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I don't know where I'm going
But I sure know where I've been

I'm very insecure at times. I look at people and the first thought that comes to mind is " these people would never like me"

It's a dumb defeatist mindset that I'm trying to get rid of. It's not up to me whether they like me or not so I should just go approach if I want to. Putting everybody on a pedestal is fucking retarded.

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i used to make some really weird art. in retrospect i dont like it so much, but the important part was that i took the risk and i took it seriously

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Is Hegel's synthesis and Aristotle's golden mean actually the same? Aristotle's golden mean could be seen as the synthesis *between* the extremes of excess (positive) and deficiency (negative) (2+-2=0) as Hegel's synthesis is the mean *between* thesis and antithesis; we could say 0 is the truth and the non-zero integers are deviations from truth.

Work as if you live in the early days of a better nation.

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No. I’ll work as though I lived in the days before this slave camp you call a nation darkened the continent.
Stop dragging your fetish in here.

I approve of the use of a Marx Brother in the OP
>I look at people and the first thought that comes to mind is " these people would never like me"
Me too, except I also go "and I wouldn't like them. So that makes that easy" and then I go talk to some hipsters.

I have been laughing at this AI generated movie poster

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the yellow word 4th row down, the first letter looks like a banana. I like visual puns.

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Was talking to a girl for the past month or so, we'd gone on 5 dates.
Told me today she has BPD and she doesn't feel a relationship is right for her when she shuts herself away from contact during her slumps.
Makes me sad since I liked her a lot, but maybe it's for the best. At least we left on good terms and with a potential for getting together in the future if she feels up to it. I feel much better ending this relationship than I did with my last gf, who cheated on me after 4 years together.
Regardless, no option now except to continue with my life. If she comes around, great. If not, at least I met a person I enjoyed my time with, even if it was temporary.

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Another word I'd like to add that shows further similarity: Plato's "metaxy." The middle ground. That's what Aristotle and Hegel are advocating and basically every philosopher is advocating in some sense, otherwise they wouldn't share their ideas.

Sorry to hear that but you've dodged a massive bullet if she really has BPD.

>as Hegel's synthesis is the mean *between* thesis and antithesis
I'm not familiar with Hegel but I'm pretty sure synthesis doesn't refer to "between". It is the concrete product of two 'abstractions'. For example the thesis of logic, and the antithesis of the physical world create the synthesis of spirit/mind. This does not neatly map to Aristotle's ethical means where you might have being loose with money on one end and being a miser on the other, and in-between being prudent with money.
I am reminded of when Eistenstein tried to apply Marxist Dialectic to film editing - he would cut between protesters running from the Tsarist forces bullets with footage of animals being slaughtered. Now in this example the thesis - protesters, and the antithesis - cattle being slaughtered, do not exist on the same 'continuum' they are totally arbitrary images that when 'synthesized' produce an analogy. Or what Eistenstein called 'Interllectual Montage'. I don't know if that's what Hegel was going for, but I think the root of Hegelian dialectic is in the syllogism and not comparable to the Aristotelian ethical means.
You don't say "slaughtering animals is the opposite of protesters running from bullets" any more than you say "the physical world is the opposite of logic", but you do say spending too much money and being a miser are opposites.

Wait, I'm a fucking retard. Meant Bipolar Disorder by BPD, not Borderline Personality. In my head BPD stood for Bipolar Personality Disorder.

Still, you could be right, it may be that I only ever saw her in her "ups" and have no idea what she's like in her slumps. Especially in a very long relationship, things may have become unbearable.
Still, I've met some Bipolar people who are quite kind even in their low states and are just very depressed then, while others are complete narcissists regardless of their mood.
I wish there would be more I could do for her but there's not, sadly. Just wish her the best and hope for the best.

Depressing bar conversations. Life, death. I dont even want to think about it anymore. To be honest I'm only making this post so I can share another 80s song with the one user who enjoys when I do. That's the truth.

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>niggas will hate on a hebrew but lap himself up some Marx-brothers shit shake my head #Kony2022

I like it, you're probably just moved on from that style to somewhere else.

