>Coffee — he called it a “great power in [his] life” — made possible a grueling schedule that had him going to bed at six, rising at one in the morning to work until eight in the morning, then drinking eighty cups before putting in another seven hours.
>Whenever a reasonable human dose failed to stimulate, Kant would begin eating coffee powder on an empty stomach, a “horrible, rather brutal method” that he recommended “only to men of excessive reason, men with formidable intellects.”
Coffee — he called it a “great power in [his] life” — made possible a grueling schedule that had him going to...
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Why didn't he just take meth instead. It's arguably healthier if you're drinking 80 cups of coffee a day for the caffeine buzz
Autismo incarnate
Wasnt there something about them reusing coffee powder for multiple drinks in ye olde days? Not like he's throwing back McStarbucks espressos repeatedly
We should all be so iron willed.
Reading this and the Critique of Pure Reason has made me realize that Lutherans are the most autistic Christians of all.
I drink 1-2 liter of coffee every single day. Not sure how the whole cup thing works.
S-tier autist. I kneel
Assuming each cup is 4 fl oz, Kant was drinking 9.5 liters of coffee every day.
wtf I can't even drink that much water. His kidneys must have been pure iron. or pure reason
In fact, I'm calling bullshit. This person: en.wikipedia.org
died from just
> may have drunk nearly 2 U.S. gallons (7.6 L)
In a one time contest
All that coffee and he still misinterpreted Hume.
Hume ended philosophy in some ways. Not Wittgenstein or Derrida.
Yes. A lot of sensational pieces like this always come about X author drinking tons of coffee but few mention that coffee was very expensive, even for rich people, so they'd reuse coffee grounds.
>misinterpreted Hume.
Nigger detected.
>Hume ended philosophy in some ways.
Definitely a nigger.
>Not Wittgenstein or Derrida.
Holy fuck, retarded too.
>made possible a grueling schedule that had him going to bed at six, rising at one in the morning to work until eight in the morning, then drinking eighty cups before putting in another seven hours.
wtf man
That person died from not being able to pee, not just the amount they drank.
Too much water is only bad if your electrolyte balance gets fucked
But it was also a one-time thing. We're supposed to believe kant was doing this every day? He'd be peeing blood.
The speculative realists eviscerated Kant's transcendental idealism. Read After Finitude.
Derrida is essentially self refuting
>eighty cups
SURELY they mean eight?
>We're supposed to believe kant was doing this every day?
No? This is a shitpost thread.
That's right
yo fr fr dis niqqa gon' be crap in the dacks fr fr no cap
meth wasn't synthesized until the late 19th century by the japs
I seriously think that coffee correlates with people writing long/complicated bullshit.
coffee used to be consumed in much thicker, smaller quantities; almost like paste.
>Immanuel Kent was born in April 22nd, 1724
>Cocaine was discovered in 1569 by a Spanish botanist.
>almost like paste.
I'm gonna vomit
Safe to assume the caffine content at least would be closer to what we'd say is eight cups, otherwise he'd be poisoned.
Niggas acting like we ain’t cop the latest philosophy update and now we’re out of the loop
>thanks mastah for this new found revelation. This changes everything
he could have just invented it, he's smart
>> >Whenever a reasonable human dose failed to stimulate, Kant would begin eating coffee powder on an empty stomach, a “horrible, rather brutal method” that he recommended “only to men of excessive reason, men with formidable intellects.”
always a good laff from this retarded piece of shit known as kant
>every single one of these newfags failing to realize that the description is of Balzac and the quote is rewritten from The Pleasure and Pains of Coffee by Balzac
Yea Forums-erudition really has taken a nosedive. The full and unedited quote by Balzac is also much more powerfully autistic:
>Finally, I have discovered a horrible, rather brutal method that I recommend only to men of excessive vigor, men with thick black hair and skin covered with liver spots, men with big square hands and with legs shaped like bowling pins. It is a question of using finely pulverized, dense coffee, cold and anhydrous (a chemical term meaning without water), consumed on an empty stomach. This coffee falls into your stomach, which, as you know from Brillat-Savarin, is a sack whose velvety interior is lined with tapestries of suckers and papillae. The coffee finds nothing else in the sack, and so it attacks these delicate and voluptuous linings; it acts like a food and demands digestive juices; it wrings and twists the stomach for these juices, appealing as a pythoness appeals to her god; it brutalizes these beautiful stomach linings as a wagon master abuses ponies; the plexus becomes inflamed; sparks shoot all the way up to the brain. From that moment on, everything becomes agitated. Ideas quick march into motion like battalions of a grand army to its legendary fighting ground, and the battle rages. Memories charge in, bright flags on high; the cavalry of metaphor deploys with a magnificent gallop; the artillery of logic rushes up with clattering wagons and cartridges; on imagination’s orders, sharpshooters sight and fire; forms and shapes and characters rear up; the paper is spread with ink-for the nightly labor begins and ends with torrents of this black water, as a battle opens and concludes with black powder.
