We MUST stick together

we MUST stick together

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Other urls found in this thread:


replace fa with fit and im in

Yea Forums /n/ /out/

fuck off chud

This guy is a skinny homophile that certifiably eats shit and cum.

Yea Forums is awful
/fa/ is basically a dead board at this point
Yea Forums reigns supreme, always

fit went downhill, more than this board did

mine is /fit/ Yea Forums /ic/

> Gayest boards not directly related to sex or homosexuality.
Patrician boards = /x/, /fit/, /sci/, and Yea Forums.
Yea Forums is retarded and /fa/ is dead.

Wouldn't /ic/ make more sense?


>Yea Forums

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mu is absolute trash

Unironically the greatest non-gay shithole on this site. Generals are containment threads for faggots from vk or taringa that can't type in english.

/bizlit/ for me. Though /biz/ is fucking trash these days so I mostly just browse Yea Forums now. Reading is my hobby until crypto either dies completely or gets cool again.

/pol/ and Yea Forums are brothers in war

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replace Yea Forums with /x/ and im in.


mu is onions af

I'm terminally addicted to Yea Forums and even so I managed to quit visiting Yea Forums, that's how dogshit it is.

Exactly, which is a shame because I love music.

>the 'hipster' boards
yeah based...

Fuck Yea Forums . That's all.

The only true brother is /sci/
/x/ is the retarded half-brother we try to forget about

it’s Yea Forums and /x/ for me senpai, and /ck/ here and then

who /split/ here?

Yea Forums and sometimes /film/
everything else is traaaaash

Yea Forums and /fa/ are lost causes and deserve to be Sodom and Gommorah'd like /qa/.

Yea Forums Yea Forums /vr/ are mine and sometimes /pol/

Fuck /pol/ and not for the political views. Its just slide threads and retards who believe in the most inane conspiracy theories who then argue with eachother over it.
>ukraine is da jews
>naaoh rusuh ish duh jjjjeeewssf

just /diy/ and /out/

I'd go with Yea Forums instead, comics are books too, and they make pseuds fume.

comics are fine if we're talking artsy franco-belgian BDs, everything else is shite.


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fuck off dark academia fag

They're right in that both sides is da jews. Mossad is playing them like a fiddle. Zelensky might as well be the Israeli ambassador to Ukraine and Putins top advisors and friends are mostly rich powerful jews with ties to Israel.

This. /fa/ is for faggot underage losers who get perms

Yea Forumsmblr is absolute shit when it isn't a story time thread.

I know I shouldn't look for fashion advice from /fa/, but what is a good style of top to pair with plaid trousers?

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int is even gayer than lgbt wdym

Yea Forums /biz/ and /fit/ i guess, /pol/ in spirit but the board itself is shit

Yea Forums is garbage, i say this as a high level musician who played gigs in different genres including jazz

>Yea Forums
Muscle, money, and literature. What more do you need?

Yea Forums /out/ /sci/

This is the only board I frequent. And yes, I'm still here.

Ugh.. Still impersonating me. As if I would ever browse /pol/. As always, this place is filled to the brim with childish men.

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“Yea Forums /u/ [s4s]”
—« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »

while you're more of a womanish man

send vagina pics NOW or
REFRAIN from ever talking

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>As always, this place is filled to the brim with childish men
>t. bulldyke sjw catlady / tranny

How original. This is why I browse so infrequently these days.

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hi butters
thought you were gone, was worried
how have you been lately?

Wrong trip.

/fit/ is dogshit

Butters is in the Donbass

>Yea Forums is garbage, i say this as a high level musician who played gigs in different genres including jazz

quite rightly

>offended at the notion of physical fitness
i can tell what you look like and what your philosophical and political opinions are

>offended at the notion of physical fitness
No, just offended at the notion of browsing a board full of fat closeted homosexuals pretending to be 'healthy and in shape' because you strain your back lifting a hunk of metal for no gain.

Awful lot of baseless assumptions here. Projecting? People post their physiques all the time and a lot of people who browse Yea Forums are in shape, do you think being physically healthy is so rare?

/qa/ won

Yea Forums is a shell of itself but still heads up fa mu and fit.
Before the election, fit, tv and lit were the best boards.
It's sad Yea Forums is just capeshit non-stop

Most correct post in the thread.

sounds like projection
>fat closeted homosexuals
you could've said a lot but homosexuals and fat is not exactly a common occurrence
>'healthy and in shape' because you strain your back lifting a hunk of metal for no gain
a lot of fucking projection, coping and dilation here, huh?
yes, weightlifters are healthier than the average person. yes they are in better shape than you. yes, they lift metal. no, you don't strain your back unless you're retarded. no, there is definitely gain.

go outside, incel

/fit/ is full of coomposters and lookism incels, but in spirit I agree with you.

I only browse Yea Forums and /qst/

Lol found the fattie 'lifters'.

>no, there is definitely gain
What is achieved by standing still and lifting a hunk of metal for 10 seconds while a bunch of homosexual men hang around you clapping?