I see some effortposters (fewer and fewer, alas) on here who are extremely lucid and have an extremely high understanding of what they are talking about. How does one develop such a level of clarity and understanding? I feel like an inadequate brainlet compared to them.
I see some effortposters (fewer and fewer...
read more
I am the brightest and wisest poster here, and it doesn't matter how much you read. You will never reach my level.
Once in a while a topic comes up that you actually know something about so instead of shitposting you effortpost.
>How does one develop such a level of clarity and understanding
By taking an interest in a subject. You will inevitably learn more about what interests you and what interests you is involuntary. You can't really learn about something just don't care about. I've tried. So start with what you like.
it's a skill that most people hone by going to college and taking writing-intensive classes with professors who have high standards and are capable of giving quality feedback. the most impressive effortposters are almost certainly grad students, or at least finishing a specialized BA. they're not only prolific readers, but focused and intentional. it's professionalism in reading and writing.
This is pretty much the case. Also there are some posters with a broad knowledge of the canon who pop up here and there -- recovering academics etc.
I effort post my academic focus. Im a pro
I walk around with ugly guilt of my shit posts knowing theyre archive and then I wail about my effortposts provoking jannies to instaprune
First you have to imagine that you can know.
you flatter me beyond deserving but i must admit my knowledge of pornography is vast
I tend to effortpost about things I'm currently learning but as soon as I attain any sort of real knowledge about the topic I stop talking about it altogether. As the knowledge goes up, the amount of time I'd need to write what I'd consider to be a truly good effortpost would also go way up, to the point where I would take hours and even days to actually write it.
In other words, just be glad you don't have me as a teacher because you would die of boredom before I ever arrive at a point.
Link a few posts as examples
I just stop posting about things I understand because there's not much more to gain. While I'm learning, I make threads, ask questions, etc. Once I understand it, I move on and rarely engage anymore.
5+ years of reading the canon and at least 130 IQ points will do it.
stop watching porn all the time
This post in particular got me to make the thread
if u shitpost enough one day u will spontaneously effortpost
like what have you seen effort posts off?
that guy effortposts all the time u can recognize him by his prose or more easily by the anime pictures
So how do I become like him?
i dunno, ask him
That guy is a dumbass with surface knowledge, but in his defense he's probably just writing those posts to learn for himself because he googles the stuff beforehand. I remember he tried to explain something once and it was mostly stuff from SEP and had no knowledge beyond that.
You just read. What the fuck else do you expect? Read Aristotle, read Machiavelli, read secondary literature.
That guy legit has at least a master's degree. Most effortposters I see here just regurgitate interpretations they heard elsewhere. With someone like him you have to actually just study the material.
The duality of man...
But jokes aside, the more I read the more retarded I feel and less worthy of making effort posts.
Read a lot. Care about your understanding of language.
Think a lot. Translate your thoughts into comprehensible language.
Write a lot. Fine tune your use of language.
Generous to call it prose
>Most effortposters I see here just regurgitate interpretations they heard elsewhere
The greatest effortposts I have ever seen were based on lived experience. The one true effortpost I made used some language I picked up from books to better express what I meant but the content was solely grounded in my actual life. There were other effortposts I have seen where they didn't even do that, they just wrote candidly on what they learned from real life and they were the best posts, bar none. The guy that killed 2-5 people in Afghanistan comes to mind. And an example of using books to help articulate what you have found for yourself was this guy that effortposted about the philosophy and religious meaning of Moby Dick. The pseuds, who you are probably describing, just kept demanding
from him where it was clearly his own intuition and I think he was right.
>Optimal arousal is a psychological construct referring to a level of mental stimulation at which
physical performance, learning, or temporary
feelings of wellbeing are maximized (Smith
1990). It can also be described as the degree of
energy release and the intensity of readiness.
Closely associated with the experience of flow
from a psychological perspective, the construct
is often used as the explanation for why people play or engage in ▶ leisure activities.
