Write What Weighs Heavily On Your Mind

/WWOYM/ Unfairly Stigmatized Cookie edition

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Yea Forums is dying, or at the very least, getting worse.

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Sometimes I read things and I like them but I cannot explain why I like them. I think that means I don't really understand what I like.

Sometimes I think I like things because I don't understand them, and that means they're profound so in theory liking them would make me smart even though I didn't understand shit.

chuds need leftist gfs to make them balanced

It means you have a hard time expressing your appreciation.
Have you read any Bloom?

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I understand how people find God in the most miserable situations like prison or war.
Short of gnosticism swiftly followed by suicide - faith and optimism in the face of this waking nightmare is all we have.

Follow your dreams. If you’ve ever taken a look at some of the bull shit coming out, then you’ll understand that even if you think your writing is garbage, someone will pay you for it, and you’ll even have some dedicated fans. Honestly, just give it a shot.

You niggas are all homosexuals lmfao, what daily microplastic consumption does to a mf

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how do I get a schizopilled Yea Forums+ /x/ gf? I'm hispanic so I cant go to book clubs or anything like that

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They’re at church all the time

I do not believe in god. But there were times when I was in a miserable position in life. I prayed. I prayed to Jesus. I prayed to a god I do not believe in. I still do not believe in a god. But it is comforting to feel as if there is a god. That this was a test of faith. That if I fail, Jesus will forgive me. And with his forgiveness, I have the courage the courage to keep my head straight and continue what I need to do.

it's ok to vomit in public occasionally

I don’t have an issue with this. Shit happens. Just like if someone has to shit on the side of the road.

i hate satan imm kill that nigga with my bare hands

It was worse two years ago. It was faster, and half the threads were "what are books about [not literature]" bullshit. Still happens, but nowhere near the same frequency, and the slower pace allows some good threads to live.

how come it isn't more common to make a distinction between sci-fiction and sci-fantasy? It's such an important one, imo.

im a moderate conservative and my catholic wife with an uber republican father toned me down a lot. in general, getting married should decrease ones investment in politics. pick your battles, you know

I have said it before and I'll say it again and again

Rangeban phoneposters and Yea Forums will go through a golden age

i'd rather pick my ass

i guess the 'onions' meme lost its novelty for you people and your obsession with gay people?

both microplastics and soi act as xenoestrogens and endocrine disruptors, stop rejecting the science chud

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youre obsessed

It's weird that i've bought so many philosophical texts but when it comes to actual comprehension and getting something out of them, reading commentaries and secondary literature tends to help me more. even if someone like plato is extremely readable that still doesn't change the fact that a good commentator on him will totally open your eyes to the text and make you see what you didn't before

From last thread, gimme some big brain philosopher answers bois
What distinguishes Information (not the Shannon kind) from Knowledge?
What distinguishes Trivia from Knowledge?
What is Wisdom and what distinguishes it from Knowledge?
Can you have 'Knowledge' of fictional things, or does knowledge imply correlation to some 'natural facts'?
What are the implications of Tacit knowledge, like if I know where something is located by using 'muscle memory' (actually perhaps more properly attributable to 'Procedural Memory') but cannot explain through words why I know it, can't give any reasoning for why I know it's there -- and am only able to provide after-the-fact hypotheses, then can I truly be said to have "Knowledge" of the thing?

>he outsources his reactions to other authors
just do what i do and invent crackpot analyses that are equally unimportant

>youre obsessed

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I no longer feel like the protagonist of my own life, as I had in my early youth. I had dreams, but those dreams seemed like a matter of time. I only had to wait, and they would come true. Soon I would be an adult, I would learn all I wanted to learn, I would have everything that I could ever need. 20 years later I still am not an adult, still desperately beg for knowledge that I, more than ever, need. Still I'm not sure of what I even need.
I know that I, like almost all men, am destined to fade into obscurity, but the prospect of never reaching the nearest of my ambitions, is something I still can't come to terms with. Was it a mistake to even dream, I wonder.
I feel trapped inside my own body, inside these walls that housed me for my whole (admittedly short) life. For life is outside, but I have nowhere to go, no idea how to change this predicament. Everyday passes me by, like a torrent, and I am left wondering how am I even supposed to change, to change something that feels like life itself. I know I won't be rich. Or Happy. Or even fulfilled. But I want to do things, to realize this vision inside my head. The one thing that keeps me going is also the thing that agonizes me the most.
Part of my entrapment is the utter, crippling feeling of incapacity. You're not good enough to do what you want. You lack the knowledge to do what you want. The people that could help you do not want to. Your cradle was not bright enough to give you the opportunities that you so desperately, insanely need. And why do you need help anyways? The people who you look up to, who have made it, (and were dead long before you were born) never needed any help. Then, why should you?
Life is going as usual, as it is intended to go on and as it has always been. For your grandfathers, your fathers, and you. So why worry?
It is all too tiring.

