What does Yea Forums think of (in)famous English historian David Irving? Do you think his jail sentencing is justified and well-deserved?
What does Yea Forums think of (in)famous English historian David Irving...
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Yes he deserved it. The weaponization of history is potent, and the targeting of such a small group as the Jewish people can lead only to many magnitudes of suffering.
idk who he is
What did he do?
Obviously not. He simply wrote of history using primary sources. He shouldn't be imprisoned for coming to the uncomfortable truth that we were lied to. Shame that he eventually cucked out after everything he sacrificed. Perhaps he just wanted to be left alone.
>At one stage, while giving evidence, he expressed sorrow for "all the innocent people" who died during the war. "I made a mistake when I said there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz," he said.
>"Yes, there were gas chambers. Millions of Jews died. There is no question. I don't know the figures. I'm not an expert on the Holocaust."
Sounds like he's still being careful with his words here. Is he suggesting that at minimum the 6 million figure is exaggerated?
Lmao he said in court
>"Yes, there were gas chambers. Millions of Jews died. There is no question. I don't know the figures. I'm not an expert on the Holocaust."
But they jailed him anyway because he's an "icon of neo nazis"
Clown fucking world
Christopher Hitchens article on him is good, doesn't indulge in the usual pieties. It's also worth noting that David Irving isn't a free speech defender. He made sure John Lukacs' (quite charitable) criticism of him in his book 'The Hitler of History' was forbidden from being published in the UK.
He shouldn't have said that. They fucked him either way and he discredited himself.
The existence of gas chambers is a stupid hill to die on. Let's say you can prove it, so what? Nazis did a ton of other stupid inexcusable shit. Even if you hate passionately hate Jews, the Nazis were a fake and gay nanny state that had everyone walking on egg shells for 10 years.
I don't think anyone should be jailed for even putting forth false history. Think about how ridiculous it is to be imprisoned for questioning an historical event -- whether what's suggested is "factual" or not.
I really have to question how it got to such a state.
>the Nazis were authoritarian warmongers therefore this fake propaganda is ok
What a silly little man you are
> After Irving denied the Holocaust in two speeches given in Austria in 1989, the Austrian government issued an arrest warrant for him and barred him from entering the country.[133] In early 1992, a German court found him guilty of Holocaust denial under the Auschwitzlüge section of the law against Volksverhetzung (a failed appeal by Irving would see the fine rise from 10,000 DM to 30,000 DM), and he was subsequently barred from entering Germany.[134][18] Other governments followed suit, including Italy and Canada,[135] where he was arrested in November 1992 and deported to the United Kingdom.[18] In an administrative hearing surrounding those events, he was found by the hearing office to have engaged in a "total fabrication" in telling a story of an exit from and return to Canada which would, for technical reasons, have made the original deportation order invalid. He was also barred from entering Australia in 1992, a ban he made five unsuccessful attempts to overturn.
Couldn't care less about his "historianship" but he is an eternal reminder of how cucked Austria, Germany, Canada, and Australia are.
It was done better by the French.
Jewish hands typed this post
Imagine you're just a normal Jew or 1/4 Jewish in Germany and suddenly you lose all rights and get put into camps.
Why NOT make shit up to punish Germans afterwards? Any other people would have dealt with their problems with the Jews in a sane way that still maintains a basic human decency. Germans had to go insane, still fail at their intended goal, and subsequently smear even the most milquetoast conservatism by association.
Nothing good comes from Germany.