Early research was based upon the belief that
behavior was always directed at satisfying needs.
>For example, the vigilance research, concerning the rates and causes of declining attention to a task, finds an individual will perform a skill most successfully when the level of arousal is optimal.
>On the other hand, a poor performance may be due to a low level of arousal and a depressed level of motivation. Animal studies reveal that the reticulate arousal system is responsible for arousing the cortex and is linked to certain simulative processes, such as awakening and sexual arousal.
>Performance and arousal are related to each
other through an inverted U-shaped function that paralleled a much earlier discovery of a similar phenomenon by Yerkes and Dodson (1908) on human learning and habituation. Although vigilance research and animal studies have not been formally linked, their findings have been widely used to understand the effects of competition on human movement. Most importantly, they explain nonutilitarian, exploratory, play-like behavior for both human beings and animals who seek novel, complex, and uncertain stimuli. The problems with this research are that the optimal level varies by activity, over time, and among individuals. It is not an accurately defined or easily measurable state, nor can its objective characteristics be reliably derived from theory or from empirical data.
The only identifiable decent effortposter at the moment is frater. Other than that, no one really stands out.
Mannell and Iso-Ahola (1987), utilizing a post
hoc satisfaction approach, show that the psychological benefits of recreational ▶ travel emanate from the interplay of two forces: escaping from routine and stressful environments and seeking of recreational opportunities for certain psychological rewards. They argue that the role of optimal arousal should be embedded in ▶ tourist behavior studies. Travels, heavily influenced by the need for optimal arousal, serve as a dialectical optimizing process (Iso-Ahola 1983). Recent studies have expanded to tourism market ▶ segmentation where optimal arousal is viewed as a variable; to motivational and emotional aspects of ▶ destination choice behavior where arousal influences emotional experiences, evaluations, and behavioral intentions; and to destination loyalty and repeat behavior for optimum stimulation measurement (Tsaur et al. 2013).
>greentexting got fucked up
What does he post about? Never seen him
I'm a dumbass effort poster who doesn't even google and yes I am effort posting just to give my thoughts concrete form. I appreciate the hell out of actually source grounded effort posts though. For me effort posting is just a consequence of my own rehabilitation exercises.
I'm one of those "healed madmen" ex schizos. In a tribal society I would be your village shaman. I went full blown schizo for many years then rehabilitated myself back into a functioning human through hundreds of thousands of words put to the paper. Having my disjointed thoughts cast into a permanent mold helped me confront the contradictions and identify the delusions. It was an iterative exercise in clarity of thought and expression.
I'm still a schizo to the core, but I've built up a functional barrier to stop my delusions from impacting basic material reality functions, customs, and behaviors. I still attune strongly with immaterial "bullshit" but I'm better at identifying when and where to express that side of myself. I don't let the voices out during the hunt, so to speak.
>How does one develop such a level of clarity and understanding?
Honestly read, get autistic and learn a lot about a certain topic or thinker.
It's not like we all effort post about everything. Once in a while a Bataille thread shows up - there I know a little more, and work a little more to help make this board realize what its theme is.
Due to business and family and writing more I’ve not had as much time to post, I sperg out about western and eastern esotericism and general continental philosophy up until post modernism and select analytic philosophers, literature wise I shill a lot of decadent/symbolist lit, certain Elizabethan lit, certain chinks, certain Indian writers, etc, and mostly shill poetry. I post a ton of poetry also.
