There was an user a few days ago on here that asked another poster why exactly the fuck a Leftist would be on Yea...

There was an user a few days ago on here that asked another poster why exactly the fuck a Leftist would be on Yea Forums. Well; you are an irreverent Literature board that has pushed me towards meritorious books is what it is. I guess I'm willing to scroll past the odd hard N to get recommendations like Borges, who I never would've found on my own. Fuck me, right?

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I said HARD N, ee fucking comings. Where's the capital?

Damn you're a faggot dude, you should listen to some birds or work out

How do you know I'm not a musclebound creatine gobbler who can identify a horny tit from 2 miles?

I mean, I'm not. But how Anons can argue with Anons to me in that personal way has always seemed like a recipe for projection

>Needs imageboard to find out about Borges
Yeah you're a retard alright.

Don't let people judge you by your political opinion

You seem to think that I'm "arguing" with you, or that I wish to engage in a "debate"
I don't, I'm simply telling you that you're a fucking loser and possibly a homosexual

I'm an IRL Janny. I'm genuinely working class. I needed the Internet to hear about Marx desu. My (funny, intelligent, just not Read) colleagues are like... Having intelligent and insightful and reasoned insights into like, the performance of Everton's back four. I'm saying; thanks for the leg-up

Fair do's. If it's going to be like that then fuck you right back, megafag

>I guess I'm willing to scroll past the odd hard N to get recommendations
Question: why do you care about a completely unrelated group of humans? While at the same time putting yourself at odds with fellow related people.

If you’re a janitor the last thing you need is Marxism. You’re aware your colleagues are brainlets. That’s why they’re janitors. Your spark of sentience is better put to use finding a better path to a better life that’s not based on reading about and propagating for an ideology that’s only ever failed and led to mass murder.

I could say the exact same thing to you. My workplace is about 50/50 black/white, with the black portion being recent African immigrants. The white peopleweI make a lot of money for might be my genetic twentieth cousins, but the Africans I labour alongside are my brothers and sisters. Why should I imagine myself Cindarella when my Ugly Sisters don't give a fuck about me?

Marxists don't give a fuck about "laborers" or anybody else. Leftism is all just word soup to shift the balance of wealth from individuals to the state. This is why leftists embed themselves like ticks into government and academia. They know that they're in a position to profit off of Marxist government.

They're not, though. They are insightful, sharp, clever, and completely invested in millionares who kick a ball around in a zero sum game that costs them a King's ransom to buy season tickets for. Don't get me wrong; I've worked alongside a lot of base and stupid people, but I generally work alongside waylaid smart people. Trapped people.

>Trapped people
Define it.

Swing low sweet chariot coming for to carry me home.

Probably people with extensive criminal backgrounds lol

i'd advise against coming to Yea Forums even if you were a rightoid because of how profoundly boring this board is. it's just /pol/ with shitposting about the same handful of books and authors

If you're a felon and want honest money youd be stupid to do anything besides construction.

Born smart into generational poverty. Hypnotised into thinking some arbitrary Team is an identity. Singing the same old hoary, terrible songs because High Culture doesn't want them, and they, owing to a bucket of crabs mentality, don't want It. Victims and Perpetuators.

People don't want to be prisoners because they know prisoners will kick their ass and possibly burst their asshole. That's how my class acts also. They're scared to shine because they know the other prisoners might kick their ass or burst their asshole.

>I could say the exact same thing to you
No, because I am not related to blacks.

You say they are your brothers and sisters, but they arent, so why care about them?

gee i wonder who could be behind this post

The left is just resentiment towards people who are more well off.

It’s almost as if an environment where people can be honest makes arts and culture flourish or something…..

>be janitor
>be poor
>be an Everton fan

sounds pretty grim for your coworkers user. how do you think they'll react if the team gets relegated?

You sound friendless. In school I kind of felt a bit of pity towards the people who like... They were absolute losers, they were pains in the ass, but you had to accommodate them to a point because they had stacked cousins who'd do you an injury if you slapped are johns cousins aunties baby sister's kid.

If you can't befriend People outside blood ties, you need to look at yourself.


>The left is just resentiment towards people who have stolen everything and enslaved everyone

Remember this post when she #metoo’s you bubby

Wow life is about taking things. Man you should be a philosophizer.

fucking kek

Mate, that's why even as a non footie fan it's weighing on my mind so much. I swear to God work at the moment is like attending a funeral for someone you never liked, but everyone else does. It's just Gloomy is the word.

I watched a lil video of Paddie the Baddie recently where he was like; "I can't even joke about Everton being shit at the moment. Because they are."

It's killed Liverpool/Everton banter so bad if you aren't a blue and you even joke about Everton sucking it goes down like you just punched a cancer patient.

>The left is just resentiment towards people who are more well off.
The RIGHT is just resentment towards people who just wanna have fun.

>You sound friendless
A direct personal attack is not an argument.

But ok. Lets paint your picture, you see other people primarily as tools to be used, you expect people to automatically follow and support you, when they dont you search for groups that are isolated or of lower intelligence, you then use those groups to satisfy that need to use other people, for example my questions make you look stupid, i dont serve and agree with you "omg so you start looking for emotional or mental weaknesses to exploite.

