Post a book, get an album. Or, post an album, get a book.
Post a book, get an album. Or, post an album, get a book
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Trout Mask Replica
wrong, the correct answer was John Cage's Roaratio
is cage a good writer? Ive only listened to 4:33
this is perhaps a strange word to use in this case. maybe it would be better to say that cage was not in the business of composition but decomposition.
came here to post this
image search turns up nothing, what am i looking at?
close to the edge
let my children hear music
& magazine
his i ching wrote more than him
pulse demon
>he doesn't know
I assume Merzbow's Pulse Demon
All of you should listen to Fontaines DC's album Skinty Fia.
>Hogg is a novel by SFWA Grandmaster Samuel R. Delany involving graphic descriptions of murder, child molestation, incest, coprophilia, coprophagia, urolagnia, anal-oral contact, necrophilia and rape.
That's more of a Whitehouse novel then and not a Merzbow one.
I'm going to say Sufferings of Young Werther
>can tell which instruments are used to make it
Terrible. I fucking hate music. I hate you for recommending this shit.
I bet you thought the bass has 4 strings. Well you're wrong! It's a 6-string bass. Get owned.
La Bas by Huysmans, but I'll gladly take any other reccs because this would be interesting
ok lads what do you recommend for this one
This is kinda a cop out but current 93 and related music is it
will just throw out picrelated, specifically the track 'Duke of Prunes'
I would be very surprised if you could recommend something similar.
I'm not Yea Forums in the least, so surprise me
Literally any power metal album
epic of gilgamesh
see and perhaps this applies to if george harrisons was an epic poet instead of a musician he would have tried to imitate the mahabarat midway through his career no doubt
harrison was a brahman and the other beatles were ksatryias
I don't listen to albums
I like that album
>t. metal fan
Incredibly based choice user. You are seen, you are valid. Melville, Poe, Baudelaire, etc. are probably the best analogues you'll find in literature.
what then?
does he have any normal compositions? or any that arent just silence. if so are they good
PC Music Vol 1 and 2, 7g by AG Cook, Harlecore by Danny L Harle.