Stack thread/recent purchases

I got these for 3.00 usd. Show me your stacks

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Here's what arrived this week. I got them for half price or cheaper.
Dunno when I'll get to read Oblomov though. Not really in the mood for it but maybe after I've read the other two Cultural Histories by Egon Friedell I might feel like I want to.

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Oh nice that looks really cool user

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I got the barnes and nobles classics version of the prince.

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based inhabitant of the mirror universe

Based two whole stacks. I need to read some charles dickens

how do people get their books to look this fucked up?
even the ones i've read multiple times look like new except for the spine

Idk user tbqh. I just get all my books at goodwill. Who knows what happens prior. Believe it or not the spines both look like theyve never been read fully. Blood meridian had a empty sugar packet on page 90. Previous owner musta got filtered but the book is beat up a little bit. Lol

Just read the Holmes chapters. I'm a history person and I hated the 'history' type chapters, they sucked and were extremely boring.

i have that same underwear and i'm wearing it right now

Alright thats a little concerning. But the book was a dollar fifty. So no big loss if its bad


Blood Meridian is good. one of my favourite ending scenes in a book

Oblomov is incredible, i read it every few years and it never fails to impress. i bought the recent translation of his novel Malinovka Heights a little while back but didn't realize it's like 900 pages and haven't had the patience for it yet

cool stack, i keep meaning to buy that Lispector stories volume but i want the hardcover. i found Skylark incredibly boring but you may feel differently. what is that pale blue book on the right? can't seem to read the author's name

>how do people get their books to look this fucked up?
I lent my dad a couple of books and they come back looking worse than this. Spine is fucked. Edges crumpled. It's like he tied it on a string and ran along gravel with it.
I don't lend him books anymore.

Yeah i found blood meridian in between i think NIV bible and a slow cooker book lol. I waa surprised it was like 350 pages. So it should be a quick read. I hear alot about it

Autobiography by John Cowper Powys

will someone do me a favor and choose the next book i read lmao just can't get into any of the ones ive picked up for whatever reason
>red badge of courage
>bluest eye
>short novels by faulkner
>temple of the golden pavillion
>absalom absalom
>seneca, 4 + octavia
>one flew over the cuckoos nest
>catch 22
>complete sophocles
>auto of malcolm x
>hunger makes me a modern girl
>jane eyre

Jane Eyre

One flew over the cuckoo's nest might be cool

All together in paid about 60 for these, 40 for the two top books

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It's because they're numbered editions.

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Nice those look really cool especially the moby dick and plato at the bottom.

Not bad, massive shelf user.
Reminds me that I still have to visit the local second hand bookstores and see what books I can grab for cheap there.

Not that user but the only good used book store around me is goodwill and another goodwill type of store. Ive found some great stuff in there. Also around me is an actual "used books" store but the store is so expensive. That its basically like shopping at barnes and noble. It was so expensive and not only that the dude running it just obviously didnt care and had everything all mixed together on shelves. Im not paying like fifteen dollars for a used paper back of something. Its like

>i could buy this literally brand new without the scuffed ass cover at Barnes and noble

Lol so i just go to goodwill

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Extremely based i like those hard cover Nietzsche books

Yeah I love Modern Library hardcovers. It’s a shame they don’t have a bigger selection, or aren’t as widely available. The spines rub easy though. At least on the newer kinds. I’m rereading Zarathustra and already the title is starting to fade. Guess that’s why I save the dust jackets

Bought this book recently

I dont read fiction because I'm not a woman

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And you will never get to touch one as well.

Im gonna have to check out the list of modern libraries hardcovers. Maybe i can find them on amazon or something cheap.

Catch 22 has a great scene with a prostitute. It's very beautiful.

Thanks, I collect the konnemans, cheap ones anyway, that's my 4th copy of the republic. I like the different analysis of the text that comes along in each edition. Shows society and its concerns.
Some konnemans have red binding, like tramp abroad.

I have about 5 reliable places in my middle sized city. Half priced books is hit or miss. Somethings are overpriced like vasaris lives in everyman for 40.00, others like Trollope for 5 or Rousseau's confessions from everyman new at 8.00 are a deal.