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Happy Easter or Passover my lads


>liquor store is 5 blocks from my house
>order via ubereats anyway because i dont want the shopkeep to recognize me boozing up twice since wednesday
im ngmi

nigga you sound like a closeted homosexual

How does he?

Mods and jannies have been more active recently. Deleting off-topic and low-effort threads

>What is Wisdom and what distinguishes it from Knowledge?
In my shit way of seeing it, wisdom is that which can only be understood by the person who has it, as in, can't be taught or transmitted, or even explained. The only way to acquire wisdom is by having it, plain and simple. It is a way to see and navegate the world that only comes from a relationship between personal experiences with the external world, and the person's ability to interpret and understand that experience.
In that way, wisdom is then not knowledge per se, but instead a way to interpret knowledge that you receive, and is something completely separated from it. Two people might have the same experiences, but one will have less wisdom than the other, because their way to interpret that experience is different.
tl;dr: Wisdom is a way you interpret knowledge, separate from knowledge itself.

hes been spamming these threads

Continuing to be the best you can through pain, hoping against all evidence pointing to the contrary. That is more Christian than most so called believers realise.

my brain has been civilized

I will take the therapy.
I will tell all the lies.
You will think that I have gotten better.
And you will have to tell the police to send the dogs to find me because you won't even know where to look for me.
Don't take my fucking booze.

The question is then is there a hierarchy in persons that are more conscious of God, if there is no free will does that create a Calvinist esq elicit? If one system generates a consciousness in kind that is clear without there choice, and another without their choice lives wholly in suffering, in illusion and fear and despair, who can they come to be clear as well, is there a justice that they will come to understand? If they could have solidarity there fear and despair would be lifted. Are they doomed to suffer, if they are then I will have to find God in that with great difficulty, if not then I can easily find God there by helping them. Though it is not a free choice to help them or not, it may still become that it is done. One life, no free will, yet most of them will suffer all that time. Where is Solidarity in that?

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I’ve completely shut myself from my family and friends. I hate everything. I just want to like one thing. Just literally ONE thing. It can be something outside of me, like water. But I really can’t think of a single thing i like. Everything is really closing in on me to do the inevitable. It feels like it’s really forcing my hand.

Wisdom often has this sort of connotation of being something special or extraordinary. Is that fair? Is all personal interpretation of knowledge a form of wisdom, or is wisdom a special sort of interpretation?

I got 15 (yous) from making a clever joke on Yea Forums the other day.

What was the joke?

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one of the islamic predictions for the end of time is there will be 50 women to every man

Happy Easter

It wont happen since like 90% of the western world is vaccinated and therefore infertile + testosterone levels plummeting because of microplastics and other pollutants. Its over, africans will inherit the earth

>sometimes i wonder if the weed is smoking me.mp3
man, do a good deed, take number of your pieces, make them into a single compilation and dedicate it to our shitposting sangha. frens be honoured, making real local culture to flow around is always a good idea. it is not always about 'quality' but the difference (lliveliness coming from people and places that you can associate).

only when the gravitation of the local will be stronger than the heterogenous (which is poisoned and is blackpilling), spirits will awake and shine.

youtube is kinda like the library of alexandria. it's too big to fail so lets just archive all our content in it. who knows if it lasts, but hey, whatever was actually redeemable from youtube was probably saved in thousands of different computers already so the stuff that noone cares greatly about is lost, although some good thins would be lost because of it

Information is any piece of data about the world. Knowledge is when you have enough information to be pretty sure about something. This is inherently fuzzy and subject to all the bullshit discussed by the Gettier problem.
I like the Bayesian framing. Beliefs are probabilities. New information moves the needle. Beliefs are never 0% or 100% but at some point they're good enough.
Trivia is a subset of knowledge. It's knowledge that's trivial, particularly in a poorly-connected way that doesn't create general insight.
You could see wisdom as the opposite of trivia, knowledge that can be applied to many situations.
Trivia is that the uppercase ẞ was introduced into German in 2017. Wisdom is that language changes over time, both through bottom-up and through top-down processes.
Tacit knowledge is still knowledge, just stored in a different place. You could say that your conscious mind doesn't have the knowledge, but the information clearly exists somewhere in you.

