Quotes that genuinely changed your perspective:

>Everyday we wake up and collectively make a world together; but which one of us, left to our own devices, would ever decide they wanted to make a world like this one?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>How can I meditate on the secrets of the stars when I have death or slavery always before my eyes?

>Innumerable hands are caressing him. Hands are coming from
everywhere, over the back of the car, over the sides, through the windows, to
caress the dying King, and they are supremely kind. They are far kinder than
faces can be, for faces are Marthas, burdened with many cares because of their
close connexion with the mind, but these hands express the mindless sympathy
of living flesh for flesh that is about to die, the pure physical basis for pity. They
are men’s hands, but they move tenderly as the hands of women fondling their
babies, they stroke his cheek as if they were washing it with kindness.

Think not and sleep when you can -Moby Dick

That's Moloch right there, man

mine is
>though night may shrink
>from sight, I blink
>as daylight winks
>but stars twinkle on inside my head

"Dare to be wise! Begin now. The man who puts off the day when he will live rightly is like the peasant who waits for the river to drain away. But it flows on, and will flow on forever."
-Horace, Epistles, I, ii, 40.

The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Fuck and Suck".

>tfw insomniac
i miss sleeping like a baby

Jews is the answer to this question btw

“I don't like work--no man does--but I like what is in the work--the chance to find yourself. Your own reality--for yourself not for others--what no other man can ever know. They can only see the mere show, and never can tell what it really means.”

"Every happiness that a man enjoys, and almost every friendship that he cherishes, rest upon illusion; for, as a rule, with increase of knowledge they are bound to vanish. Nevertheless, here as elsewhere, a man should courageously pursue truth, and never weary of striving to settle accounts with himself and the world. No matter what happens to the right or to the left of him,—be it a chimaera or fancy that makes him happy, let him take heart and go on, with no fear of the desert which widens to his view. Of one thing only must he be quite certain: that under no circumstances will he discover any lack of worth in himself when the veil is raised; the sight of it would be the Gorgon that would kill him. Therefore, if he wants to remain undeceived, let him in his inmost being feel his own worth. For to feel the lack of it is not merely the greatest, but also the only true affliction; all other sufferings of the mind may not only be healed, but may be immediately relieved, by the secure consciousness of worth. The man who is assured of it can sit down quietly under sufferings that would otherwise bring him to despair; and though he has no pleasures, no joys and no friends, he can rest in and on himself; so powerful is the comfort to be derived from a vivid consciousness of this advantage; a comfort to be preferred to every other earthly blessing. Contrarily, nothing in the world can relieve a man who knows his own worthlessness; all that he can do is to conceal it by deceiving people or deafening them with his noise; but neither expedient will serve him very long."
-- Schopenhauer

empty and too wordy. You only like it because le old wise philosopher said it

>Lacks reading comprehension
You should stick to Marvel movies.

>If we can’t identify a decision that could be affected by a proposed measurement and how it could change those decisions, then the measurement simply has no value
This made it much easier for me to avoid analysis paralysis, rather than trying to collect all the information I could, I could simply ask: "what would change my decision?"
>Don't give them the responsibility of figuring out what kind of help you need
This helped me finally understand why I wasn't getting good advice.
>Mama said "Unless they gonna pay your bills, pay them bitches no mind"
Way more impactful than anything Epictetus said. Your attention is money, don't squander it... which I am certainly doing on this board right now.
>“She’s not doing you a favor by fucking you!”
Related to the second, don't give a woman attention unless she does something for you.
>If you don’t tell people how great you are, how would they know?
If you're any sort of content creator, freelancer, or even floundering in the corporate hierarchy remember, you have to be your own hypeman.
>The main thing I’m into is going about on a bike, taking random routes; I’m really into the idea of making up journeys, and just seeing where they take you, because they always end up taking you someplace freaky. Especially if you’re taking the journeys around cities. Once you start straying out of the commonly trod routes, that’s where you really start discovering the city.
Elsewhere he described it as subverting the design or construction of a city by taking these unconventional routes, and thus seeing the city differently. He also said something, I can't find the quote but I'll paraphrase
>Why wouldn't you want to make a lot of money if it doesn't interfere with your creativity? If they don't use my track for the mobile phone ad they might pay someone else who makes less interesting music. I'd like to be wrong for once in history. But in the meantime I have no objection to licensing my music
He said it more elegantly than I remember, but it was basically saying that when you license your music for a TV Commercial, millions of people may be exposed to your weird avant-garde shit. Why reject it out of some fear of 'selling out' when they'll probably license some hack instead?

