He reads translations instead of the original

>he reads translations instead of the original

oh no no no no
don't tell me you do this Yea Forums

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I only speak English what do you want me to do

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Translations can be admired for their own sake


he's right. real literary countries value translation a lot. translators are intellectuals that care about their work, are paid handsomely and have reputations. it's the anglos that don't regard the activity.

are you kidding me OP?
he's not even saying translations are bad you stupid fuck
read more

borges was an anglophile user

I didn't say he wasn't. But anglo countries have the reputation of poor translation jobs and little regard for the activity.

the translation of proust into english is considered a masterpiece of translation

is the translator name in the cover? if so, maybe they are improving in that regard and I'll start seeing things differently.

why? this seems like monolingual american cope


The French alone do that.

Pluhar understood Kant better than Kant did.

I don't know German

I will NOT learn German
I will NOT learn French
I will NOT learn Spanish
I will NOT learn Italian
I will NOT learn Latin
I will NOT learn Ancient Greek
I will NOT learn Hebrew
I will NOT learn Japanese
I will NOT learn Hungarian
I will NOT learn Arabic
I will NOT learn Russian
I will NOT learn Canadian
Deal with it.

Learn other languages.

Then learn Chinese you lazy FUCK

Borges is overrated and ugly

>read about specific translated editions from bilingual friends/reviewers
>often say it's the same with very few/no mistakes

>he doesn't speak English, French, Latin, Greek, German, Russian, Japanese and all their derivatives
t. Brainlet

based and Eco pilled

classics in verse are best translated as prose

You missed the point of the quote

Maybe you should learn to get some bitches on your dick

>t. translator


>posting this out of context quote from the biggest self-hating hispanic and the biggest Angloboo in existence

>it's the anglos that don't regard the activity
We used to. The Moncrieff translate of Proust is still lauded to this day, as alluded. It's fairly true that the modern landscape is such that translation is viewed as a mere transposing of words a computer can do or will be able to soon do.

I cannot understand Middle High German

>I will NOT learn German
>I will NOT learn French
>I will NOT learn Spanish
>I will NOT learn Italian
>I will NOT learn Latin
>I will NOT learn Ancient Greek
>I will NOT learn Hebrew
>I will NOT learn Japanese
>I will NOT learn Hungarian
>I will NOT learn Arabic
>I will NOT learn Russian
>I will NOT learn Canadian
this but I also refuse to learn English, Google Translate is enough for me

Borges preferred the English translations of his own work.

its not accuracy we're discussing, dumbass

He was clearly being sarcastic retard.

As if I needed another reason to admire Borges, he says something to trigger the Yea Forumsfags.

Seethe, ESL retard. Can you prove he was being sarcastic? He read the English translation of Tale of Genji and praised it.

If it isnt in your first language you are reading a translation no matter what. If you learned the language the difference is that it is your translation. I will die on this hill.

>the quote is in english

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This. Borges didn't write in English because he knew he wouldn't be able to be relevant for English literature. Spanish literature, which hole corpus is composed by one mediocre book, on the other hand...

a lot of the complaints I hear about translations aren't about the automation prospect of the work but the idea that there are nuances in the original text that one can only get by reading it in its original language to which I say that, even if a person learns the original language of the text, that person still translates it into their mother language because that is how second languages are taught. Thus, even if a non native speaker learns the texts original language, that person is still reading a translation and is still losing that nuance. If one cam learn a language well enough to understand those nuances those people should be capable enough to put that in their translation of the work and publish it, meaning that either every reading is translation or there are translations that exist that are just as good as reading the book in its original language. either way reading translations is just fine so long as you look for the quality ones (when the argument of nuance is the main concern of course).

You realize.... you DO realize... that this quote by Borges you're posting to supposedly back up your retarded post, is saying that the TRANSLATION is BETTER THAN THE ORIGINAL for whatever book he's talking about. I think it's Don Quixote or whatever, but it doesn't matter. Let me repeat that because you seem to be severely lacking in IQ points. This quote you posted to supposedly back up your retarded post, is DISPROVING your post. It is GOING AGAINST what you are saying. Got that? The quote you posted is literally saying that, in at least one instance, THE TRANSLATION IS BETTER THAN THE ORIGINAL. DO YOU SEE HOW THAT GOES COMPLETELY AGAINST YOUR RETARDED FUCKING POST? DO YOU? Good lord you're braindead. Get off this board and stop posting.

I'm going to need a quote on that lil homie.

>he translates while reading in other languages
That's an odd way of telling you lack fluency.

> that person still translates it into their mother language because that is how second languages are taught

Is this another monolingual american cope? Because this is not how people speak in second languages at all

that is literally how second languages are taught. even if you learned how to do it subconsciously you are still doing it. and even if you arent there should be nothing lost if such a fluent person were to do the translating so either way translations are perfectly valid so long as they are good quality.

This may be the biggest monolingual cope ever.

Im not trying to cope. I am sure that books probably sound better in their native language and thus it is worth while to learn the language. however that is not the argument for translations being shit. my point is translations are just fine when it comes to conveying the information because, where information is concerned, there is nothing lost.

you need to practice more immersion

To read only books originally written in English. You will have more books than you can read in a lifetime with this language alone.

Same here but with a bit of German. Not enough to read philosophy

Just watch the interview where he was saying that + he was often sarcastic.

German Kant scholars read Kant in English.

really? source? genuinely interested

Thats not even what hes saying lmao

>that person still translates it into their mother language because that is how second languages are taught.
That's not true at all. It's often difficult to translate from a second language into your native language, because everything but the basics you learn contextually in that language.

Absolute state of germcucks.

I'm lazy, what can I say? t. moonrunes comprehender

Thanks for disproving the validity of the Bible.

As it should be. As a translator of manga and hentai myself my job is to put what the original author wrote as closely as possible into English with no spelling or grammar mistakes. I'm a translator, not a writer. And I take pride in my work. The people want to read the original work, not some American trannies fanfiction.

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The quote is unfaithful to our understanding

my Kant professor said this to me once, as if it was a common trope/joke. I don't know if it's literally true that germans do this, but the english translation of Kant by Norman Kemp Smith is famously easy to read compared to the original