to something.

>They don't understand that he named himself after his favorite Orthodox Saint, St. Seraphim of Sarov
>Also unaware of the fact that St. Seraphim is the patron saint of Nuclear Weapons.
Google exists, anons.

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>patron saint of nuclear weapons
holy fucking cringe

Do you mean like "Patron Saint that prevents nuclear war" or "Patron Saint that blesses nuclear weapons"?

>your coping mechanism sire, as requested

It's because almost all the modern Saints are Eastern European, so there's more choices for a lot of them. Christ is risen!

People would name their Children after Angels, his patron Saint was Father Seraphim of Sarov.

Absolute gigachad Saint who worked extensively documented miracles after his death. his writings are some of the only intellectually clear writings from the past 100 years, and he does it without being dry - he put his whole soul into his writing.

Here's a transcription of his original biography, "Not of this world", from before Platina got under new management and censored the biography in favour of what was printed in "Life and works."


Yes, those exist.

Fr. Seraphim Rose was not one of those. He even wrote about the dangers of paying attention exclusively to the externals.

I don't think any of the people who write this stuff about him have actually read anything he wrote, and none of the convertodox who cite him to push their own passionate desires have actually read him in the spirit he intends either.

Blaming Fr. Rose for the behavior of some converts inspired by him is like blaming Jesus for Catholic Pedophile Priests. They already had something wrong with them before they started using Jesus as the vehicle to do what they wanted to do.

He is for Americans only.

stop larping

Russians in the Soviet Union literally translated his works to disseminate them as samizdats.

And who do we blame for the Saint Herman of Alaska Monastery pederest monks?

>before Platina got under new management and censored the biography in favour
And why did they do that, because they were embarrassed about it defending a living pederest monk against the boys and men he raped?

he translated his own books

No, because in the original biography, which made it overwhelmingly obvious that Fr. Herman, accused of pedarasty, was slandered. Why was he slandered? The reason is made abundantly clear in the information removed from the original biography.

This isn't something exclusively in the biography - these are things you can find in Fr. Rose's letters, and excerpts from these letters were removed from the original biography.

thoughtsintrusive.wordpress.com/letters-of-fr-seraphim-rose-1961-1982/ See letters 68 and 69.

"From Fr. Herman I learned that in the preceding two hours Vladika had indeed played fully on the Russian psychology, had shouted, bullied, pointed out the monastic vows accused him of disobedience to his Abbot, using crude language and telling him that he had not been “tonsured in a barbershop,” and in general brought Fr. Herman to tears and breakdown in front of him. Finally Fr. Herman in desperation replied to Vladika in the same manner, and to his dismay he found that Vladika liked this kind of combat and in general gave the impression of “playing” at being Abbot and threatening with his authority, etc. In substance Fr. Herman protested that Vladika had blessed us as an independent church organization and should leave us alone, to which Vladika loudly stated: “I will not leave you alone!” And he proceeded to tell him of those monastic obediences which we should owe him as Abbot: not to write anyone or invite anyone to come to us without his blessing, to sign over our property to him, to have our publications supervised by him, etc. etc."

It's very simple: Fr. Rose and Fr. Herman owned Platina's land. The corrupt Bishops wanted the land, and wanted to force them to sign over the land in the name of "monastic obedience". When that didn't work, then the only solution left was slander.

Did you know that, before Fr. Herman's death, Blessed Xenia followed him around, saying "This is the white martyr who suffers"? A white martyr is someone whose life is ruined from slander.

Forgot to mention: That's why they waited until the only person who could exonerate Fr. Herman, Fr. Rose, was dead, to hit him with some kind of slander.

Pederest enabler, just like Rose.


That whole channel is a dude acting holier than the clergy.

Not hard to aim higher than pederests and their enablers.

Snapped me out of Christianity desu. One of the dumbest authors I've ever read.

>those monastic obediences which we should owe him as Abbot: not to write anyone or invite anyone to come to us without his blessing, to sign over our property to him, to have our publications supervised by him, etc. etc."
It sounds like this is correct though? Look at what happened to Ananias and Sapphira—you owe your belongings to the cult. But of course, one wouldn't expect Californian converts to a religion to understand it on its own terms