Is this really the best forum to discuss literature? I ask because this board blows. Board traffic has gone down...

Is this really the best forum to discuss literature? I ask because this board blows. Board traffic has gone down, but unfortunately the post quality has not improved. I made a reddit account and went to r/literature, but that board blows too. There's like 3 posts a day max, and most of it is just pointless shit that's not even about a work of literature, or it's very basic shit. Like someone posted a thread asking if we should read books in the past to better understand our future. They asked this because they had been reading Orwell and Huxley. Another example was someone posting about Lolita and just saying "OMG this book is literally sooooooooo good!" Then a bunch of redditors chimed in giving milquetoast comments about how everyone who reads it thinks Humbert is a good guy, but not me the intelligent redditor! I saw through Humbert's wheedling words! The problem is there is still no discussion of the book. It was just people patting themselves on the back for having read the book and trying to make themselves out as intelligent for having read a book.

It's really no different than this board, but at least Yea Forums has more than three threads in a day.

So what are the alternatives besides talking to someone in real life or joining a book club?

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Other urls found in this thread:

There is none bro people don’t read. That’s it. And if they read it’s basic shit that would be better portrayed in mid-rate television shows

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I don't think it exists anymore. The way it used to be is, there was a spectrum of people who wanted to discuss books, with lazy faggots who just want a book club as an excuse to show up and drink in the middle of the day, on one end of the spectrum, and extremely hardcore people on the other end. But the spectrum was evenly balanced, so all you had to do was pick the side that actually reads books, pick your preferred level of intensity and dedication, and seek out a group like that.

Now the entire spectrum is lazy faggots, and the actually reads books side is compressed to 5% on the extreme end. Only the most intense people still actually read real books and care enough about them to talk about them. But as in any case of extremes, these people also have a high chance of being freaks with mental and personality disorders. To find people who are actually reading Nietzsche above a shallow, lackadaisical Reddit level (which includes university students), you have to seek out some narcissistic psychopath and his codependent tranny slaves in a dingy Discord channel, where they only read Nietzsche for some gay political reason.

There are normal people who read books at a relatively high level of intensity and dedication anymore because "normal" is now defined by being a carefree Redditman watching Saturday morning cartoons in your head. If you have more than casual opinions on less than well known books, you are as weird as a train-set collecting autist was in the 1980s.

Since the conversion of the Internet into a McDonalds play place for overmedicated millennials and halfbreed zoomers, there just aren't any forums left that cater to a healthy level of intensity. It's either freaks with ulterior motives and brain diseases or anti-gatekeeping midwits. Your one other option is to go find some boomer forum where a guy with 27,857 posts since Join Date: April 2006 will ban you for not respecting boomer forum etiquette. And still nobody there will really talk about books.

r/literature is way worse than this board, what are you on about? At least here you might find one or two interesting posts every now and then, on r/lit it's just "omg a village in Alabama with 2,000 people banned some book, our democracy is under siege!"

you're obviously projecting

Go to your university book club.

It would be better if they stopped deleting threads out of nowhere..

>"Wow, Humbert's latent homophobia totally ruined this book for me."

Better than r/literature where you get banned for not spoilering plot details of a book. I imagine that's why nobody actually discusses books there. They're afraid of losing karma and getting banned by a tranny moderator.

All the good posters got banned by the tranny jannies in a conspiracy to make Yea Forums so bad everyone just leaves.
Not only did I get permabanned for bullshit and got my appeal rejected 3 times but my IP has been blocked from uploading images on and off for years now.
The janny trannies did it on purpose because they know you can’t start threads without attaching a picture.
I’ve been reduced to phoneposting without pic relateds, the absolute state.

Ultimately the internet is just a shit place to discuss anything. If it was better in the past it was solely because the internet itself wasn't fully normalized.
Join a book club. Even if everyone is a moron it'll still be vastly better than anything on the internet, just because it's not on the internet.

I highly doubt your side of the story. Hopefully you're Londonfrog.

This board has produced some of the best lit conversation I've ever encountered on the web, and far better than any I've ever found in real life. The reading lists can be useful as well. With that being said, there's something about communicating through words on the web that can be really off-putting, and even this forum doesn't escape the side-effects afforded by the medium.

in the past the internet was the high effort escape now that everyone is on the internet reality is the high effort escape

I don't think this is the correct use of "afforded" but I see it a lot lately. Afford should really only be applied to opportunities or bonuses, not just things that are neutrally concomitant or even bad side effects.

>banned by a tranny moderator.
Why do the they keep getting into those positions?

You could try meeting people, offline, who share your interest in books. Unfortunately I imagine that's a bit too much to ask of a frogposter.

they don't have jobs so they can spend all their time online.

Sure. but I was having a debate with someone and the guy who does it for free just deleted the fucking thread.

Any breed of oddball and outcast lusts for the power they don't have in life. Either they seek out the power they want through whatever means they have or they reject everything and live inside themselves.

Technologies afford behavior. A chair affords sitting. A web forum affords a kind of use of language.

yeah not reading all that dumb frog poster maybe try reddit.

