Thoughts on Alan Moore?
Thoughts on Alan Moore?
go to sleep john
I liked his Swamp Thing and Miracleman. The man himself is a bit of a twat.
big fag but swamp thing is cool
Swamp thing and Watchmen were dope. He's a bit into the hippy-dippy mysticism and acult for me, but he seems like a genuine person that wants artists and writers to succeed.
A old school commie who believes in actual art which is nice for a change.
I’ve read the comics and they’re selectively entertaining and all but this feels like the one thing he’s written where he genuinely tried making literature.
he's based. For example pic related moment in the swamp thing is kino, i'll mark the spoiler box so you dont see it if you want to reed swamp thing which i highly recommend. It is page 33 of tpb2. I wanted to upload this and page 34 toghether but the maximum file size allowed is 4mb
He has 2 girlfriends
Too good for comics, too bad for books.
Kinda based desu
>ive read the ones that werent literature...
I thought he was a cuck that coped about his wife fucking women behind his back by pretending he is dating both of them until his wife finally left him to be in a monogamous relationship with another woman?
>wife fucking women behind his back
Oh noes lol his heart mustve been shredded
Anyway it could be. Would've been a long time ago anyway afaik.
filtered because comics are books too, faggot
Love him. Interesting fellow.
I find it interesting how his attempt to dab on right-wingers/libertarians and other bigots with Rorschach backfired so hard that Rorschach ended up being the most popular character from Watchmen. Kinda like American History X or Isherwood's Berlin Stories / Cabaret (1972) in that regard.
>Rorscach torturing criminals
>throwing hot oil on a negro bully's face
>never walks back his moral code
>fucking furious about everything
>Moore: Perfect, they're gonna hate this guy
I guess you could still say that even though Rorschach is clearly meant to be a political character he's just as much an attempt to dab on the self-righteous vigilante (think Batman) archetype from comics. Who Moore imagines would be a weirdo lone wolf right-winger in all likelihood.
His best days are probably behind him but he has produced good and interesting work.
As a person I think hes a joke, especially after his little Brexit stunt. "I'm an anarchist but vote remain, you know its bad if I'm telling you to vote". Ah yes, the anarchist is shilling for the EU, you love to see it. Just like the Dead Kennedys becoming a bunch of DNC hacks. There should be some sort of retirement program for aging Gen X punk losers, because this is undignified.
>Just like the Dead Kennedys becoming a bunch of DNC hacks.
90% of punk was always about safe faux-rebellion tho
Certainly, he censures Batman for that in Killing Joke as well. Actually takes aim at the character from two directions in Watchman, with Owl as well.
Never read Watchmen. Loved the movie as a kid. Love the movie as an adult. Loved the HBO continutation when it dropped. Rewatched it last week and loved it even more.
confuse him with Alan Watts constantly
I keep them separate by remembering that Alan Watts is sometimes interesting. Try that.
His good works are what he did on swamp thing and superman
The rest is either pretentious garbage or plain mediocre
swamp thing good
I just remember Watts as the hippy dude that looked like a cheap pimp cosplaying Dr strange.
Exactly, I didn’t even know the was supposed to be an exaggerated satire of rwers until I read more about the comic. Who would possibly think he’s a bad guy?
This. I haven't read him but I can just tell.
Excited for his next book, still need to read Voice of The Fire
>Wot if Supa man woz a fookin heroin adictive jazz critic? Fookin metal innit?
Overrated hack
>I haven't read him
You wouldn't get it
It was more like: imagine if all these little girls were having lesbian sex, would be proper metal innit.
Pretty much. Big fish small pond. The stuff from his novel I've seen seemed like something an okay writer in his early 20s would make.
It's worth it man, really just a more basic attempt of what he accomplished with Jerusalem done in a linear way
Bit of a leftie...
Alan Moore is awesome. Anybody who disagrees is a jizzmopper.
this is the most British post I have ever seen on Yea Forums
Too depressed, up his own bum, and antagonistic to Grant Morisson.
His best-known character, Rorschach, was written to be a mockery of Mr.A, a character (by Steve Ditko?) who represented Objectavist philosophy. Despite making Rorschach a stink beans-eating whoreson of a strawman everyone still prefers him for his integrity, morality, and bravery to characters like the fat limpdick Nite Owl who Alan meant as an everyman character. He's not as smart as he thinks he is because he's a commie, looks up to qabbalah, worships a leoencephaline figure and denies bankers rule the world.
He believes a lot more dodgy things like in From Hell the idea society was originally matriarchal, despite no evidence of this lie, because feminists said so.
Mr A is so kino that any parody of him is still cool.
any sane person
None of the main superheroes are bad people desu, just flawed. Maybe Silk Specter because she's female.
Hi Alan.
One of the last genuine weirdos; everything he thinks is utterly stupid, and yet he's more interesting to be around than anyone sensible. Can't wait for "Illuminations."
I really like his comic books, I have however never heard anything positive about his novels
it's not that you were supposed to hate him, just to see him for the insane person the character is
meant for
Morning. Been up long?
>retirement program for aging Gen X punk losers
There is, its called Rockerbilly
A monumental retard and a dead fuck
Is Jerusalem actually good? It’s been sitting on my shelf for six years. Cracked it open once but only got a few chapters in. I’ve read Infinite Jest three times and Moby-Dick twice, so it’s not like I don’t have the patience for it. Worth another go?
He wasn't a strawman or a bad guy. Alan Moore didn't like him, but still gave him a full, understandable set of values. That scene near the start where he goes to visit Ozymandias obviously shows his beliefs about never backing down respect. I don't agree with Rorschach's values, and he is a pathetic figure in a lot of ways, but I still find him a sympathetic character. If Moore talks about him as a bad guy now, I'm guessing he's just overreacting to people loving him so much. I mean, look at the scene where he confronts his landlady for Christ's sake. If you're reading it unable to understand why he's not a complete "bad guy" despite Moore not liking him, or if you think he's written as a straw man, then politics have rotted your brain to the extent that you can't relate to other perspectives anymore
I'm here for the BBC Maestro Torrent Link......
>He believes a lot more dodgy things like in From Hell the idea society was originally matriarchal, despite no evidence of this lie, because feminists said so.
Wait. Doesn't Camille Paglia defend the same idea in "Sexual Personae"?
>look at the scene where he confronts his landlady for Christ's sake.
I don't recall it.