Are there any good novels that depict a loving relationship from a woman's point of view written by a woman? Sometimes I wonder if women are only capable of maternal love.
Are there any good novels that depict a loving relationship from a woman's point of view written by a woman...
Molly's soliloquy.
Joyce was a man. I want to know how women experience love.
We'll never know, because women can't write about it without being oversentimental. That's why a man like Joyce was needed.
Women don't truly "love" men, at least not in the same intoxicating way men can. Woman's "love" is either a respect for his social standing and material resources, or a primal infatuation with his physical masculinity and sexual prowess.
Any women (not trans - no offence) that can chime in?
I am very curious.
Where do you think you are
Woman here. He’s wrong we truly love men and we don’t care about stuff like money or social status or even height or physical attractiveness. What matters most is a good man who can make us laugh.
>or a primal infatuation with his physical masculinity and sexual prowess.
ye its totally not like that for men -.-
>What matters most is a good man who can make us laugh.
define a good man.
Someone who treats me like a lady
define a lady
Women don't love at all, women have accessories. An accessory for every hole and a hole for every occasion. Men can't be friends with women, even when they become women themselves. This lack of friendship means that partnership isn't possible.
A woman who deserves respect
respect is earned. How would you earn it?
my diary
this woman is wrong another woman here, women as a group absolutely care about money, social status, height, and physical attractiveness, and also if he's a good man who can make us laugh. GET TO IT, BOYS
I love my husband dearly and am extremely loyal to him. desu, I don't know exactly why. He wasn't very attractive when we got together (changed with maturity), not successful (unemployed and still is) and has no social status. But we have the same moral standards, the same hobbies and interests, can talk for hours and have the same humour. Basically, we've been sitting in the same room for 18 years and don't get bored of each other.
Can't imagine ever being with someone else.
So we need money, social status, height, and physical attractiveness in order for you to give us the time of day. May I ask, what do you have to offer in return, besides from your ass? You’re lucky women look and smell nice because everything else about you guys is detestable and utterly repugnant. I didn’t even mention the speed with which you would abandon a man if a taller, richer, more attractive one came along. I hate you.
Correct, I hate women too.
Based and go to r9k pilled
>you would abandon a man if a taller, richer, more attractive one came along. I hate you.
i think if she has developed a deep emotional bond and she has associated your approval with her well being then you can probably weather that storm.
>May I ask, what do you have to offer in return, besides from your ass?
Nothing ofc, which is why you only rejoice in being free from this horrible scam, right?
Folks, this is what severe mental illness looks like.
0 pussy take
The fact it’s even considered a storm is reason enough to hate women. They have no sense of loyalty.
Not sure what you’re trying to do here. “Incels are mad they don’t have sex with women and therefore women are good.” Is this the product of women trying to be clever? Most “incels” you see online are upset about women because they’re hedonistic, superficial, and no longer see value in being a wife or a mother. They only people that are happy with the situation are hedonistic men who enjoy casual sex and don’t want the responsibility of a committed relationship or parenthood and are therefore as detestable as women.
Sigma male
Most women who write usually suffer from mental illness or neurodivergency, the ones who are actually happily in a relationship doesn't write books about it
>you would abandon a man if a taller, richer, more attractive one came along
Perhaps you're just a stagnating piece of shit and the woman you ended up with is beyond your league if she's able to get somebody better than you with such ease. Or what, she's supposed to sacrifice herself out of some nebulous sense of charity? Love you just the way you are? What the hell does that even mean. Such things lead to resentment in a relationship and hardly love. At most the love would be performative and nothing more. Same goes for her, of course, if she's shooting above her weight and can't really give back or be of use to this hypothetical more successful male. Pragmatically speaking, one should strive to improve, to remain interesting for ones partner and expect for the partner to do the same.
No matter how much you try and dress it up, all these in-concrete morals are there to hide the weaselly nature of an underachiever who's using them as leverage in hopes of gaining more than giving. Such a relationship is simply bad business for one and a bargain for the other.
>Or what, she's supposed to sacrifice herself out of some nebulous sense of charity? Love you just the way you are?
Holy fuck, please kill yourself immediately. Yes, isn’t the whole point of love is meant to be mutual sacrifice and mutual acceptance of one another as they are? I guess not, it’s just about pragmatic hedonism to you guys. I suppose all the romance literature gave me the wrong expectations about love. Wouldn’t you at least consider being loyal to your partner if you had kids, for their sake? Islam is right about women.
Men can literally only love a woman if they're attractive.
I actually did just that, although I can't imagine to ever want it published.
>Not sure what you’re trying to do here
Pointing out that if women have nothing of value to offer you, then you have no reason to be upset about them not giving you anything.
>They only people that are happy with the situation are hedonistic men who enjoy casual sex and don’t want the responsibility of a committed relationship or parenthood and are therefore as detestable as women.
Well, there are also the men and women who are actually married.
Yeah, and what do men consider attractive vs what women consider attractive? Men just want a woman who isn’t fat or unhygienic which isn’t a high bar. Women want men to be tall, which isn’t in control, and muscular, which isn’t just being not fat. Women are much harsher on men when it comes to appearance.