Frater and schizo are the only worthwhile posters on this board (including myself in that assessment)
Read 2 books on 1 topic and you'll know more than 99% of lit
Literally study opposing opinions until you are capable of presenting their strong points as well as a true champion of them could. For example, in the realm of economics, you should be able to outline the true power of the free market to produce goods and services in an efficient way and detail the mechanisms at play within game theory as well as human psychology which makes the free market such a profound organization of the economy.On the other hand, you should be able to outline the major and enduring problems of the free market, chief among them being the fact that the power disparity between those with zero capital and those who hold capital is such a devastating element that,if left unaddressed, results in increasing numbers of people stacking up at zero wealth and being less and less able to find gainful employment while the profits accrued by those with capital continue to increase, not just in total amount, but actually in rate of return. Ultimately, you need to be able to identify your own bias and inclinations and set them aside in order to absorb the points that lead people to the opposing side of a topic. In the words of John Stuart Mill, "He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that". A really key way of doing this is to assert the position that you hold but be 100% open to someone coming along and attacking your position. When this happens, even if the person is completely obnoxious and calls you a massive faggot, if he presents an argument, take that argument seriously and really try to take on board the reasoning and values behind that argument. Another example would be immigration.Now, you may be of the mind that it is quite obvious that high levels of immigration are bad because it usually causes more unskilled and poor people to enter the country who in turn either take jobs away from the original population or they become an extra burden on the social programs and infrastructure of the nation.If this is your opinion, you would open yourself completely to the advantages of immigration which hold that more immigration helps fuel the economy by increasing available labor, that it helps to offset declining birth rates so that the population of the country continues to grow. Again,you must be able to restrain your knee jerk reaction to automatically respond to these things with whatever point you have that you think defeats these points. You must actually understand where someone is coming from who advances this opinion. Another would be that if people are immigrating to your country it is because they are trying to improve their circumstances in life and to deny that is to needlessly prevent someone improving their standing in life based on something as arbitrary and place of birth. Until you can set aside your preconceived notions and actually develop the ability to switch between sides of a debate, you won't really be able to convincingly argue for any side.Feed back is welcome on this effort post
true. i tok feel inadequate to Butter’s quality effort posting
Watch kill la kill
Sorry to hear user
Just write a word salad. No one actually bothers to read all that shit. A bunch of smart sounding words = effort post.
Frater I've been trying to find you to ask you a question. Have you read Pistis Sophia? What are your thoughts on it?
Format your posts if they're gonna be long like that.
Don't you have an esoteric blog?
Unironically vibes. And this:
More like one book.
I’ve read it, it’s Gnostic lit and not of a type I consider very impressive, I prefer what we have of the borborites and mandaeanism, like the Ginza rabbah, Trimorphic Protennoia, etc.
It’s more a diary I don’t write to be understood or accessible to others on it, I’ve also been using my notes in my phone for the same purpose thus not posting there.
people are saying read more, or think more. the main thing is actually just learning to read and to think WELL
Glad you liked my post but I'm nothing special. The advice to 'read more' really is right. 'preperception is half the perception of the looked for thing'—the more you read, the more you'll find your understanding enhanced by what you've read before. Prefaces, secondary, lectures, translators notes, rereading, all help with this. But beyond the usual active reading stuff, there really is no skeleton key. It's a skill you develop over time like any other.
gotta say though, poor crop of (you)'s this time desu
(you) are a faggot
Read Harold Bloom, Northrop Frye, Georg Lukacs, and other litcrit.
>uses "extremely" twice in the same sentence
If you wanted to be an effortposter, you'd go through the effort of diversifying your vocabulary.
This, and also take time to digest what you read, take notes, and basically sit and think about what you think about what you just read.
Idk I'm smart. I can't unsmart myself.
I'm sort of in the same boat as you. I'm not exceptional at everything and my interests are way too wide. It's hard to finish a book because something else will interest me more. I don't know if it's just a symptom of ADHD or what. It's not like I'm lazy. I read the same amount every day. Hours even. But I'll get halfway through a book and drop it. Should I find a way to embrace this or should I try to fix this? I went to my bookstore yesterday and got a bunch of different resources on logic because I figured it would reconcile my love for philosophy and my newer love for math. How did you guys become autistic in your favorite subject?
Thank you, OP, however I merely copy and paste answers from redditors who are certainly more intelligent than whoever posts here.
Please, immigrate to /x/. Schizos aren't welcomed here.
Meant to
Fuck off redditor