/WWOYM/ Laundry Planet
/WWOYM/ Laundry Planet
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so I need to close them again. But they keep flailing back up because I'm a spoiled ADHD brat
what do
I'm currently freaking out about the potential my writing could be completely ignored because of the whole "nothing new under the sun" idea. This crisis has been brought on by seeing how trope heavy M.R. James stories are. They're great, but nobody would take that seriously these days.
Lately I've felt so content. I have this profound sense of optimism that's hard to pin down, it's not that I think my life is going to be great and easy, more like I know that the real source of anxiety and fear, the broken state of the world, the human condition, it really is going to be ok somehow.
I could try rationalize and philosophize it, but really I think the best course of action is to be a chill dude for those near me, and I write some fiction which will get imbued with all that.
milfs and cunny
Another day, another session of browsing northern Canada, Greenland, uninhabited parts of Wyoming and Montana, Siberia, and uninhabited Pacific islands on Google Maps while fantasizing about walking into the woods as far from human civilization as I can get and committing suicide by exposure.
failing to absorb massive bolus kebab
can't sleep nigga
can't sleep
>suicide by exposure
What is that? Letting yourself freeze to death? Your instincts would probably kick in and prevent you.
If you take a bunch of Xanax and die in the woods and get eaten does the bear then get fucked up?
Hey, It's me. ()
I wrote my apologize message, Thoughts?
"Hi X. Sorry for being so ignorant. When you asked me if I was serious, I could have just said "no, I'm not serious", but I decided to make a big deal out of it. I thought maybe it was because I took advantage of the fact that you took what I said so seriously. But I understood that you weren't the one who took me seriously. I was the one who took my lies too seriously. I wasn't truthful to you, I shouldn't have created and continued this pointless argument.
Sorry to try to keep the conversations going without you having the mood to talk, I wouldn't like that either, of course. I'm pretty insensitive sometimes, but I'm going to be more empathetic from now on.
I wrote this message before sending it to you, but I hope it doesn't detract from the sincerity of my words."
>"Are you serious?"
That's what she said right after. I had forgotten.
What other generals/boards do you guys visit?
>/x/. I usually visit the /loa/ general
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
/int/ hoping there's a good thread (there rarely is)
/jp/ and /vt/ when I watch vtubers
Yea Forums when I'm really bored
I'm not taking the vaccine. I just won't do it. There's nothinf you can do to convince me. Tou have eroded my trust in the governement and in the media. I do not trust your intent. I will not follow your guidelines
There's nothing you can say to creare a meaningful dialogue. This is your fault. I'm not taking it
Yea Forums basically just to shitpost. idk why its so fun to do that there. and /vr/, i love sixteen bit games like you wouldn't believe. and pol but ever since the ukraine thing. its been borderline unusable
Do you also collect funko pops by any chance?
200% demoralized
basically this thread, shitting up the catalog when the thread is dead, and wsg
Based and same. That being said, its still a huge blackpill when you realize that 99% of females are vaccinated
Its over
I told an arthoe I know that still haven't been vaxxed. She went nuclear on me and I just 'no my problem'd all her arguments until she asked if I was scared of needles. I told her I would rather start shooting heroin and get tattoos than get the vaxx. She punched me as hard as she could, it was really cute, and then I laughed at her and showed her my pass.
No you wanna see my game collection tho?
/sg/, /film/, /heem/
How could I not be? Everyone else is cattle
One glimpse of hope is that my wife is not vaxxed too
I'm lonely and sort of horny, writing erotic literature will only make the problem worse, won't it?
I'm reading East and West from Guenon and its astonishing how he managed to describe word for word whats going on in most of the west, prophetic in a way. He describes the formation of a scientific dogma fueled by materialism, progressivism and sentimentalism. These npcs who tell you that its "safe and effective" will never question or ponder behind the massive campaign and agenda to vaccinate the entire world. Covid facilitated the biggest transfer of wealth to the 1% capitalist elite and most communist trannies know this but they will never really object or protest against the system because deep down they know that its the same corrupt system that enables them to engage in their hedonistic pleasures. Its also amazing how many trannies happen to be openly marxists, nigga you rely on big pharma for the rest of your life for your hormones and all other shit you consume from them.
Most npcs will openly say stupid shit they heard from their favorite e-celeb like "eat the rich" or whatever but if you say that big pharma is using the vaccine to make as much money as possible you become a science denier, its so tiresome
I'd do just about anything to give 10 minutes of advice to my 14 year old self
There are like, no photos online of Sarah Gadon without makeup. None. Zilcho. Zippo. And the fact that I'm pondering this is causing me a bigger sense of shame than any fap binge I've been on. I've known for years I need to "reconsider my priorities" the problem is I don't know what the fuck else I should do: and this just rams it home this fucking pointless cycle... that I'm looking for photos of Sarah Gadon without makeup like it's the Holy Grail or Aristotle's lost treatise on Comedy.