"We are assured that the world is becoming more and more united, is being formed into brotherly communion, by the shortening of distances, by the transmitting of thoughts through the air. Alas, do not believe in such a union of people. Taking freedom to mean the increase and prompt satisfaction of needs, they distort their own nature, for they generate many meaningless and foolish desires, habits, and the most absurd fancies in themselves. They live only for mutual envy, for pleasure-seeking and self-display. To have dinners, horses, carriages, rank, and slaves to serve them is now considered such a necessity that for the sake of it, to satisfy it, they will sacrifice life, honor, the love of mankind, and will even kill themselves if they are unable to satisfy it.We see the same thing in those who are not rich, while the poor, so far, simply drown their unsatisfied needs and envy in drink. But soon they will get drunk on blood instead of wine, they are being led to that. I ask you: Is such a man free?"

not too much, I'm pretty stubborn

there's two Schopie quotes that gave me pause, actually three:

>To live alone is the fate of all great souls
>a high degree of intelligence makes a man unsocial
>materialism is the philosophy of the subject who forgets to take account of himself

>YOU are worthy!
sounds like some faggoty inspirational post but with big boy words. How does anyone genuinely read this and think it special? What does it even mean to feel my own worth? This is what you call philosophy?
I haven’t watched any marvel movies except the original spider man

>What does it even mean to feel my own worth?
Well, it's obvious that you're a worthless faggot, so how can you experience something that's not there?

>doesn’t know how to explain it
i imagined

"It’s crazy, though, if you think about it. I’m not talking about people dying or being murdered or anything, but right now there are people out there going through all kinds of hell. Like, I don’t know, torture. There are people being ripped apart or having their eyes gouged out. All of that’s actually happening, somewhere. You know what I mean? Not just in the movies. I’m saying that right now, on this planet, people are going through the worst kinds of pain imaginable. Like, what would it feel like to be on fire? Or to have your teeth pulled out? These things actually happen. Or what about, I don’t know, getting tickled to death? Okay, maybe not. But what about those poisonous mushrooms that make you laugh so hard you drop dead? That would be the worst, I swear. To laugh until you die? What a nightmare.”

He is the king of aphorisms. There's only a handful of writings in my life which immediately flipped something in me right when I read them, but The Emptiness of Existence is certainly one of them

If one is a manifestation/instantiation of the *one* Will-in-Itself, which is apprehended by the denial of one's individual will, then while one maintains self-worth while seeing all individuated/compartmentalized phenomena as illusory, one shall experience the bliss of Oneness, the aspatiotemporal Will as inseparable from oneself. Schopenhauer was heavily influenced by Upanishads. It's like neti neti (negating all illusory separated phenomena) but ending Tat Tvam Asi ("thou art that").

Reposted for clarity.

ending in*

How did this change your life?

I don't know, it just sobers me up for some reason knowing all kinds of hell are happening as we speak. Not the war or capital D Death, but all those personal fucked up things that happen behind closed doors.

Based and Zosima-pilled.

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>When the noble-minded see birds and animals alive, they cannot bear to see them dead. Hearing their cries, they cannot bear to eat their flesh. That's why the noble minded steer clear of kitchens.

where was this said?

>How can I meditate on the secrets of the stars when I have death or slavery always before my eyes?

In China, by a man Mencius, recorded in a book called Mencius.

was he vegan?

idk I doubt it, the quote doesn't imply that either.

What is this?

I know, but it suggests the possibility. How do you understand the quote? why is it important to you?

That's it's okay to be horrified and morally outraged by animal slaughter, but it doesn't mean I have to stop eating burgers.

It's just a more sensible response than becoming a vegan or whatever... "stay out the kitchen", put the unpleasantness out of mind.

Pretty weak take. Farmers and native americans had a much better view on the subject. Respect the animal appropriately and don't waste any of it after slaughter, because that would be disrespectful of the animal. Being unwilling to watch/partake in the slaughter and butchering but willing to eat the animal sets up an "ends justify the means" mindset which can condone atrocities, as long as it's for "a good reason" and out of sight out of mind. Today the attitude would be of the senator who votes for wars in the middle east, but refuses to look at the damages the wars cost and refuses to send his sons over to fight.

>egalitarianism is more important than the nature of reality
Truly a compact description of the modern west.

I'm sure my dad didn't come up with this, but
>what would you attempt if you knew you could not fail
We talked about it one time in the car and ever since I've held the conviction that I really can do anything if I'm willing to put in the effort. Even though since then I've failed at some things, I see that as a voluntary withdrawal from the attempt rather than a conclusive failure.

That's stupid. You're stupid. You're basically just saying: "don't like it, don't eat meat". A more difficult thing to accomplish than simply avoiding places where animals are slaughtered.
And a senator voting for war but not sending his own kids is just plain common sense. Terrible comparison.

>his own kids is just plain common sense
That's not the issue, the issue is it's from a frame of an egalitarian democracy. Which the entire government, and the very existence of the senator is based on.