I'm working on myself. I'm not where I want to be, but I know that I can take little steps everyday to improve. I have to remind myself that it's okay to not be where I want to be. I am not a waste of space. It's okay to be proud of the small things that I accomplish and keep moving forward. Every day. Little bites. Just keep moving forward. Rome was not built in a day. I have found it really difficult at times to not fall back into my man-child ways, wanting to turn my brain off and just play video-games. There's an aversion to reading substantive works, and I actually get nervous before picking up something challenging. It's been difficult to uproot negative thought patterns and misconceptions. "If you're smart, everything should be easy. And since this ISN'T easy, I must be stupid." Like many of the people here, I'm sure, I have decided that I want to be an author. I took a couple steps forward with that and started just plunking away on this little blog, I bought the domain an everything. I'm going multiple days without writing, and there are days where my page gets no traffic at all. Currently I'm too insecure to post any fiction writing, so to get my feet wet I started with legitimate diary entries, just to get some of my thoughts out there. Maybe someone can find it worthwhile or a bit of insight. The original intention with the blog and what I need to get back to is to just view the writing as a vehicle for self-expression. I'm not writing "for" anyone, so the straightforward, "this is what I think about X" writing style was helpful and therapeutic. I want to creatively expand, and express myself through short stories. I care WAY too much about how other people perceive me. That's something to work on too.

one of the greatest achievements in all of human history has to be the adaptation of the Mario concept into three dimensions. somehow ,the very first 3d installment is by far the best mario game ever made, easily one of the best games ever made. How do you do it, japs? what is this unwavering, as meek as it is terrifying sincerity of yours?

U are not alone user, especially the nervousness before reading something challenging is a feeling I’ve had a lot recently but just remember that it’s more than worth it when you do end up making some kind of progress when you weren’t sure you’d be able to.

It's kind of like Seinfeld in that at least it's pretty funny even if it's really Jewy

Man I love when you start a new book and right away you realize, this guy really fucking knew what he was talking about

are there any "great philosophers" that were great philanthropists?

meant to post this but that scenes pretty cool too
> youtu.be/m9Wh66FXZJQ
Not OP btw, just another Marx Bros. enjoyer.

Does anyone have recommendations for good beginner math books? I've decided that I want to be good at math after I wrote if off around 5th grade. Highest math that I ever took in school was trig. I got really interested in math for the the first time bc of the mystical aspect of it and thinking about what IS a number. Math no longer looks like just boring formulas and steps to follow, mystical really is the best way for me to describe it. Math actually sounds wicked cool now. I'm legitimately working 8th grade tier math knowledge, do you think any textbook would be a good place to start or are there any that are particularly good?

your alright

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I see what you mean. Courage isn't a "synthesis" of recklessness and cowardice. It's just rational action.

the only dignified part of western culture since the founding of the catholic church is soccer fandom in its entire ranged from "kid goes to the big footy with his grand dad" to full on hooliganism.

no. they're all whores. they continue to inspire generations of whores that are somehow outraged at modernity

It's more the other way round, courage is between recklessness and cowardice, and the optimal point between is 'rational'.
Synthesis would be, say, between Recklessness and Generosity; or Cowardice and Honesty - not on the same continuum, but from different continua I guess.

What book? Bet it's something incredibly dumb lmao

At a crossroads in life. Any book recommendations for me?

