Any good books on the psychedelic experience or that can be related to it, but that weren't written by the usually recommended 20th century psych advocates (Alan Watts, Terence McKenna, RAW or Aldous Huxley)?
How good are the Pharmako trilogy books by Dale Pendell?
Any good books on the psychedelic experience or that can be related to it...
James Fadiman
Carlos Castaneda
Ernst Jünger - Approaches: Drugs and Intoxication
>experienced eons in a single trip
Is this an actual thing? Sometimes when I dream I make up memories and other stuff that seems to good to be produced by me. Is there a possibility to replicate it?
Salvia apparently does this very often but it's said to be unpleasant.
DMT (N,N and 5-MeO) can also strongly distort/annihilate your sense of time, as well as high doses of dissociatives (ket, DXM)
What does it matter to experience an aeon if you forget it upon sobering up?
Gravity's Rainbow
That Watts book is actually really good
How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan was a very good overview of how they're making a comeback today, and included a few accounts of his own recent experiences he had with various compounds as part of his research for the book
i love shpongle
this is indeed an actual thing
This is actually a good one. It shows the limit at which normies are willing to accept that the psychedelic experience is real or not.
>omg like i saw a dog and it was actually the spirit of the drug so cool lmao =))))
>omg wtf it is NOT POSSIBLE that some black magician was trying to possess me during my trip with the use of an immaterial form representing someone i am familiar with!!! thats just not possible in reality!!
Its like how the dmt niggers will say that the entities they meet who claim to be a God have changed their lives for the better (while still working a minimum wage job).
But in the same breath they will dismiss the accounts of anyone who encountered entities claiming to be gods that then proceed to destroy the lives of that person.
>its just not real bro its all in your head!
Sry if I went off on a tangent there.
I ate shrooms and found out my name is really Qedye and that I'm from a dry rocky planet closer to the center of the Galaxy.
I ate shrooms and found out my name is really Chuck and my store used to be called Chuck's Suck and Fuck
I ate shrooms once and put my dog in the over D:
What's it called now?
I think lessons can be learned from the egregore model here. You don’t need to posit the existence of demonic beings existing objectively to understand that there are clusters of negative thoughts and influences that can come to enslave you. Magical routines to ward off their evil exists to prep your mind to resist such influences.
I’ve never had bad experiences but I’ve known people who have. I think part of my own success lies with a lot of introspection and mental exercise of my own negative aspects. As a rule the people who get steamrolled by psychedelics are unprepared to be confronted with existential questions or the deep negativity or outright evil that lurks in us all (Jungian shadow if you prefer).
If we can train and harden the mind of people to handle high adrenaline life or death situations it likely works the same way here.
Is Food of the Gods worth it?
yeah it's really nice
McKenna is honestly really good and I wouldn't discount him
tao lin
His talks are great but are his books as good?
I meditated with God in a cave for a thousand years during a really good acid trip once.
I consider it one of the most beautiful experiences of my life.
do they really?
>tfw listen to shpongle unironically, and while sober
>Not even a shroomer
It happened to me on shrooms. It felt like I was trapped for thousands, maybe millions of years, it was terrifying and I haven't touched any drug since
Richard Rudgley
Was God male
God is trans
>I meditated with God in a cave for a thousand years during a really good acid trip once.
in reality you sat in a cave for like an hour talking to yourself like a schizo while foreign chemicals rotted your brain
beautiful, indeed
Is God Jewish?
this unironically.
it is purely about the psychadaelic experience. picrel used those books for reference.
True Hallucination is sloppily written and rambly, but Food of the Gods is legit, especially the last few chaptars. He was very well read, and knew a lot about ancient history. Good entry point into someone like Robert Graves.
DMT naturally occurs in the brain. LSD and psilocybin are similar to neurotransmitters that naturally occur in the brain, and there has been no proven harm to the brain by these drugs.
Plus, this fear of the 'unnatural' and of considering drugs to be alien to the body is philosophically groundless. Derrida writes well on this. Search Derrida and pharmakon, he responds to Plato on this point and he specifically talks about the weird stigma of doping in sports nowadays.
We change the chemical action of our body and minds in a myriad of ways in everyday life. Spending time outdoors, the food you eat, how much social interaction you get. These all change the chemicals in our brain. What is this arbitrary line between chemical changes that are caused by ingesting a certain culturally bound class of objects, versus all these other methods. It's actually just Puritanism at its root, and corporate propoganda. Psychedelics throw open these cultural barriers and make people question them, which is why they're so stigmatised.
