He just seems like a faggot

He just seems like a faggot

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he's japanese

Its just a book for Yea Forums losers to jerk off about how they're actually this super cool mysterious emotionless figure instead of just being pathetic failures at everything.

That's the The Stranger. I know people who have said 'Mersault is literally me' without a hint of irony.

Dazai's more relatable to BPD e-whores and manipulative douchebags who are into the goth/emo aesthetic than the stereotypical Yea Forums incel. The Book of Disquiet or Notes From Underground are more evocative of the "my diary desu" thing people look for

Worst fucking book I've ever read. I can forgive ennui, but the sheer arragonce of thinking you're philosophical 'reflections' on the meaninglessness of life are of any value whatsoever is so delusional that you deserve to be shot anyway. I'm glad this 50Iq faggot offed himself. The only reason Yea Forumsfags love this book is because they think their own miserable lives are somehow just as dramatic and aesthetically 'cool'.

It was a pretty bad book but I liked the last few lines

Nothing was cool about Yozo. Dude was just a pathetic neurotic cuck who never got over one of his maids touching his dick when he was a kid.

Forming an opinion, if you can call it that, based on a single book you've read instead of setting it aside, accepting that it may not have been for you but not forgoing the author entirely so that you may find it within yourself to give him another chance an read his other stuff is what I would describe as "faggotry".

the book is basically an autobiography though

Read something else of his then?

He was based
Anons are hating on him big time because he had sex

He doesn't have a single good book kek. Weebfags delusional as always. Source: I was once a delusional weebfag.

Tell that to fags like this who unironically fawn over this book.

Assuming you've read literally none of his works and what does this have to do with weebs?

I've read all of them. They were all different shades of bad. You're a weeb, and you probably smell bad as well. Go back.

You haven't explained what this has to do with "weebs".

Not person you're replying to but literally every one I know who likes this book also happens to be uncritically 'in love' with everything about Japan. Literally every Japanese author, in their minds, is a 'unique genius', and Dazai especially so because apparently this book was adapted into a manga or some shit. I don't know. I think this is very bad book but whatever.

The manga is 100X better than the source material, because it uses NOTHING from the source material kek. THat's how dogshit this pile of AIDS book is.

Well, "every one" might mean 2 different people. A weeb is someone who is ignorant of Japanese culture but still prefers it over their own and acts it out in real life, not someone who likes a specific Japanese thing. If I said, I don't like this book but I still like other things he wrote then I wouldn't fall into your, or the other dude's, technicality. Regardless, to go and put a big grumpy into the thread and accuse the people who like something from a different country of soaking in their unnatural attachment, especially when you two use words you don't even know the meaning of, it really does say more about the both of you then it does about anyone else.
I don't care for the book, I still like some of his other works. This seems a foreign concept to many individuals. As is not judging an author based on one fucking text. But hey, it's fine. Water under the bridge. You don't like it, I don't care for it. Since we're all weebs here now apparently, I might as well leave it as is and go jerk off to some Japanese schoolgirls without feeling guilty over the fact that I'm ignoring my own countries' schoolgirls.

Stopped reading right there. I'm incapable of taking seriously anything a weeb has to say to me. Sorry, faggot.

>I'm incapable
Don't we know.

>man is obviously mentally ill and was sexually abused
>everyone just clowns on him
Why are you guys like that?

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What a shit thread

Stop falling for this "men don't have to be strong and strength doesn't matter narrative"

he's basically an incel except that he fucks
>boo hoo loot at poor me boo hoo i'm so much smarter than everyone else
yeah, fuck off. get a grip.

Lol her parents wasted money on her braces. Bitch never wore the rubber bands.

good book. I don't know what everyone is so mad about. Perhaps another urge to be contrarian to anything that has some following and anons unwilling to follow along, or maybe some (understandable) hatred towards weeb culture. I'm fairly sure that the mc in No Longer Human is supposed to hate himself; not only for his actions, but also for his inferiority complex that he is painfully aware of. Any kind of cringe following can and should be disregarded: if a book is misinterpreted that is up to them. Same shit with Taxi Driver and Blade Runner cucks who can't look past the way they filter an antisocial and "mysterious" character who are actually far from redeemable.

