/wg/ Writing General

420 Bruh Edition

Previous thread For General Writing
>The Rhetoric of Fiction, Booth
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft, Burroway
>Steering the Craft, Le Guin
>The Anatomy of Story, Truby
>How Fiction Works, Wood

YouTube Playlists for Writing
>youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTCv6n1whoI23GmdBZienRW0Q0nFCU_ay Robert Butler
>youtube.com/watch?v=-6HOdHEeosc Brandon Sanderson

Technical Aspects of Writing
>Garner's Modern English Usage, Garner
>What Editors Do: The Art, Craft, and Business of Book Editing, Ginna
>Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style, Tufte

Books Analyzing Literature
>Poetics, Aristotle
>Hero With a Thousand Faces, Campbell
>The Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, Egri
>The Weekend Novelist, Ray

Traditional Publishing

Self Publishing Options

Self Publishing How-To

>This Craft of Verse, Borges
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual, Kooser
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry, Mason

Anime Writing (^・o・^)

/wg/ Authors and Flash Fiction Pastebin

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Other urls found in this thread:


Thread question: what does the main character of your story feel about getting high/wasted and if they're kewl with it what's their drug of choice (alcohol is fine, but specify what they drink) and what are they like while intoxicated?

Alcohol is supposed to be a big part of the culture of my MC, so the main cast gets sloshed regularly. They drink an in-universe stand in for Absinthe, since that's my favorite flavor of sauce.

Wrote this prose poem(?) In my notebook a couple months back during a meeting. Was mostly just having fun with alliteration but I liked the result enough to not rip it up later. I finally got around to transferring it and cleaning it up this morning and wanted some feedback.


He disdains anyone who is addicted to a point where your life revolved around getting the next hit.
Doesn't mind recreative use of any substance but doesn't partake in it as he fears not being in peak condition in case he gets ambushed.

What is this, 2003?

He relished it back when it still affected him because it gave him an excuse to goof off and seem less serious but changes to his body made him physically unable to become intoxicated.

I quit after your first sentence. It's campy and antiquated.

Try again after you take your ADHD meds

that attitude gets you nowhere here. if you want anything other than dick rubs you need to be able to eat shit and ask for seconds. it's the only way to extract meaningful crit a lot of the time. i'm not gonna give you any either, just because you're a defensive little cunt about it.

What journals/magazines/competitions can I submit my poetry to for free?

should you introduce your characters first before inciting incident so you know the characters or do the inciting incident first and see how they react.when introduced and get to know them after


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MC is quasi-alcohol dependent but I don't imagine him having a drink preference but thanks for noggin' my joggin' because that's good characterization. He also casually smokes heavier drugs later in the story when in the company of users but I view the drug/alcohol use more as a manifestation of his avoidance issues than an arc unto themselves or him "having a problem".

At a chemical dependence level he really can stop anytime he wants, but emotionally sobriety would be anguish and the idea is alien to him.

My characters' inciting incidents are their birthdays.

I appreciate you reaming him out for me, user.

I wrote this yesterday evening after having a particularly draining day. Haven't written in months but want to get back into the habit of it. I have no real long form ideas but I've always wanted to put together a collection of personal bloggy pieces/flash fiction type things.

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It's called banter you fucking sore ass

My current story has the introduction BE the inciting incident.

>in 2021 the only books to sell over a million copies were a children's book and crap book sold to conspiracy theorists
How, in current era, do you even maintain the desire to write a story knowing no one will read it?

Which of these sounds more compelling:
Operian Faggerton was an ordinary man, not too tall, not too fat, not too bald, but always on the lookout for dicks to suck. He knew he wouldn't get that help staring down the end of a loaded dick but he kept on sucking just the same.


The dicks were coming in hot and heavy, thumping and bumping Operian's swollen throat with their turgid meat logs. Amidst the glorping and slorping of his own distended throat he wondered how he, an ordinary man, had gotten here. He knew he needed help, but he also knew those dicks weren't going to suck themselves.

Pretty enjoyable desu, don't have any real feedback aside from keep writing

A drink or two after work. Doesn't like to get wasted in public, more out of caution than anything. Drugs only in intimate settings, very occasionally. The main drug of choice in the world is essentially an opium derivative. Induces euphoria, lowers inhibitions, highly addictive.


Hell user here. Thank you for those who have offered such good feedback and criticism.

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The first one is character-centric, the second one is about the act of sucking dicks

I woke up to the sounds of explosions outside my window. Throwing the drenched, bloodied bedsheets on the floor, I limped towards the bathroom. My gums were still bleeding, as they have for god knows how long. Every single meal that I put in my mouth has the taste blood.

The woman hasn't come yet, but I don't have time to wait. I took a backpack and scurried downstairs. I should cross the bridge soon. By the time the explosions cease, it'd be too late for me.

Is this piece called For Who Does the Bell Ring?

You're mixing present and past tense. Always stick to one.


