Anyone ever read 2 Arms 1 Head?

Anyone ever read 2 Arms 1 Head?

This is the suicide note of a grad student who turned paraplegic after a motorcycle accident. It's a very visceral account of a his experiences and thoughts, up to him describing his own death at the end. It is an intense read, but not too long to get through, and you can certainly jump around the text.


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Other urls found in this thread:

"Who do you love more than anyone else in the world? Think of that person. Now picture being chained to their bloated corpse- forever. What was once my beloved body is now a corpse. I can only describe the feeling it gives me as supernatural revulsion. It’s unthinkable. Flabby, misshapen, atrophied, etiolated. When my legs kick and jerk me around, they seem to me like something indescribably loathsome. Not warm and mammalian or even reptilian. It’s like a crab or a spider. Like the twitching and jerking leg pulled off of a spider. A thing with no soul. Cold and hideous, harrowing, ghoulish. A grotesque, obscene, and hideous thing. It horrifies me and tears at my sanity. Everything inside of me screams to get away from it. How would you feel chained to your beloved’s ghastly, distended corpse? Sometimes when I am around others I feel as if I am struggling not to flinch with tarantulas crawling on my neck in my efforts to hide from everyone the torture I’m enduring."

Where the fine motor skills in his arms fucked up? I feel like there would still be so many worthwhile things in life if you still have your arms and hands to work with.

he was in pain and literally digging shit out of his ass multiple times a day, putting a catheter in himself every day, for 2 years

just read it

> Here is a fact: there are no moral facts.

You should read the motorcycle forums where he posted.

Its fucking haunting. He starts out the trip all happy and shit, then the accident occurs, and they kept the thread open until after he had written 2arms. It chronicles his eventual suicide.

This is it:


nicee, yeah, this the stuff

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>Another stubbornly persistent illusion is that when you look at me, you think you are seeing a whole person. First things first. Right now, once and for all and forever, shatter that illusion. I am two arms and a head, attached to two-thirds of a corpse. The only difference is that it’s a living, shitting, pissing, jerking, twitching corpse. To visualize this, wrap a towel around yourself the height of your nipples and look in a mirror. What is above the towel is what I am. What is below the line is the inert, onerously heavy, dead slab of waste-excreting meat I am fated to lug around forever. I sometimes look at people and draw that imaginary line in my mind. Do it yourself and look at how much is below it. What was once my beloved body is now a thing. I am a brutally, unthinkably mutilated human being. If you think people’s legs and genitals being ground off or smashed into paste approach the outer limits of what is gruesome, you have not pushed your imagination far enough to comprehend something far more horrific. If you think those types of things are worse than paraplegia, you are being fooled by the illusion.

its peoples jobs to do this for you.
the government pays them in most civilized countries.
was he too proud to recieve care or something?
in my country becoming disabled sucks obviously but its garunteed neet life forever and you have cute asian girls help you shower and what not. its not the worst thing.

stories like this truly break my heart. The gnostics, the Buddha, whoever, they were right about it all.

le big booba asian nurses

retard. child.

of all threads to use the r word user why this one?

christ, i had to take a few breaks reading that especially towards the end. truly horrific shit

Love it when life hits, more people need a wake up like this poor chap. Hopefully his death was painless and quick. Shame he couldn't travel and fuck women anymore, but LIFE got in the way.

That is a very hard read this is worse than any cringe horror book, holy fuck, it started off typical philosophy nonsense, then gets dark and dirty. My balls and legs hurt just reading. I am and forever an antinatalist. Fuck dealing with this shit, i mean literally shit, image digging through your asshole everyday five minute at a time.

Yeah I read parts of that before. He didn't have feeling in his legs so he stabbed them and watch himself bleed out while he described it in real time.

The incontinence seemed like what tormented him the most desu. I remember him describing how he can't socialize because he could shit his diaper at any time and be forced to excuse himself, and how humiliating that was.

>I remember him describing how he can't socialize because he could shit his diaper at any time and be forced to excuse himself, and how humiliating that was.

imagine dealing with this for 2 years

Based donkey

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lmao did you just draw this?

now draw a donkey penis

It's an irrefutable apology for the euthanasia of, as he calls them, high paraplegics. He had wanted to write a book beforehand, and unlike others in his situation he had use of his arms. It should've been an international touchstone for the conversation but I guess it's not something normal people want to address. He probably talks about that, I haven't ever read the whole thing start to finish. On the other hand, I'm not sure the majority of regular people would disagree with him. He doesn't have to make a strong case. If anyone should be allowed to be euthanized, it's "a head attached to a corpse."