>he spoils book plots
I wish you'd get banned from here too

>Your one other option is to go find some boomer forum where a guy with 27,857 posts since Join Date: April 2006 will ban you for not respecting boomer forum etiquette.

start a discord and invite people that discus here well to join using code phrases they would know if they read the book you are talking about. I've been doing it for the last year and the conversations are pretty good quality.
>post discord

sounds great if you want to discus, almost exclusively, race theory, lgbtq rights or capitalism. I joined my local poetry society and even there it was only about theme (surface level discussion at that) with no time for conversation on style, meter choice, word choice and its implications, no historical background. nothing.

it sounds like you are looking for discussion that is above average in quality and unfortunately, due to the popularity of internet forums, the internet is full of average people with average takes, the average amount of attention span (which is getting shorter and shorter), average reading comprehension (which is declining along with the western school system) and the average ability to formulate their thoughts into coherent posts.

This is the best forum to discuss illiterates.

i almost got fired once for suggesting obliquely that a reading group's seriousness could be gauged by the relative number of women it

someone told on me. women in the workplace was a good idea, i like the idea of adults tattling on eachother.

>but my IP has been blocked from uploading images
you mean isp
also, same happened to me
to be fair i used to post thots as bait for threads but nothing hardcore

r/askliterarystudies has a few braniacs bumbling around sometimes. I'm sure goodreads has its corners, but I dont go there. Yea Forums is the best I've found, godforsaken.


i see some posting critiquing the state of Yea Forums but doing nothing about it. Look for solutions for the problems not only staring at and blaming
For example, there are some guys discussing the antichris. That thread has little engage as well as the mayority of good threads but if you people dont care and just ignore or shitpost, Yea Forums will go worse and worse overtime
Another example is this guy who have taken action

i've been effortposting but never got invited :(
i hope you notice me some day...

the only satisfying way to discuss literature is to get drunk and explain books in great detail to random people you don't know very well who don't know anything about what you're saying

keep it up. Im sure we will cross paths. or maybe one of the others

hell yeah. did this to a guy my buddy knew once after he tried to flex on me with his math skills. It was really funny to see his arrogance turn into meek "uhuh, yeah, oh wow." I was making up most of it (even name dropped some fake secondary sources). absolutely priceless.


/r/TrueLit is much better. Try there.

It's even slower, and most "threads" are someone dumping an aritcle link and not even saying anything. They just dump the link.

Unironically can I subscribe to your blog somewhere?

What are some good blogging options not called google or wordpress?

It was better in the past because Reddit didn’t exist, so you had to go to some phpbb forum with a specific culture you needed to respect, and with their own rules about posting that were specific to the subject matter. I was on one circa 2006-2010 that focused solely on posting and critiquing each other’s poetry and short fiction. It had very strict rules about the ratio of constructive feedback to making your own threads to get feedback, and would kick anyone that wasn’t following them in good faith. It greatly shaped the way I write for the better. There is no way to have things like this on reddit, much less this place.

I'm a neet

Git gud

Everything online has already been captured

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If all of us were born 100-200 years earlier in well-off families we'd probably be extremely well read. Television, video games, and the internet seriously ruin our ability to read -- they fuck your attention span, and make it feel like thinking is pointless. To be a good reader in 2022, you have to straight up reject Youtube, reject TikTok, reject most entertainment media because it's just going to ruin your ability to think or focus on anything.

give us your dank neetch interpretations user

>Is this really the best forum to discuss literature?

I think so. 90% of posts are made by brainlets pretending to have read the author in question, but the few highly educated effortposters make it all worth it. I’ll start threads sometimes with specific questions about this or that thinker and overall I’ve gotten much more helpful than when I’ve done the same on plebbit.

We are all busy reading. Cope and sift through the shit and find the gems. There are usually a few good threads up every day.

You could always start a book club irl if you know likeminded people, user. Even if you only have a few people, it’s dope as long as everyone’s really into it. A couple friends of mine started a Bible study, and we’re mostly all at the same level except one protestant dude who’s really into theology so it makes for good conversation. I’m thinking about inviting some of the based people I know irl to start a reading group for political theory/social sciences type stuff.

>Is this really the best forum to discuss literature?
No, only deluded assholes say this.

The inner rings of an actual catholic community are filled with intellectuals, with a big emphasis on a classical education.
I come from the kind of family where we know lot's of people who became priests, a couple nuns, and other people involved in catholic media and universities. Priests are always very educated, usually a masters, sometimes a phd, but the kind of laymen in these social groups are also very educated.
But you have to be careful because there's a certain generation of boomer priests that are retarded, same goes with bishops. I've talked to one bishop who was very good but he was an exception I think.

How to start a serious men's group

I'm starting to discover this in my own circles.

>How to start a serious men's group
Absolutely cringe LARP.

Private discord servers are far superior, including larger ones.

I didn't realize these kinds of guys browse Yea Forums

I've seen the servers that accept tripe like you. No thank you.

Then why are you here?

How do you find them?

Tell us more