Where to start with Evola?

What is the first book to start with for this guy? I've never encountered such difficulty starting out with an individual or set of media. Revolt Against the Modern World is undoubtedly his most famous work, and I started there and it was too hard to take in. It's hard to read and there's so much to understand. These old writers already assume you understand them or should be familiar with what they are talking about and I'm sure it has nothing to fo with the translation, which I think must be fine. Some said Orientation should be starting because it's short, others say Bow and the Club because Evola touches on some modern topics like the Beatles and women wearing jeans as being more relatable to us post moderns. Again, others advocate for Path to Cinnabar because in the rare oddity, Evola actually wrote out all his works in a set of works and commented on them or some shit.

I'm finding out that my starting point has been mostly YouTube videos, Philosophicat's excellent series, getting familiar with the names of his books and learning about his life is and that his Wikipedia is utter garbage is my first step and now I'm trying to really dive in. I'm avoiding all the magic shit because fuck that right now. The amazing thing is I already feel like non normie-- that I've pierced a viel or broken through the first hold of a matrix for merely just learning about this individual and I hadn't even read anything yet.

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Death to Fascism. Death to Nazism. Trans rights are workers' rights!

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Evola is only a reaction to Guenon.
To really understand, you should start with Introduction to the Hindu Doctrine.
Also Philosophicat is a hack, absolutely subversive and anti-traditional.
If you're reading Evola for a purely political reason, you're going to have a bad time.

>The amazing thing is I already feel like non normie

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fascists rights are also workers rights

> I'm avoiding all the magic shit because fuck that right now.
>I'm finding out that my starting point has been mostly YouTube videos,
>The amazing thing is I already feel like non normie
Holy fuck go back.
A midwit like you will never understand Evola but prove me wrong and read The Hermetic Tradition which should be the starting point for anyone that think they can understand Evola because they hate "le normies xd".
>inb4 its not political
if you dont belive in the principles of the hermetic tradition and the realization of the spirit, Evolas politcal thought is not for you at all, you would be better of reading anyone else.

>Evola is only a reaction to Guenon.
>Also Philosophicat is a hack, absolutely subversive and anti-traditional.
>If you're reading Evola for a purely political reason, you're going to have a bad time.

I know it's the gayest larp a larp can be but the that's what I feel. Trust me, I hate it.

>Evola is only a reaction to Guenon
I planned on reading him too. But I wonder if you mean that this is the real starting point?

>Philosophicat is a hack
bruh how. this is one of the most intelligent and based women I've ever listened to. Who is better?

>Evola purely political
I'm not. He is onto something spiritual that I have to explore that I haven't seen anyone else write about or talk about.

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I don't hate the normies. You know very well none of these people wvery considered anything these people wrote and if they literally norm out like they would when reading his Wikipedia entry, they'd simply write him off. You're gate keeping the wrong guy. Everyone starts off as a larp at first before progressing if they were never born into authenticity from the getgo

> The Hermetic Tradition
Would you consider this first on the first into cracking through to Evola? I'm not sure what I believe exactly so I'm in no place to say anything for or against it otherwise.

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>an entire generation of young mindshave been lost because cringy extremely online twitterfags think magic is cool and have convinced others that it is too
Just read Aristotle or Kant, please, for the love of God, some of you might have potential if it was only given a minimum of nutrients.

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I've read every single Platonic dialogue to include The Republic and studied a lot of "classic" philosophers. Typically, I had my baby's first philosophical angst awakening with Neitzsche, but U happened to avoid pseuding and posting edgy "the abyss stares back at you" quotes on my MySpace. Perhaps the only reason I even stumbled across Evola in the first place ks how fringe he is. I recognize Aristotle as the greatest philosopher of all time and anyone in disagreement, I consider them simply trolling or ignorant.

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Guenon is a better starting point. He is much more lucid in his writings. Funnily enough, Guenon, representing the contemplative archetype, writes in abstracts whereas Evola, representing the archetype of action, writes mostly in examples or applications such as from civilizations, which makes him harder for newer readers.
Also Evola is unironically counter-tradition because he asserts action over contemplation (action has its place for certain individuals but it must not be asserted above or at the cost of contemplation). Certainly, what we need more of in this modern world is thoughtless action... like scrolling through tiktoks one after the other. No wonder he is more well known in the West given the West's erroneous reliance on action.

