Non-religious self-help books

self-help gets a lot of hate on here. I'm trying to develop a library of self-help books for my high school students that might help them through trying times but also aren't indoctrinating them into sky-fairy theologies. I don't read self-help myself so I have no idea what's good and what's crap.

any recommendations, anons?

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Kill them all, make the voices stop

self-help books are a scam, if you want self-help your students just buy them a gym membership.

surely you would agree that people need some sort of motivation to join the gym beyond "git gud". aren't there books that help with that sort of thing? or does Yea Forums not read books anymore and just spends all day watching shonen anime?

>help them through trying times but also aren't indoctrinating them into sky-fairy theologies.
You realize that that would actually be the best thing for them? They need a community, not books. Doesn't even matter which theology it is, Christian Muslim Buddhist whatever, just somewhere they can go and get support and someone will sympathize with their problems is enough.

Proust and Tolstoy

religion is the worst thing you could possibly offer to adolescents. one should wait until they have the necessary intellectual capacities to rationally resist indoctrination before exposing them to such prejudiced filth.

What's the point of self books? Like, nigga, go outside and start doing things. The time you use reading this nonsense could be used actually doing something that makes you feel better, and no book will give you that answer you need find it by yourself.

Selections of Proust and Tolstoy would be good for sure

only on Yea Forums will people advocate not reading.

illiterate imbeciles

self help books*
need to*

go back

how bout fuck you

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As opposed to government schooling...? Right? And advertising? Put the fedora down and look around. Religious kids do better across the board than atheist kids. A big part of that is the religious kids have a support network. And so what if they do come to have faith in God? How's that going to hurt them?

No. Place a mirror and a gym brushure at the self help corner of your library.
Great Books are a consolation to cross the sea of life.

Self-help books are just a waste of time.
Anime (for a white young male) are the top tier of modern escapism.

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Yeah as a former gay kid myself, religion is fucking traumatizing. I ain't inflicting that shit on my public school students

My mom loves Wayne Dyer

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>Anime (for a white young male) are the top tier of modern escapism.
the absolute weebism of it all

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interesting. will take a look

>religion is the worst thing you could possibly offer to adolescents.
This kind of thinking is precisely why the west is dying.

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>as a faggot, I would rather my kids get groomed than read the Bible.

yeah I'm gay and religion is a big reason why LGBTQ people feel driven to suicide so fuck that noise. People can be religious if they want, but there's no reason I, a public school teacher, am obligated to offer religious instruction to my students in the name of "saving the West" or some bullshit like that.

ah, an archetypal Florida Man. Why don't you stay in your lane and I'll stay in mine.

If you think gay teachers are "grooming" kids you are just projecting your pedophilic tendencies onto others.

Get some professional fucking help, user.

What I found sweet was that his last blog entry before he passed is still up, and the comments of that particular entry are filled with people saying how much he helped them.

Some other self help books I've known to be help to people close to me:
>The Courage To Be Disliked
>The Highly Sensitive Person
>The Body Keeps the Score (about how emotional and psychological trauma are internalized and become expressed throughout your life at the level of bodily reactions and preemptive anxiety responses etc., I know someone who swears by it for anyone with abusive parents)

I also like Benson's Relaxation Response stuff because it teaches you the value of meditation but that may be too far afield

>Public school groomer faggot want to brainwash kids with pop psychology and alienate them from their heritage

I ain't teaching this stuff to kids, merely stocking my school library with a wide selection they can read if they feel like it.

Reading comprehension, dumbass.

All very good stuff. I'll add it to my list for consideration

You've made it clear you want to limit what they are exposed to according to your sexual proclivities and hate religion. That's why nobody trusts you fags.


Have you considered that just how certain types of help are better for you, a sinner, there are certain types of help that are better for normal people?

Normal kids don't need someone to grope their butt and tell them it's normal to crossdress. They need a community who will listen to their problems and make them feel like they're part of a group that cares. Religion works. Self help books do not. I mean I'm sure you want us to tell you a book that will convert the kids to being gay so you can all have an orgy or whatever, but it simply doesn't work that way for normal people.

you DO realize I'd get MASSIVE amounts of parental complaints if I stocked the classroom with a standard Torah, Bible, and Quran?

The idea is to not be controversial. I ain't trying to lose my job.

Are you still in this thread? Is Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine N. Aron? If so, I definitely agree. There are a few books with that name

>Normal kids don't need someone to grope their butt and tell them it's normal to crossdress.

the projection in this thread is unreal. I don't know what sort of trauma your mommy put you through in homeschool, but we don't do that weird shit in public schools, user.

>you DO realize I'd get MASSIVE amounts of parental complaints if I stocked the classroom with a standard Torah, Bible, and Quran?
I can't imagine a single place where, as long as you included a bible, you couldn't put any religious text you liked. At least in America. Wait, MAYBE in Salt Lake City, but that's it.

the liberal parents would complain about the bible, the conservative parents would complain about the quran, and the nazis would complain about the torah.

Everybody has a bone to pick, and they'd get so mad I'm sure I'd be fired for just having those books in my classroom and available to students.

>but we don't do that weird shit in public schools, user.