In brief, seethe.
My friends are like this but less extreme and without the memes. Obsessed with psychs.
You're replying to a retard who probably won't even read your post let alone consider he might be wrong. Waste of time
The messiah complex some people get from psych usage is really annoying.
Grandiose narcissism is said to be close to psychopathy, I wonder if psychedelics can enable or increase this trait.
touch grass
>psychedelics increasing psychopathy
I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I object to your statement that psychedelics "can't damage the brain." I am not sure about positive harm, but I took acid several times, usually had a good experience. And then, on the fourth usage, I had a really good trip but went absolutely insane with manic psychosis in the days after. I was taken to a hospital and had to be given antipsychotics to calm down. I consider myself largely recovered now (this was almost 5 years ago) but my whole cognition and worldview were noticeably affected for a year or two after the trip.
Of course, one can always waffle about the difference between the brain and the mind. Was my brain actually "damaged"? Perhaps not. But the brain is the vehicle for thought, and my way of thinking was certainly changed for the worse, if not "damaged."
I did mescaline at night in a sleepy town. There was a black, jovial thing soaking with electrical energy dancing around me all throughout the night walk and it was mescalito. He is a good guy, possibility the goodest, since he's a bit of a nobody and a nihilist
"I am not sure about positive harm" should just be "harm".
Psychedelics aren't without danger, but people who say they "damage the brain" are usually implying something along the lines of them being neurotoxic or causing actual brian damage, which is untrue.
Do you have a history of mental illness in your family? Maybe that could've triggered the psychosis. How many ug did you take?
>lsd junkies seething immediately
wow that was fast
If you knew what psychedelics were you'd understand why associating them with psychopathy is nonsensical to the point of being funny, that's all
There's no history of mental illness in my family other than alcoholism and obesity. And yes I agree that talk of neurotoxicity is stupid and exaggerated. I just think it's irresponsible to promote psychedelics to the average person without proper preparation. People end up using them as party drugs and really hurting themselves.
I don't know how much I took, just a single blotter. My friend took the same amount with me and was fine.
Again I'm not opposed to psychedelics, even for therapeutic purposes with a professional, I just think their advocates should be more ethical.
Absolutely. They aren't party drugs and careful preparation should be put into a psych experience. Dosing by increments is also important, not starting with a big dose.
I rarely see people advocating for irresponsible psych use except for hippie burnouts who take McKenna's words as gospel. People are more informed nowadays.
>no history of mental illness
>a single blotter
I see. Could've been caused by a range of factors form improper set/setting to just bad luck but yeah these things happen. Having a benzo on hand in case a trip turns nightmarish and psychotic can also help.
this is completely correct. these drugs are not toys. Many ppl seem to think of all drugs on one spectrum with alcohol and weed on one end and meth, heroin etc on the other. the 'harder' the drug, you simply get more 'fucked up', but fucked up in more or less the same way. if ppl have this opinion of them they will very quickly be disabused of it upon ingestion. that spectrum does not exist, or is at least a totally unhelpful model.
as someone who has some experience with psychedelics, although not massive doses, i cannot give you any answer as to what these things "really" are. good/bad, good/evil, idk. i know i seem to have had positive outcomes from them, life changing ones in fact and in ways i dont even really understand. conversely, i have seen good friends, extremely intelligent people, completely destroyed by them.
proceed, but proceed with caution.
what are bad trips on lsd actually like? I've taken it many times 400ug+ and only ever had good trips
I took homemade DMT to some music I knew very well; I was conscious while tripping that the song was slowly playing in the background of the cave I'd been transported to. The song was 3 minutes but felt like ages, I have no correspondence between my perceived internal time and a quantitative measure, unlike normality where I can guess the time lapsed, so I can't tell you how long I was flying, but the full trip lasted about 8 minutes before I was somewhat realized.
The trip was great. I flew through the skeleton of a cathedral made of fire and light surrounded by pitch darkness. Then, thousands of glowing orange strings arrived from the darkness and knotted themselves in a cross with Jesus mounted upon it, all blazing like the revealed core of burning log.
I'm a atheist by day and my reasoning goes that way, but by night I know my greater unconscious has its own truths and its own lord.