/wg/ Writing General

Cyberpunk Edition

Previous Thread:For General Writing
>The Rhetoric of Fiction, Booth
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft, Burroway
>Steering the Craft, Le Guin
>The Anatomy of Story, Truby
>How Fiction Works, Wood

YouTube Playlists for Writing
>youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTCv6n1whoI23GmdBZienRW0Q0nFCU_ay Robert Butler
>youtube.com/watch?v=-6HOdHEeosc [Open] Brandon Sanderson

Technical Aspects of Writing
>Garner's Modern English Usage, Garner
>What Editors Do: The Art, Craft, and Business of Book Editing, Ginna
>Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style, Tufte

Books Analyzing Literature
>Poetics, Aristotle
>Hero With a Thousand Faces, Campbell
>The Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, Egri
>The Weekend Novelist, Ray

Traditional Publishing

Self Publishing Options

Self Publishing How-To

>This Craft of Verse, Borges
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual, Kooser
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry, Mason

Anime Writing (^・o・^)
>youtube.com/watch?v=4on26mKakgs [Open]

/wg/ Authors and Flash Fiction Pastebin

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How do you write wh40k stuff if you're concerned about not breaking lore stuff?

Got shortlisted for a national poetry contest the other week. Found out today that I didn’t win :(

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No furry, but I think it’s sick that the stupid cartoon bunny was deleted but not the previous dude with a gun to his head. Violence isn’t anymore work safe than “sexual imagery”

Thanks, user.

Post poem, nerd.

The first thing I do when writing fan fiction is to look for a version of the source material I can Ctrl+F. If it's for a book, that means converting it to plain text. If it's for a video game that means finding or creating a text dump. If it's for a movie, I download the subtitles and look for the script.
In a pinch a wiki might work, but I dislike the editorialism and prefer the immediacy of a full text search. Ideally it takes two seconds to find the bare truth.
For WH40K it's more difficult, but maybe you can manage something.
There is such a thing as being too anal about lore. Breaking with canon is regrettable, but not ruinous. Sometimes it's even worth doing deliberately.
At the same time, don't neglect fuzzier aspects. I spend just as much time nitpicking canon as checking to see if I've got characters' voices right.

George Carlin had a classic bit on that:

Unlucky, user.
Getting shortlisted is still quite an achievement.

I think the fact that it was a bunny weighed just as heavily as the sexualization. This website has a thing about that.

Shortlisting is still an impressive accomplishment!

>another 1.2k done
I keep thinking i'm close to closing out the arc then i remember i have another pov and plot point to add.


"What most men don't understand is that putting a cock up your ass has the same feeling as shitting. If you don't believe me you're free to ride on a cock and see it for yourself. And sucking dick? Well, suck one of your fingers and the feeling will be pretty damn close. Where I am getting at? It should be obvious. You probably had some logs passing through your butthole that were longer and girthier than most dick around. So, if somehow you end up in jail and a big dude is coming up to you just pretend you're shitting. After all, you lost your anal virginity a long time ago."
And then I woke up. Those nightmares were getting weirder and longer since I started taking antidepressants. But what could I do, my life was getting nowhere with a dead-end job and no social life of notice.

Why does everyone feel the need to be so crude, just add a little nuance to it for fuck's sake

Much appreciated. It's definitely going on my CV.
I would, but I don't wanna dox myself, b.

epic for the win

It’s my style cousin. Some people dig it.

That "style" is overdone and banal.

You guys building your audience and news letters yet?
Just getting started anons.

Anyone willing to give feedback? Please be unwavering and as harsh as possible in your criticisms, thanks.


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the sun doesnt sleep, no more
honeyed chumps, choked or
drowned; bathed in basin
bare, a travelling salesman -
little Lucy: danced, squared, and

Flesh echo, so dear, forgotten
in blue, Turn Back Time and
MEMORIZE; touch, taste
the night dancer - no haste -
in barren, cold, dark, Lucy

The clouds dont exist, no more
blue stars, stock in store, or
return - chumps cheer. He wept -
congregation: dear child, the best
for poor moon, left lonely, and Lucy to

First paragraph offers very little clarity, also pic related:
>Macabre miasma
>A cursed concerto, accompanied by a choir of retching babes, a distant hum of biplanes, and a soft patter of rain.

