What are the best books for the novice occultist?

What are the best books for the novice occultist?

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What does that have to do with Magick?

Magic has no real syncretism so you will find any recommendations has strong proponents and on the flipside detractors. Chaos magic works on different premises than Thelema or Wicca. Anyone who sees value in one will tell you the others are shit or dangerous.

Are you reading as comparative religion or as “I need a guidebook to do magic shit”?

The Bible, you edgy fuck

Picked this up very recently, highly recommend for anyone interested in anything spiritual. It's huge and very detailed.

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id recommend the fuckslaves guide to being sodomized by DEMONS forever good luck user

>for the novice occultist
I think he's looking to feed into his schizo fantasies, which is why is where he should look.

The Bible. Repent and come to God instead of Satan. Save yourself from an eternity of torment.

the pic you posted OP is the best place to start. Don't be cowed by the nuatheists or postironic catholics. /x/ is predominantly female.

>/x/ is predominantly female.
Can I find a schizo occultist gf there

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most certainly. Just post leonardo dicaprio's astral chart, claim its your own, and ask what it all means. You'll be swimming in borderline personality disorder schizopussy in no time.


"novice occultist" lol...go join the AMORC and get your newsletters

The Typhonian Trilogies are the only books an occultist needs to set him on the right path. If you don't understand them, then you'll know not to waste your time with the occult.

Forget magick, immerse yourself in mysticism. Learn to meditate and do it two hours a day. All your problems will evaporate.

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mysticism is gay and for boomers. Occultism is much more interesting

You lied user, I didn't get a single bite

Tibetan book of the dead
Corpus hermetica

Meditation is a meme. Magick is for chads.

Read more Crowley

first you should read the bible (the old testament would do). pay special attention to anything that has to do with king solomon.
after that, read the lesser key of solomon. hopefully you will realize that almost everything stated there is wrong and then (one can only hope) you'll have an epiphany and realize that nonsense like magic and demonology aren't real.

internet occultists are kind of dumb but still nothing compared to you underage larpers
stop pretending to be a fundamentalist christian on an anime imageboard

This book isnt even out yet.

this pleb hasnt even robbed the author at gunpoint for the book

satan is gonna OWN your butthole

A complete course on it. You can also buy it in book format if you want a physical copy.


Not really what you asked but reading Crowley's book four without reading all previous works + having a thorough understanding of the old testmemant would make for a very difficult and almost pointless read. Anyone who claims to gain any insight from book four alone is an unironic liar and retard.

The best starting points would be John Dee,
Éliphas Lévi and Helena Blavatsky, starting with these will provide the benefit of not having to unlearn modern pseud takes on the topic, as well as setting the foundation of what everyone else has ripped off and built upon over the years.

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Why would the Bible talk so much about magic and demonology if they're not real? Doesn't it seem contradictory to say read the Bible when the Bible strenuously affirms the existence of magic and spiritual beings?

So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did just as the Lord commanded. Aaron threw his staff down in front of Pharaoh and his officials, and it became a snake. Pharaoh then summoned wise men and sorcerers, and the Egyptian magicians also did the same things by their secret arts: Each one threw down his staff and it became a snake.

Shill your 100 dollar coffee table protector somewhere else

Introduction to Magic series by Julius Evola and the UR Group

Red pill me on the Golden Dawn

Ya, the only problem is that is more about initiation and transcendence, the occultism comes as a result. Not for beginners either, nor for those just looking to larp. Very good books though. Essays to be reread many times over.

Degenerated ancient wisdom, the same as all occultism. How far it has degenerated varies.


It seems pretty cool though. I want to be a magister of a secret occult society.

Good money in that business.


Only worthwhile "esoteric" literature is foundational Hermetic philosophy and Neoplatonism. Anything that goes farther into explicitly billing itself as "occult" is larp shit.

but how would you know?

Enforcement of the vulgar ego is the opposite aim of the requisite conditioning for all initiatory practices. Unfortunately most "occultists" don't get much farther than this, and as a result the field overall is a joke full of scammers and weird losers who think they are gods but have not even reached the level of a sane human.

I have direct access to the akashic record


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Other "occult" writers seem motivated by more transparent shit. Crowley was an unmedicated coomer just making up stupid shit to experiment with for his sex cult and Evola just made up verbose shit to justify his ultra-rightism. All modern occultism is McWiccans and assorted "SCREW YOU DAD I'M A WITCH" teenage girls.

I'm not being sarcastic btw. When it comes to occultism the reverse gears are more important than the forward gears.

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I would recommend this instead

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Also this unironically

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And this also very important. There's much more but that's a start. For serious occultism any ways.

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profane science is by definition inferior to sacred science.

so you are projecting certain human motivations on to them

>§ 10. Still less must this kind of contentment, which holds science in contempt, take upon itself to claim that raving obscurantism of this sort is something higher than science. These apocalyptic utterances pretend to occupy the very centre and the deepest depths; they look askance at all definiteness and preciseness meaning; and they deliberately hold back from conceptual thinking and the constraining necessities of thought, as being the sort of reflection which, they say, can only feel at home in the sphere of finitude. But just as there is a breadth which is emptiness, there is a depth which is empty too: as we may have an extension of substance which overflows into finite multiplicity without the power of keeping the manifold together, in the same way we may have an insubstantial intensity which, keeping itself in as mere force without actual expression, is no better than superficiality. The force of mind is only as great as its expression; its depth only as deep as its power to expand and lose itself when spending and giving out its substance. Moreover, when this unreflective emotional knowledge makes a pretence of having immersed its own very self in the depths of the absolute Being, and of philosophizing in all holiness and truth, it hides from itself the fact that instead of devotion to God, it rather, by this contempt for all measurable precision and definiteness, simply attests in its own case the fortuitous character of its content, and in the other endows God with its own caprice. When such minds commit themselves to the unrestrained ferment of sheer emotion, they think that, by putting a veil over self-consciousness, and surrendering all understanding, they are thus God’s beloved ones to whom He gives His wisdom in sleep. This is the reason, too, that in point of fact, what they do conceive and bring forth in sleep is dreams.
-Lord Hegel

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>Evola just made up verbose shit to justify his ultra-rightism
Based. Sometimes I forget why I like Evola so much. Everyone should be an ultra-Rightist.

the bible cover to cover to start if you get filtered you aren't making with the more esoteric texts

Anyone here got the new edition edited by Skinner?

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is that really annotated by hitler?

no like most occultism it’s false advertising he highlighted some passages in his copy of the book that’s the ‘annotation’

Yes look it up.

yes actually

Don't listen to this user. It was literally in Hitler's library. It had underlining but also comments.

sorry forgot pic

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