this book sucks. angry edgelord cries over brown people and gay people existing, the horror. for spoiled upper-middle class nipsters that can't accept reality
This book sucks. angry edgelord cries over brown people and gay people existing, the horror...
The book is about how we as a society have forgotten what intrusive thoughts and daydreams are, so we readily accept that the un-reality people impose on themselves (aka 'worldview') is oftentimes a coping mechanism disguised as ideology.
He does not care about minorities. He cares that too many people pretend to care about them. Similarly, he does not see an issue with queerness. He believes that applying queer rhetoric onto otherwise not queer things (such as nihilism) is more indicative of societal collapse than anything which scripture could have hinted to.
The joke is that the lower-middle class and the upper-middle class both hate themselves, because they are the most ingrained into the faux-caste structure we currently inhabit. So, to an extent, this kind of writing could only come from either a poor, disiillusioned midwesterner or a psycho "in-his-head" yuppie with way too much time on his hands.
No one cares. Mike Ma is a tranny loser who cannot write to save his life nor his transition
He's literally just a blonde guy from New Jersey.
Hey, Ms. Ma, how is spamming your shit book going today?
I thought it was cool and funny at times.
She is the whore of the Jews
Twitter is wondering whether Mike and Milo Yiannopoulos slept together, what do you guys think?
Why do you have a compulsion to defend niggers and homosexuals
So which one are you? Gay or brown? Or is it both?
Thanks for the book recommendation.
What did you expect when you started reading? Gay brown poor people?
Keep crying Michelle!
Sounds great, will definitely add to my reading list.
In case you haven't noticed yet nazism is a predominantly homosexual exploration
God forbid a people have any say over their country's immigration policy. Think of the profits!
This is an incredible book, you need to understand that people have different POVs. Its literally the opposite of edgy.
is a nipster supposed to be a nigger-hipster or what?
Just read the first couple chapters and it seems pretty good to me, user. Its got some quotable lines and the protagonist is refreshingly insightful, if a bit overly-cynical. I’ll be reading the rest of it tonight, thanks for the recommendation
I hate brown and gay people more than you can imagine, and I didn't read this book because I know it's a false flag and it sucks besides. YOU read it, knowing you hate what it ostensibly stands for, and now you're mad.
>I hate brown and gay people more than you can imagine
grow up
I distrust all teetotalers who are not ex-alcoholics. They're crypto Muslims.
make me
Learning to hate your enemies, those who destroy your society, is part of growing up. It's a rite of initiation into the real world of the political.
Tf you talking about?
Mike’s circle is full of irrationally enraged repressors, here’s the Patreon interview guy getting mad about a lingerie ad for men
Conservatism is the default NPC ideology.
You guys... is she trolling us? Look at the 0:17 mark of this video from today:
“You’ve gotta do some things that you’ve never done before.” Indeed Michelle. Just transition already! We know you lurk here.
conservatives love niggers
here's some random faggot getting mad about a guy on the internet
Are there any philosophical studies on white knights in western culture?
I just realised I don't have any copies of the Mike Ma books. They aren't on libgen either (pdf, sure, but nothing good for an ereader). Anyone got an epub or something of these books?
I don’t know, but I’m 1000% a white knight for Michelle Mahoney. I want to suck her soft girlcock while her cute black haired friend jerks off on her face. Thanks for listening to my beautiful dark twisted fantasy
Society was made by gays
Can someone post a link to download a pdf or the audiobook for gothic violence?
It's on z-lib!
was wanting this as well
>Men who have no desire to be near women have accomplished great feats
Color me shocked
This book is about therefore ban gays (note to self - add words to obfuscate solution). At what point did the alt right descend into inane psycho babble as opposed to angry rants?
Conviction is the most dangerous for to truth. Spend less time on pol.
Really smart people tend to be more curious, more willing to question social norms, and more likely to follow through on it. "Being gay" has taken on such a ridiculous significance lately. Really smart people tend to incidentally—due to the nature of their minds—be gay. It's not that gay people tend to be smart. There's absolutely no casual relationship there.
Thanks user!
is this still behind a paywall ?
Seems weird to me there's no epub or azw file on libgen.
There's no digital version of it for sale, you need to buy the paperback.
It's dogshit, don't bother.
t. rightwinger
This is the first book by this young artist and for what it is it’s amazing. Reminds me of the beginning of an art form, didn’t you know user all art is Nazi now? Fascism is art. History and reality is fascism.
Saying a phrase like “kill all niggers and faggots” in 2022 is like saying “all cops are bastards” In 1999. It’s an abstraction and an affirmation of your commitment to art and intellectualism.
The right are the inheritors of post-modernism. If being right wing is about conserving tradition as we move into race essentialism truth claims and gender assertions the right will continue to dabble further into abstraction and mysticism. Basically the left fucked up by abandoning free speech, art, and pre broadly the working class. We’ll recite Mike’s poetry to you while we hold down your girlfriend and rape her to death.
that seems like a weird decision to make for a self-published author.
Fucjing moron. They aren't the enemy, the enemy are the rich white lib dudes and more especially, their wives.
I see you're a small picture kinda guy, user.
>and more especially, their wives.
Based and Luxembourg-pilled.
Basically Nico 2.0
History is a meme and has no basis in reality. What is true is archeology and ancestry. Documentation is easily manipulated, and the fool who trusts the accounts of men is of the King Fool's foolish court. Historical fact is an oxymoron.
Long hair on men = tranny is one of the most regressive things I've ever seen. Men aren't allowed to grow out their hair?
Couldn’t of proved my point more about the right inheriting post-modernism if you tried lmao. Thanks user.
Schizo? What are you even talking about?
Pot kettle
Lol, go to hell. I have multiple cisgender male relatives with long (like waist length) hair and none of them radiate repressing troid vibes like Mahoney does. Besides, her entire music career is dedicated to expressing her tranny feelings.
>Wait for the sampled girl’s voice at the 0:12 mark to say, “Like - are these feeling even real?”
I actually return to her albums a lot, they’re quite good and a sincere expression of emotion. She should focus on the music more and stop writing shitty repression books.
Here are links to some of her other albums/songs if you’re interested
he's definitely an edgelord and some of his writing reminds me of what i thought would be cool when i was in my early 20s
but both books are undeniably interesting
It was weird how he bragged about overhead pressing and then I saw his pics and he's DYEL. I still enjoy the audiobook version, Shazam's reading added to it
You can’t tolerate fags, give them an inch they start screeching about how kids need to learn about queer sex
Shut the fuck up faggot, no one cares. This isn’t discord or reddit.
Lol, go jerk off to sissy hypno