You WILL have sex with used goods

You WILL have sex with used goods.

Attached: John_Green.jpg (400x400, 29.7K)

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Define "used goods."

What is this about? John Green said we shouldn’t judge women for their body counts or something? Please explain.

what incel call normal-ass people


Probably some inherently dissonant view of women who've had a boyfriend before as used objects, as said by people who otherwise feel their individualism has been trampled and, most likely, drive used cars, eat pre-slaughtered meat, play video games other men have already played, and try to find "gotcha" moments in the above, as if disproving the logic of these statements doesn't also disprove their ideas towards non-virgin women... from within the scope of their bugman ideology of people-as-things.

He said it's absurd to judge women by their body count cause it's just a number, so you shouldn't care the mother of your children is a whore, it's not your business, your business is to pay up and listen to her complaints

like the user below you; pure sour grapes because they got a low body count.

we live in an age where most if not all STIs could be cured the same way poison effects could be removed in a Bethesda game.
previous partner epigenetics dont affect your offsprings.
people dont get "stuck" in their route/personality/caste/station after age 30-35.
and covid vax+boosters dont guarantee infertility.

>if you have standards you're a stupid incel!!! stop having standards please
I'm convinced!

You WILL make low quality off topic threads on Yea Forums.

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Maybe I'm wrong but by the logic of used goods would I not see used objects as some something that just lies around and the ambivalent feeling towards it. If I were to use women in that way would I not have the same reactions as I would driving a used car?

Maybe you shouldn't be on Yea Forums 24/7

Women who is so easy she fucked a lot of guys which means she probably has/had many stds, teared up vagina and anus and mental problems. Think of a car which you used so much that starts having a lot of problems because of that.

>people dont get "stuck" in their route/personality/caste/station after age 30-35.
No this happens in your 20s; after 25 most people just stick to what they are. Why do you think Boomers still listen to music they found in there teens/20s.

>e probably has/had many stds, teared up vagina and anus and mental problems

>which means she probably has/had many stds, teared up vagina and anus and mental problems.
Also shows she's of low moral fiber and likely unfit for being a wife.

I'll have sex?

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What makes you think I am? Stop making shit threads, this is not Yea Forums; go whine on your containment board.

>we live in an age where most if not all STIs could be cured the same way poison effects could be removed in a Bethesda game.
What world do you live in?

I'm dating a girl for some months now. Everything is great, but she has a lot more sexual experience than me. That great in one hand because the sex is nice, but I get uncomfortable when I ask her "have you ever done x?" And her answer is always yes. It's like all her first-time memories have been claimed by other people and she'll always think of other men when doing x with you. Of course, she says she's never done anal, for example, but it's hard to believe it when she's sucked a guy in a public bus or had sex in a park. I'll try to escalate that to see how far I can get until we try something I'm sure she's never tried before - which may not even be good, for I don't enjoy full blown degeneracy.

do you fucking retards never stop and wonder why the concept of marriage and the value placed on virginity have been staples every functioning civilisation in history? have you ever thought that there might be something to that? maybe you haven't or maybe you're just coping with the fact that you wont ever get a woman who hasn't had half a hundred other mens dicks in them

pic related

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Lol, people who legitimately think like that are the reason we have aids, genital herpes and super gonorrhea resistant to antibiotics


>Of course, she says she's never done anal, for example, but it's hard to believe it when she's sucked a guy in a public bus or had sex in a park.
My wife sucked me on public transit and had sex with me in a park way, WAY before we did anal - I deflowered her in a forest, ffs.

> I'll try to escalate that to see how far I can get until we try something I'm sure she's never tried before - which may not even be good, for I don't enjoy full blown degeneracy.
You are destroying your life for the sake of caving in to retarded spooks in your head. If you can't cope with the fact that she had sex with people other than you - dump her and move on. If you can, then just stop giving a fuck and enjoy having sex with someone who managed to get good at it instead of having her learn, slow and tedious and possibly never quite getting there.

Whores are horrible, but incels are retarded. Those are not mutually-exclusive concepts.

>never quite getting there
Bro, it's pretty fucking simple. Just hump her until you get your dopamine hit. There is no deep complex skill required. Your better off getting a job or something.