Read: perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.01.0060:book=3

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Nope, just writing

A horror serial, “Whispers from Hell”
>Though it seems strange to say, the four years in prison which inaugurated my manhood now appear to me as my happiest days as a man, for it is with their conclusion that my world begin to descend into a hellish madness unfathomable in my unholiest nightmares. So forgive me if I dwell briefly upon my incarcerated existence that I may have some meager reprieve from recalling the horror which followed my release.


A serialized, literary screwball comedy, “The Fortunes and Affairs of Benedick Gascogne”
> Louis saw to it that his son had all the upbringing of a proper gentleman, or as much of it as could be obtained in America. Besides an exemplary classical education, Benedick was given a rigorous regimen of swimming, riding, shooting, hunting, and dancing. Of all that he was taught he excelled in, but nothing pleased him so much as fencing: he was so enamored with it that the proscription against living by the sword in the Gospel he took for a mandate, perhaps the sum of the Gospel itself. Louis cultivated his son’s passion and ultimately obtained private lessons for him with the famous Maestro di Vino, who brought the boy to a startling dominance in the sport.

Second and third chapters


“Love Letter from a Suicide Bomber”, a short story about a terrorist writing his love before he dies

>In this, if Allah wills, my final hour in this world, I find my thoughts your constant prisoner once again as if we were still newlyweds.


I see what you did there and laughed heartily :D

It's not that purposefully purple; I just have a thing for alliteration I swear!

Hey smart fella, why don’tcha grace us with some not overdone and banal prose sourcing straight from your, I bet, sweet sweet head?


I'm huge on alliteration (I'm tongue side preference/loose alliteration user if you were around for that convo) but I'm afraid I read on and the purple diagnosis is final.

Don't get me wrong, you have a talent for simile/thematic prose but you're very raw in expressing it (overly poetic as that Aristotle piece describes), losing clarity which is king in prose.

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Substack is writing.


(Paradisio - Current placeholder title)

Happy Sunday friends.

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>tongue side preference/loose alliteration
I wasn't around for such a conversation, but it sounds quite interesting. I've always been fascinated by how certain words combinations sound so much better than others. Or how certain phrases will roll off the tongue, or be stunted based on how individual, choice words are placed in sentence. Have you studied much linguistics? More specifically the oral anatomy of phonetic consonants, vowels, etc. and how those influence the aesthetics of phrases? Take for instance the two parses:

>warm whispers
>warmed whispers

While both are alliterative, the phrase "warm whispers" sounds better (at least to me) than the other because the ending phonetic sound of warm—the 'mm' sound— has the same lip and tongue placement as the next proceeding phonetic sound—the 'whi' sound. While the "de" sound finds the lips apart, and tongue pressed behind the teeth—thus, slightly more harsh and disjunctive. Hell, even

>harsh and disjunctive
Sounds better than the converse
>disjunctive and harsh

for similar reasons. It's far easier for the mouth to transition between 'sh' and the 'a' sound, than between 'vv' and 'a'. I'd use the phonetic alphabet to better illustrate my point but that's way too many alt-codes, and I feel like by now you get my point. Shit's fascinating.

Feeling the urge to write for the first time in months but my old ideas aren't organized enough. Give me something fun to try, it can be schlocky/anime/self-indulgent/etc idc. The more autistic and less pseudy it is the more likely I am to do anything.

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Are you asking for us... to post our novel ideas?

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What are some ways to bring across a culture of desperation, hopelessness and impending doom in a fictional culture?

A mainstream press that relentlessly provides the impression that things are hopeless, solely to drum up their flagging ratings?
Focused on the survival of their business model, they never see they're causing the catastrophes they're supposedly reporting.

Sure, if you don't mind a rando doing it very differently (and probably slightly worse) for practice.

