The book every American has had to read. I remember reading this probably twice and can't say that it was that interesting. I liked the movie but is the novel really that groundbreaking or worth the reread, or was it just the right book at the right time to become a bestseller and "classic".
To kill a bird thing
I had to read it for English class my freshman year of high school. I made it halfway through before I gave up and just relied entirely on SparkNotes. I hated the movie too, which we watched in class. Legitimately one of the most boring books I’ve ever read.
I'm not American but I liked it. Groundbreaking? Not really, but it gives you great insight into the American South, and offers new perspective onto our idea of what a mob is and Atticus is one of the best lawyers I've seen
white guilt literature
wouldnt be read if schools didnt require it
also the author is jewish
You tards amaze me.
There's a difference between white guilt and remembering the past.
All kinds of books are read in school.
Catcher In The Rye isn't about racism.
Shakespeare isn't, etc.
Never read it Chads report in.
God this book fucking sucked.
to kill a mocking bird (should be called 'to kill a nigger') is an awful book with a terrible two dimensional, basic moral argument that basically concludes that racism=bad. harper lee is a jewish hag and should go to hell if she is not already dead.
This. Ironically, I think it's gonna get cancelled sometime soon because it shows a woman making a false rape accusation.
>anti-white just-so story about the one time a black actually dindu nuffin
why so serious
Unless it's White achievement that disenfranchises imported fauna incapable of sustaining civilization with a collective IQ that approaches room temperature digits. In which case, it needs to be blackwashed into unrecognizability or simply done away with ad hoc.
How is it anti white? Is anything that shows that white people (like anyone else) aren't perfect anti white?
chill nazi
>subjected to a lifetime of racialized self hate propaganda
>"Bro just chill bro like why are you upset you must be insecure because smol pp lmao touch grass"
Weird, huh?
if it ain't niggerlovin, it aint american
simple as
Haitians are fauna, yes.
Based and Founding Fathers pilled
This was put Into the canon for niggers but it’s being removed from schools now for its depiction of false rape claims.
Believe all women guys.
>Believe all women guys.
>Is anything that shows that white people (like anyone else) aren't perfect anti white?
Obviously if the main thrust of a book is a criticism of white people it's an anti-white book, it's really not that complicated.
How many more decades till whites stop officially giving a shit about nigs? One? Two? We’ll definitely see it in our lifetime. This book will absolutely be lost to time lol get fucked Harper Lee
Two or three more generations of miscegenation and it'll all be over.
I would argue that that is not the case, and that thinking along those lines is insanely reductionist.
I personally don't see a book about how *certain* white people were unjust to black people as anti white. I would just see it as the truth. It doesn't mean that the author had anything againt white people who don't discriminate against black people IMO.
I feel like this is a very obvious conclusion to come to, and the fact that so many posts in this thread are just "muh niggers and jews" makes me question how smart you fellas are.
I loved it, one of those books from my childhood people here hate for dumb reasons. Same for Harry Potter actually. "It's bad because it's not high literature!". Sure, as you like it.
To be honest I could give a shit less about whites being on top or whatever, I just want screeching niggers and women to stop destroying everything that makes life worth living. They even hate math. In 40 year when whites have shrunk to such a small amount the real question will be how will we be treated then? Non threatening I hope. Just left alone. Then we’ll see if shitskins and vaginas can keep this world going but I guess that’s something else entirely. Imagine a world where nuclear arms are looked after by women, FUCK
Outside of /pol/ people don't mean the racist shit they say. It is just cathartic for people to say the unspeakable after so much guilt is piled on them by books like this.
Food for thought: What if instead of all social justice books being pointed at whites, there were books to improve every race? Do you think that books like TKaM would be taken more seriously if say, there were books about African Americans who misjudged a white person, or were intolerant of them in some way? What about a book which is about Jewish people treating other races immorally and unfairly which helps them widen their perspective?
I think it should be all or nothing. Either every race is fair game, or none of them are.
ehhh, I think that depends on where you live. In America, black people didn't oppress white people the way that white people oppressed them.
But again, that doesn't mean the book is anti-white. It means it's trying to highlight a historical injustice for future generations to remember what we've moved past IMO.
I don't think the author was trying to make little white kids feel bad. I know that wasn't my reaction to the book. My reaction was just feeling bad for the black dude, just like I would reading any story where someone of any race was treated like that.
But what point does it serve to just keep rubbing white guilt in everyone's faces 150 years after the abolition of slavery in america? 60-70 years after desegregation etc? At what point should we just start letting people get along with each other instead of constantly reminding them white to hate and distrust each other?
So your criterion for anti-whiteness is that it criticizes all white people? What kind of standard is that? The book is inherently a criticism of white American culture and the Jim Crow South, and it unfairly portrays both. It's an anti-racist parable.
Well, proponents would argue that it's certainly way too soon to stop, since so many people in America are still pretty racist (again, from a more liberal point of view).
I mean, look at /pol/. A lot of those fags are American, and they about as racist as you'll find this side of a Klan barbeque.
Why should we even feel guilty? Black people are violent and stupid, they always have been, and white townspeople had good reason to suspect the black of criminality. Black men raped white women all the time. They still do. The story in the book is a complete fiction, people seem not to understand that.
>So your criterion for anti-whiteness is that it criticizes all white people?