I wonder why he didn't just go the expulsion route. The more I think about the Holocaust the more it just comes off like a fever dream. You're telling me they kept camps... that fit millions of these people? And they didn't just use it to contain them, but wanted to systematically genocide them? Why? Was their plan to ship them all off after the war? If so, why didn't they just tell them to fuck off during the war, instead of wasting precious resources obtaining foods for this enormous quantity of Jews that they perceive as subhuman and are supposedly attempting to genocide. Either the Nazis were retarded, or the "genocide" aspect of it is greatly exaggerated and it was mostly just a labor camp thing with a few instances of murder, but most deaths likely came through negligence (i.e. starvation)
The 'functionalist' school of Holocaust studies (contra the 'intentionalist' school) holds that the Nazi only decided on a policy of extermination after the tide of war had turned against them on the Eastern Front. The Nazis were somewhat retarded -- or rather, their government wasn't hyper-efficient and had flaws and the people in power had character defects like any government, especially dictatorial governments. Note that only about half of all Holocaust deaths occurred in camps. The other half occurred in the East in Slavic countryside.
Read It explains everything about The Final Solution and the concentration camps.
Most Jews refused to leave Germany and those territories under German rule despite the Haavara Agreement, so the Nationalsocialists decided to intern them in concentration and labour camps for the time being until the war ended after which they would be deported East of Europe or elsewhere. Yes, there were some Jews who were deliberately killed, but those were mostly communist partizans and activists whilst the murder of civilizan Jews was explicitly prohibited by the Party, often punishable by death.
It's Passover. He probably got a goy to type it up for him as he dictated.
Lest it be not forgotten that it was a war against Communists, and those Communists were Jews.
How does this lessen the guilt of Germans? They put kids in camps and these kids at best died of disease from shitty camp conditions. These kids were citizens of the state until Hitler declared a state of emergency. It doesn't absolve the Nazis of anything.
Jews refusing to leave? Only the rich can afford to leave like that, and many countries refused Jew refugees.
Functionalism is stupid. It argues the Nazis decided to kill Jews by some kind of telepathy.
He actually researched primary sources which is why he pissed so many modern """historians""" off, not his unkosher conclusions.
>Do you think his jail sentencing is justified and well-deserved?
lolno, but he asked for it. He literally sued Lippstadt himself. Libel laws fucking suck, but if you accomodate them you only have yourself to blame.
Agreed. Plus he refused the legal help from french Holocaust deniers who were more successful in their legal fights. Irving was an arrogant retard. He picked an unnecessary fight and lost.
>You served Germany and received the Iron Cross?
>Who cares. You WILL go to the camp
>How does this lessen the guilt of Germans? They put kids in camps and these kids at best died of disease from shitty camp conditions. These kids were citizens of the state until Hitler declared a state of emergency. It doesn't absolve the Nazis of anything.
Jews should've thought better when they decided to boycott German-made goods and services. You should thank the Western Jewish-owned newspapers for instigating and fomenting contention between the Jews and the Germans and calling out for a boycott that had devastating effects on the German economy.
>Only the rich can afford to leave like that, and many countries refused Jew refugees.
Hmmmm I wonder why they would refuse Jewish refugees... A million-dollar question right here...
>Jews should've thought better when they decided to boycott German-made goods and services.
LMAO. A boycott by some foreign Jewish groups in response to anti-Jewish laws is hardly grounds for stripping German Jews of their civil rights (and as if Jews constitute some kind of single-celled organism who decide things decisively and collectively -- and as if Palestinians organising an anti-Israel boycott would be justifiable grounds for Israel putting all Palestinians in camps). It also makes no sense since the anti-Jewish treatment began before the boycott, hence the boycott's existence in the first place. Stormfag mental gymnastics are embarrassing.
How come when Jews misrepresent the holocaust everybody loves them for it
>LMAO. A boycott by some foreign Jewish groups in response to anti-Jewish laws is hardly grounds for stripping German Jews of their civil rights
Some foreign Jewish groups? Are you retarded? Not only the majority of Western Jews, but also most of the Western world, especially the US, was beginning to boycott German goods and even goods imported from Germany, which was quickly causing noticeable negative effects on the German economy.
>and as if Jews constitute some kind of single-celled organism who decide things decisively and collectively
You could argue that they really are, though. Jews are one one of the most prominently exclusive ethnic groups out there and their in-group preference and nepotistic tendencies is how they have always kept themselves in power in important spheres of influence like banking, media, academia and entertainment.