Writing filthy faggotry doesn't make you mature and it definitely won't make you successful

You should put more internal thoughts of the narrator and less blatant descriptions of whats happening

Made you hot-headed the fact that you're no better than a random fag when you're shitting and feeling the same sensations he feels when he sits on cock? lmao

Here's a short story idea: someone buys silver bullets to kill a werewolf, the salesman guarantees they're silver, and later, when confronting the werewolf, the shooter recognizes the clothes and realizes it's the salesman, and thus the bullets aren't real silver.

So is Yoda now trolling on Yea Forums?

user we should used to make jokes about that in middle school. There's really nothing profound or original about what you wrote. It's just filthy faggotry thats cringeworthy to write as an adult.

Maybe once I finish my novella about if cows invented tools and one of them kinda looked like a saw but the rest of them didn't.

I was saving this idea for my next novel but go ahead.

A man who lives alone one night decides to try to suck his cock but something goes wrong with his back while trying to do it and he becomes paralysed. The story then shows his thoughts while desperately trying to move again and get help, which he ultimately can't do it and then die of dehydration after ten days stuck.

have society very clearly stratified. the rich living right next to the completely destitute
never ending holidays where the well off engage in conspicuous waste
casual drug use/prostitution
people not getting married. premarital sex/flings are common as is abortion. have an alchemist or witch produce concoctions to do this
everyone having a got mine fuck everyone else attitude
mercenaries/clear outsiders acting as para police forces

>There's really nothing profound
The fact that we're all taking cock each time we shit is profound.
>or original
Post 5 excerpts of books having a smiliar paragraph.

There is no one so pointlessly stupid on this planet aside from you, so finding a book with any similarity is a zero chance probability.

>says there is nothing original in what I wrote
>can't post simple 5 excerpts from books with similar paragraphs

>middle school humor is profound
I guess we all operate at our own level.

Why can't middle school humor be profound? Show me two examples of "profound" humour please.

I'm not super educated on linguistics but I was reading The Wheel, The Horse, The Language and the second chapter talks about basically the ideas you're bringing up - specifically that transitioning from sounds made at the back to front of the mouth (and vice verse) is challenging for our tongues and the source of a lot of errors while speaking and linguistic drift over time.

Phonetics gets really complicated fast and there are a lot of other categories of sounds we make (plotives vs nasals, etc.) but the quick & dirty rule I use based on that idea I just call "loose alliteration" where I divide consonants into front mouth (t,n,p,d, b, etc.) vs back mouth (g, m, l, k, etc.) sounds. I consider words starting in vowels to be neutral. I just try to use it as is reasonable with the plot/characters as clarity and character always comes first.

To your point about V -> A transition though I probably should take vowels into account, but I just like the simplicity of my current system and like what it's done for me so I bring it up sometimes in case others get anything out of it too.

>harsh and disjunctive - Sounds better than the converse
Agree and I think it's the "J" transition as you say, some words have exceptionally strongly pronounced mid-word consonants that need to be considered almost as two words in one for flow purposes.

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The vibe I get from your narrator, is soemone writing down what happened later, as opposed to it actually happening in real time. If that's what you were going for, then cool, but if not, then I would definitely take more time to discuss the author's feelings about what's going on.

he had to claw at a dead pregnant woman. does that make him feel bad? disgusted? afraid? horrified, who is this person?
And if the idea s that he doesn;t know himself, maybe give some clues in his actions that inform the reader of who he is.

As it stands, it just seems overly descriptive, without actually describing anything, and far too rote and mechanical to get a feel for the protagonist.

But, I do see some value and talent, just needs some refinement.

That's more decadence than an otherwise functional society staring down the barrel of an apocalypse desu.

You broke the code! LOL

So, nearly every cyberpunk novel in existence.

So, an ersatz version of "Gerald's Game" by Stephen King?

what kind of doom is impending?

Is it a slow one that is killing the land?

A sudden one?

natural or nonnatural?

inside or outside force?

Is it just one civiliation inside the world or the whole world?

"The Sirens Of Titan" by Kurt Vonnegut
"Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" by Douglas Adams

why is it an ersatz version?

I added 6,800 words to my novel's first draft this weekend!
I'm still nowhere near the end...I estimate another 15k-20k, giving me plenty of space to ruthlessly eliminate anything that's not working.

Previously posted excerpt:

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