Post a book, get an album. Or, post an album, get a book

Post a book, get an album. Or, post an album, get a book.

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Trout Mask Replica

wrong, the correct answer was John Cage's Roaratio

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is cage a good writer? Ive only listened to 4:33

this is perhaps a strange word to use in this case. maybe it would be better to say that cage was not in the business of composition but decomposition.

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came here to post this

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image search turns up nothing, what am i looking at?

close to the edge
let my children hear music
& magazine
his i ching wrote more than him
pulse demon

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>he doesn't know

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I assume Merzbow's Pulse Demon


All of you should listen to Fontaines DC's album Skinty Fia.

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>Hogg is a novel by SFWA Grandmaster Samuel R. Delany involving graphic descriptions of murder, child molestation, incest, coprophilia, coprophagia, urolagnia, anal-oral contact, necrophilia and rape.
That's more of a Whitehouse novel then and not a Merzbow one.

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I'm going to say Sufferings of Young Werther

>can tell which instruments are used to make it
Terrible. I fucking hate music. I hate you for recommending this shit.

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I bet you thought the bass has 4 strings. Well you're wrong! It's a 6-string bass. Get owned.

La Bas by Huysmans, but I'll gladly take any other reccs because this would be interesting

ok lads what do you recommend for this one

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This is kinda a cop out but current 93 and related music is it


will just throw out picrelated, specifically the track 'Duke of Prunes'

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I would be very surprised if you could recommend something similar.

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I'm not Yea Forums in the least, so surprise me

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Literally any power metal album

epic of gilgamesh

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see and perhaps this applies to if george harrisons was an epic poet instead of a musician he would have tried to imitate the mahabarat midway through his career no doubt

harrison was a brahman and the other beatles were ksatryias


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I don't listen to albums

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I like that album
>t. metal fan

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Incredibly based choice user. You are seen, you are valid. Melville, Poe, Baudelaire, etc. are probably the best analogues you'll find in literature.

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what then?

does he have any normal compositions? or any that arent just silence. if so are they good

PC Music Vol 1 and 2, 7g by AG Cook, Harlecore by Danny L Harle.

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