Anything that exists without my knowledge exists without my consent

>anything that exists without my knowledge exists without my consent.
was he based or just another southwestern edgelorde sirs?

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He was based af fr fr.

He was a schizo with delusions of grandeur

>Men of God and men of war have strange affinities.

Im thinking Based

>Before man there was war, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner

god damn

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He was based because he could back up his claim

This just sold me. I am ordering now.

The kid was the Pedo the whole time

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just a knock-off Kurtz

>>Before man there was war
The fuck does this even mean? That animals waged war against each other? Seems like a very loose definition of war.

But, what is man? He's just a collection of chemicals with delusions of grandeur.”

This is a statement which on the surface seems profound but once you think about it is, if not outright nonsensical, certainly vacuous.

Taking the statement at face value, would the inverse be true? That what exists with your knowlege exists with your consent? I can think of many examples of facts that I know which do not have my explicit approval.

The nonsense part of it is that epistemology is not determined by acts of volition. Or as the great sage Ben Shapiro put it, "facts don't care about your feelings." The implication would be that all facts, both known and unknown, exist without consent because they just are.

Now the other interpretation is only what exists for him is what he allows to exist . The Judge is obviously an atavistic force of destruction and lives by the principle that violence can shape one's destiny. However he is not a metaphysical entity that can delete facts arbitrarily. He can kill, but he cannot alter basic ontological truths of existence. Facts are immutable. If he said "anyone" who exists rather than "anything" he might make a bit more sense.

He lay listening to the water drip in the woods. Bedrock, this. The cold and the silence. The ashes of the late world carried on the bleak and temporal winds to and fro in the void. Carried forth and scattered and carried forth again.

Years later he'd stood in the charred ruins of a library where blackened books lay in pools of water. Peering down into the water where the morning sun fashioned wheels of light, coronets fanwise in which lay trapped each twig, each grain of sediment, long flakes and blades of light in the dusty water sliding away like optic strobes where motes sifted and spun.

They sat on a bench and Sproule held his wounded arm to his chest and rocked back and forth and blinked in the sun. What do you want to do? said the kid. Get a drink of water. Other than that. I dont know. He poured the tumbler full. Drink up, he said. The world goes on. We have dancing nightly and this night is no exception.

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>"exists without my consent"
So what? You really think anybody gives a shit about your consent?
>b-but, I didn't say it was okay to do that yet! No fair!!!!
Yeah yeah go cry about it kid

There is no explanation. It's some retard theory by retard redditors who use him getting the dwarf prostitute as evidence despite him having no hand in choosing her and ignoring the fact that Holden was literally found with children multiple fucking times

the quote makes more sense within the context. The judge was collecting and cataloging plants and animals in a notebook when another character ask why he was doing so. He responded with the quote in OP and went on to talk about how that which is unknown has the potential to ruin man
>Only nature can enslave man and only when the existence of each last entity is routed out and made to stand naked before him will he be properly suzerain of the earth.

I think what he's saying is that he's the master of reality. He knows everything, can do anything, seems to have the ability to effect the reality with his mind alone, so if something exists, it's because he allows it. If not, then it's without his consent.

He was not delusional

>The judge was collecting and cataloging plants and animals in a notebook

McCarthy def read Aristotle

I've never read this book. It seems like it might be an indictment of man's supposed progress. What we commonly call technological or scientific progress is actually a violent, sinister course, represented by the judge

I don't even know but that somehow doesn't make the line any less good.

For not having read it that is pretty accurate. The Judge is a giant white man who is exceedingly violent and exceedingly knowledgeable. He, probably, is the personification of what you just described.

Valid. It was a bit sloppy of me to view the statement on its own terms out of context . In context, it's an expression of The Judge's philosophy that knowlege is an act of conquest, yet another form of violence in which reality is beaten into a shape that befits the knower/conquerer.
I always felt that the Judge, who is an obvious symbol of white supremacist imperialism, acted as though to compensate for his lack of omniscience he must destroy all that he doesn't understand until only that which he does--that which conforms to his worldview--remains. Hence why he is so genocidally OK with eradicating the natives and allying himself those forces that agree with him, namely the imperialistic tendencies of Manifest Destiny.
The Judge can only create an illusion of omniscience by destroying all that which he does not understand. He forces an equivalence between that which exists and is knowable by destroying all that is unknowable. He is a master of HIS reality because he destroys not-his reality until what exists and what he wants to exist are identical

I dont disagree that it sounds good, just not sure what it means.

>He is a master of HIS reality because he destroys not-his reality until what exists and what he wants to exist are identical
Although in so doing, what remains after this destruction of not-his reality is THE new reality. Hence his whole view that destructive violence can be an act of productive creation, "War is God."

Lol, you've got another thing coming, boy.

>Taking the statement at face value
> as the great sage Ben Shapiro put it
A bit thick.
>the Judge, who is an obvious symbol of white supremacist imperialism, acted as though to compensate for his lack of omniscience
And that omniscience's name? Martin Luther King.

How does it make you feel user? Not every sentence has to be some rigidly defined equation that you try to compute. Contextualize it within the rest of the book and other things the judge says and ponder it nigger.

