Wrote a story for class

>Wrote a story for class
>One of my peers claimed it was misogynistic

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well, was it?

I don't think it was. They basically complained that my story showed sex workers in a bad light.

I wrote an action story where the 2 leads were a snarky, serious badass action girl and a guy who could fight but had horrible anxiety around chicks. I still got told it was sexist and potentially upsetting to female readers.

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If it’s written by a cis male, it’s unironically sexist. Period.

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if it doesn't get called sexist is it even good?

A Room without Sexism
By user

Imagine a room without sexism. It has a table, but no legs to slide between. It has a lamp, but no switch to jiggle or chain to pull. It has a window, through which no sky-raping mountains, nor river-molested valleys are visible. You cannot come inside.


heh heh heh nice one bro, women owned

i liked it, dilate

Who said anything bad about women?

Ok? Then stop being misogynistic in your writing? Yikes dude, at least you were corrected early on. You just have to be more careful.

Here's the email my professor just sent me:


Due to the content of your story--and the approach you took to handling and discussing the content--I'm going to have to pull it from workshop for today. I can give you personal feedback on your story if you want, but I have to say that I think you took the wrong approach to it. Not only is it overtly misogynistic, but your approach to the Ukraine War and its refugees is baffling, patently untrue, and offensive. This is not to say that there aren't refugees using dating apps as you claim, but you felt no need to complicate or understand their narrative.

I know you are a fan of both enlightenment thinkers and Bret Easton Ellis, but you seem to be getting the wrong messages from either of these sources. Neither of the brothers in your story adopt any sense of Apollo-like discernment toward the world--not to mention the fact that most of the enlightenment's thinkers have definitely been scrutinized in the past two hundred years for their attitudes toward whom they considered to be fully "human"--and, likewise, Ellis's satire is not simply incendiary for the sake of being incendiary. If anything, most of his work satirizes the very characters you vindicate in your story. Patrick Bateman is not a hero; he does not symbolize an ideal. He symbolizes the greed, corruptibility, misogynism, and narcissism of Wall Street during that time period. Again, I think the wrong lessons have been learned and then applied to your story.

I'll still give you full credit for the story--I won't argue that clearly effort has been put into writing this--and, again, I can give thorough personal feedback if that's what you want, but if you want a story to be workshopped by your peers, I suggest you go back to the drawing board and either figure out how to make a more palatable and nuanced version of this story, or start fresh. I highly suggest you not aim for vileness for the sake of vileness. When it comes to satire and the incendiary heed this general rule of thumb: aim high, not low. In other words, are women refugees really an appropriate target to deride?

I hope this doesn't deter you from continuing to write but will help you move in the right direction toward what is both appropriate and productive. Let me know if you have any questions.

based teacher telling you to punch up instead of shitting on defenceless penniless families fleeing from war because you hate women

Hahahaha serves you right for thinking academia would do anything other than try to brainwash you.

I'm not even an English major, I just wanted an easy A.

Patrick Batman is the bad guy? Chudbros I dont feel so good...

>This is not to say that there aren't refugees using dating apps as you claim, but you felt no need to complicate or understand their narrative.

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serves you right chud

post the actual story ffs, dont be a fag

I'll post it in a bit. Right now I need to email back, contact a few administrators ahead of time, and ensure this whole situation doesn't spiral out of control.

Based professor

seems like a pretty good professor honestly desu

Patrick Bateman believes he’s is the bad guy because he has an awareness of the soulless social sphere he lives in, leading him to act on it. In the end he realizes his friends are just as psychopathic without realizing it, showing that Bateman has more of a conscience than other ironically. Brainlet professor

this is genuinely good advice and you should take it

The email was the story all along.

>punch up

Cringe, shartkrainians deserve ridicule

>is that [word that imagined enemy uses] aaaaaah I'm going insane!!

You sound like a faggot who idolizes Jordan Belfort, Patrick Bateman and rewatches Fight Club repeatedly

Lmao, so this is that Dante thread again but in reverse. Funny.

The sheer niggerness of modern education.

It's a cringe phrase for multiple reasons. Not only are you redditors fags, you're deluded beyond belief.

seethe chud

>it's cringe, it's reddit, it's anything it has to be that will absolve me from having to think

Cringe, kys tranny

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you're an absolute faggot

So far as I can tell, the target of this kind of thing is not the selected victim group so much as their hypocritical, moralizing, self-appointed defenders. In particular, it takes aim at the way in which the most ruthless, powerful people on earth have managed to make the cultural affectations of the left into their own tool.
It is possible to sympathize with the plight of Ukrainian women refugees, and oppose the invasion of Ukraine, but still find this funny, and the storytelling creative.

You're a moron who turns his brain off whenever he sees his preprogrammed scary word, you don't belong on a board ostensibly about the pursuit of knowledge, puffed-up pseud moron

Here's the story for anyone curious. I acknowledge it is not very good. I wrote it all in one day, and had to incorporate certain things such as the power going out, cat toy, etc.


no such thing as punching up, down, left, right
there is only punching someone

ironic, since people use the standin phrase "punch up" instead of thinking seriously about joking at others' expense

No it isn't

Here's my reply:

With all due respect, Professor, there are some things I must point out. First of all, if there was a problem with my story, you should have told me about it prior to publishing it on Canvas for my peers to read. I submitted my work to you on the 13th of Wednesday and my module for review wasn't made available until 17th. This means there were four whole days for you to reach out to me and express any concerns. Instead of this being made a private matter between you and me, this now involves other students. As a result, I'm not entirely sure I feel comfortable coming to class if I'm going to be treated like a leper. If there are assignments posted on Canvas, then I still plan to complete them for the sake of my grade.

