In this thread, we discuss the Bible: one of the most popular books on Yea Forums.
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Thread theme: What does "grace" refer to in the Bible?
In this thread, we discuss the Bible: one of the most popular books on Yea Forums.
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Thread theme: What does "grace" refer to in the Bible?
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why was it jannied the lasf few rounds?
Is there a popular refutation of the Schofield Bible that anyone would recommend? I have begun annotating differences that are particularly egregious between translations but I'd be interested in having a supplementary and easily accessible religiously based historical (wow what a mouthful) reference for many of his I hope that makes sense.
jannie is probs an atheist
Because it belongs to
I've asked here before about an explanation for dispensationalism vs covenant theology and never got an answer. I know someone mentioned they felt Schofield had done significant damage to Christianity so maybe whoever it was will address your concern
Basically we aren't deserving but recieve salvation from God anyway because of his love
Started reading Matthew Henry's Commentary today. Don't know how long it will take me to finish it.
Moses got ripped off. He did all he did for soo many, and crafted a great relationship with God, and then God takes his life before he reaches the promise land.
I feel bad for this.
It doesn't. The Bible was voted the best book by Yea Forums last year and this thread is for discussions on the book. It just triggers atheists for no reason when they could simply hide it.
As long as he went to heaven afterwards who cares about earthly rewards
I mean, heaven probably is way better than the promised land.
I don’t know why you guys larp and pretend to be Christian here, but then again, this is the only form of social interaction you’ll ever get.
Only the Catholics and Orthodox are larping.
>I don’t know why you guys larp and pretend to be Christian here
They want to feel good about themselves, not to mention special. No real Christian would ever come to Yea Forums.
>most sold book on the planet doesn't belong on Yea Forums
I got saved from a religion thread on Yea Forums
This is pretty good
(You) sound like the ones criticizing Jesus for those He went to. This evil shithole is desperate for ambassadors of Christ.
How is it? I've been debating getting E Sword and reading it in conjunction with my Bible
Just bought a small prayer book to encourage myself to practice my faith in through praying in my daily life. So far i’ve felt much better.
>I've been debating getting E Sword
dude, it's free
Printed =/= sold, dumbass. Most bibles are given away free.
it's both, dumbass
I know but I have to fix my computer or get a new one which will require some investment.
I also have a couple other commentaries that while not perfect have been insightful
Sounds about right.
I don’t know if my fellowship with the Lord is out fear or love. I think it’s a mixture of both, I don’t want to do good works just out of fear of earthy or even divine punishment — but at the same time I shouldn’t worry because Christ died on the cross for humanities sake. I believe this stems from my unwavering anxiety of other people, Man himself: because they don’t share Christs infinite mercy, you mess up once and you’re guilty by the time they set eyes on you.
Shouldn’t fear of punishment be a valid fear because the sin clogs your connection with Christ? I wouldn’t call it a servant kind of relationship— I don’t want to have servant-Master dynamic with God but as a loving and merciful relationship.
Thanks user
There is no heaven for a Jew.
Grace is the favour of the Holy Spirit of the Lord God.
What do western Catholics think of Tolstoy? Is his philosophy even known to them? I'm indifferent to religion, and Tolstoy is what makes the most sense to me by far when regarding Christian worldview.
You are confused because you follow the Protestant doctrines which are false.
Peter said in no uncertain terms we must "live as God’s slaves." Paul said to "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."
He's not in the Bible and neither are Catholics. This is a Bible thread.
My impression of Tolstoy is the he came to God at the end of his life out of fear rather than any true love. His Christianity has always seemed to me as particularly performative. What can be said other than he stands in the great shadow of Dostoevsky, as do all those of lesser faith.
>What does "grace" refer to in the Bible?
Grace is actively and continually working in the lives of God’s people. Paul credited the success of his ministry not to his own substantial labors but to “the grace of God that was with me” (1 Corinthians 15:10). Grace is the ongoing, benevolent act of God working in us, without which we can do nothing (John 15:5). Grace is greater than our sin (Romans 5:20), more abundant than we expect (1 Timothy 1:14), and too wonderful for words (2 Corinthians 9:15). As the recipients of God’s grace, Christians are to be gracious to others. Grace is given to us to serve others and to exercise our spiritual gifts for the building up of the church.
>I've asked here before about an explanation for dispensationalism vs covenant theology
>What are the differences between dispensationalism and covenantalism?
>Covenantal and Dispensational Theologies: Four Views on the Continuity of Scripture
>Dispensationalism and the History of Redemption: A Developing and Diverse Tradition
>Wrongly Dividing the Word of Truth: A Critique of Dispensationalism
Who cares? It's frivolous legalism.
