/advice/ thread for new-lit bros

i'll go first. sit down with a pen and paper and study how not to be like this person:


If you start basing your personality on the fact that you read books instead of being someone who seeks to understand through books, it's giga-over for you. If you're prideful on top of that, it'll just send you down a severe and hellish path.

You can swerve and avoid being this guy. Please do so.

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Other urls found in this thread:


You sound deranged. Please explain non-autistically what your problem with Destiny is.

my issue isn't destiny, it's the person he "debates". a Yea Forumsschizo midwit in the wild

Is this the guy who gave the must braindead reading of GR? I think I saw a leddit post about it kek.

This guy is based. I would totally be friends with him. Destiny gets shown for the brainlet he truly is.

you got destroyed on it bro

>If you start basing your personality on the fact that you read books
Stopped reading. No one in Yea Forums reads.

>Stopped reading.
Destiny says he doesn't read for pleasure in the video actually. at the end Destiny loses his patience, tells the guy he doesn't read and then rips him apart and exposes him for being a literal NPC who can only regurgitate things he's read instead of apply them to his own understanding

You got wrecked on reddit - some pleb clapped back against your braindead GR interpretation.

yeah he unironically cites GR as a historical work at some point and then pivots when he gets caught for literal retardation

yeah I'm not watching a 2 hr video, give me a quick rundown

destiny is so based, there are so many politics streamers and destiny is the only good one

the guy Destiny is debating seems like he has read a lot but he hasn't actually absorbed what he read. He simply memorizes and spits out facts without engaging in them, reconciling differences in his own worldview with what he has read, and incorporating the knowledge he obtains into his lifestyle.

Yeah I'm starting to feel that now. I used to watch Vaush but he's started behaving like a pathetic recently and too many online leftists actually seem to behave like subhuman specimens on Twitter.

>give me a quick rundown
retard argues against himself for 2 hours, makes dozens of blatantly false and stupid statements that will make you laugh. literal npc stuff, scary to think people like this walk among us and hold themselves in high regard

destiny board

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go back to r/Destiny, cock sucking faggots

I hope you're embarrassed by your performance. I'd want to die if that was me.

What a shitty thread, who honestly gives a fuck about some streamer? Here’s some advice for you: if you’re OP you’re a fag

GR is a historical work, but not for the reasons he probably thinks.

My advice: if you’re posting a two hour long video as an example, include some kind of summary

i did:

I'm pretty deeply conservative, but I've always respected destiny for being the most well-informed and principled person in the online politics stuff. When I zoom out, literally no one comes close.

about as historical as any spy thriller

Destiny is the closest any man in world history has come to Socrates. Destiny has probably spent 25,000 hours debating and it shows

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this, he makes all his colleagues look like lolcows compared to him because of how reasonable he is

i remember all the richard woolf hype on the left until destiny showed everyone how much of a charlatan he was. youtube.com/watch?v=JcA5szcnESY
>yale professor lauded by the left gets completely mogged by a uni music dropout
how embarrassing

What the fuck is going on? Why are you all shilling for a twitch debate guy?

>why are you shilling
same reason people shill the greeks here. he is literally the modern day socrates
>twitch debate guy
he's not on twitch and he would absolutely blow every opinion you have out of the water in not even 5 minutes

he's not just any "twitch debate guy", he's the best one. hes in a separate class from them all

>best debater on the entire internet doesn't read ANY books whatsoever

who said he's the best debater on the internet? how do you get that from best 'twitch debate guy'?

forsen is clearly better, have you seen his analysis of the dark knight trilogy?

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Is destiny the guy who got canceled by the trannies

>how do you get that from best 'twitch debate guy'?
i didn't, i'm saying it. it's self-evident if you have an iq above 100. and where did you get twitch debate guy? he's not on twitch.

>where did you get twitch debate guy? he's not on twitch.
I didn't, i was directly quoting the other guy but I'm clearly using the term as a loose category to refer to creators like him. also destiny streamed on twitch for 7 years lol. a few months on youtube doesn't change his history

You should not be reading for the purpose of hoarding knowledge or debating.. In fact debating in general is cringe, degenerate, and bad manners.

