why are super intelligent people sometimes such shit authors while others are incredibly good authors?
Why are super intelligent people sometimes such shit authors while others are incredibly good authors?
Because we aren't very good at measuring intelligence
Broad generic intelligence or an high IQ isnt the same as having a specific talent for writing well.
Are you dismissing the possibility that super intelligent authors only sound retarded to you because you can't understand their language so-to-speak? As dumb as it sounds, JK Rowling's writing is so easily digestible that I have no problem whatsoever reading it seemlessly without needing to reread anything. Is it less difficult than other authors? Yeah, it must be. Or perhaps am I retarded and I have just found my "sweet spot" of intelligible understanding.
Some people are able to communicate to the masses. Many super smart people only want to discuss matters with a specific esoteric audience and often can't emphasize or lack the patience to deal with the weak sauce minded normie.
That's because Rowling merely made it look easy. It's not. At least not to those who want to do it right.
Same with Orwell. Everybody can follow him, but to actually write like Orwell took considerable effort and talent.
Intelligent people come to writing more easily, but many use their smarts as an excuse to be lazy and take shortcuts. To not hone their craft. This often happens with intelligent people in any field.
that guys a fraud
Funny because Orwell has a book on how to write well and I find it a meme that every author when pushed to explain how to write, all they do is talk about their life. Good point about laziness though. You can be wicked smart and still be a lazy no effort faggot.
Nah he's legit. I can tell his IQ is insanely high because he has the same political opinions as I do.
Checked and based. Langan speaks out about how mass immigration and vaccines are parts of the kalergi plan for white genocide.
Conveying understanding is an entirely separate skill from having it. Most great thinkers are pretty shit at conveying what they discover.
That just makes you not retarded. Not smart.
the saying work smarter not harder exists for a reason. smart people just want to take shortcuts. only an idiot would pour years and decades into their craft lol
Because raw intellectual prowess doesnt vast knowledge or unique creativity. It's why asians have such high iqs but they go for careers like engineering, mathematics, finance and medical stuff. They're like robots, smart but programmed to do a limited amount of tasks.
is that why all of their art is terrible and they can never innovate? it seems like everything they do is shit except for select few films.
Just a post modern era of the boomer world view. A literal boomer saying. Throw that in with "Har har if you do what you love, you'll never work a day in yer life ya-huck" That's some kys in Minecraft shit if you ask me.
>Why are some people good at a thing but others aren't?
Damn, that's one hell of a question.
With people like Langan and Kant they are just really awful writers
It's funny how he praised Jewsus but then went on to say he's better than him.
Just proof this Mexican looking megalomaniac Amerimutt goblin and all his lanky zoomer shot fans are just a narcissistic fags.
Langan's project is no worse than any "real" academic's project, it only demonstrates that academia is a nepotistic ponzi scheme that has usurped real intellectual work.
Narcissistic subhuman trash. His fans are a bunch of morons too who should the kill themselves.
Kys, pseud. Go worship your prophet and Jew dick sucker.
I have more respect for Varg than narcissistic and hypocritical morons like Christopher Langan.
low IQ detected
>It's why asians have such high iqs but they go for careers like engineering, mathematics, finance and medical stuff. They're like robots, smart but programmed to do a limited amount of tasks.
No, they're just good shape-rotators and bad wordcels.
how? let me guess, his beliefs don't agree with your own
>narcissism is... LE BAD
cry more
Because IQ is a meme
Because intelligence is not the same thing as creativity. My dad is a genius engineer but has been writing boring poetry which has stagnated for 40 years.
C'mon, buddy.
Not after I slit your throat.
You've never read good prose in your life, I can certainly guarantee that.
Stick to textbooks, hylic.
Obviously there’s outliers but as a whole they’re trained to be worker drones.
Because being smart with writing doesn't mean anything if you can't articulate it, which just takes life experience and understanding outside of being smart. You have to know what people want to hear, they have to want to buy what you're selling.
>I can tell his IQ is insanely high because he has the same political opinions as I do
Being intelligent doesn't mean being a good communicator.
It's just a distinction of shape shifter iq (which is the iq we officially measure) and verbal iq. Writers can express themselves beautifully and eloquently with high verbal and emotional iq, but can be total dimwits when it comes to science and philosophy. Many such cases with writers today.
I agree with what you saying, but wtf is "emotional iq"?
he was inspired by a lot of western influences
Dream of the Red Chamber? Romance of the Three Kingdoms? The Tale of Motherfucking Genji?
I was speaking in generalities. There are exceptions to every rule.
I’d like to see you try, gayboy
Ability to perceive and understand emotions. Dostoyevsky is a good example of emotional iq. He can dig deep into a characters psyche and make the reader relate to him, almost universally. Basically a high understanding of how people feel. Autists for example often have low emotional iq, they don't understand their emotions, think they are just "in the way", and have difficulties empathing with others. Good writers often have good emotional iq while autists will stick to academia
Holy based
kants not that bad, he has a nice sense of humor
Narcissism correlates with homoerotic tendencies.