>How, in current era, do you even maintain the desire to write a story knowing no one will read it?
Because if I didn’t write I'd die. I've written since I was a child and only just recently let other people read anything, so for 30 years it's been for myself anyway. Though, I did go through a bit of a depressive episode (on top of my regular depression) over this topic recently... but hey, not my problem no one reads anymore, their loss. Write because you enjoy it, not for attention. Maybe it's just a cope, but there's no point laying in bed staring at the ceiling, despairing over the fact the only creative thing you're "good" at and enjoy is a dead medium.

I'm posting this as a joke

I've been writing since dec of 2019 and this is one of the first ever things I seriously wrote.

Please roast it to high heaven thanks:


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I'm sure I read that somewhere else recently, deja vu?

It was in the wwoym thread

>newest installment of series i consoom is released
>Its worse than the last installment.
>I breathe a sigh of relief.
>I'm writing in the genre and using its failures as a story to fuel my creativity.
Anyone else do this?

Holy shit, that picture is almost exactly how i envisioned my vapidfu to look like.

Writing is the creative discipline I want to shore up the most right now, I’ve been working on other areas too. I’m confident that I can get good at them and carve a path towards a career and if it doesn’t work out I can fall back on the CS degree lol.

I loved it user don't stop

What series?

Damn everyone says I have this gift for writing and it seems I do.

Heres some recent stuff i've been working on user these are "Idea drafts" I.e little scenes I write to get a feel for the story and characters at random points in the story. so i can get a feel for the actual draft

Here's the storys summary or "Outline" People seem to get these confused but its just a summery of the plot for me to follow. it is not the actuall written prose and diolog it is just there for me to edit the plot quickly and not have to rewrite the whole thing and it helps me write the thing its still being edited however this is my current wip for the story:

(Please excuse grammar errors I'm not very good at grammar)

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Spent the last week writing this. Am I the next big thing?

Somewhere in the middle of nowhere a young man leaves his residence. Gets in his car and drives. Where he is going he does not know. Simply put he’s going somewhere but he does not know where it is that he is going. Simpler, He is driving aimlessly. “Where is it I am going?” He thinks aloud. He continues driving half expecting an answer. An answer never comes. He does not know where he is driving. Yet he continues to drive, mind you it is without aim. This continues for some time. How long? He does not know. In this time the skies have turned from blue to black to blue and finally again black. At this point in his journey, take heed to the fact there is no destination, he is a mite tired. So tired in fact, he is delirious or maybe he is not. One cannot say for certain. In this possibly delirious state something hits him literally or rather he hits something. On the road. A person? He does not know. He gets out of his automobile and takes a look. He did in fact hit something. That much is certain. His entire bumper is destroyed but no evidence of what he hit remains. Thinking himself insane, he gets back in his car and continues to drive.

I’m sorry user. You’ve wasted the last week.

I typed it out last night in the WWOYM thread and then edited it today

Your telling far to much and not giving us any description for our minds to enjoy and read.

And your effort at description is not good.

Please work on your telling issue its a big problem and please look up how to give description to your scenes

If this were about cocks and fucking instead of answers and driving, you'd make a great ERPer.

Thanks I've been looking to get into ERPing.
Thank you. What do you mean telling issue.

Wine is acceptable in the cult, but overindulgence is seen as a crime to both the state and cult and can result in whipping, prolonged starvation, or exile.

I can only write when that user threatens me with a gun saying that I -WILL- write.

Probably for soft drugs under the right social circumstances but otherwise wouldn't do it.

>How, in current era, do you even maintain the desire to write a story knowing no one will read it?
I have a patreon that has no one on it, my first short story was published on amazon kindle about half a year ago and only got two buys, my next short story is in limbo of trying to find a suitable artist for the cover before I publish. To me, its just numbers. I would rather continue my job for years than publish something that means nothing to me, even if it sells millions

You WILL write today, user! Or else!

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FYI, a lot of food in India is cooked over burning cow dung.

Chill out, drama queen. Worst case, you just need more practice.

Cheating? A thesaurus is invaluable; it lets me express what I want to say in a way that keeps the syllables flowing smoothly.
You DO read your work out loud, right?

He drinks Jagermeister and chases it with a beer. He doesn't know if it's getting him drunk or sick, but either way, he achieves the effect he wants, and cheaply.

Fer shizzle!

Catharsis is a worthy reason to write.

Oh, absolutely. Bad movies/TV/fiction inspires me to write.
If they can get produced/published/etc., why can't I?

>If they can get produced/published/etc., why can't I?
Under the table handjobs or rich parents, dont let it discourage you though. A hard fought victory is the most rewarding

I see in your writing theres a classic rule of show don't tell

And that means don't tell us what the character is doing or feeling show

Instead of
"He felt sad"

"The frown on his face was marked by watery eyes"

In your writing I see a lot of you saying whats going on How he's tired, doesn't know what he's going ect

Now there is a place for telling but not here extactly just when you need to get your point across quickly using it everywhere can make it a very boring read so telling is important in some places.

you don't want purple prose now

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>my first short story
>2 buys
how many words?
>my next short story
and how many words?

