Are there any books or philosophers/ies in praise of irrationality? Or, at least, critical of rationality?

Are there any books or philosophers/ies in praise of irrationality? Or, at least, critical of rationality?

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Other urls found in this thread:

paglia, sexual personae
d.h. lawrence, fantasia of the unconscious

Thanks friend
Looking for fiction or aphoristic literature especially by the way, forgot to mention it




Twelve step program for saving our souls:

Deleuze and Guattari

this neezsche meem makes a lot of sense desu



William Blake

The Apollonian side of yourself is supposed to do the planning and legwork so that you can enjoy the Dionysian side of your life.

Dionysian without Apollonian is a one way ticket to drug addiction and homelessness.

Dionysian you're going to eventually end up with a man's penis in your butt. I'll stick to the Apollonian humdrum lifestyle

Rausch und Heimatlosigkeit!—
Precisely the way Nietzsche would’ve wanted


I think the whole dichotomy between Apollonian and Dionysian is retarded.

So much misunderstanding of The Birth of Tragedy here. Apollonian does not mean rational, not in the Socratic sense let alone the modern sense. Read slower.

Read The Greeks and the Irrational.

Balance is gay


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Any of D. H. Lawrences works, Kangaroo has an attack on Platonic rationality and love.

bump for interest

I love listening to Paul Bishop talking about Klages, the guy really knows his stuff. But having read a fair amount of Klages, Bishop seems to be acting a bit as a gatekeeper since he doesn't share Klages' very well developed and grounded anti-semitism.

Klages seems very interesting, are there any prereqs to his work?


The Incerto series by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, the Arabian sand nigger man.

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This started with Nietzsche (who went insane funnily enough) who did not realize his philosophy was self-refuting or rather chose to ignore it. It was later taken up by French pedophiles and other deviants who needed a "reason" to "justify" their taste and found that the only way this is possible is to abolish reason and justification altogether. This project continues to this day, backed by capital and defended by the weight of Western guilt in Nazi-driven genocide of a minority, so that any opposition to these developments in effect turns you into a nazi and results in social excommunication. This has given French deviants a blank slate to export their insanity across educational institutions worldwide where they form very exclusive intolerant cliques.


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since I know this is either an American or a cultureless christanon, let me enlighten you on your own 'project'
>allows 'divorce' because an old tyrant king said so, still in place to this day
>states rule over church law making them meaningless relic buildings
>churches are tourist pieces
>old women use them as places to eat scones
>deeply unfashionable amongst the youth
and that's not even touching on American culture which can be summed up as celebrating first borns dying for Israel and big budget Hollywood film of the year.


Try Twitter or Reddit, friend.

Hume argued that we have no rational argument for believing in the existence other minds, the external world, and causation, but we believe them anyway because of custom or habit. He talks about getting tied up in philosophical paradoxes in his study that make him skeptical about everything, but then he goes and has a pint with his friends and plays a few games of backgammon and he does not doubt those things. He's not praising irrationality, only saying that there are somethings that we believe because Nature has not left it up to us whether we should believe in them or not

Ok, but you didn't really address anything he said. You're just off topic ranting about America on an American website

Read between the lines, anti-hedonists are usually christians and what they often want to do is create an authoritarian system where people adhere to Christian mores, however, despite this, they fail entirely to create a competent system that can combat hedonist philosophies.
Zionists and Islamic extremists do with their pinky fingers what Christians wish they could do with their whole heart, that's struggle

So because you assume they're American or Christian it's a valid response and not just you being mad and ranting like this is your blog? You're even more off topic now than before. What board do you think you're on right now?

the Christian argument is majorly Apollonian, this thread is arguing against that.

Not really

>the Christian argument is majorly Apollonian,

No. The Christian argument is dime store Socratic, which makes a mockery of the archaic Apollonian current.

wrong. Anal is the Apollonian's domain

extremely arcane knowledge, just like those hard-working, workaholic lawyers & moneymen who spent their freetime getting pegged by some mistress in a capital city dungeon

Who would be the Satyr in this case? Coolface?

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Scholasticism is apollonian

You don't understand the Greeks, bro. Apollonian is married heterosexual monogamy, whereas Dionysian is fucking teenage boys in the ass and contracting AIDs.


Western Christianity is built on Platonic, Stoic, and Aristotelian scholarship--all of which being solidly apollonian.

He just (correctly) asserted that there is no rational principle at the heart of existence, but this is far from praising irrationality.

Dionysians are not in their right mind. There is nothing "natural" about dionysians because the reject nature.

Apollocuck cope

There is no such thing as appolonian. You just live in accordance with nature rightly or reject it. In truth, you would not survive in the natural state remote as you are from it due to mankind's innovation

Guenon. He think that reason is legit but inferior and that rationalism is a fraud.

For someone who values rationality, your post is utterly nonsensical

I thought that was a good thing. Either way, nature has its own objective order which you can percieve through sense and reason and from there you can find the natural and what it means to be right and good, how you can live in harmony with nature. "Dionysians" reject this for mindlessness in favoring only one half of their faculties over the other and claiming that unholistic view of life is somehow natural. This eventually leads to hatred of reality and, in the case of trannies for example, yourself.

>nature has its own objective order which you can percieve through sense and reason and from there you can find the natural and what it means to be right and good

You're a poor reader. Socratism is neither Apollonian nor Dionysiac.

"Even Euripides was, in a certain sense, only a mask: the deity that spoke through him was neither Dionysus nor Apollo, but an altogether new-born demon, called Socrates. This is the new antithesis: the Dionysian and the Socratic, and the art-work of Greek tragedy was wrecked on it."


Probably Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, Hegel if you have the stomach for it.

He addresses it in that book, excuses it as an old man "reading the room" during WW2.

I'm just an old man "reading the room" on Yea Forums dot org slash lit slash

> they have it wrong, I have it right because I’ve defined “right” as synonymous with my experience
This isn’t an argument, this is a tacit admittance o that you’re Just Like Them.
Step up your game.