Something about the emojis accidentally formed by the ':p' in those place tags is insanely creepy.

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>I still want to write my book too, but of course it will have a different ending than I originally intended.

>He probably talks about that, I haven't ever read the whole thing start to finish.

yeah he talks about it

Why didn't they get him a colostomy bag? Colectomy might've unironically been QoL for him.

Yeah I wasn't going out on a limb. Dude did write his book, it deserves to be read. I guess it is an international touchstone in a sense because of the internet, but I feel like it should've been in the news, with interviews of paraplegics and experts, and everything.

this is why i'm never riding a fucking motorcycle, not worth it. speeds of a car and none of the protection no thanks

>I feel like it should've been in the news, with interviews of paraplegics and experts, and everything.

yeah i agree, but the western world are a bunch of pussies

I'll need a .mobi of this for my kindle. Help me out.

wow, what a read (haven't read the whole thing yet). really harrowing and brutally brutally honest. really makes me think we should give people the choice to humanely end their own lives.

he must have really hated donkeys after that

I remember looking this up and seeing a bunch of the last psychiatrist fans calling him a narcissist for killing himself

>The next thing may sound odd or it may not, but just before the left end of my handlebar smashed into his face and killed him I perceived him to be expressing some kind of emotion. He looked a bit crestfallen, or penitent. Maybe it was just the normal downward position of his head that gave me this impression, but he seemed to lower it perhaps slightly more than usual and to cast his eyes down like an abused dog, submissively resigned to a beating it sees coming. Or maybe my imagination is running away with me. Anyhow, I’ve since said to myself many times “Fucking donkey!” but the truth is that I have no resentment toward him. I hope he had a good donkey life.

mexicans then

>I remember looking this up and seeing a bunch of the last psychiatrist fans calling him a narcissist for killing himself

lmao it seems like projection

what's the last psychiatrist?

No, he refused to wear diapers. He made things harder on himself.

> what's the last psychiatrist?

Thanks OP, was looking for this but couldn't remember the title.

jesus christ can barely read that shit

If you read it he’s basically drowning in self-pity and has gained no sense of perspective or empathy whatsoever.
It’s hard not to feel schadenfreude reading it.

that says more about you than him.

he writes about the exact kind of attitude youre exhibiting

>the-e-e-e -arrrr word
Begone, downie

It really doesn’t.
No he doesn’t because he can’t understand it.

Ya donkeys are gud boyz. He was just dumb and walked into the roads. He probably was sorry.

He spends a ton of time seething in judgement about how other people are living or look, after having just made a series of decisions so poor that he wound up paralyzed.
He got what he deserved.

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Last night when this thread was posted we were getting honest answers. Now we seem to be getting the "life at all costs" bullshit crowd.

>played a stupid game
>won a stupid prize
>died mad about it

It's directly related to timezones and what kind of "people" are posting right now

>I found much of Mexico disgustingly filthy beyond any conceivable reason apart from pure slovenliness, was approached and had my pocket picked on the street two nights earlier by a transvestite hooker, and had to go through some bullshit with another guy who had ripped me off the night before.
Nailed it.

This is Latin America in a nutshell quite honestly

Just kill yourself.

they sound like a bunch of narcissists


lol This guy hates and despises being a paraplegic with raw passion and pure hatred. You cannot have this guy in the media, you need squirmy and grubs and the likes of Nick Vujicic spreading happiness and "LOVE". The majority of people are optimist and religious even if they claim the opposite, they see a dwarf they think Tyrion Lannister from GOT, guy in wheelchair they think Hawkins.

People cannot deal with bitter angry people. You must keep up the facade.

>after having just made a series of decisions so poor that he wound up paralyzed.
What would you do if a donkey was on the side of the road while you're speeding down a smelly mexican shithole user?

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He had lunch with a bunch of arm guards. The meal was free to tourist, lol what a shithole mexico is.

why don't animals run away when they see a large 1.5-ton projectile approaching them at 100kmh?

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feel worse for the donkey than this dude. vonnegut, nietzsche, feynman? what a pseud

he's right though, dude is experiencing firsthand the death and decay at the heart of the will to power and he's still crying about holding muh women in muh arms. a worldling cuck to the end