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The Hugry Catterpillar

I'm not telling you, too bad

Sure, I'll answer this in an atypical way:
Euclid's Elements or Euler's Elements of Algebra might interest you but they are really old. If you aren't interested in mathematics professionally though I don't see what harm they could do you (on the contrary). A modern introduction to topics of mathematics which also has historical content though would probably be Jan Gullberg's Mathematics from the Birth of Numbers; this is an extraordinary book which is incredibly engaging for the amateur mathematician of any level and a very good introduction to many useful concepts. I don't know of any books which look at mathematics mystically however, I'm afraid, but Guénon apparently had a book talking about calculus which I haven't read and Berkely too, but as far as I'm aware, calculus wasn't really the point of Berkley's The Analyst. I would assume however that these works are largely metaphysical works rather than spiritual, but I couldn't say.
If you want modern reccs then you should check out /sci/. From what I've read, Basic Mathematics by Serge Lang is well liked there and often recommended but I've never read it. Meme answers usually include the Manga Guide to (e.g. Calculus, Analysis, Topology, &c.) but these usually are just okay from what I've skimmed and heard other people say.
For Euclid's Elements, check out these websites
> aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/elements/elements.html
or this site
> c82.net/euclid
The first is just a website version of vanilla Euclid (mostly from Sir Thomas Little Heath's translations, which are now standard) and the second is based on Oliver Byrne's edition of Elements, which uses graphic representations instead of words to convey meaning within proofs, along with a colorful, almost Modernist, representations and demonstrations though it came out in 1847. Picrel is just a sample from the book.
Still, though, I recommend memorizing vanilla Euclid even if you mainly think in terms of Byrne Euclid.

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>I got really interested in math for the the first time bc of the mystical aspect of it and thinking about what IS a number. Math no longer looks like just boring formulas and steps to follow, mystical really is the best way for me to describe it.
I agree there's a lot of cool questions to ask about math, but the actual discipline of math rarely concerns itself with that sort of questioning from my experience. If you want to just do that straight away you can start here

Forgot to mention Calculus Made Easy, which is a very interesting and intuitive look at calculus. It's not exactly conventional though and doesn't even cover limits.
>Calculus Made Easy ignores the use of limits with its epsilon-delta definition, replacing it with a method of approximating (to arbitrary precision) directly to the correct answer in the infinitesimal spirit of Leibniz, now formally justified in modern nonstandard analysis and smooth infinitesimal analysis.
and is also somewhat outdated
>The original text continues to be available as of 2008 from Macmillan and Co., but a 1998 update by Martin Gardner is available from St. Martin's Press which provides an introduction; three preliminary chapters explaining functions, limits, and derivatives; an appendix of recreational calculus problems; and notes for modern readers. Gardner changes "fifth form boys" to the more American sounding (and gender neutral) "high school students," updates many now obsolescent mathematical notations or terms, and uses American decimal dollars and cents in currency examples.
still, it's very good I think. It also apparently has a website form but I just found out about that now
You might want to just want to go the conventional route and go read Spivak's Calculus though if I'm honest.

I think I got filtered in calculus when they told me this series or whatever runs infinitely and then you get the right approximation and I thought "in what time frame is this running infinitely? is this happening now, while I just stand here? what if it runs less than infinitely? is that less time?"

if we could just agree that sex out of marriage is a massive sin, like we used to and which is what it is, I think that would solve most of our problems. of gender identitiy and anxiety, of misery. no more women trying to be men. no more men trying to be women. no more competition. we could focus on real things, like living up to our potentials.

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marriage is not a sacred thing anymore

Just got done talking to Narendra Modi on the telephone. I said
>Do you really think you're doing enough for the climate crisis? We're out here paying more than ever for basic goods and gas. Soldiers. These numbers make me sick. You wouldn't believe them.
He said
>To walk the fine line I walk takes more strength than you know. I'm troubled and on occasion I worry that I am too weak for this burden I've taken.
I said
>You know we may not always see eye to eye but you're a fine man Narendra Modi. Kind of man I hope my daughter marries one day.
We said our goodbyes and I suppose that things having little alternative will carry on much as they are. Happy Saint George's Day.

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the intelligent adversary fallacy

Good luck wrangling women back into traditional society, this whole model of casual sex into late twenties and then settling down with a provider is built to maximize their pleasure.

