Any authors besides Mishima who believed in man's need to get absolutely fucking toned?
Any authors besides Mishima who believed in man's need to get absolutely fucking toned?
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these men do this because they're gay and this body is what gay men are after right?
So? What's wrong with being gay?
Was it plato who spoke of enjoying your youth to the fullest and having a great body or one of the other greeks?
>Any authors besides Mishima who believed in man's need to get absolutely fucking toned?
Plato, Socrates
The Greeks believed rightfully that the strength of the mind is linked to the strength of the body.
Aristotle, Plato and Co all worked out at gyms and the Olympics weren't some kind of gay cold War competition pissing match but a celebration of the youth of a city state.
Woman being physically weaker is mentally weaker as is the mental weakness of the current and historic 'bugman' urban archetype implicit in their physical weakness.
Holy shit that man could destroy me with one arm tied behind his back.
His mind must be straight and I bet he has a great position at Meta.
Redpill me on the habits of Athenian galley-rowers.
its a gay thing to be
The thread that killed r/fitlit
So far we have /fit/
>Julius Caesar
How do I achieve this?
By going to the to the library ofc...
Pick up a couple of books.
Build Muscle:
>Caloric Surplus (between 300 to 500 depending on goals)
>0.8 - 1g of protein per kg of lean body-weight (stick to 1g to be safe)
>Work muscle groups (Full body routine for beginner, then Upper-Lower or PPL after 6 months)
That's all there is. People complicate it too much. To lose the fat from the bulking phase, then just do the same as all the above but this time it is 300 to 500 cal deficit.
For maintenance, then do the same as above but have no caloric surplus or deficit.
To lower the chances of injury I would stick to anti-inflammatory foods on rest days
This is not true. Nietzsche is a great advocate of fysical development. You haven't read Nietzsche if you think he is /antifit/
is this better than food? lmao
Socrates would be offended to be called a wr*ter
Here comes the 70 iq cope
Neet would have thought fitlit were fags, same with Plato
He literally did call them fags. But r/lit doesn't read.
>mfw retards on Yea Forums and frog twitter have reduced nietzsche's philosophy to bodybuilding and right wing politics
Saving the West is easy. Post testosterotica on twitter and smell like a sulphur plant.
Lol. Is this real?
The leftists, Liberals and Jews who rule as Kings in academia have been working to reduce Nietzche to right wing politics for years after a short period in the 60s and 70s where he was appropriated as one of their guys for sentimental reasons.
Assuming you could get Nietzche to abandon his autistic ways and embrace a crowd he would have enjoyed Hitlerism up to the point the war broke out as was the case with Heidigger.
If by /fit/ you mean go mad muscle muscle muscle then fine but to any as antifitness is daft
My will to power is indomitable.
I will not settle for anything but the greatest.
I am powerful.
I am winning.
I am a conqueror.
My will will consume the world.
I am hungry for more power.
Victory is not enough.
The whole of life is mine.
Experience it all.
Feel it in the belly
>You have committed one of the greatest stupidities - for yourself and for me! Your association with an anti-Semitic chief expresses a foreignness to my whole way of life which fills me again and again with ire or melancholy. It is a matter of honor with me to be absolutely clean and unequivocal in relation to anti-Semitism, namely, opposed to it, as I am in my writings. I have recently been persecuted with letters and Anti-Semitic Correspondence Sheets. My disgust with this party (which would like the benefit of my name only too well!) is as pronounced as possible, but the relation to Forster, l as well as the after affects of my former publisher, the anti-Semitic Schmeitzner, always brings the adherents of this disagreeable party back to the idea that I must belong to them after all. It arouses mistrust against my character, as if publicly I condemned something which I favored secretly-and that I am unable to do anything against it, that the name of Zarathustra is used in every Anti-Semitic Correspondence Sheet, has almost made me sick several times.
-Letter from Nietzsche to his sister
High achiever as he was he was a special needs tier autist who thought he was too good for any crowd. Into Jesus but would never consider being a Christian, into Aryan history, sanskrit and the ancient world but never considering being a fascist.
His denial of his being in a crowd was his greatest weakness as a person.
>His denial of his being in a crowd was his greatest weakness as a person.
Joining a crowd would be antithetical to his entire philosophy
Intellectuals are a crowd, academics are a crowd. Philosophers are a crowd. Social outcasts are a crowd.
Elite crowds aren't any different psychologically from popular crowds.
>Intellectuals are a crowd, academics are a crowd. Philosophers are a crowd.
Nietzsche scorned all of these. He was anti-philosophy and he hated academia. He said Socrates and philosophy were the first signs of the decline of Greece and he left academia not only because of his poor health but because he was outcasted for The Birth of Tragedy.
>Social outcasts are a crowd.
That doesn’t make sense. A social outcast, by definition, is someone who doesn’t belong to a crowd.
Lmaooo what a DYEL faggot
Imagine thinking a single citizen from any Ancient Greek state would be against fitness.
Auschwitz mode
Those who refuse to be in a crowd are a crowd. Nietzche had a fat pension from his university. Counterconceptuals and counterfactual are besides the point in any case.
The founders of Israel had a big focus on improving the physical condition of their tribe and maintaining racial hygiene when living around Arabs and such. Must be why Adolf let zionists publish and politically agitate while he shut down the German nationalist and communist Jews.
Henry Rollins
It is rather pathetic how invested these people are, or rather I suspect I am speaking specifically about one person, in justifying and rationalizing their laziness and refusal to pick up some weights, such that they go around and memorize previous Yea Forums debates they've had to post it in new ones. Yeah sure you totally btfo'd all the larpers in the last thread, bro.
Listen, no one except LARPers is saying that you MUST excercise, or to be more precise, that you're inferior person for not training, though I cannot think of a proper reason not to train if you are not extremely busy, and even then you should be able to manage.