>the effects of early sex on happiness
>the effects of early sex on depression
Have you completely ruled out the possibility that unhappy and depressed people are more likely to be promiscuous?

What's an incel? Something ducks walk on?

Why are incels retarded? In japan half of the men with 30 years never had sex, and virginity is even rising on the west (20% of males in college)


It clearly doesn't help and may be born of the desire for validation through sex.

This. These fucking simps really annoy me. Waiting until marriage isn’t just a religious superstition thing. Since the sexual revolution premarital sex has become more common and so has single motherhood and divorce.

The wife’s premarital sex partner count correlates with marital instability and likelihood of divorce. Your woman’s body count is not just a number, it is a number that can predict the success of your marriage.

I will not have sex.

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>t. incels
user was right, both groups are annoying and retarded

>Why are incels retarded?
Because instead of solving their problem (by employing a paid whore) or finding a way to cope with said problem (accepting that life without sex is actually alright), they prefer to fixate on how assblasted said problem makes them, and build their worldview around this emotional distress.

With this worldview being based entirely on emotional sentiment, it does not manage to actually reflect reality and it's nature in any way - it only reflects the original sentiment. It is dumb and dysfunctional and doesn't contribute to solving the problem in any way. It's dumb.

Incels make a decision to suffer and be wrong in order to keep suffering. That is somewhat in line with what is retarded.

>it is a number that can predict the success of your marriage.
It's an abstract. You're treating statistics as if they predict. They don't. Nothing short of 100% is a prediction. It's an indicator. This might seem like I'm arguing semantics, but I'm really not. I don't care if you say it indicates or predicts, you are TREATING it as if it's a prediction. You're basing so much of your ideology around the idea that if you marry a virgin, your marriage is magically more likely, IN THAT SPECIFIC INSTANCE, to be more successful. Maybe that 8% divorce rate is peppered with people who expect their virgin marriage to be successful to the point where they don't do the work required for a healthy relationship. Maybe the 50% divorce rate with sluts is actually the rate of people who don't want to do the work and know they can do better.

Crucially: maybe the 90% "success" rate of virginal marriages has a huge percentage of couples who stay together but are incredibly unhappy.

This all boils back down to this bugman mentality, by which raw statistics rule the day, and nuance doesn't exist. Is a couple that stays together really a happy marriage? How many unhappy marriages have you seen?

It's always completely beside the point with you people. Who you call "incels" are just guys who recognize the social paradigm has changed, and they don't like it. That's it. They're not retarded, you are. You deny the reality that these guys are pointing to, basically cramming your fingers in your ears and screeching insults, and you recommend paying a prostitute or becoming a monk as a reasonable alternative to marriage and family.

>employing a paid whore
In many countries whores are illegal or too expensive
>accepting that life without sex is actually alright
Lmao sex is basically one of the primary human needs and the main reason most people live their lifes for

You don’t actually understand what you’re talking about if you think the incel problem isn’t something the government needs to act to solve. If you think the rise of virginity since the popularization of social media isn’t a big problem of society as a whole you’re dumb.

Also, missing from this series of graphs: percentage of SECOND-time marriages ending in divorce.

How does paying a whore achieve emotional intimacy?

maybe noone here is old or experienced enough to realize that women with more "experience" in general make way worse partners. an otherwise perfect girlfriend with a huge bodycount does not exist, some of us learned the hard way. it's always daddy issues. women are not like men, as much as we would want them to be, so we could understand them better. My advice would be, never settle for less, but you have to apply this to all aspects of your life.

Nothing short of 100% is a prediction
stopped reading here. you're clearly coping

Who said anything about being a wife? You know that you don't have to marry the first girl you have sex with.

I'm in the 99.99th percentile across multiple spectra. I believe in the marginal circumstances. They are my lived experience.

You're making a lot of assumptions about his ideology. Also, you contradicted yourself here
>as if they predict. They don't. Nothing short of 100% is an indicator
>I don't care if you say it indicates or predicts
You bring up probability - that's exactly what that user is getting at. These things affect the probability of a successful marriage. Nothing is guaranteed and there are always exceptions, but rates and statistics are things to consider when you're making a decision.

What's an incel?

