Any great courtroom lit?
Any great courtroom lit?
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None at all. The legal profession is filled with pseudo-intellectual charlatans.
Lawyers are incapable of creating or understanding art.
Henry Fielding?
I think he's asking for fiction about courtroom drama, not a lawyer's diary desu
while not art, would court transcripts or memoirs of participants qualify as "lit"?
sorry about not making myself clear
how to koll mockingbird
I know it's perfect
That Kafka story probably. I've never read it myself, but what Kafka I've read I've liked
>I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've I've
overuse of I've
Is Depp winning this time?
It depends. In civil cases, you would want transcripts of divorce proceedings. Literally witnessed a husband and wife yell at each other while their child is in the witness stand. For criminal, they’re only interesting if the defendant testified, but you won’t know until you pay for the transcript. Arraignments and bail proceedings usually have the best comments out of all the stages of criminal law.
God I hate repeating a word too much. My guess is it comes from internalizing literary advice and annoyance over other's works that repeat identical words in short intervals.
It’s a short film rather than Yea Forums, but it was supposedly taken from an actual transcript.
my cousin vinny
the brothers cramzov
He's not asking for anything, just making a boring pop culture shitpost
he already won because i will watch more movies of his
People obsessed with the Depp/Heard trials are so tedious, I've had to block a bunch of Youtube channels that have constantly talked about this shit for years like it was The Last Jedi.
John Grisham's The Runaway Jury. It's about the tobacco industry shadow fighting a court case. The movie based on it features the gun industry instead I believe.
He won my respect, he seems way more intelligent than what i thought he was.
only correct answer itt
i am mad at the bureaucrats for releasing the transcripts against money
What are you even watching, hasn't happened on my feed
The Lincoln Lawyer.
I thought that it was salt bae.
Word of Honor by Nelson DeMille
The Caine Mutiny by Herman Wouk
These are both about military courts though. Also, The Bonfire of the Vanities a little bit.
I am a lawyer, and I deeply agree with you user
>be Gigachad billionaire actor
>fall for a Stacy
>she beats you at home
>she documents all your mistakes on tape
>she films your drug abuse
>she is annoyed that old people play guitar in your home (mostly rockstars probably)
>she tells the world you were a wifebeater
>she shits in your bed
>her lawyers humiliate you because of your drug abuse you admit in a case about domestic violence and libel
stuff for a good novel
Neckbeards like the quartering
Caelius was guilty and went free because of sophistry
Johnny Depp was ruined by a roastie, yet the average man is expected to deal with such evil. Get a gf, user! What could go wrong?
>And I shit you not, there was a turd on my bed, her fat dumper dropped the smelliest nastiest piece of poo I've seen from any female. Out of embarassantment she blamed our tiny dogs, which by their tiny size obviously couldn't produce a turd of such large magnitude. It was at this point I realized Heard was a smelly retard and it was time to leave
Depp's covid video (in some sort of cave) and some of his interviews on Graham Norton I'd seen before made me really respect him.
I think it's a shame he's been blacklisted.
You have to sift through 700 pages just to get there.
I almost bought this a few days ago. Did I miss out? I wanted to get through Tolstoy's Anna and War&Peace before tackling Dosto.
Dostoyevsky is good at creating drama and having characters who hold philosophical debates with themselves. The Brothers Karamazov is daunting at first because there are three main characters and Dostoyevsky has to spend a lot of time setting them all up so their characters are fully formed and that their motivations make sense. I wouldn't choose The Brothers Karamazov as your first Dostoyevsky novel, but it really doesn't matter because you can always try it again. But just know that it does get better and the beginning of the novel (like the first 200 or 300 pages) is important for establishing character.
You also need to keep in mind that at that time the novel is the equivalent of a multiseason tv show. It was the leading form of entertainment and people wanted something they could read for a while and reread.
>You also need to keep in mind that at that time the novel is the equivalent of a multiseason tv show. It was the leading form of entertainment and people wanted something they could read for a while and reread.
I found this to be true with Count of Monte Cristo and Moby Dick. In fact, I took so long to read Moby Dick that I had to return it to the library to check it back out again. Shame novels like that are no longer in vogue.
damm she looks good
is there a full pic of her tomboy fit
The Pelican Brief, but this dumb fucking thread is made by a Yea Forums incel retard who just wants to gossip about celebrity bullshit, so they'll never read it
>>she beats you at home
the answer is the same as every other time this question is posted. see pic related.
why not save it and plaster her face with it later
depp is repulsive. i've known that nigga for a decade. he's a sex addict who gets blackout drunk and bangs random thots in vacation spots.
>Ctrl+F Bleak House
>0 results
I wouldn't call Bleak House great literature, but it really captures the essence of law.
why is that
To be fair, he ended up in this shitshow with Amber Heard because he was horny. That doesn't make him an idiot, but he was probably a little delusional about his own motivations. For years the guy presented himself publicly as a family man, which probably genuinely came out of his rough family life as a kid, but he meet Heard on Rum Diary and after kissing her in a scene gets horny and pursues a relationship. That was naive and flew in the face of his family man persona, he was a rich A-list actor and Heard was a modestly successful hollywood hot chick. He let her friends live in his houses and shit, he probably thought he was just living as a rich libertine but he was getting taken advantage of. His whole life fell into chaos for like, 5 years because he was in denial that he had fucked up by leaving his long term girlfriend and baby mama for a hollywood hot chick social climber.
He should've dressed like Jack Sparrow
Merchant of Venice.
thank me later & /thread
Shut up Paul Bettany. You get cucked by Elizabeth Olsen in the MCU.
Amberchads... We just cant stop winning...
A time to kill by John Grisham is pulpy but enjoyable. Very disappointing movie adaptation though, other than Samuel Jackson yelling YES THEY DESERVED TO DIE AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL, that is
...what happened...she's just as guilty as Depp. Why hasn't she been dropped from her comic book IP and replaced by Madds Mikelsen?
12 Angry Men is pretty lit...everyone go watch the version with Henry Fonda
Man Paul Bettany must be mad. Him and Depp are boys but don't dry snitch on your homie in court in front of cameras. Bitch move, all over a fucking libel case.
ITT: buffoons
>i am a sexless being
Stuff by Henry Cecil
It's like I always say
There's no justice in the world, just us.