You do not have friends, that is why the concept of philia confuses you, friends arw just tools you use and a bunch of low iq Africans are more useful exploiting your workstation then your smarter coworkers who kinda understand what you are.

>The RIGHT is just resentment towards people who just wanna have fun.
True, many foreigners think the rape of a 12 year old white girl is fun.

holy projection

>holy projection
yup gotcha.

Er no mate. Everyday I show up to do a difficult job and we attain it collectively across your weird incestuous purity barrier. Then we go home after having cooked for each other and spend the weekend in some cases at church, in some cases doing stripes etc etc then we show on Monday and compare notes and laugh then continue to do the single most important job in public health there is. (Sanitizing surfaces, ensuring doorknobs are sterile)

Sorry for privileging the people I spend six hours every day alongside over you, freak with the same panatone number skin as ne

The economic system is about theft and enslavement. You still think you’re free? This isn’t a philosophy so much as lifting the veil up. Wake up broski

Thats nice, tell me, how do you use those Africans to expand your influence over other people, bet you move up to them, to Mbongo and say, yeah mate, I too really love the Christ, also you know, Chris, our teamleader, is like such a jackass, constantly riding our asses, you know, next time when we finish our job, we just dont clean up right, let HIM do it! amiright, my black friend.


Imao at ur life. It's misfortune enough being poor. It's an even worse misfortune to cry about something that is so self evident.

Gunnery Seargent Hartman told me "Here you are now longer Niggers, Wops or Greasers; here you are all equally worthless." True. True true true

The RIGHT is resentful towards the march of time and the difference of people.
Look at you, making shit up. I’ve seen more white-rights from fourchan show interest in raping 12 year olds. Plenty of people, white or poc, foreign or local hate these sorts. Sorts yourself out.

That user is basically a narcist, who uses people for his own benefits, he thinks everyone is worthless except himself, he consciously searched for people he thinks can be manipulated or controlled.

>march of time
Conservatism is inherently rightwing

>difference of people.
Nationalism is inherently rightwing

> I’ve seen more white-rights from fourchan show interest in raping 12 year olds.
Thats because you close your eyes to real human suffering.

>no argument
Loyal toady. I’m sure he’ll see this in the archives someday and reward you with a leftover qt and some dollars in a silk purse.

>Conservatism is inherently
That’s why I pointed that out.
>human suffering
I’m looking right at it. Mofos are sex starved and turn to terrible fetishes and look as though they’re ready to commit a crime. Your point?

>That’s why I pointed that out.
That means people on the right accept the march of time, because they look back and dont just life in the present, progressives on the other hand reject the march of time because they constantly living in the fashionable now.

>I’m looking right at it.
no you are not, you just think all human beings are tools and pitifull, they are not,

Don't need handouts because I take what I want like anyone else who has a working set of brains and balls.

Well, I admit, that'd be the leftist thing to do but I mostly just do the job, bullshit about films, then read on the bus. I've learned being "on" all the time just makes you look like a know-it-all prick. So now I just tactically employ "A union would help, why haven't you joined a union? You know, unions are good" whenever anyone gets pissy about work. It's effective

Thats nice, do you think you can hide from me by saying some meaningless random things?

Has that worked for you in the past?

what the fuck are you talking about

Did you see that ludicrous display last night? Why haven't they signed Ngubu yet?
Fucking scouse tosser.


>because they look back and dont just life in the present,
Level headed people do, but the rightwing are known for hating the present and longing for the past.
(progressives do as their name implies. They want the future. They believe believe in it like a religion. To a fault often enough)

>you think
No no. You misunderstand something here.

You said I try to agitate my black colleagues particularly, then presented a script you think I follow

I am trying to say like "No. That's what people push me to do, that'd be the paper leftist thing to do, but what I do is when the company screws Anyone I shill unions hard"

If I tried shit like that, my colleagues would see right through it. Why? Not dumb.

I’m always curious what leftists think about WW2, they think nationalism is inherently right wing. So does that mean America at its most patriotic and nationalist while fighting the Nazis was also its most right wing? Does that mean the right were responsible for dead eating fascism?

Truly interested in what they think of this.

We don't want you here. Every time you astroturf we will shut it down.

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Depends on what you want to believe is leftist. There were actual socialists in the working class back then. Many went off to fight in Spain before Roosevelt convinced the country to go to war. There were factions that really didn’t want to get entangled in all that, some were American fascists, some were just staunchly noninterventionist, right or left.
Nationalism is a thing all nationstates stoke the fires of. Then and now. It’s a sickly sham religion but it’s what weak people cling to. One nation fights another by design. It isn’t against nationalism, it’s because reasons.
Soldiers are dumb like that. The US entered late and dithered to give Hitler enough time to wear down the Soviets, so high command had sympathies for their stated enemy and deep animosity towards their stated allies. Patton wanted to switch gears and march on Moscow once in Germany.

I'm 35. I blocked the pool. I was AfroDuck for a moment. Sorry for not being pol enough for you but my ass has been here for 16 years.