>It also makes no sense since the anti-Jewish treatment began before the boycott, hence the boycott's existence in the first place.
A considerable part of the European Jewish population back then was communist, and by that time they were already causing and fomenting all sorts of problems that disrupted the civil order as well as committing terrorist attacks. The reason why Hitler came to power is precisely because the German population was already sick of the bolshevism that had been steadily infiltrating their country after the end of WWI, besides the ravaged by the Versailles treaty economy that was the perfect target for a total Jewish takeover. Also, most of the degeneracy like pornography and prostitution during the Weimar republic was pushed by subversive Jewish businessmen and magnates, and most banking institutions were also owned by Jews who were taking advantage of the desperate economic situation by lending money to the average working Germans at impossibly high interest rates, forcing them to forfeit their properties and even making a lot of them homeless and completely broke.
>Stormfag mental gymnastics are embarrassing.
Said the sub-80IQ uneducated tankie who refuses to acknowledge the reality of the situation and instead prefers to gobble up decades-old (((Marxist))) historical propaganda kek
Good. Germans are a highly autistic people that constantly seek to destabilise Europe and push their way of life onto others.
Meant this post for
weak bait
Honestly Jews are the root of all evil and legitimately need to be genocided
Bump for a productive thread
Honestly white people are the root of all evil and need to go in Minecraft.
>Jews refusing to leave? Only the rich can afford to leave like that, and many countries refused Jew refugees.
I don't think anyone has the divine privilege to live wherever they desire. Groups and people have a right to self-determination, and if the inhabitants of a place don't want you there, why should they accept you, when it's their home? Socrates actually makes this argument in the Crito: He accepts being put to death by the Athens jury because to spend one's life in Athens implies an acceptance of the laws and authority of the Athenian government. If he disliked it or disagreed, he could simply exile himself and go elsewhere at any time. Yes, Jews were poor, and leaving would not be easy, but it's not like it was impossible - they simply didn't want to leave and start over again.
terrible bait
>Nazis did a ton of other stupid inexcusable shit
like what? literally the only reason soys thinks they're evil and gives a shit about ww2, like you, is because of the myth of the holocaust and kikes constantly kvetching about it and making media constantly discrediting hitler 80 years after the fact
go dilate
maybe you should use that 90iq of yours to think about why you can be jailed for investigating it if irving's history is "false"
if anything he said was false he wouldn't be character assassinated to this degree
Dude picked a weird place to be a nazi.
>Imagine you're just a normal Jew or 1/4 Jewish in Germany and suddenly you lose all rights and get put into camps
imagine you're just a normal Jap or 1/4 Jap in USA and suddenly you lose all rights and get put into camps
imagine not leaving when you're give about 8-9 years to emigrate and incentivized to do so (like 90% of jews living in germany and austria did before the war even began)
>Why NOT make shit up to punish Germans afterwards
maybe this sort of behavior is the entire reason moustache man received the largest share of the vote in the first place with a mandate to deport them
>Any other people would have dealt with their problems with the Jews in a sane way that still maintains a basic human decency
literal nonsense hypothetical and conjecture, utterly meaningless
let's make some observations shall we? how were political dissidents and entire ethnic groups treated in Stalin's USSR, a contemporary of Germany? how were the Chinese treated by the Japanese, another contemporary of Germany?
the Jews were treated far more humanely than they deserved by being interned in camps after what they did during the Weimar years, before them, and during the war on all sides and after the war up until today
>Germans had to go insane
boomer postwar truth consensus regime parroting point
>smear even the most milquetoast conservatism by association
how do I know you're an amerimutt from reading this? "m-muh optics" dilate
Hitler did the smearing of conservatism did he? personally? national socialism is doing this, NOT Jews huh? really makes me think bro
anyone with an IQ over 105 (not you) who has researched national socialism knows that Hitler deliberately attacked conservatives regularly
>Nothing good comes from Germany
non-white, potentially Jewish, amerimutt hands typed this post while brown eyes watched
Kek I'm the complete opposite of a tankie and a Marxist. Don't you realise that one of the strongest currents of resistance to the Nazi regime was conservative/reactionary opposition?