>'Information is any piece of data about the world'
>about an immanent workings of a closed system. Higher cause is absent or inaccessible
>Knowledge+the Higher Principle that cannot be fully understood by our rational faculties, i.e. genuine Wisdom is mystical

I fucked up

Looking at it retrospectively, Nu Metal was an interesting phenomenon. At least in terms of what it represented (i.e., the last time angsty and (slightly) heavy music had a chance to truly be mainstream), it was commendable. As commercialized as it all was.

This is a good song as well. I normally wouldn't go out of my way to defend Limp Bizkit, but this is the exception. I haphazardly thought of it earlier today, and it motivated me to write this post.

Very good album. Although I slightly prefer Laughing Stock.

Wouldn't that apply to the internet as a whole, and not just specific platforms (such as YT)?

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>Beliefs are probabilities. New information moves the needle.
That answer works for me
>You could say that your conscious mind doesn't have the knowledge, but the information clearly exists somewhere in you.
And since that information exists somewhere in you, that it adds probability to belief in that knowledge? Even if it can't be consciously stated or reasoned.
>You could see wisdom as the opposite of trivia, knowledge that can be applied to many situations.
But if you move too general you get something true, like languages change over time through bottom-up and top-down processes, but it's not really that functional or useful is it? I realize it's an example, but what I'm more trying to get at is what is the threshold for wisdom? Or even if it's not a clearly delineated threshold, what region might it be?

i'm not a knowledgeable programmer on it but i'm able to access my files even if the internet were down

I feel like I exist on a completely different reality due to being +25 year old khv. I can fake myself around other people but I do not feel any connection with them like Im from completely different species like a skinwalker. I think even if I some poor gal would establish intimacy with me, everything would completely fly over my head as the unrecoverable damage has been done in these 25 years.

>And since that information exists somewhere in you, that it adds probability to belief in that knowledge? Even if it can't be consciously stated or reasoned.
Belief can be abstracted into prediction. I know I own two cans of soup, meaning I predict that I'll find two cans of soup in the cupboard. My brain knows how to ride a bike, meaning it predicts that if I move so and so I won't fall over.
This gets trickier when talking about past events. You could predict to find information that confirms your belief. But then what about events with no evidence besides my own memory?
Predictive Processing says that prediction is all the brain does, and that it's what underlies action. I'm not sure I buy it, but it's interesting.
>what is the threshold for wisdom? Or even if it's not a clearly delineated threshold, what region might it be?
The "purpose" of wisdom seems to me to be that it enables judgment and decision-making.
I think something as simple as "that guy is often late, so he probably didn't get hit by a bus or anything" counts as wisdom.
Wisdom may or may not be easily captured by raw facts, but it's ultimately generated by them, and I don't ascribe any mysticism to it. It can be tacit, like riding a bike, but riding a bike is not mystical either.

it's good. like Hotline Miami for someone who hasn't given up yet

Who was the first person to fully embrace the idea that "knowledge" is just a mental map we generate to impose patterns on the world, and we can't really know anything independently? Wasn't it Hume?

>But then what about events with no evidence besides my own memory?
Interesting question, and there's a curious paradox in this. I asked about can we have knowledge of fictional things, so to use your terminology we can believe that Popeye has a rivalry with Bluto. Using this information, watching any number of Popeye cartoons we can observe this rivalry which confirms this knowledge, even though they are just wiggly line drawings and not real people.
Conversely if we remember an event from the past, unless it has certain implications in the future such as where you parked your car, or if you owe a friend $100, if there is no evidence that supports that then we can't have any reason to believe it.
>Predictive Processing
Not familiar with this.
>I think something as simple as "that guy is often late, so he probably didn't get hit by a bus or anything" counts as wisdom.
Fair enough. It's interesting how it's presented as this sort of sublime thing.
The Pyrrhonists?

I'd appreciate it if you put some effort in toward at all reaching old age senpai. also if you could reach old age without being some old ghost of a teenager that either doesn't shower or uses lowest grade deodorant that burns the eyes and doesn't clean his hair that'd be good for me. it seems you're just washing around in something here. i'd armchair it but fuck do I know. If you can think of any effort to take care then please do.

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my best advice to you is to go out and get some milk and some chocolate/cookies and watch the movie Frank