>bruh how. this is one of the most intelligent and based women I've ever listened to. Who is better?
Just read the source material; don't watch youtube charlatans. She's anti-traditional because she takes on a masculine role as a woman and accordingly distorts the teachings to her passive and karmic female disposition. Also the fact that she is unmarried and screeches at men like a femcel is such a meme: reveals a masculinization of her femininity, which would mainly express itself as neuroticism, that would turn off any truly traditional male.

I feel my dick softening up at the thought of having to read an entirely different writer in order to understand another, but I guess it's just impatience.

>he asserts action over contemplation
Putting contemplation over action seems retarded as no one in the true traditional past would have done so. They were more connected to action to such a point that they were never frozen in thought like how an animal is never frozen in thought or has to contemplate and over thinks. Thought leads to deconstruction, which is what post moderns have done to ever goddamn thing in existence-- deconstructing everything and hiding in their academic ivory towers. Many of these people have no real life experience with anything and only theorize and speculate. How can they claim to know anything? Scrolling through TikToks mindlessly isn't an action. It think it's just as bad as being lost or stuck in pondering thought.

>Don't watch YouTube charlatan
Is your problem just the medium? Not everyone on YouTube is a gay shill. Academic Agent, Charlemagne, Philosophicat, etc are low sub'd channels. Cat's video series of Revolt Against the Modern World is unbias.

>that would turn off any truly trad male
Which none of us are. Why hold her to the same standard? She's presenting accurate info even if it is larping male energy and getting mixed up. I don't see how her being a turn off or not has anything to do with it. If she was all of a sudden married and with 5 kids, I would personally consider her more accomplished (by action) or something, but I wouldn't think it would dilute or add to the information in her series. The fact is women can't really discuss such topics as her and maybe it's because she is feeding off something masculine in order to do so, but modern women are str8 trash to such a degree that Cat is practically a goddess compared to most women you'd casually meet on the street, or in the pub, etc. There's no such thing as a truly uhh based women, but it's a compared to what question. What do you think?

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Evola and Guenon linked up tho fr, they produced numerous works together and kept a regular correspondence until they died. They respected eachother despite their disagreements

>Putting contemplation over action seems retarded as no one in the true traditional past would have done so.
Since the ancient Greeks, Tradition has only existed without compromise in the East. The East understood contemplation's importance. This is not an "academic" or purely rational type of thought. You adverseness to contemplation is only natural given your Western upbringing. With time, you will understand. Evola is very keen on the Grail cycle. What he forgets is that King Arthur (archetype of action) is always advised by Merlin (archetype of contemplation) so that his quest is fruitful. This is the same in the Bhagavad Git with Arjuna (action) and Krishna (contemplation).

>Cat's video series of Revolt Against the Modern World is unbias
I only need to watch the first 2 minutes of pointless sensory manipulation to see that she understands nothing. It is the same as watching tiktoks. And yes, scrolling through tiktoks IS an action. Idk how you can deny this.

>The fact is women can't really discuss such topics as her and maybe it's because she is feeding off something masculine in order to do so
So you agree that she is anti-traditional.

>There's no such thing as a truly uhh based women, but it's a compared to what question. What do you think?
There are truly based women that make her look like a regular roastie. You just have to look harder.

Even I was aware of this, granted I heard of Evola first which made me lea
rn of Guenon. Guenon is his senior and correct me if I'm wrong but somewhat a respected mentor, no?

From what I understand Evola even considers the ancient Greeks and basically anyone in written history already modernized and even the east is compromised as there is no one left as a true trad. I know Evola thought Americans were retarded though. Certainly the divine kingly figure is more important than merlin is though, right? Who I suppose must be some sort of priestly class. Arthur, if a traditional man would have been so out of authentic nature stock and able to tap into the divine. I know Evola also supposed one method to possibly uncover this was through the actions of mountain climbing or something. I digress.

>scrolling through tiktok is an action
I disagree. If that is an action, breathing is an action and I think we need a higher standard of action that a simple finger swipe.