Are you ESL or retarded? Genuine question.
Make sure to watch abattoir footage next time you're about to eat an burger.

I'm not the guy you replied to. I was pointing out why a senator voting for war and not sending his own kids to it is something no man living in a democracy (who isn't exploiting it as a politician would) should be protested.

phew, i thought that "an burger" would've got picked up on

an burger, instead of a burger, refers to American in a grammatically correct manner..

>And a senator voting for war but not sending his own kids is just plain common sense. Terrible comparison.
Thanks for proving my point.
>You're basically just saying: "don't like it, don't eat meat"
Not at all, I'm saying you need to look at the consequences of what you do and make a clear-headed decision whether or not it's worth it. If you really can't bear to see animals slaughtered/butchered, then you shouldn't have that done to them. If you want meat, you should be willing to at the very least be conscious of what meat production entails. It's perfectly valid to eat meat and decide that having meat is worth the death of animals.

To bring it down to the level of the common man, if you're going to buy clothing goods made in Asia by slave labor (eg, Nike shoes), then you shouldn't just pretend that the slave labor doesn't happen. You should make the conscious decision that the suffering of the slaves is worth it to provide you cheaper shoes, or if you think slavery cannot be condoned, you should not buy products made with slave labor and make an effort to identify products made with appropriate labor conditions.

>I'm saying you need to look at the consequences of what you do and make a clear-headed decision whether or not it's worth it
>If you really can't bear to see animals slaughtered/butchered, then you shouldn't have that done to them.
>If you want meat, you should be willing to at the very least be conscious of what meat production entails.
The Noble Man in Mencius is conscious of what it entails and it upsets him. That's why Mencius suggests he avoid the scene of it.

To prevent cognitive dissonance that will prevent you from progressing in further attainment of truth and meaning within your life. No one has ever made a worthwhile worldview while being blind to the cause and consequence.

I value consistency/congruity quite a lot, and I've already laid out some of the negative consequences of that kind of lifestyle. It creates more suffering in the world (negative externalities).

If you told the Noble Man: you must stop eating meat. Would that prevent him from seeing animals slaughtered? No, the only way to stop that is for him to avoid kitchens. He lives in a society. Other people exist and other people around him would still eat meat even if he didn't. Thus his problem would not solved in any way by his impotent gesture.

>Other people exist and other people around him would still eat meat even if he didn't. Thus his problem would not solved in any way by his impotent gesture.
Collective action has shown to be effective, also there's religions which reduced meat consumption a lot. If one wants more intensive effects one needs more intensive and clever action.

Noble Man
>the cries of dying animals makes me sad.
>Avoid kitchens.
>Change the world! Join the Ancient Chinese DSA brah!

By your logic, a monarchy would never end nor would it ever become more benevolent as people are inherently powerless nor should they try to collectively use what little power they might posses. Absolutely nonsensical.

Where is this from?

> The darkening of the heavens over man has always increased in proportion to the growth of man's shame before man. The tired pessimistic outlook, the mistrust of the riddle of life, the icy negation of disgusted ennui, all those are not the signs of the most evil age of the human race: much rather do they come first to the light of day, as the swamp-flowers, which they are, when the swamp to which they belong, comes into existence—I mean the diseased refinement and moralisation, thanks to which the "animal man" has at last learnt to be ashamed of all his instincts.
-Friedrich Nietzsche, “On the Genealogy of Morals”

Got me out of depression and gave me back meaning after nihilistic Buddhist babble.

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>nihilistic Buddhist
t. reads internet articles instead of literature.

Found it. It's a description of the assassination of the King of Yugoslavia. There's a video of the moment:

At the end of the video, after the king is mortally wounded by gunfire, several men who are at the scene begin to gently caress him with their hands, with pity and moved by what they had seen.

A more complete excerpt can be read here:

It comes from the book "Black Lamb and Grey Falcon"

>There are more things in heaven and earth Horatio that are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Can you list one verifiable thing?

This all leads to a form of neurosis which H.G. Baynes has described as the "provisional life," that is, the strange attitude and feeling that one is not yet in real life [1]. For the time being one is doing this or that, but whether it is a woman or a job, it is not yet what is really wanted, and there is always the fantasy that sometime in the future the real thing will come about. If this attitude is prolonged, it means a constant inner refusal to commit oneself to the moment. With this there is often, to a smaller or greater extent, a savior complex, or a Messiah complex, with the secret thought that one day one will be able to save the world; the last word in philosophy, or religion, or politics, or art, or something else, will be found. This can go so far as to be a typical pathological megalomania, or there may be minor traces of it in the idea that one's time "has not yet come." The one thing dreaded throughout by such a type of man is to be bound to anything whatever.

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