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Goodwill is so picked over in my city it's absurd. They have teams of professional resellers, aggressive, unkind, demons haunting the isles. They sit around waiting for new stock. I get occasional nice books but gave up.

Two of these came from goodwill a week ago, that's about the best I've done

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I believe it and sometimes goodwill even takes books off of their racks to sell on amazon. I bought a few books from a goodwill way across the country before on amazon. I guess where im at i get lucky but sometimes its just total bunk. One day i got lucky and got like phillip k dick and good stuff like that. I just try to go every couple days to the store and see whats up

Oh and another time i got the illiad the odyssey, the aenied and thucydides at goodwill

Recent Folio Society haul

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Based what are the jurassic park books like?

I haven't gotten to them yet actually. So far from this group I've just reread Dune and read The Road

>Folio Society
I like almost everything about them except the actual paper. It's something about the color.

Kuhn is folio, eh? Odd assortment, looks expensive in a tactless manner. No offense, maybe you bought them used?

I give away folios to my friends, keep the good ones like Balzac or Maupassant. The classics are also okay

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Folio Society reminds me a lot of Die Andere Bibliothek here. Although the latter has a lot of chaff no one actually would want to read.

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I hope you enjoy Ulysses!! I just finished it a couple of weeks ago, it’s quite the journey but very much worth it.

I also enjoyed that sale.

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Jared diamond, eh, I see 4 or 5 good books amidst overpriced rubbish. That's a nice Montaigne. Must be selections

>I see 4 or 5 good books amidst overpriced rubbish.
In other words you personally like half my selection. Thanks, your input is very valuable.
> That's a nice Montaigne.
It sure is. Screech translation, quarter bound, two colour print throughout, very nice paper. It's also cut slim in such a way that it's readable despite being oversized. They were almost giving them away in the sale and the remainder will likely feature in the summer sale as well.
> Jared diamond, eh
It's actually one of the nicest non fine editions they have. True Grit is another secret gem, one of the absolute best at their lowest price point - all sold out now though.

Besides Montaigne I think my favourite is the dual PKD book where both books read flipped over toward the middle. A separate illustrator for each. Something about that really tickles me on a conceptual level and seems so fitting for PKD.

Jared diamond offers little substance.

Peter Burke's a decent enough guy, I knew him years ago, but overproduction of books led to some fairly derivative and simplistic books to appeal to a broader audience, but the one you bought is a gem. It's from when he was still hungry.

I have a few translations, the pleiades original, and my favorite is the Florio for historical reasons.

Pkd is meh, but I did like flow my tears and scanner.

Does very nice mean laid paper? Woven? Antique? I like the older cotton containing laid louven papers.

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>Jared diamond offers little substance.
It's funny I actually went into the book heavily opposed but half of what Diamond writes would probably be applauded by his many critics if they too read the book. Everyone already knows the weakness of the geographic hypotheses he writes about, but they don't talk at all about his comments about primitive civilizations which is where he has some legitimate experience.
> the one you bought is a gem
Good to know, I haven't gotten around to it yet. I have some Kenneth Clark to read.
>Does very nice mean laid paper? Woven? Antique?
I'm not a paper salesman, but I did check for you and it's Abbey Pure. It's not woven and is not really texturized just extremely clean, consistent and bright. I guess I'm not a rough paper guy though I know some people obsess about that and other imperfections like with mouldmade papers.
The only paper FS uses I've hear people have an issue with is the Yuulong and otherwise printing issues stemming from bad Chinese QC.

faggot go back to /soc/

Oblomov and Malinovka Heights are actually parts of a trilogy

>So it should be a quick read.

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I get you're mad because you're a "man" still reading fiction, but you can do better in your attempted insults

are they? interesting, i don't think i've heard that before. are there actual plot connections between the three of them?

Enjoy your books that somebody read while pooping.

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I think they only have an ideological connection. Also the titles in Russian all start with the letter ‘O’, it’s supposed symbolise something, but I don’t know what because I didn’t pay attention in my lit class.

got these two yesterday for around $2. plato one has notes and remarks left in by the previous owner in pencil. theyre fucking gold.

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didn't see the thread. this is what I got in the last month or so

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>theyre fucking gold.
post some

As someone who appreciates the make form, I just wanted to let you know you look really nice.