>pointless sensory manipulation
She is in plenty of regular discussions. Yes she went with some kind of production value. I don't think it's comparable to a Tiktok. I think we have to give her some leeway in that she had an incredibly hard task in trying to explain Evola's most famous work to normies, which probably is the first attempt in history, so I can forgive her adding her own music and pretty scenic and historical-esque imagery to the mix.

>so you agree she js anti-trad
My honest opinion is she's close to if not the best thing you can get in this day and age and that if a man was trad enough, she was easily fall for him which doesn't exist. If she truly is a trad women, she wouldn't marry anyone because it is quite possible that that there are no trad men in existence. And it is this kind of amn that is proven to win over the women not the other way around in any trad framework.

>there are truly based women
Dude I've been on the internet a long fucking time. Name me 3 on the internet. You wouldn't be able to because your standard is so high a women like that wouldn't be using technology, so how would you even know? I can name some, but calling her a normie roastie is setting you up to a standard of ridiculousness, especially in the current times. I swear you're larping if you think Cat is a typical roastie. I'm not saying you have to like or agree with her, but come on where are you coming from? It seems so unreasonable. Have you met women? They have reached astronomically high roastie levels that someone like Cat is at least someone that can converse.

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>Certainly the divine kingly figure is more important than merlin is though, right?
How does the king become divine except without the priest?

>Name me 3 on the internet
>on the internet
There's your problem.

SO MUCH OF THIS. it's just so pathetic to even witness.
it seems like impossible for people to remain conservative without retrogressing back magic

evola is anti-traditional

In Evola's trad world, the king becomes one because he is essentially kingly and ruled because people wanted to follow their greatest and capability. Priests who claim some sort of divinity were already poz'd by the time they came around. Merlin can also be interpreted as the divine as he was not a simple mortal being in some interpretations that essentially create Arthur.

>There's your problem
I in b4'd you. You can't respond with that. There's no way in hell you met anyone close to being more trad than Cat. If you did, you would have already been in the statistical anomaly range or you would have ran off to some obscure village in a third world country and let's face it you probably live in the west and post on Yea Forums like the rest of us. Be real. Larping temptation too strong.

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"THIS" cringe reddit tiered language. Everyone larps like they are objective af materialists yet deep down they have some sort of irrational spiritual belief or act in a an unreasoned "feels" way. You're not an atomaton. Everyone cheered when Ben Shapiro bodied a kindergartner brained college student with facts don't care about your feelings, but in the real world, including you if you're being honest, your feelings don't care about your facts. Conservatives are the original magic users before Greek Ionian physicist came along. Everyone who was "cOnSeRvAtIsTs" weren't retarded secular materialists. Only through these liberal ideas did Cthulhu start his slow but stead march to the left.

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How did you come to this conclusion?

primacy of action and politics, his interest in magic and occult

this answer seems pretty generic. Evola is like a trad before trads were trad kind of guy


i consider trads guénon, ananda, titus burckhardt, marco pallis, schuon. compare these with evola

suck my butt

>he is essentially kingly
No, he isn't. The lesser mysteries, the kingly art, are usually taught by one who has mastered the greater mysteries, the priestly art AKA a priest. I don't have the skill to articulate right now, but you should read Spiritual Authority and Temporal Power as Guenon is far more skilled in explanation than me - it is a very short ~100 pages.

>There's no way in hell you met anyone close to being more trad than Cat.
I have and am very whitepilled. It is hard but not impossible. And my main issue was not that she is single but that she distorts teachings according to her feminine disposition. But I just found it funny pointing it out because she insists on a super trad guy but is not super trad herself.

i wonder if cat recognizes this because I don't think it's possible for her to not do this given that she's a wahmen. Funny enough, I started reading PoC, and Evola says yes the reason he is action is based off his 'warrior' type bent/whatever aka kshtriya which is why he is like that snd he recognizes it contrasts Guenon which he says is a more intellectual definition. Anyways this plage explains it.

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disregard this is it

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>But I just found it funny pointing it out because she insists on a super trad guy but is not super trad herself.
Bitches be like that after catching more bodies than a cemetery frfr.
After getting run through by 10 plus guys they finally want a "trad" aka "cuck" guy to settle their decaying body with.
traditionalism taught by women is a preversion of its original meaning for their own benefit.
Embrace traditionalism in its origional TRADITIONAL sense not in its mainstream preverted new-age sense.
btw dont watch pozzedtubers talking about books, just read the fucking books

You have to start with Nicholas of Cusa, Giovanni Bruno, Vico, Paracelcus, and Boehme. Then Kant and Hegel, then Marx, Nietzsche, and Hitler.