I just don't look at it like that. I evaluate things based on what they are saying, and what TKAMB is saying is not "all white people suck".
>The book is inherently a criticism of white American culture
I don't agree. I'm a white American, and I wouldn't do that stuff to the black guy.
>and the Jim Crow South, and it unfairly portrays both.
I'm not an expert in this area, it could be. But I would bet money that Jim Crow was unpleasant to live under for a black guy, which, *in my view*, is the larger point.
>It's an anti-racist parable.
That's a bad thing?
If you don't live in America (I do), then you probably don't understand that literally everyone is racist. We're a country where black comedy is "what's up with these fruity ass white people?". Where Richard Pryor made comedy albums calling himself "Nigger". From an American perspective, to suggest that "white people" are the only ones who need to better themselves is absolutely ridiculous.
>white American
that was already obvious from your niggerlovin
Simply writing a book like this is fine and has its place in the world. Shoveling it in front of kids as required reading every 6-12 months is just ridiculous.
Yeah yeah whatever. Look at this fuckhead
If he's American, that's all the reason I would need to not stop teaching TKAMB any time soon.
Right, it's the saying that the good white person is the anti-racist.
>I don't agree. I'm a white American, and I wouldn't do that stuff to the black guy.
So racism isn't a part of American culture because of specifically you. What the fuck is it with you people and this tactical nihilism where your only tactic is to just deconstruct language. It's really dishonest and pathetic.
>That's a bad thing?
Of course it is
>amricans think shoving a book in front of kids in order to get them to love niggers is desirable
>>That's a bad thing?
>Of course it is
>says my post is intellectually dishonest
>acts like cruel and minority viewpoint is the obviously correct one
Right but it's not cruel to force white people to live around black people who rape them
i'm gonna rape you ya don't watch out pal
My point is, though, that the constant white guilt and non stop discussion about race is what creates people like There is going to be a reactionary element to all forms of propaganda or social betterment. It's just a cold fact.
Racism is not a gene inherited from birth, it's something learned externally.
proving my point
wouldn't want you in my neighborhood
>Racism is not a gene inherited from birth, it's something learned externally.
in-group preference is a pretty well documented phenomenon in all humans and has to be beaten out of them with propaganda like TKAM
Just for the sake of conversation, if the existence of racist whites means all schoolchildren have to read books about racial injustice by whites....then does that mean the existence of racist blacks mean that all schoolchildren should also read books about racial injustice by blacks?
I don't think that's true at seems like all races in america are fixated on white people, especially white women
>There is going to be a reactionary element to all forms of propaganda or social betterment. It's just a cold fact.
Sure, but my personal opinion on that is that unhappy people just find something to get mad about. Since politics is so polarized, and the middle class is shrinking etc, people take their anger out on "the other". Tale as old as time. If they weren't shouting niggers they'd be shouting something else, since they are angry about their life sucking.
That's not to say that we don't go on and on about race, my point is that from what I see, people just want to vent and use something that is *debatably* overemphasized in our culture for that venting.
>ehhh, I think that depends on where you live. In America, black people didn't oppress white people the way that white people oppressed them
In your view, is it 100% impossible that the lady just wrote something she felt strongly about, and it resonated with people? Because that's how a lot of media is created and spread...
So you're saying that because racism was imbalanced against blacks 200 years ago that it's OK to support imbalanced racism against whites today?
Don't you see that the teeter totter will just keep moving up and down?
I've already explained, multiple times, why TKAMB is not "anti white" in my opinion.
For a board about books, the reading comprehension be pretty mid my nigga
do you understand that during TKAM's time period the conviction rate for blacks in American courts was actually lower than today? The image you have of it as this horrible oppressive place for blacks ruled by malicious racists is a completely false one created by propaganda like this book
>In your view, is it 100% impossible that the lady just wrote something she felt strongly about, and it resonated with people? Because that's how a lot of media is created and spread...
the intent behind the art doesn't change the actual message therein, how is that even relevant here?
>the intent behind the art doesn't change the actual message therein, how is that even relevant here?
I'm saying the intent wasn't propaganda.
>do you understand that during TKAM's time period the conviction rate for blacks in American courts was actually lower than today?
Two seconds of googling "life under jim crow" shows a lot of unsavory stuff. More unsavory than today.
If schoolchildren were forced to read a book about a white person who was falsely accused of raping a black person, do you think it would be considered racist?
ok this is a troll
GOODNIGHT EVERYONE see u for tomorrow's thread
From what you have described, no. I'm not following your point
>no rebuttal
LOL@implying that life was better for black people in the jim crow south than it is now
I accept your concession.
>during TKAM's time period the conviction rate for blacks in American courts was actually lower than today?
Source? Actually curious.
is your point that everyone but americans hates niggers
i agree wholeheartedly
It's true actually. America by and large lets people do whatever the fuck they want to do. It's only certain people in academia who carved out a niche for themselves as social justice warriors. They have to convince everyone there's a systemic problem.
>It's true actually.
bruh i asked for a source tho
go look it up yourself if you're so interested in the research. i'm not your fucking research assistant
>no source
based and le red pilled
they were probably killing each other way less during jim crow, i tell you hwat. probably less of them in jail too, and more intact families
not that the welfare of niggers matters to anyone but americans, whose purpose in life is worshipping niggers