Socrates and Destiny are both weak losers so it makes sense.

>a few months on youtube doesn't change his history
yes it does, it means he's not a twitch debate guy

post selfie. they would beat you in a debate in any case

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the dude is dumb but destiny is an actual cuck so both sides lost the debate.

>uhm, actually my twitch debate guy is a youtube debate guy, owned much?
you can really tell that you love twitch debate guys

>you can really tell that you love twitch debate guys
no it just means you are wrong and talk about things of which you have no idea. there's no reason to take you seriously, goodbye

wait is the guy destiny is debating here LOGO DAEDALUS? isn't he a Yea Forums poster?

Destiny is alright, but I wish he wasn't such a massive news consoooomer. I don't think every piece of mainstream news is false, but just following the "official" line on every single story is pretty cucked. I wish he gave the news the same level of scrutiny as he gives the people he debates. He puts too much faith in our 3 letter orgs.

>but just following the "official" line on every single story is pretty cucked. I wish he gave the news the same level of scrutiny as he gives the people he debates. He puts too much faith in our 3 letter orgs.
spoken like a true joe rogan fan. actually read news articles and look at the evidence presented

Logo is deranged but still a pretty intelligent guy imo, he made destiny look like a frickin kiddo

>he made destiny look like a frickin kiddo
he didn't make a single coherent point in the entire debate

you were so fucking shit mate, legit embarassing

Destiny was doing everything he could to not call him dumb at the end lol. kid gloves for the retarded boy

>Logo is deranged but still a pretty intelligent guy imo
He really fucking isn't

he sounded like you average "smart" /pol/ faggot


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He's both deranged and retarded. He's not intelligent, at all.

please tell me this is a raid

thanks got a seizure. fuck dgg

Destiny's problem is that his morals rest on faulty foundations. It's untenably individualistic. This is hardly a novel situation, but the problem arises from his failure to recognize it. I don't know if his uncritical acceptance of moral utilitarianism rests on a post hoc justification for his hedonistic lifestyle or his cold and mechanical outlook on life and especially social interactions (I remember he once stated that every person was "like him" in that they see relationships only in terms of what they can gain from the other person), but it amazes me that he fails to address it. Perhaps one led to the other.

This is obviously an easy translation from the economic sphere, where Destiny started, so his failure to recognize its limitations is especially surprising. Man is not a calculating self-interested economic animal. Furthermore, considering Destiny's state as a cuckold and his abandonment of his child to essentially play video games 12 hours a day (despite his defense that he is well taken care of financially which misses the point entirely), it is obvious that it is not desirable that man should be.

Destiny himself will realize this soon enough if he hasn't already. He has already wrestled at least one or twice with the notion that his grand philosophy of life totally falls short in its ability to provide or facilitate a greater purpose beyond mere individual preference of consumption. You also see this indirectly in his rehabilitation of religion. To butcher Tocqueville, "he thinks he acts in his interest but he does not. In looking after his business he neglects his chief business which is to remain his own master."

Destiny's obviously very intelligent, more so than myself, but he reminds me of some guy I found on goodreads a while ago while I was looking for criticisms of After Virtue. This guy launched an absolutely vicious and very fair dissection of MacIntyre's argument in a way that was very admirable (as someone who would prefer MacIntyre's argument not so easily susceptible to criticism). The next thing I found was his four or five star review of White Fragility, wherein he attributes DiAngelo with a basically airtight argument.

Logo becoming a leftchud lolcow is really sad stuff. It's amazing to me that he still manages to have a dedicated circle of sycophants despite his constant faceplanting.

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>among us
ngl kinda sussy bro

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Lots of people have made Destiny look stupid, it doesn't matter because he's always stupid even when he wins debates. He wins by showing up cause he's a grifter.

Halfway through this video. This guy just seems lonely and wants a friend to talk to :(