>inb4 "Zippo? wasn't he one of the Karl Marx Brothers?"
What jobs do you guys have? I've been looking for a new career.
Used to but not any longer:
Yea Forums
Still do:
Yea Forums
That would be nice but absolutely not necessary
That's why I just clown around with everyone who cares about it now. Most of my friends don't give a shit about any of the vaxx stuff in fact most of us stopped caring about the memeflu mandates after the first month. It just baffles me that npcs take healthy skepticism of big pharma and the governments implementation of the vaxx as some Hardline political position that you should ostracize people over. Peak clown shit.
where to start with guenon?
This is actually the first book I read from him, think its a good start.
i had a dream last night where i met a middle-aged man with a gray mustache wearing a blue suit, who was waving to me to get my attention. i approached him in this dream, and he told me that he constructed a machine that enabled him to communicate to other people via dreams. he then asked me if i wanted to participate in a brief survey.
instinctively i told him no, and i promptly woke up. thinking back on it now, i feel like i should have said yes and participated. have you guys also experienced this kind of dream?
To have cradled you all your life, to have it all taken care of; your existence, your morals and purpose, all shifted onto the wagon that God provides. The wheels that are removed once you renounce God, now, you must carry those boulders of burden, now it must be YOU who carry's them the rest of your days. But perhaps, if you do so with a smile on your face, no one can tell you not to enjoy it otherwise.
If that Schizo spammer posts under me, call him a nigger faggot.
I think I'm gay
I am feeling the same thing user. I suddenly realized how life is way less complicated than how I always made it out to be. I don't know if that's part of maturity but I like it.
Just found out Ajax killed himself. I'm distraught.
Yea Forums
Yea Forums on rare occasions to find new music but it's rarely if ever fruitful
that'a pretty much it
>implying shedding isn't real
You're still obviously right, but it would never, ever be as simple as that to avoid the poison.
this is my LAST 'wyd' text anons. if she declines to hang out one on one (now at 5 times over the last 2 months) I will have to forcibly remove her from MY FRONTAL LOBE. This 'forbidden romance' has been going on for too long and im too horny to continue in this state of obsession for much longer.
You might be right but then again assuming covid is a bioweapon we might all be completely fucked and we still dont know it. Why would a bioweapon end up being a nothingburger? Makes 0 sense. If the virus was made in a lab it was designed to act as a bioweapon, not as a regular flu.
>covid is a bioweapon and it was engineered in a lab
>its just the regular flu broo
choose one
Maybe they weren't done working on it when it got out so it's not as effective. But I don't know, who knows what the fuck they were doing over there, we probably will never know
fjcki , ive rea,lly done a nummber on myself
you know, fuick it ill admit it. relapsing on weed was a mistake. i fucked up. i havent been doing too well. too be honest evrythuihings gone downhill since i stateyd smoking again. im sory i lashed out at you fguys that night. im deranged. i was in the wrong. i know iim going to have to stop smokign weed again but i cant quit again yet. its all i look forward too these days. i just need a bit more time. a bit more purpose. then ill quit again and fix myself up i guess
i made thsi song exactly one year ago today.
>ballad of the late night 4channers.mp3
this version omits the falseto singing (screeching) in the chorus, and some other aspects
My bed's dreams sleeps a deeps for embedded slumbering bed of dreaming head of sleepiness of under covers as pillows as mines eyes close as shut for REM for resting to no longer be wake but to be unconscious as ass under blankets and feet stink.
Yea Forums specifically for /f1/ (gimi (pbuh))
Used to frequent Yea Forums but it's intolerable now
Occasionally dip into Yea Forums for shitpost fun, same with /fit/. I love working out but /fit/ is maybe the most demoralising, blackpilling board on the site.
I check /pol/, maybe /biz/ when there's HAPPENING
Came from Yea Forums ca. 2008, don't go there now. I am no longer 14.
I'm a spy. An aspie, to be specififificic.
Keep fixing up your old musik trax, it'll give you something to focus on and at least some semblance of purpose. Post em, here or elsewhere. That piano-y user ballad is noice. You'll get there.
>Used to frequent Yea Forums but it's intolerable now
I feel the same. Always thought it was probably me changing and not the board, but everyone says Yea Forums went to shit so maybe not
People say this about every board though.
/pol/ - best board on this website by far
/his/ - great place for humanities but a bit too autistic
/sci/ - fine place for science but already far too autistic
If you're an atheist you're a wokie but you may jus not know it
Underage confirmed. /pol/ is miserable. /sci/ is highschool/college freshman tier at best. Mostly the homework helper board.
>/pol/ is miserable.
Midwit detected
It ain't wrong.
>If you don't hoover up disheartening pessimism you're a midwit
Self preservation m9