The feeling of no longer being human/being disqualified from being a human as described in this book is something I wouldn't wish upon anyone. If you couldn't understand it, that is probably a good thing. But if you couldn't take pity on him, I'll say confidently that you are the one who is no longer human. What an awful thread

Seethe, faggot. You can be a manic depressive AND also a poor writer, which Dazai was. Writing about 'muh depression' doesn't automatically make your work 'profound'.

And being a contrarian doesn't automatically make you correct

oh my sex

This book is fucking terrible, I have never seen anything positive posted here about it.

Everyone that dislikes this book never had a rock n roll phase. Usually incel vidya game types, cringe people who latch on to hobbies to make themselves feel human lmao

I didn't ask for this copium but okay

she needs that B B C
Big Black Cock

tranny cope

>actually far from redeemable
He slaughtered a bunch of low life pimps and niggers. How does that not redeem him?

I'm sick of normies pretending that morality is some sort of gay popularity contest. There's more to being a human being than 'good vibes' or whatever the fuck. Travis Bickle did nothing wrong and if everyone were like him the world would be a better place.

yeah he was a commie

Dis one? I didn't read it. Ama

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Great post from you ever loving chudcel keep it up.

The only reason nips still care about that book is cause of his prose style which is lost in the translation anyway.

>"yeah bro the protagonist of my novel is this dude who's really sad and wants to kill himself"
>kills himself

don't get it

>Nothing was cool about Yozo. Dude was just a pathetic neurotic cuck who never got over one of his maids touching his dick when he was a kid.
is getting it

the protag of the book is a man whose life had a bad start, but who in an attempt to cope (yes) began living life in an ironic mode. he became a clown, a cuck, an addict. it's a realistic book. it's more than tragic in that respect, since there's nothing but bleakness ahead.

The only retard here not getting it is you. Can you explain the 'irony' in substance abuse and meekly watching your wife being raped?

It's only realistic in the sense that Dazai really was a fuckup and that his mentally ill brain was incapable of producing anything profound beyond his own deranged screeds and dollar-store aphorisms.

There's no irony in the particular act of watching your wife being raped. There's irony in the attitude re his life in general. Maybe you just got filtered, as they say.

>It's only realistic in the sense that Dazai really was a fuckup and that his mentally ill brain was incapable of producing anything profound beyond his own deranged screeds and dollar-store aphorisms.

Yes this is almost right, so maybe you're nearly there.

>There's irony in the attitude re his life in general.
Great job at not elaborating whatsoever on your original, vapid point kek. It's as I thought: the only people who fawn over this book are self-loathing pseuds because they think Dazai expresses their ever so deep and profound views about society. Anyone who likes this book has unironically been filtered by good lit kek.

he'd do good on this board

All of you who hate the book prove its intrinsic value to you. Truly worthless books dont have any impact whatsoever, this one still provoked a reaction.
I dont think its a particulary good book, a 6/10 inching on a 5. Prose was meh, and Underground man presents at first glance a similar philosophy, but is built on much sturdier ground, and is worlds apart in depth. Oba is a man who lacks the ability to introspect or critically think what so ever, and just assumes his worldview is the world as it is. He plan or risk in his life to ease his suffering, rather he just continues onwards because if he planned how to manage money, how to continue that partying lifestyle or maybe even in what other substance he could indulge, then he would be faced with some novel expirience that contradicts his worldview. Overall, it was interesting, easy to read, but shallow and on the whole fairly unoriginal in its

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>and just assumes his worldview is the world as it is
Doesn't the epilogue imply otherwise?

Honestly I forgot what the epilouge said, I read it like a year ago in my defence. But my critique still holds for most of the book.

Fuck off faggot. Read the damn book

Last year nothing happened
The year before nothing happened
And the year before that nothing happened.

He should've just written poetry

so you didn't understand the difference between the particular and the general? fine

>If I just keep stringing together vapid one liners maybe he'll think I'm profound.
Love nothing more than watching faggots like you fumble in defending an objectively terrible book kek.

i never said it was good you know

>Dazai's more relatable to BPD e-whores and manipulative douchebags who are into the goth/emo aesthetic

Literally just described my ex. This was her fave book.

I think I saw an anime about this unironically. It was a good anime. Made me sad.

Blue literature right? I think they also did run melos.

Yeah that was the one. It was a good series and I'm probably going to read those books for comparison.

Oh how far you've fallen.

if you could read you'd see that's not quite right