Holy shit he's such a good writer. Why can't all philosophy be well written like this?

holy shit he's such a good writer. Why can't all philosophy be well written like this?

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If you write something that's clear then they will never forgive you for that.
Marx had a sperg out when he read Stirner and never dabbled majorly in Hegelianism ever again.

What is he about? In broad terms. I hear about him on this board a lot and intend on reading him eventually. I still have to read Hegel first though.

Ghosts or something.

>societal pressures and customs have no effect on me, it's all bullshit and I'm an egoist with no restraint
>I just happen to, egotistically you see, not being subject to any societal customs, have the exact same ethical values as anyone else around me

ayy lmao

Whatever you do, it just works.

didn't marx btfo stirner's critique of marxism?

He's provocative but not rigorous. It's barely philosophy.


You sound like you should know

No he got torched and then seethed

Stirner doesn't have a "critique of Marxism", morons. His work predates Das Kapital by decades.

cope and seethe, stirneretards


No it's just that his ego philosophy is direct opposition to what Marx and Engels were trying to accomplish at the time, so Marx was forced to write a lengthy response to him.

It’s not well written it’s deranged shit posting this is my thread now and you are all my property

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If you give a single fuck what the dude said above your own ego u missed the point my guy great man theory is a spook

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Are these supposed to be funny or something.

Is funny 2 me, get out of my thread if you’re going to be a bitch

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looks like some lefty larp king

Maybe but even larping my will suffocates yours

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That's what I was thinking too but I'm having a laugh, and who's to be convinced here and of what?

Thanks for the bump gentlemen I will keep the (you)s now though. You understand I’m sure

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Please everyone make yourselves comfortable, it’s nice to have you here.

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absolutely based

Excellent to have you join me my good gentleman please make yourself at home we have milk in the fridge if u like

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Its something redditors like to make one shitty meme about ad infinitum into the ground and they occasionally let it slip over to here. it never goes further than:
>Is it potentially even a little abstract? do I dislike it?
>Le spook XD

You have not read the source material

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>absolutely based
>basic ass Reddit tier meme templates
please go back.

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Sophomoric internet elitism is a spook, you are like the bitch in the exorsist possessed by a dumb idea that puppets your body around making you type virtue signalling faggy stamens as such many such cases

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graceful metaphors are a spook too.

and all you read is mediocre memes. I have yet to see a single non newfag actually talk about stirner in an entertaining or enlightening way.

Just look at this thread. Absolutely disgusting.

It’s not a metaphor it’s a direct plagiarism ( and I dare that friedkin to fight me for it

Enlightenment in a transient exsistance is a spook but if you’re trying for a religious experience I will be happy to do the w and a you’re begging for.

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This is going str8 up on the fridge

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>Hes a phonefag mass dropping the new meme catagory he just found on Ifunny
its excruciatingly like pottery.

Attached: EFFF0EAF-17BB-4A7A-B3B4-8BB3D32EBAE2.gif (345x345, 1.14M)

> he
Ifunny is my source. Fight me about it nerd

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Because everything is a spook

Stirner Thread?
Don't mind if I do and steal all the pics.

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As my property you can’t take anything from me but I will gladly add this excellent piece to my collection

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And such I shall consume you in turn.

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I said nothing about virtue but of worth. I find these boring and trite. babies first transgression. literally bellow Diogenes
>Le featherless biped XD
stop sniffing your own farts. I dont mean enlightening in some high faluetent way. I mean as in worthy of my attention. interest.

Philosophy doesn't often demand good style but off the top of my head Schopenhauer. Nietzsche, Augustine and some Plato are just as good in that regard.

yes. Or did I spook you?

Oh yes Alexander ? They were not posted or made to please anyone but myself ( irrelevant of what the authors”” may think) but surley if there is a way of thinking it should not have to be presented to you in a McDonald’s wrapper for you to pay attention to it fatty.

What is it you are confused about specifically?
user stop I’m blushing… u..union?

Actually my two X chromosomes are not a spook. I like what ur laying down tho

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