Btw, Plato was 100% a fitlit chud and there's nothing you can do about it, libral. You can go through the entire thread that was posted above and the only thing you'll get is Plato making a critique of Spartan communal living and another citation of Plato criticising over-specialized sport.
It's gay
Plato was keen on physical fitness, he praises it across most of his dialogues. One of the books of the republic said that one must be both warrior and philosopher, and in Gorgias he says that a poor body represents a poor soul.
Pretty sure this is the secret. No motivation like sexual selection and competition. You can see it with your own two eyes. Why are gay men trended towards looking so much more physically fit and well dressed than average heterosexual men? Coincidental overlap with some gay gene? Pfft.
Whatever his philosophical reasons, his secret was sucking cock and wanting more of it.
greeks were gay pedarests
no wonder they advocated for fitness
To anyone who's fit how the fuck do i get going?
I have a fitness place one minute from where i live i have cheap access to: How do I use it? I've always hated sport but kept myself physically ok, only now developing somewhat of a dadbod due to corona. I'm tired of feeling like shit with no energy.
Gimme your advice on how to get from Yea Forums to /fitlit/.
Vegetarian btw.
No I will not change that.
Based literal retard who has no fucking clue what he's talking about
People always claim Plato was pro fitness but they never produce an actial quote in context to proofread.
I'd be very interested in how an odealist would rationalise physical excellence but all I get is dyel newbros spamming their motivational quotes.
Clay doesn’t look like he “made gains” here desu, just went from a middleweight to a featherweight. His arms look somewhat bigger but that’s about it
After that maybe Zyzz bible or whatever either way you'll know enough to move forward.
Faggots think nothing of masterbating into another man's shitty asshole but dress nice and live in clean environments right. People who live in filth one way or another may hyper focus on personal hygiene or what have you. You won't find any Negroes who have dogs in their house or whatever because they think it's unclean, even though their ghetto shithole is falling down around them in most cases.
Fuck my spelling but you get it.
*Cliff, not Clay. Sorry, bad with names
Prove it then with words or fists, faggot.
Lifting is boring as fuck. Doing an actual sport isn't. Learning to fight like picking up boxing is infinitely more useful as a man than lifting weights.
Pic related, some big stiff bodybuilder getting floored by a Mexican landscaper fresh from Burger King.
In fact, weight lifting is kind of gay if you think about it.
What does these words mean?
If i google SS /pol/tards show up.
for a man*
Are you doing weights? If so, take it easy. Focus on form rather than weight and reps. Plenty of good tutorials on youtube. It's okay to start with ligthweights.
Also, read /fit/'s sticky and NEVER participate on /fit/, the best advice you'll get and the biggest faggot you'll see
My sekrit club is better than yours.
He was the greatest.
He wrote the zyzz bodybuilding bible.
>“And so your youths,” said I, “employing that simple music which we said engendered sobriety will, it is clear, guard themselves against falling into the need of the justice of the court-room.” “Yes,” he said. “And will not our musician, pursuing the same trail in his use of gymnastics, if he please, get to have no need of medicine save when indispensable?” “I think so.” “And even the exercises and toils of gymnastics he will undertake with a view to the spirited part of his nature to arouse that rather than for mere strength, unlike ordinary athletes, who treat diet and exercise only as a means to muscle.”
-Republic. 3.410
Plato viewed excercise as an activity that could engender spiritedness, thumos, and in that way excercise served the soul, it had a fundamentally character-building function. In any case there is no disconnect between idealism and excercise, or between intellect and brawn; this is a stereotypical dichotomy that didn't exist in their culture.
It means Starting Strenght, but don't listen to him. This guy Natural Hyperthropy on has a novice program for free that will get you acquainted with the gym. It's on youtube.
>Are you doing weights?
Not yet, should one get a trainer to get form down or is youtube fine?
>NEVER participate on /fit/
So no GOMAD i guess? Drinking a gallon milk a day sounds like it's gonna give hormonal problems.
No fighters in England, they all bums!
Well, you don't need to pay for a personal trainer, gym staff are usually down to help.
Youtube is fine as long you understand what you're trying to do and feel the desired muscle burn. If someone says "activate your core" they mean to flex your abdomen, it makes you more resistant, google is your friend.
As for the GOMAD thing, it's hard to gain weight, I know that myself, but you're gonna get used to eating a lot because your body with demand it. You're gonna hail rice and chicken as your holy grail.
But, as a starting point, try some bodyweight excercises or beginner calisthenics so you get on the mindset, then if you want, you can go to the gym and do weights or maybe practice a sport. Focus on your diet after you're used to excercise, or your willpower might bend. The hardest part about making it is the diet because you're gonna have to get used to eating things you probably don't like and leaving some things as exception to the diet.
No matter how much pop sci and societal pressure batters this apparent need to 'get big' and lift weights and eat healthy, it will never work in a society which does not treat exercise by-and-large as ritual. There are more mentally ill 'fit' people than fucked-up 'fat' people but that goes against the narrative that being lean and 'toned' (whatever the fuck that means) will invariably improve your life PROVIDED THAT you do not abuse gear or starve yourself or drink too much milk or do any of these OTHER things that only FREAKAZOIDS do.
How come college kids don't have gym class?
How come mid-day naps are only associated with Latin America?
Why does post-industrialist America prioritize productive work instead of efficacious work?
Literally, why is volume always taking precedence over form in every aspect of modernity?
The answer is so that you can be sold a lifestyle.
Thank God, because you'll need eggs, milk and so on. Learn how to make proper high protein seitan, it's gonna be your bread and butter.
WTF happened to his face? BTF guy? Looks like he just cut and did not much else
Too much cocaine