Have you done good works upon the poor today? If not, why worry about these dictionary definitions?
>neither are Catholics
>Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.
Delusional protnig cope
Don’t respond to Prots in the way they respond to us, let them continue to expose themselves
It's true. Who would larp as a Protestant?
Which angel is the angel in Isaiah 37:36?
>What does "grace" refer to in the Bible?
A free gift from God.
>And seeth two angels in white sitting, the one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain.
>And they say unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? She saith unto them, Because they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him.
>And when she had thus said, she turned herself back, and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus.
>Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away.
>Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master.
I was pondering the other day how amazing it was how all He had to do was say her name, and she recognized Him. It had also not occurred to me before that this happened despite her asking merely moments ago where He was buried, and personally witnessing His crucifixion. It makes me self-conscious of my own faith, or lack thereof, unfortunately.
How did Matthew know what the Magi had revealed in their dreams? How did they know what Pilate said to Jesus and how other private conversations went? How did they know what Jesus said on the cross and why are the accounts so different?
Gee I don't know it's not like God himself spoke to the Apostles ... Oh wait.
>and every priest after you, who is voted into office by a college of bastard or second-born children of Italian noblemen, is also the rock upon which I will build my church. And I'm not only building my church upon the rock that you are, but I am sustaining my church on a succession of rocks who inherit the rockness of the rock before them!
>oh and my father will barely heed your prayers, and I probably won't either, so just pray to my mother Mary, the perpetual virgin, the repurposed mother-goddess of pagan cults, and she will pass it on to me. She is a perpetual virgin, by the way, pay no mind to my mention of my brothers and sisters.
>oh and you can worship Saints and stuff too. Actually Saints are so saintly that if you buy their good deeds you can reduce the time you spend in purgatory
>what's purgatory, you ask? what, didn't I mention it at any point during my ministry? silly me! You should be able to hash it out with church tradition or whatever
Yeah I loved these parts of the bible
oh and I forgot when Jesus famously said this, too, to justify Catholic dogma:
>Now that you have my words, you can translate them into the language of my favourite bishopric, where my succession of church-sustaining Rocks rule my church, and then don't worry translating the gospels after this. It's all the better if the dumb masses don't know how to speak Latin anymore, just keep the gospels as a sort of secret incantation that only you can speak. Actually don't even let the dumb masses read the gospels. Just read it at them in a language they don't speak and that's good enough. And actually if anyone attempts to translate the bible into a language they can read, you need to burn them at the stake, because it was only acceptable for laity to read the gospels for like the first few hundred years after I died, and now they don't need to understand it. And actually you don't need to teach them how to read this secret language anymore either
I also loved reading these parts of the bible that justified Catholic dogma
Yes because Jesus never talked to the Saints in the Bible ... Oh wait. He spoke to Elijah and Moses on the mountain.
And it's not like prayers for the dead were mentioned in 2 Maccabees 12:43-44 causing the Protestant "reformer" Martin Luther to seethe so hard he had to remove that book from the Vulgate that had been established for 1500 years.
Surely these opinions are all motivated by strict theological reasoning rather than blind anti-Catholic hatred. Obviously Protestants attack all Churches equally based on their authoritative understanding of Christian doctrine. Why the number of times I've heard Protestants rage against the Orthodox interpretation of filioque is surely in the thousands... Oh wait.
Based and accuratepilled.
Yes and I remember that part of the Bible where Jesus famously said
> Don't form One Church. Form hundreds of individual Churches all interpreting the scriptures in your own way. Allow women priests, homosexuals, transgenders. The most important thing is that you believe the Five Solae of some angry man child and repeat "salvation is by faith alone" as loud as you can if anybody ever questions you.
why are you wasting your life reading this pile of shit?
What would you read instead?
I converted to Christianity whilst I was still seeing my atheist girlfriend and over the past couple of months she went from confused and “turned off” (her words) to interested and always asking me questions about the faith.
She’s very kind and understanding but I’d like to try and convert her, however, I don’t want to force it upon her because I accepted Christ through a lot of research and self deliberation.
Anyone else had experience with an atheist partner?
I want her to be saved, bros.
God alone saves, Protfaggot.
White Fragility
seems great.
God is your Father. that's the relationship.
What could you be afraid of?
God is our Father, and wants the best for us. He knows better, and knows we are weak. thay's why He disciplines us, that we may not keep in error, and learn to follow the path He set for us.
The parable of the rich man and Lazarus. Abraham is in heaven.
I know you're a troll, but it might've scandalized someone.