No, son. they expect one of us at the wreckage

>no, son. they expect one of us at the wreckage

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>how many levels of mystical bullshit are you on?
>you are like little baby, watch this

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Conflating God with man is so cringe. Why do religions do this? From referring to God as "he" and everything else, as if God is just an ascended human instead of some unknowable unseen infinite.

Because if he didn’t know human finitude he wouldn’t be all knowing; if he didn’t die and become reborn he wouldn’t be all powerful. These things which are limitations for us must be experienced as such and overcome for Him, otherwise they would fall outside his concept and he wouldn’t be God, just a demiurge

Jesus Christ is True God and True Man. We cannot fully know God, but that does not mean we can know nothing about God. We can know about God using both our reason and Divine Revelation.

It's rather that religions conflate man with the divine.

>My goderino cannot be understooded by any heckin body!

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True. They really toss out their credibility when they try to intermix the Divine with specific individuals and events of human history. Something like Deism is far more plausible by being invulnerable to such defects.

nigga please


Conceptually indistinguishable from abstract materialism insofar as it posits the same disinterested abstract infinity. Collapses just as surely into utilitarianism. Spiritual suicide. God loves you user, you can still repent.

Jesus is a man, just like us. He just realized the Father that exists within him as it exists in us as well.
>Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works.

It is essentially Wu Wei in its purest form. Jesus detached from the idea that he as a person is the doer of actions, when it is the God that is the doer of all.

None of that is true. You can believe in a divine higher power without presuming to have evidence of its interference in the affairs of men.

>Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me?
To be fair, he said that while 69'ing Yahweh.

Knowledge is a human invention

But I do have evidence, bitch.

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bitch please

Try and experience something without knowing. I’ll wait.

I accept your surrender.

Knowing and knowledge are two different things

Ok if you’re trying to draw some kind of Foucauldian wedge toward materialism about discourse, fine, enjoy it; but you’ll notice in my post to which you replied I specifically said “all knowing,” not “all knowledge-having”

The Bible is evidence of a lot of things, but not of God's alleged intervention in human affairs.

You’re going to Hell.

>because i say so

What counts as evidence is not a matter of what someone says.

same for what doesn't count as evidence

And still the tomb was empty. Wreckage was empty.

Already logically entailed by the statement you are replying to.

not really

>Romans gave responsibility of the burial over to Joseph of Arimathea, Jesus’s disciple and friend
oh no no no

Jesus tried to fake his own death but the plan went sideways when Longinus pierced him with his spear. He didn't die immediately, but ultimately succumbed to that injury days later. Happy Easter!

Fuck you. Reported and sage. Yea Forums is filled with low tier religious bait. Jannies act after a day or so. Open janny position if you need manpower. This shit must stop.

Yes, really. Now I see why you prefer religious dogma to logical reasoning.

>logical reasoning
nothing you've said can be cataloged as logical reasoning

Your criteria of evidence is literally what you say it is

Explain how fully specifying what counts as X does not logically entail a specification of what doesn't count as X.

>criteria... is

>give me a set theory class right now
no, fuck off tranny you're retarded, that's all I'm gonna say

>These things which are limitations for us must be experienced as such and overcome for Him,
Why not simply be above all of them and free from all of them?

Any why do you draw the line at "die and be reborn"? At that might you might as well say "God has to commit usury and overcome it" or "he has to rape someone and overcome it" or any number of other bad things too

Nice try, brainlet. If you can specify the set {x: x is F} then you can specify its complement.

Christians should be bullied and crucified, so it can finally fulfill their martyrdom complex.

nice try tranny, i still won't give you a set theory class

Trying to reason logically with these fundamentalist morons is a thankless task.

That's why the only solution is to kill them at a certain point.

Given that you dropped out of high school because pre-Algebra was too challenging, we're all thankful for your refusal to teach a subject that is beyond you.

arrogant again

>'we' is arrogant

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>mocking deformed people for no reason
so this is muh morality without God that the atheists like to talk about... big yikes

I like religious threads. Also it's easter, it should be allowed today.

I like it when Christcucks are being bullied and feeling like trash.

this but unironically

Nice projection, psycho. You've inadvertently made it easy to see what religious fundamentalists are all about.

bro, at this point, even if you are higher IQ than that other guy, you've debased yourself by sinking this low and wasting your time in the process. go to another thread.

>doesn't deny it
yeah yikes indeed



desu if you're a trinitarian you're saying rome/gatekeeping religious leaders of that time were right to kill him
you're allowing a wrongful death claim
though I get it was supposed to happen

Jesus poisoned himself with tetrodotoxin from a pufferfish to survive the crucifixion and come back to life. He learned this trick from Melchizedek who himself learned it from the hermetic Greco-Egyptian magic practiced by medjay. His plan was foiled by a roman soldier stabbing him while on the cross. Although the tetrodotoxin kept his metabolism low enough to survive the stabbing and not bleed to death and eventually reawaken in the cave 3 days later, it still ended up mortally wounding him and causing him to die once the tetrodotoxin wore off. The tetrodotoxin was most likely administered to Jesus before his crucifixion by his disciples as a way to survive the incoming pains.

This Jesus nonsense is a Satanic deception for tricking people into violating the 1st commandment, by worshipping a man instead of God
How can you not see it??? It's obvious

Reason isn't the lawgiver. God is.
because not-X is still only for-itself, not for-another in this negative relation.

You are acting so smug while misunderstanding the Christian God. God isn’t above or outside of humanity because he is reality itself. We use “he” as a way to partially understand a concept that cannot be fully grasped by a limited mind

easier to understand and preach, most christian passion is people jacking off to how nice of a guy Jesus was.

the concept of the trinity was made up hundreds of years latter as a compromise

>Because if he didn’t know human finitude he wouldn’t be all knowing
well if he needed to be a human to understand it, than that means he doesn't know the experience of any living thing and therefore isn't all knowing at all.

Can Jesus truly understand temptation if he's never given into them?
It's easy to say not to do something if you've never known how great it can be.