I'm sincerely happy for you, but I can't make decisions based on exceptions.

depends how much you pay them

>In many countries whores are illegal
>or too expensive
Everything is expensive. Stop being poor.
>Lmao sex is basically one of the primary human needs and the main reason most people live their lifes for
Then certainly you are capable of mustering up sufficient funds in order to provide said primary need for yourself, especially when most people around you manage that just fine? Otherwise you are straight up incapable.

>"no I can't make enough money and being a wagie is horrible anyhow"
Well, that's either a (you) problem or an employment problem, but not a femoids problem, innit?

>If you think the rise of virginity since the popularization of social media isn’t a big problem of society as a whole you’re dumb.
Society has no problems. People and groups of people have problems. You not being able to have sex is (you)r problem. People who can get laid and married don't suffer from it and therefore don't care.
People who can afford prostitutes of gold digger sex wives care even less.
The big mommy gobermint does not care either - it is made out of the latter group of people and works for their benefit. They don't care about demographics either, since they can import workforce from places that still do breed rapidly.
>"but muh replacement"
Again - they don't care.
>"but society will collapse"
(You) shall collapse. They'll do fine, and they don't care about you.

If women are le bad on principle (due to le emotional brains or submissiveness or what is it today), then you can never have emotional intimacy with a women. Do a Plato and love men or something. If women are not le bad on principle, then you can find yourself a virgin or even do the unthinkable and have emotional intimacy with a women who is a sex-haver while you are not.

>If women are le bad on principle (due to le emotional brains or submissiveness or what is it today), then you can never have emotional intimacy with a women.
A woman is like a pet you can fuck.

But you see, even if a guy is having a lot of sex by paying prostitutes society will still call him a loser (can’t have sex without paying, can’t have a girlfriend/wife/family,…)

>A woman is like a pet you can fuck.
Then rent one for money before you attain fearsome wizard powers.

People will call everyone but themselves losers as long as nobody calls them out on it.

Brit, and a total faggot. Just amazing.
>society has no problems
>People and groups of people have problems
user, do you understand what society is?
>society doesn't care
I think that's a big point in all of this
>(You) shall collapse. They'll do fine,
I think there were people like you in Rome in late antiquity, sneering at anyone who brought up the invasions and the over-reliance on slave labor

How the hell has nobody posted cheerios.jpg yet?

? Should incels break the law to have sex?
>Everything is expensive. Stop being poor.
How do people stop being poor?
>especially when most people around you manage that just fine? Otherwise you are straight up incapable.
What do you say about the continuously rise of virginity among humans since social media being a thing? Do you think 50% of 30 years old people never having sex is a normal thing? Why are people becoming each year more incapable of having sex?
>Society has no problems.
Lmao. Never there were more people depressed and with mental problems than there is now. This isn’t a problem?

>I think there were people like you in Rome in late antiquity, sneering at anyone who brought up the invasions and the over-reliance on slave labor
Of course. That's the whole point. Nobody is going to save you. You don't get to be the big brain who sees the evil giant coming and slays him - all the fellows with the giant-slaying swords happen to be the ones who employed the giant, they welcome his coming and all the devastation that he brings. If you feel like being an hero, dismantle them, not your school crush who downloaded Tinder.

Ah, right, you can't do shit about them either, but being angry about your waifu is just that much more visceral.

Is there a point to this bizarre bangers-n-mash fueled rant?

I quit my job today, my career even. when my co workers asked why, I looked them right in the eyes and said i refuse to contribute to society unless it starts providing me with unlimited, convenient access to 18 year old pussy.

I am never working another day in my life until I wake up one morning and there is a white, busty (natural) blonde (also natural) 18 year old on my doorstep with blue eyes and an intact hymen that has never had tiktok or instagram and wants to have my children. She must also have no tattoos, has never been out of the state, and has a good relationship with both her parents, who are themselves still married and very much in love with no history of infidelity on the mothers side. Until then I will spend my time mining as much proof of work crypto as humanly possible, making deep fake porn of leftwing women, reading Yea Forums, and refusing to pay any taxes. every time someone criticises my decision, I will donate $50 to an anti LGBT organisation, I will also from here onwards spend an inordinate amount of time harrassing women who have decided to murder their children on social media, as well as people who call themselves polygamous or wittingly enter into open relationships. Furthermore, I will be cutting all sex-havers out of my life until said demands are met. this is the future the democrats chose, get out of my way you fat tranny