>The state coffee puts one in when it is drunk on an empty stomach under these magisterial conditions produce’s a kind of animation that looks like anger: one’s voice rises, one’s gestures suggest unhealthy impatience; one wants everything to proceed with the speed of ideas; one becomes brusque, ill-tempered about nothing. One actually becomes that fickle character, The Poet, condemned by grocers and their like. One assumes that everyone is equally lucid. A man of spirit must therefore avoid going out in public. I discovered this singular state through a series of accidents which made me lose, without any effort, the ecstasy I had been feeling. Some friends, with whom I had gone out to the country, witnessed me arguing about everything, haranguing with monumental bad faith. The following day I recognized my wrongdoing and we searched the cause. My friends were wise men of the first rank and we found the problem soon enough: coffee wanted its victim.
From what I saw in my grandma's collection, coffee cups used to be around the size of today's espresso cups, which is 2 oz.
Standard cup and glass sizes have grown significantly over time.
At least isn't worms
Ah, a model Finn.
Lmao klassik
Coffee is the new opium of the proletariat because it dulls our senses to make alienating and boring wage labor somewhat bearable.
Anytime a friend of mine mentions having to drink a litre of coffee every morning to get through work I get hit by feelings of disgust and pity on how far the human race has fallen, and how we can allow ourselves to keep being undignified like this.
I've fairly abused coffee for over a decade and recently when I switched instant coffee brands because my usual brand wasn't available on sale, it fucked me up. I thought my system had reached caffeine critical mass and become ultrasensitive to it. I didn't dare have more than two servings a day, it would give me anxiety attacks, it's like it was poisoning me. But when I switched back I can drink it like normal again. I should probably stop because the experience actually had me drinking as little as possible.
Opium is at least fun. Following the history of what drugs the nigger-cattle are filled with to cope with their hellish existence is a very dystopian journey, starting with drugs with actually euphoriant and creativity-inducing effects, such as opiates, cocaine, amphetamine and barbiturates before the 1960's, towards more and more efficient mind-killers, such as SSRIs in the present day. The side effects are not much different: both are poison. Progress in drug development is measured by how much more joyless a drug can be made while still ensuring optimal work output.
>Coffee is the new opium of the proletariat
That's why buying Nestle shares is a good move; Furthermore, they distribute high dividend, which generates a nice cash flow.
>drink a litre of coffee every morning to get through work I get hit by feelings of disgust and pity
I agree, although i also agree with OP's argument (or Kant's), minus the 9L of Coffee (or 108 espresso shots).
I can imagine Kant constantly sipping Monster if he were alive today, like a true patrician.
You mean espresso.
>true patrician
More like, true pleb.
ending philosophy is just a pointer to plato again, no matter if it's hume, witty or some modern philosopher, it all can be found in works of plato.
this is LITERALLY me!!!
>New opium of the proletariat
That would be social media and literally opioids.
You will eat the frozen pizza
The circus is in town!
zoomer blacks
>I drink 1-2 liter of coffee every single day
Death: good boy, if only they all were like you...
that was great, i will now read your book. thank
Opiods are mostly taking it to the logical endpoint, Amerifats using literal drugs to lull the broken and tired workers into a pathetic stupor.
Social media is just gossip nonsense and kind of used outside the workplace so I disagree, on the other hand it does serve as a good circus to divert our attention from the real problems.
>grueling schedule
>7 hours of sleep
>Literally just third shift
What a pussy
Now thats writing!
The problem with Kantian transcendental idealism is "correlationism". Correlationism is the philosophical standpoint, rejected by proponents of speculative realism, that we cannot directly access thinking and being, but only the correlation between them.
However, and this is why I claim Kant misunderstood Hume, the only absolute law is contingency. Everything must be contingent including mental representations. You cannot privilege the human agent over the objects he has sensory experience of or takes actions to manipulate. This ignores the whole purpose of the mind evolving as an active inference engine; this ignores the actions taken to enforce correspondence between our sensory models and expected phenomena (i.e., similar to how Deep Learning models work). We sample our experience, learn patterns from it, and so forth all to improve goal-orient behavior and not to deal with unexpected turn of events.
>the only absolute law is contingency
There is no acceptable ground for the necessity of the laws of nature. The laws of nature are contingent, and this is technically the only necessity.
>drinking eighty cups
how is this possible without feeling sick?
Not cool anymore. you're a decade behind. everyone's a rationalist again.
Feeling sick is something only stupid people do