How? Also can't you just say anything correlates with homoerotic tendencies?
Read Mishima.
I'm not gonna read some gave novel, tell why you think narcissism correlates with homoerotic tendencies or your comment is pointless.
Yes? Narcissism is a symbol of insecurity.
Having a hot rod doesn't make you a good driver. IQ measures how much intelligence you have, not how intelligent you are. Chris Langan punches far below his weight.
Keep in mind, narcissism tends to be more over-the-top than confidence. Self-confidence is always good.
Narcissism indicates an over-attachment to one's external appearance and human form, and such over-attachment risks developing psychosexual obsession. Confidence tends to lead to seeing things in terms of function rather than obsessing too much about "vain self-image". It's similar to how fetishization of others can lead to such psychosexual fixation.
Are all kind of shit and thousands of years of breeding away from the current group
I suppose for the purpose of creating media "emotional iq" is good for creating relatable characters, but I would argue actual IQ is more valuable in the world.
>can lead-
Whats with the reaching? I would argue that people who are less narcissist are often more gay because compassion for others is heighten.
Why do you presume there's an inverse correlation between narcissism and compassion?
Also, from my experience, many homosexuals tend to be narcissistic and not compassionate individuals.
How? Narcissism is just showing absolute confidence in oneself. Is this an insecurity?
Narcissism typically means seeing yourself as more special than you are. For example, viewing a bird as lowly and thinking you're much better.
There's a difference between self-confidence and narcissism.
I presume there's an correlation between the two because if you are a narcissist then you are usually more self centered and don't care for others all so much. People don't want to be around this kind of person. I don't hang out with gay people so I don't know if they tend to be more narcissistic.
Yes and you get this viewpoint from self-confidence. No one just becomes a narcissist out of thin air.
because super intelligent people naively believe in their heart of hearts that peers of their caliber exist somewhere out there. they will not exercise the common empathetic faculties to translate their raw thought to common language, because they believe, perhaps naively, that someone out there will hear thgm
Self-obsession isn't necessarily confidence.
>if you are a narcissist then you are usually more self centered and don't care for others all so much
True, but not being narcissistic is not sufficient in being actively compassionate or so.
No it's just projected confidence. Narcissists are generally the most insecure of people. This pretty uncontested among psychologists.
>having teach to retarded narcissistic zoomers why narcissism is not a psychologically desired state
Without modern medical intervention, you would not have survived child birth. You should be euthanized.
Compared to a narcissist, I would say non-narcissist people are more social and in return are more likely to be compassionate. I would say this assessment is valid.
>thinks he can prove the existence of god
he hasn't read kant and is a brainlet
you are not even a person, and are mogged in every interaction. die.
>non-narcissist people are more social
Not necessarily true.
>in return are more likely to be compassionate.
No. There is no correlation.
How old are you?
Why did you throw away your argument so quickly? Stop with the relativity claims.
It's a retarded topic to discuss in the first place. It's only possible with stupid narcissistic zoomers.
How are non-narcissist people not more social compared to narcissist people? Narcissist people are often selfish, selfish people are often less social for the reason that they are selfish? This argument really just derailed and we are going into semantics.
>Stop with the relativity claims.
Also, no, I am serious when I say most zoomers would not have survived child birth without modern medical intervention.
The problem is today's world is all geared around skills and employment, but warfare was needed because it offered “get rich quick” opportunities for young males to support their families and the human psychology shows this.
That is actually what our evolutionary design is: it kept the village safe, the enemies knocked up, the population under control and sufficient resources for young breeding couples when it was needed.
We are now in some Indianization, like what happened in India during and after the Raj, the young have little money at their peak breeding ability and as a consequence children are growing up subtly malnourished and mentally impoverished, the old are living longer and retaining resource control, infant mortality is too low to permit any genetic winnowing, the species is creeping along the path of cretinization and infirmity.
>If you like yourself... you uh... want to suck dick!
You think attacking the person and not the claim will stop narcissism?
this is the only correct answer and you have been filtered
Again, how old are you. You are a complete and utter moron with absolutely little to no contemplative depth.
>How are non-narcissist people not more social compared to narcissist people?
There are introverted non-narcissistic people who prefer solitary activities or solitude over interpersonal relations. They are not narcissistic. They simply prefer solitary activities.
>Narcissist people are often selfish, selfish people are often less social for the reason that they are selfish?
Selfish people may interact with others even more for wanting to "stroke their egos". They may seek the company of others for flattery and more.
>This argument really just derailed and we are going into semantics.
Again, how old are you? I feel like I'm talking to a bot who has no metacognitive awareness.
Narcissism is not the same thing as liking yourself. Narcissism is self-obsession.
I just want them euthanized at this point. Hopefully they get the jab and die from blood clots or something.