>Pointing out that if women have nothing of value to offer you, then you have no reason to be upset about them not giving you anything.
That’s not really how it works. Women are incapable of giving me what I want, but the abstract ideal still exists in my mind, and so when reality falls short of that I can still feel disappointment.
The storm referred to temptation of attractive people. Men face these temptations too, and can choose to be loyal their woman, or cheat. The same as a woman can be loyal to a man, or leave him.
We have free will.
The reality is there are a lot of attractive people in the world, some of them more attractive than you, but if you have a foundation like i said:
>she has developed a deep emotional bond and she has associated your approval with her well being
Then maybe she will find you a more life affirming option?
>women have free will
That, right there, is the problem.
you dont need it all at once, what you do is pick what your strengths are and focus on that, and find women who are attracted to that
there are absolutely women out there who are actually attracted to social status, money, and "success" and go after a man with those even though he is a disgusting pale lizardskin, with a cowardly small soul, shirking from any danger or risk, aspiring only for bugman consumerism
and there are women who won't give a shit how much money a man makes if he's not a tanned muscular chad
pick what your strengths are
Ah yes, trying to leverage the authority of a horde to pressure others to accept your shitty scams. Because without that you "as you are" aren't worth shit. You simply are an underachieving greedy commie.
You can tell this user hit a nerve in the femoid "soul" by all the seething roastie (You)s he's getting.
>complain about women being morally detestable
>people reply with advice on how to impress women
Why the fuck are you people like this? Whenever someone criticises women you just assume they can’t get laid and try to help them with unsolicited advice. I have had sex before. I literally just hate women and no amount of sex can change that. The fact you think having sex will change my opinions about women just proves my point that they have nothing to offer but sex.
She was cucking him.
If she didn't have free will her love would mean nothing.
The Return of the Soldier by Rebecca West and To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.
Women experience love much the same way as men.
My wife loves me. I am poor, I live frugally with few possessions and I work a humble job as a teacher. I am also impotent. We've been happy for eight years.
Respect is not earned, it's something you give to everyone. Your level of respect can increase or decrease based on experience with an individual, but respect should always be anyone you meet.
Only to realise in the end that he was the best of all of them. Sure, she doesn't seem remorseful, but you can't say she doesn't love.
Spoken like someone who's never had sex.
>but the abstract ideal still exists in my mind, and so when reality falls short of that I can still feel disappointment
Well that means you only have yourself to get angry at.
Nah, I would like to raise kids with a woman who has a sense of empathy without having to worry about her cheating on me, divorcing me, taking half of what I own, and raising my children in a way I disagree with. A society that can’t offer me that isn’t a society worth participating in. That’s exactly why pic related is an issue.
These "men" are addicted to video games and porn, unwilling to behave like adults and CHOOSE to exploit their doting parents. Why should any woman want to be with them?
When ancient Rome gave women equal rights they started being hedonistic and irresponsible. No men had any motivation to get married and single motherhood was rampant. A few centuries later, Rome collapsed back into the stone age. Women literally cannot be trusted with equal rights and need to be subservient to men for the good of society.
everything in life comes with risk, it is unavoidable. there is a problem with modern society, but there is also a problem with some of your expectations and thinking.
read a book called practical female psychology for the practical man.
The men are addicted to videogames because men want a predictable result from engaging in activity. Play game = points. Participate in society =/= loyal wife and profitable career. Also, men becoming like this comes after the sexual liberation of women. This generation of men has been raised by the single mothers who were sexually irresponsible in their youth. It’s just further proof of why monogamy is necessary and women’s tendency to trade up for a better partner is detrimental.
it is a little bit more complicated, i can assure you. although a certain percentage of them are certainly what you accuse them of, a significant amount of them genuinely are in a tough spot in a variety of unfortunate ways.
Everybody has their weaknesses and addictions, some are more socially acceptable than others. If the person has potential and you offer them a better deal beyond addiction, it's possible to convince them that they profit more from moving on. If, on the other hand, you offer nothing but guilt, judgement and resentment then there is no point for them to abandon more pleasurable activities for your sake.
>Islam is right about women.
islam is pragmatic hedonism tbf.
>Respect is not earned, it's something you give to everyone.
spoken like a woman. respect is absolutely earned.
>but respect should always be anyone you meet
or what, motherfucker?
Really makes you think. Does this mean that woman is a whore by nature?
I can't wait until the day that consent is no longer needed. Its just a spook
Pol Pot had the right idea
The material base of patriachy hasn't existed since the 1970s but the social/cultural spheres still act like it is here. We get millennial women who've never lived in it using it to exalt their "oppression" while regulating and enforcing it to keep power socially and culturally and obsuce the fact they're the systems new favourite. Men are still seen as requiring to provide to be valuable and also disposable if failing to, while we complain about rising wealth/income equality but making sure to never compare the two. Men escape in to porn and video games to deal with reduced life circumstances.
TLDR: Most people, especially women are refusing to adjust to the last fifty years, and in most cases are intentionally lying to keep power/