Second, you yourself have assigned us misogynistic material in the past, such as Nilda by Junot Diaz, an author who has faced various accusations of sexual assault. I don't quite see why what I have written is anything different than what you have given us, which in my view is far more offensive than anything I have ever written. If you wish to scrutinize me over ethics, then please set a better example as to what is acceptable in the writing world.

Third, I must emphasize that the characters in my writing are fictitious individuals who do necessarily represent my own views or beliefs. This is certainly one of those instances. In my two years here at REDACTED, I have made sure to treat all my peers with respect, regardless of what characteristics they might possess.

Fourth, my story is not "vile for the sake of vileness". The language used by my characters is designed to reflect the attitudes many young men (not including myself) hold towards certain groups of people. If anyone was to write a story about the Antebellum South, then it would be a strong misrepresentation of that era to have characters speak in a politically correct tone, especially in regard to African Americans.

Fifth, please do not assume I take after or am necessarily a fan of certain past writers. Although I am a fan of Ellis and use Kantian philosophy of freedom in the story, I have never claimed to be a fan of the latter or any other "Enlightenment Thinkers" who have been scrutinized for their personal beliefs. This seems like a strawman to liken me to writers whose views wouldn't be accepted in the 21st Century Liberal West.

Sixth, I understand some of the themes in my story might not have been made very transparent, such as the Apollo - Dionysius Dichotomy. This is a result of me not building upon certain literary elements, which I would've explained in class.

If there's anything more to say, please contact me personally.

eh it's close enough for me

Your latest in fashion twitter phrase isn't proof of your independent thought. Quite the opposite.

mind numbing retardation. you shit out npc platitudes and then say this?

>being overly defensive over some random assignment
Yikes. No wonder you're still single.

user just write whatever drivel you think they’ll find acceptable, get your degree, and move on
don’t waste time arguing with these people

You have to allow access.

Some words just describe concepts, anything about twitter is manufactured solely in your mentally ill little mind, you deranged retard

Of course I'm being defensive, I'm being accused of shit which could land me in trouble if someone makes a big stink out of all this.
Sorry user, it should work now.

>he thought academia was a place where humans can exist
just take the easy way out and write works which criticize principles from the Age of Enlightenment only because they contradict other principles from the Age of Enlightenment (which your works ostensibly portray as the “true” or “superior” principles), and never for any other reason. Criticize reason for being in opposition to things like tolerance or individualism or humanism. Criticize liberty or equality for sometimes being in opposition to the other. Academics eat that shit up, they’re predictable and retarded and they want to believe in the subset of principles from the Age of Enlightenment which makes them happy but they don’t want to be associated with the principles that contradict those or with the Enlightenment itself. Academia is not a place for independent thought, you are there to get a certificate and then to leave it forever.

Christ user. As much as you're right that your professor is a fag, you're a much larger fag to choose this hill to die on. You should've literally just written some brain dead normie NPC woke garbage and moved on.

I hope you didn't send this yet, it comes across as both overly defensive and accusational towards your prof. Most of the focus should be on how you're writing characters that capture a current sentiment that is not your own, and that this point just have been missed. Don't forget that this institution can screw you over it you give them the slightest reason; don't give them any more.

>dumb frog poster is dumb all around

too many swear words

Just post the story already.

Kek at all the hamplanets seething about a story about dating a hot Ukrainian. You know the professor was fine with it and a ham planet dyke-oid army assaulted him and his npc brain couldn’t resist a riled up mob.

i can't request access :(

Damn, this is bad. You keep slipping into present tense and the characters talk with all the fluidity and normality of robots.

>“But that will change tonight!” I thought to myself in the cafe.
To whom else could he think to?

His imaginary friend

>In other words, are women refugees really an appropriate target to deride?

That's actually what I think happened. It was up for an entire day for peer review. The first two guys who reviewed it had no problem with it, but then a third person reviewed it and started railing about how railing on sex workers was misogynisitc. After a few minutes, I saw that it was deleted, then I received the email.
I usually don't write vulgar language in my work. I was in a rush and when I read it back I noticed it was awful.
I tried editing out all use of present tense, but I guess I missed some words. Dialogue is indeed a bit robotic.

Good story. The Apollonian-Dionysian theme is clear as day if that was your assignment. Your professor needs a way to grade this without the hamplanet army banning you from proverbial twitter. Try to avoid conflict and emotional confrontation with the professor

>“Well, what happened?”

>I told him about how when I was about to tell her to leave the thunder took out the power, and how she had probably stolen from me.

>“At least you didn’t catch something from her.”

>“I did kiss her throughout the night.”

>“And every man she’s ever been with.”

>I gagged. “Please don’t remind me.”

>Lukas began to laugh. “Oh well, I’ll be back in Germany within two weeks. Maybe the cops will catch that bitch by then. Want to go drinking?”

>“No,” I responded. “I need to learn to live in reality. I don’t want to be loose anymore.”

>“Oh please, you’ll change your mood when I get there. We’re Deutsch, we like to party! I’ll tell you all about the crazy things I did. You know how we Germans like to make a mess of ourselves over there. ”
>And now here I sit again at the Kranzler, eagerly awaiting the company of my brother back from his Odyssey. Though we may tease and ridicule each other for all sorts of things, it was brotherly kinship where I found true love and freedom.

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Post story

Do not send this. Your story is absolute garbage tier and does not deserve any defense. Take the grade and run. You're lucky your retarded prof would ever give this piece of shit full marks.