The problem is: the doctrine of a Tradition is maintained by the Brahmins definitionally. Without them, Traditionalism is not possible. Hence, why Evola is anti-traditional.

> J. Evola. Rivolta contro il Mondo moderno(Ulrico Hoepli, Milan). – In this new work, the author contrasts traditional civilization and modern civilization, the first of a transcendent and essentially hierarchical character, the second based on a purely human and contingent element; then he describes the phases of the spiritual decadence which led from the traditional world to the modern world. We would have reservations to make on a few points: thus, when it comes to the unique original source of the two sacerdotal and royal powers, the author has a very marked tendency to emphasize the royal aspect to the detriment of the priestly aspect...
- A review written by Guenon
The problem is not his kshtriya nature. It is that consistently kshtriyas overthrow the significance of brahmins, which Evola does in Revolt and other texts. This is anti-traditional.

Trans-concept is an inherently spiritual idealism. Not Marxist materialist.

Nazi symbols aren’t work safe. Don’t post them on blue boards

Explain to me in plain wording what the technical goal of the hermetic royal art is. And no, people shouldn't have to read HT to read Evola, it's his most esoteric work and purposefully obscure, while half of his writing is on profane things.

Read the essay Orientations (it's on Gornahoor and short), and other essays from Handbook for Right Wing Youth

Kill yourself tranny. A global awakening is occurring and you'll be left behind shoving things up your butt and wasting time on profane philosophy and academia.

Read Revolt first, then if you're more into the spiritual read Mystery of the Grail and HT (very complex book) or his book on Buddhism. If you're more into the political and philosophical, read Men Among the Ruins then Ride the Tiger. If you read HT and want to actually know what is going on or how to practice, read/study Intro to Magic. Be careful though, don't jump into it like a fool. Also HT should also be studied, along with the medieval alchemical manuscripts

How many vaccines did you get?

You know Guenon helped Evola revise Revolt before publishing it, right? And do you understand that there is a difference between doctrine and practice, especially in the dark age?

Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Mao, Guevara, et al. would have had you shot.

Trans is a materialistic view of the flesh reshaped through technocracy.
There is NOTHING of spiritual in the trans movement, just a mockery of essentialim and the soul.

>What he forgets is that King Arthur (archetype of action) is always advised by Merlin (archetype of contemplation) so that his quest is fruitful.
He never forgets this

>Evola is unironically counter-tradition because he asserts action over contemplation
You have no idea what counter Tradition is, at least get it right if you're pretending to know everything because you read some Guenon.

Ananda Coomaraswamy also has this remark on Rivolta. If he confuses this principle what else could one expect from him?

It is also the case that Guénon stated that if Europe returned to Christianity the modern world would "automatically disappear", which is agreed by Coomaraswamy. However Evola wanted to destroy Christianity altogether.

Evola *is* anti-traditional.

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Not that user:

The simple fact Evola was popularised on /pol/ and among neonazis already should raise some concerns about his 'orthodoxy'. You cannot claim /pol/ is by any means traditionally inclined. And Guénon asserts that **any political movement for Tradition** would be anti-traditional.

You're assuming the West is a contemplation-based civilisation when it is obvious that action is innate to the character of Western man, generally speaking. You are also seem to be implying that action is devoid of any higher significance which is incorrect. Apologies if this is not so.

Originally, the Red and the White were one, but a split occurred as involution proceeded. The King of the World reunites these two powers. In this respect, Evola grants primacy to the Red, Guenon to the White, this seems to be mirrored in Western and Eastern initiatic Traditions as well. I don't think Evola was saying the Priests were below the Warrior caste overall, just that the capstone comes from the Red and not the White, although the White officiates. It's an alternative interpretation and I think it is more suitable to Western man. It is also more pragmatic. If you are in the West now especially you will have to take action and get your hands dirty in order to achieve any enlightenment. Be wary of the dogmatism of Guenon, and do not downplay the role action can have in spiritual awakening. Most Guenonians will just read a bunch of books and not actually obtain any initiatory knowledge, and further enforce their (false) ego. At best they will submit themselves to some humble sufi or hindu order and be content. I think followers of Evola's spiritual path will either fall to Satanism (again, ego) or achieve a high levels of enlightenment, eventually finding the invisible Masters and the Isle of the Blessed. It is definitely more heroic.