>A considerable part of the European Jewish population back then was communist
This is complete nonsense. Most Jews were basically poor backwards peasants. There were way, way, way more German communists than Jewish communists. The German working classes in cities like Munich were totally socialist. Jews just tend to be over-represented in intellectual movements generally because of their intelligence, including far-right and nationalist movements. There were quite a few fascist Jews and even Jewish organisations that supported the Nazi regime.
>most banking institutions were also owned by Jews who were taking advantage of the desperate economic situation by lending money to the average working Germans at impossibly high interest rates, forcing them to forfeit their properties and even making a lot of them homeless and completely broke.
Not gonna deny that Jews have a tendency to act 'Jewishly', but this would have happened even if the bankers were Gentiles. Non-Jewish bankers are not any better than Jewish bankers.
Do you really think detaining and killing Jewish war veterans of WWI is just?
>I wonder why he didn't just go the expulsion route
over 90% of Jews living within the Reich had emigrated abroad by September 1 1939
>The more I think about the Holocaust the more it just comes off like a fever dream
ironic, maybe read >You're telling me they kept camps... that fit millions of these people
you are either a midwit or just a dimwit, I'm almost kekking at how contradictory and deluded you can be. you are so close to reaching the correct conclusion but your mind is property of ZOG boomer truth regime brainwashing
tell me, why do they need camps that fit millions of people if they are exterminating tens of thousands of them immediately, daily? don't contradict yourself
>And they didn't just use it to contain them, but wanted to systematically genocide them?
it's almost like the holocaust story makes 0 sense huh? how do you contain millions of people at once when you are already killing them all?
>Was their plan to ship them all off after the war?
really makes me think, it's almost like this is the stated goal
>If so, why didn't they just tell them to fuck off during the war
wow, you really are fucking stupid aren't you?
"just get on a ship/plane we don't that requires precious kerosene fuel we don't have to a country that has us literally blockaded" you dumb fucking shitskin
>instead of wasting precious resources obtaining foods for this enormous quantity of Jews that they perceive as subhuman and are supposedly attempting to genocide
there's a reason they used them as slave labour at the same time, maybe if you had an IQ over 90 you'd know about that
>Either the Nazis were retarded, or the "genocide" aspect of it is greatly exaggerated
yeah, maybe try and guess which
let me guess, your enlightened conclusion is that the country that was at war with almost the entire world and technologically innovated constantly during it was "retarded"?
>and it was mostly just a labor camp thing with a few instances of murder, but most deaths likely came through negligence (i.e. starvation)
it's almost like this is the actual case huh
literally doesn't even come close to what the Jews did during the Weimar Republic, see for context, boomer
>LMAO. A boycott by some foreign Jewish groups in response to anti-Jewish laws is hardly grounds for stripping German Jews of their civil rights
Judea declares war on Germany like a month into Hitler even being elected. Hitler decides to preemptively act against the fifth column of false-loyalty traitors who are the most group-selective race on the planet. seethe about it just because he did the most logical strategic action
France, the USA and UK held book burning ceremonies of German books
shitskin hands typed this post
>Groups and people have a right to self-determination, and if the inhabitants of a place don't want you there, why should they accept you, when it's their home?
>Yes, Jews were poor, and leaving would not be easy, but it's not like it was impossible - they simply didn't want to leave and start over again.
their own problem.
seethe and dilate
>Do you really think detaining and killing Jewish war veterans of WWI is just?
yeah, extending courtesy awarded to a tiny percentage of the population to that entire ethnic group that has been undermining and subverting yours for centuries, just because of a few good eggs out of hundreds of bad eggs (see Weimar Republic) is entirely meaningless and retarded and you deserve to die for having this shitty boomer-pilled way of thinking, subhuman amerimutt
Why didn't he go be a nazi in his home country? He was asking to get locked by doing this nonsense in Austria of all places.