He doesn't get drunk/high save for once, and that's when he gets hit by 300 metric tons of Carfentanil. All that does is make him really drowsy.

first is 4.5k words, second is 6.2k
Pretty sad isn't it?

How is the intro?

I charge the white man. I charge the white man with being the greatest murderer on earth. I charge the white man with being the greatest kidnapper on earth. There is no place in this world that this man can go and say he created peace and harmony. Everywhere he's gone, he's created havoc. Everywhere he's gone, he's created destruction. So I charge him. I charge him with being the greatest kidnapper on this earth! I charge him with being the greatest murderer on this earth! I charge him with being the greatest robber and enslaver on this earth! I charge the white man with being the greatest swine-eater on this earth. The greatest drunkard on this earth! He can't deny the charges! You can't deny the charges! We're the living proof *of* those charges! You and I are the proof. You're not an American, you are the victim of America. You didn't have a choice coming over here. He didn't say, "Black man, black woman, come on over and help me build America". He said, "Nigger, get down in the bottom of that boat and I'm taking you over there to help me build America". Being born here does not make you an American. I am not an American, you are not an American. You are one of the 22 million black people who are the *victims* of America. You and I, we've never see any democracy. We didn't see any... democracy on the-the cotton fields of Georgia, wasn't no democracy down there. We didn't see any democracy. We didn't see any democracy on the streets of Harlem or on the streets of Brooklyn or on the streets of Detroit or Chicago. Ain't no democracy down there. No, we've never seem democracy! All we've seen is hypocrisy! We don't see any American Dream. We've experienced only the American Nightmare!

>4.5k words
and you conned 2 people out of money

> Critique is as welcome as Uriah

Uriah Goes Home

Uriah knocked on what he assumed was still the front door. It was opened by Perrin - she was all smiles and welcome. This faintly terrified him.

“Hatley!” He barely registered the incorrect name. “Do come in, let me show you round.”

“Round” turned out to be Uriah’s replacement. Uriah wasn’t entirely sure how he felt about this. On one hand, this finally meant Perrin was moving on after his departure. There would be no more (or perhaps simply less) unexpected midnight visits to “check on him”. But on the other hand, he had always been the filthy wretched raggis, lampreying off her estate. Seeing someone else proverbially claw at her proverbial skirts felt... wrong.

It didn’t help that Round was “morbid” Lee O’Bese, a hat that had been sentenced by Madam Two-Swords back when Uriah still lived here. A name change had been enough to fool all the three-star moons, apparently. But Uriah immediately recognised him, because he’d been in court for sticking Uriah’s head into a cactus that happened to be growing (it’s growing) at the bottom of a toilet.
Now the question was, should he say anything about it? Perhaps if this was an elaborate shit-test, staying quiet would be handing Perrin just the ammunition she needed to further pick at his sanity. But then, perhaps the upper class moons really were this dense, and trying to point it out would be opening himself up to ridicule.
Uriah felt almost clever for once. He didn’t like it.

“He’s staying with us for a little while, until the dogs go away.” Perrin’s saccharine dithering was almost mimsey. “It’s terrible having such bullies roam around the roads, you knooooow?”

“Yarr.” Uriah agreed. He knew. Round gave him a look of deep mistrust. He knew he knew.

Perrin finished shaking her head (?) with all the regret of a serial killer. “Well, I’ll leave you two to- get along, then.”
She closed the door and pressed her single eye to the keyhole. Only anticipation kept her from cackling.

Round stared almost reproachfully into Uriah’s empty eyesockets. He slowly lifted a faintly humming cheese to his mouth, and chewed. “How is your brain?” Uriah stirred. That was a phrase Madam Cheese had been fond of ambushing him with. “Euh, Two Hard Boiled Eggs.”
Come to think of it, Round (Uriah was strangely tempted to refer to him simply as “Fat”), shouldn’t have been concerned. With Uriah’s limited vocabulary, which in its entirety consisted of “No”, “Yar”, “Oh My Word”, and “Two Hard Boiled Eggs”, there was no conceivable way for him to articulate something as complex as “This man is an escaped convict who has deceived you under an assumed name”.

He squatted on the dusty floorboards, and watched Fat chew his cheese. This was going to be a long Barcday.

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and then to add to it you have the, I don't even want to call it gall, maybe stupidity, to waste money on a piece of cover art for some 6.5k drabble. jesus fucking christ user get it together.

Whom'st've Had Bells Rung for Them?

I might as well have a nice cover, if anything

I think you should write 10 other short stories, bundle it all together and commission a cover for that. You'll end up with some decent sales. Your current trajectory you're losing money strictly on cover art.

The plan was to have the short stories to build up sort of portfolio so that while my (light?) novel around 50k - 70k words is being written, I can also have stuff to garner interest in me as a writer rather than a specific genre or series that I may make. And the plan to bundle them all up was actually there from the start, I was going to use the covers to separate each story from one another. Also I like supporting talented but obscure artists, its helps build up a network of creators that can inspire me.