Elaborate or kindly shut the fuck up.
Stop being a pol-tard and think for once. The Judge is blatantly telegraphed as a white supremacist symbol--stark pale white skin (as if this couldn't be more obvious), participating in the white American genocide of the natives, the wedding of the imperialistic and scientific causes.

>Taking the statement at face value, would the inverse be true? That what exists with your knowlege exists with your consent?
Are you retarded? What exists with your knowledge may exist with or without your consent, but what exists without your knowledge necessarily exists without your consent.

He ain't nothin

Chimpanzees wage war which means man's munkee ancestors probably waged war. It's because of war that man likely evolved into what he is, and all technological and societal pursuits have been because of war. Notice how since we've stopped waging large scale wars technology has stagnated.

Not in Israel.

you could even go beyond that and bring in the fermi paradox, the idea that the existence of war is the cursed end for all intelligent creatures, suggesting that even the judge knows that war means the beginnings to an end for all intelligent life.

It's a fucking fantastic line

The war in heaven that resulted in Lucifer being cast into hell. The Judge is the devil.

There is a war between time and space.

>white supremacist symbol--stark pale white skin
He's an albino. This is analysis on the level of the white door symbolizing the colonial era.
> participating in the white American genocide of the natives
Actually they kill very indiscriminately, they kill a lot of whites, mexicans. The Judge makes it pretty clear he holds nobody in high regard, let alone based on their race. The gang itself isn't "white".
> the wedding of the imperialistic and scientific causes
The Judge is closer to a primal avatar of war or conflict than he is to a human being.

You saw the word "nigger" in text and immediately began your pre-scripted talking points.

>Actually they kill very indiscriminately, they kill a lot of whites, mexicans.
Name one white that they kill together. Fuck it, even if you did, it would have nothing on the way they systematically kill Indians and Mexicans. If you can't see that that's trying to say something about race, then I don't know what to tell you other than that you missed a major theme of the book. It's kind of important how they slaughter Mexican citizens and savage Indians and get paid for it all the same just because they're both dark peoples with black hair.

If you really think the Judge represents a theme as mundane and played out as muh huwhite supremacy, you misread the entire book. Does it ever get boring reading racial themes into every piece of literature you come across? Don’t you get bored coming away from every book with the same half-assed take about whitey bad?

I'm not even that person. I only dropped in to tell you that you're willfully blinding yourself to massive portions of the book just because it's scary liberal race-talk. I'm honestly amazed that you could read Blood Meridian and come away with a "but they killed everyone!" take, does anyone even fucking read on this board?

I don’t deny that the book says something about race. I deny that it’s a major theme and I certainly deny that the Judge is just a white supremacist killer, that’s not his character

Look up what some chimp tribes do to each other.

an autist cringe lord larping as satan

Imagine being so autistic that you're filtered by how the line informs the general ideas of what the judge represents and end up sperging about Ben Shapiro and the hubris that you personally know the absolute answer to epistemological and metaphysical rhetorical questions. Stick to Ayn Rand, faggot.

i think the quote says that war as a concept existed before mankind and that it is part of mankind's nature to wage wars and thereby naturally evil

Ants wage war against ants. Bees against hornets. Chimps against chimps. War is everywhere.

Randomly assembled symbols dont evoke feelings, the meaning that they represent does.
That presupposes a terribly lose definition of war which can be reduced all the way to the claim that the interaction between the sun and the grass is war. Its absurd, not insightful.
Now this makes far more sense than anything the other anons have mentioned.
Bullshit, concepts dont exist outside Mankind.

>Randomly assembled symbols dont evoke feelings, the meaning that they represent does.
Autism. Music can evoke feelings absent of any inherent "meaning"

>Autism. Music can evoke feelings absent of any inherent "meaning"
Music doesn't function through symbolism like words do, no?

No. But ants raiding termite colonies is warfare. Groups of chimpanzees fighting other groups of chimpanzees is warfare.

How? You people keep saying this but have yet to define warfare. I've no problem admiting being wrong, but you'll have to give me reason to. If by "war," we mean objects engaging with one another till one succumbs, then yes, your monkeys and bugs are no different from the sun and the grass.

This. They *harvest* nonwhites. The Judge kills anyone he wishes but he participates in the harvesting of scalps most enthusiastically

>>anything that exists without my knowledge exists without my consent.
I never understood the hatred towards that quote.
It's true. this doesn't mean that my consent is worthy a pennie, but the quote is a fact.

>Ben Shapiro
The Ben Shapiro comment was said in jest. Nice sarcasm detection, a clear sign of autism.

You are all faggots. Whenever there is a good post retards like you and the other guy have to dog-pile on it and disparage it so that everything is brought down to your own idiot level

wtf he is literally me?????


all that verbage to show you've read the dust jacket, you are aggressively stupid

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Then the quote is meaningless.

context, nigguh

I read the whole damn book. Love to see you go line by line refuting my statements. You aren't because you have no argument or credibility and just don't like what I said.

sure you did and there's no need because you already got BTFO.