>if we could just agree that sex out of marriage is a massive sin,
You won't change my mind and I can't change yours either.
I also believe in 'try before you buy'. If you can't have chemistry in the bedroom that's part of a negative feedback loop with other aspects of your life that won't have chemistry: if you can't communicate to your lover about what you like sexually, then you probably can't communicate on values and other important things couples should discuss.
>like we used to and which is what it is,
It was never about 'sin' and there was never a consensus about that - it has always been commercial and pragmatic. Feminists will always say it has been about 'women as property' - that paying a dowry was paying the father for the right to reproduce with the daughter. But it has always been about "who will look after my daughter when I'm gone?". A man who has enough land or wealth to pay a dowry can do that. It was never about stopping people from fucking, it was always about commercial pragmatism. Also what makes you think that when there was no twitter or vidya to distract teenagers they weren't "playing doctor" and exploring their sexuality with each other?
>of gender identitiy and anxiety, of misery. no more women trying to be men.
Overblown problems. Most women try to be women. Women compete with other women. Women dress not for men, but to mog on other women.

that will last 2-3 generations max, since this produces the worst kind of human being who will in turn spawn miserable children who will either die young or destroy everything "mommy helped build". it will self-regulate fast, this culture will not last another 20 years.

>It was never about 'sin'
it's pretty much the ONE thing even the apostles of Jesus held to

I always felt art should be very serious. Maybe thats a mistake?

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the word "art" is a spook

You do realize that virtue signalling and preference falsification existed in pre-modern societies as well and that ethics and morals were often post-rationalizations for emergent social behaviors that obviously had eusocial advantages. The whole Leviticus don't get tatoo'd was probably because of infections. COME ON user, YOU'VE READ PLATO! YOU KNOW ALL THROUGHOUT HISTORY PEOPLE LIED ABOUT WHY THEY DID THINGS!

Too late for us. Personally I'm glad I got some free pussy in my teens and got cucked badly enough to give up on femoids altogether. 90% of my married male peers are dead inside even though they'd never admit it.

>anything so I can stuff my twat
you do you senpai

What word isnt?

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dont bother. they're too gone.

No I'm just a chad who doesn't need a legal mandate to get laid

Can't stop thinking about a girl who offered me beer and mushrooms earlier. I moved to walk away and she followed me back to my car. As I shifted right from foot to foot the ambient light cast my shadow across half her face. Her one illuminant eye was light blue and locked on my face. She called me cute and we hugged.

I miss myself

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what happened?

Types of psychological torture
Many forms of psychological torture methods attempt to destroy the subject's normal self-image by removing them from any kind of control over their environment, isolation, monopolising of perception, impression of almightiness, creating a state of learned helplessness, psychological regression and depersonalization. Other techniques include humiliation, forced nudity and head shaving, exhausting by sleep deprivation, hooding and other forms of sensory deprivation.

A strictly fear-inducing method is the mock execution. Various threats operate on the same fear-inducing principle.

Another method is indirect torture, in which a victim is forced to witness the torture of another person, often a loved one. This preys on the victim's affection for and loyalty to a partner, relative, friend, comrade-in-arms, etc, whose real pain induces vicarious suffering in the targeted psychological victim, who is thus loaded with guilt but spared physical harm that might affect their ability to comply[citation needed].

Though widely used e.g. in Communist and Nazi prisons as well as other totalitarian regimes but well hidden, the publicly known systematics was developed in 1956 by the American psychiatrist Albert Biderman who examined several U.S. soldiers tortured by North Korean and Chinese secret services during the Korean war. He defined three basic actions to break the victims as dependence, debility, and dread. His work was further developed for the CIA.[6]

Effect of torture
While psychological torture may not leave any lasting physical damage—indeed, this is often one of the motivations for using psychological rather than physical torture—it can result in similar levels of permanent mental damage to its victims.[7]

Psychological torture methods were devised by, and in conjunction with, doctors and psychologists.[8] Medical participation in torture has taken place throughout the world and was a prominent feature of the US interrogation practice in military and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) facilities.[9][10]

>dependence, debility, and dread
this guy gets it

>destroy the subject's normal self-image by removing them from any kind of control over their environment, isolation, monopolising of perception, impression of almightiness, creating a state of learned helplessness, psychological regression and depersonalization. Other techniques include humiliation, forced nudity and head shaving
Perfect description of my first long-term relationship

you have to appreciate that the spanish will straight up name a kid "Celso"