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Nobody complains about having a selection of religious texts available in the classroom. They complain about blatant favoritism (ie, quran but no bible) or about religious belief being taught in class directly (ie, british schoolkids being made to do the conversion ritual to islam and pray towards mecca).

If you weren't so up your own asshole, you'd know this. But that's probably too much to ask from an anal fetishist.

> members of the school's student council chose the transvestite theme

Teachers did not choose this, this was a student-led movement.

If students proposed this at my school, I'd veto it because it fetishizes transgender identity as a "costume."

Get more recent reports of teacher-led "tranny indoctrination" or GTFO, user.

>If you weren't so up your own asshole, you'd know this. But that's probably too much to ask from an anal fetishist.
You're pretty funny, user. Wrong, but funny.

Clearly you haven't been to some of the more politically extremist parts of the US. People will find reasons to complain about anything, and religious texts in the classroom is the equivalent of tossing lit sticks of dynamite into a fireworks store in my neck of the woods.

Unironically teach some introspection, whether Stoic or Buddhist. Buddhism isn't a religion as seen in the west but who cares.

Stoicism is very underrated. I'll look into some candidate texts.

Read to the end. Not a single student actually participated, ONLY a handful of teachers and staffers did. It was clearly suggested to the students by teachers and pushed by teachers and defended by teachers and participated in by teachers.

Anyway I think we're done here. We've told you there aren't any good self-help books, we told you where troubled kids can find a community to help them out, you've made it very clear that you find the idea of religion offensive because it tells you to stop sticking things in your ass, there's really nowhere to go from here.

Thank you, I really took a shine to Joel Carberry's style and I'm trying it out. Great author.

>Christians infest ANOTHER thread that clearly says it doesn't want religion

you are always welcome to leave the thread.

don't let the door hit you on the way out, it may offend your butthurt persona.

preach, brother

Most important one because most other issues are based on not understanding the principles explained in it.
I‘d also add
The pleasure trap, lisle/goldhamer
Why we sleep, walker
Sink into sleep, davidson
The healthiest diet on the planet, mcdougall
Fiber fuelled, bulsiewicz
Anything by Gerald hüther, although i‘m not sure his work is available in english
Anything by barbara sher, a bit older but she‘s got some strong ideas and entertaining delivery
See no stranger, kaur
Conscious loving, hendricks gay
Hunt. Gather. Parent., doucleff
Radical honesty, blanton

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>The time you use reading this nonsense could be used actually doing something that makes you feel better
Most dopaminergically fried posters here wouldn't even know what would make them feel neutral. You're asking people that would rather obsess over theory to engage in practice and risk ridicule.
Your advice is good, technically, but no one here will follow it

You can't help yourself while being opposed to God. Atheism is self-sabotage

thank you, user. good suggestions, all.

>atheism is self-sabotage

for the record, I am agnostic, not atheistic.

the reality of god is unknowable and spending a great deal of your limited time and energy worrying about the questionable existence of an omnipotent sky-fairy is an insult both to your mortal self and your potential creator, who gave you life for a reason--and that reason is not to worry over the creator's possible existence.

wake up, user.

>They need a community who will listen to their problems and make them feel like they're part of a group that cares.
This doesn't need to be religion. In my youth, we had sports clubs for this. They were a strong network of other kids, their parents, people who would organise tournaments and get togethers on the weekends and be there if the kids needed someone to talk to.

>American article
Look, US doesn't even have schools. It has daycares that double as shooting ranges on occasion. At least the latter use of them is productive, since it stops the influx of more 'muricans.

Look, US doesn't even have schools. It has daycares that double as shooting ranges on occasion.

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exactly. extracurricular clubs are great for this sort of thing

Sports clubs are now forcing kids to compete against trannies. There's no real non-religious foundation for a successful community.

>I don't believe in God, but I also for sure knows what he wants and approves of my attitudes
Typical narcissistic faggot.

separation of church and state led to the founding of the world's most powerful nation in history.

try harder, bigot.

You haven't thought very much about this topic, have you?

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>faggot throws tantrum and then acts indignant when he gets push back.

>help me assign homework I probably wont read to someone who absolutely wont read
Yeah hope you get cucked to the max OP

America was shielded from the consequences of it's gay masonic ideology because so much of it's population was religious. Now that secularization has become the norm, America is in rapid decline.

you know what we call that sort of sarcastic quoting in the queer community? "reading." You are reading this faggot like the faggot you are.

Congratulations, you've been indoctrinated.

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More than you have, clearly.

this isn't going to be homework you dunce. just a resource for them to consult if they feel like "borrowing" it from the class library.

> gay masonic ideology

holy shit sign me the fuck up for this fictitious school of thought

>separation of church and state
Ah, yes, which article of the constitution was that again?

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go back to twatter. your GPT3-generated crap is more likely to work there than here

establishment clause you dipshit.

Have you missed the last seven decades of globohomo?

I feel my IQ dropping by just reading this tripe.

You think your self-serving agnosticism and faggotry makes you anything less than an NPC?

No, that's from the syphilis you sodomite fuck.

People who unironically use the term "NPC" to refer to others are now officially a category in the DSMV. congrats, you're a retard!

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"syphilis" lmao. you think us gays don't have excellent health care in the year 2022?