Right now the false ego is being enforced more and more in man, which I believe has been happening since the fall of Hyperborean times and man as a result progressively loses more of his spiritual awareness. But there is also an awakening occurring as forces of subversion consolidate. Be constantly vigilant of the false ego, no matter what you do. But at the same time do not be meek.

>somehow brings up /pol/ in a discussion about esoteric matters
I was trying to think of how to say this nicely. You are not worth my time.


What the user above said is true: every social decline begins by the revolt of the kshatriyas against the brahmins. Evola was another at that. Not the first, not the last. This is as old as society.

Your attempt to give him a valid credit as if it is the suitable path for the Western man does not hold any value.

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Having no true initiatic knowledge and mindlessly adhering to dogma is also anti-Tradition, just of a different sort.

>If you are in the West now especially you will have to take action and get your hands dirty in order to achieve any enlightenment.
False. But keep telling yourself that!

is there anything valuable i could get out of reading guenon and evola (besides maybe understanding the new right better) if i'm a homosexual immigrant or would they simply consider me degenerate and ramble about magic
i am interested in some critiques of modernity but at the same time i feel as if i would shoot myself in the foot if i would agree with them

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Dogma is a matter of principles. IT IS Traditionalism. Yours is more of the sentimental way driven by the will.

Again: nothing of this is new. This is as old as society. You and Evola will not be the last to incur in "inversion", especially in these times...

>I read some books so what I say is now absolute Truth
You are only enforcing your false ego, you are not even able to engage in discussion. It says a lot about you and your point, none of it good.

>I have not read books and I am attached to Evola and his views

I have no interest in discussions, in affirming my "opinions", "thinking for myself", "having my own view" etc. This is a concern for egotistical people.

You should know this.

Why is it false? Do you think you can just read Guenon all day and obtain spiritual realizations? Or do you think an authentic initiatic organisation with the Arcana Arcanorum will just approach you one day? This is just cowardice and weakness. All while your civilisation falls apart. You may as well chop your cock off...

I am already part of an authentic tradition (Catholic Church) that contains the full truth and I live it daily. Tradition which you and Evola disregard in dissonance with all the actual Traditionalists (Guénon, AKC, Schuon, Titus etc).

How about you? How do you seek enlightenment by getting your hands dirty?

Of course, I am only posting to show others that the path of action is valid as well, while others who clearly are more interested in theoretical knowledge and blind adherence to dogmatism downplay this path which I on the contrary know to be true and affective through experience.

For Guénon and Coomaraswamy the only suitable path for the western man is christianity, which Evola detested.

>the path of action is valid as well,
The path of action was the first thing that led to the first social revolution and disorder. It is the beginning of the crisis.

It is a dead end. You do not fix modern crisis through what originated it in the first place.

I am speaking of esotericism proper and spiritual realisation through initiation. I am not overly interested in the exoteric and mundane intellectual groupings. Thank you for clarifying though, I now know that we have very different interests and "personal equations".

Baptism is initiatic. You seem to be more interested in the 'occult' than in the truth. Ego.

>I am not overly interested in the exoteric and mundane
Says the one who believes action is a valid path...

Can you please clarify whether or not you are aware of the fact that the Red and the White were originally perfectly united in the Primordial Tradition? (And will be again)

Evola came around to it later actually. In the case of the average Westerner, he seems to agree. But again, I am speaking more of initiation.

Is there anyhing more exoteric and mundane than action? And political action?

best thread on Yea Forums rn

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>Can you please clarify whether or not you are aware of the fact that the Red and the White were originally perfectly united in the Primordial Tradition? (And will be again)
Yes and Christ is precisely celebrated in the liturgy as the "Eternal Priest-King" or "Ultimate Priest-King". His vicar (the pope) holds this dual position as the King of the World.

Christ unites both Priestly and Kingly order to its fullest extent.