>Judea declares war on Germany like a month into Hitler even being elected
You realise "Judea declares war on Germany" is just a headline from a British tabloid newspaper about the boycott, not some kind of historical event where a collective body of Jews called "Judea" literally declared war on Germany. Here's a headline from the very same tabloid newspaper in the modern day -- it looks like Britain has casus belli to round up Germans.
>Why NOT make shit up to punish Germans afterwards?
This is why Jews can not be tolerated in polite society
>entire ethnic group that has been undermining and subverting yours for centuries
Proof? Jewish emancipation was a relatively recent phenomena in German history at the time, and only very few Jews were actually rich and powerful. Many German Jews were German nationalists, and the "subversive" Jews were not following Jewish belief systems, but Enlightenment ones that Gentile Europeans had implanted into them.
>guilt of Germans
No such thing as "guilt" that attaches itself to a group of people.
>but Enlightenment ones that Gentile Europeans had implanted into them
Yes mate, thinking you are choosen by g*d and have the right too abuse your Christian neighbours is an enlightenment idea.....
The Jews who believed they were chosen were mostly uneducated Hasidim living in ghettoes. The Jews that /pol/ complains about are liberal and communist Jews, who were totally secularised and anti-religious, including anti-Jewish. Zionism was a movement originally by Jewish atheist nationalists, socialists and fascists. That's why Hasidim are hated in Israel and why they do giant protests against Zionism in New York.
you made 0 points in relation to any of the arguments I made at all, just a random question out of nowhere that's unrelated to the actual facticity of the historical event that's illegal to be discussed
I'm not going to trade words with a subhuman amerimutt dimwit like you, try harder
>Hitler appointed chancellor on 30th January 1933
>boycott declared on 30th January, 1933
yes, it is obviously a western reaction against the Kristallnacht of November 1938 or any other "terrible" event
>not some kind of historical event
it's a headline from a British newspaper in 1933 but not a historical event? which is it, make your mind up
>a collective body of Jews called "Judea"
nice strawman, although now that you mention it, subversive foaming Jews living in Britain during the 1930s as well as the diaspora all around Europe all adhered to the boycott anyway
>Here's a headline from a dogshit tabloid rag in the modern day
false equivalence and irrelevant, we both know full well powerful Jews around Europe galvanised other Jews and their supporters into boycotting Germany and the boycott of 1933 is a literal historical event because of this, subhuman
>What does Yea Forums think of (in)famous English historian David Irving?
I dont think about irrelevant people.
The Holocaust happened, and despite the fact I'm about to get 5 (ywnbaw) replies, Holocaust deniers are virgin cucks who have nothing to live for so they cling to racism hoping more successful whites will yank then up to anything but gutter status in the human hierarchy.
Their jewishness motivated their involvement in for example communism, almost all outsider groups are heavily Jewish.
>yes, it is obviously a western reaction against the Kristallnacht of November 1938 or any other "terrible" event
The National Socialists had been preaching openly against Jews since the early 1920s as well as harassing Jews and assassinating people and PROMISING to do something about the Jewish "problem".
>it's a headline from a British newspaper in 1933 but not a historical event? which is it, make your mind up
You are repeating the newspaper headline un-critically as if it describes the situation literally or as if there was actually some kind of literal war declared. It was just a goods boycott.
>alse equivalence and irrelevant, we both know full well powerful Jews around Europe galvanised other Jews and their supporters into boycotting Germany and the boycott of 1933 is a literal historical event because of this, subhuman
Boycotting a government that abuses members of your race is "subhuman"? Don't you agree we should boycott anti-white governments?
>almost all outsider groups are heavily Jewish.
including the far-right
>including the far-right
Doesnt exist.