I never had a father

Which book to read for the best life advices?

t. a depressed and neurotic fat man who would like to change

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The Bible but unironically

unironically take the /fit/ pill. my father wasnt very invoolved with me growing up and it has definately been damaging but you can get past it. get fit, try your hand at martial arts, live a little, there's no magic book that will solve this but there are many that will put you in a good mindset, sun and steel is solid motivation

I can be your father for a decent sum of 20 dollars per hour. Are you interested... son?

Read up on Tiefenpsychologie. Not to the degree of therapeuting yourself but just to incorporate the understanding why things are wrong with you.

Can't you larpers go ONE thread without shitting up the thread?

You NEED to read Plutarch, Montaigne, and Emerson

Someone jizzed in your mom's pussy. Also imagine thinking "having a father" means that fucker will import life advice. Kek. People don't need fathers they need a militant warrior society a la the Lacedaemonians

I've been there. Wasn't fat but I was extremely socially awkward, insecure and isolated from playing video games all day until I turned 22.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra was my turning point. Made me realize I am the master of my destiny and I need to overcome my human weaknesses to overcome existential nihilism and self pity. This led me to the stoics for emotional control to let go of anxiety hindering me from doing anything. Zen and Daoist literature also helped to detach from desire and expected outcomes in social interactions, to be more "present in the moment" and socialise more naturally.

Then I went to JBP for some more modern day advice easy to apply. His early lectures are much better than his self help books though.

These are good starts. But everything 8f value leads back to what said. The Holy Bible is unironically all you need and will make you psyop resistent if you read it carefully and truly give yourself to God's grace

This board is 18+ little soldier

Evola's Introduction to magic

Roadside picnic

>Read up on Tiefenpsychologie
You mean Jung? I have already read Freud and it did not help me + I consider him a fraud

What books user?

I prefer Guenon
But why intro' to magic?

I was thinking Adler but I got most out of just an introduxtory work. I easily spotted my own weaknesses and was able to move forward

Please elaborate

What's the best translation for Zarathustra? I'm peeved that Stanford hasn't translated it yet

literally and unironically Nietzsche

I have a loving father who has been present throughout my entire life and I'm still depressed and neurotic. I mean, he's also depressed and neurotic. We share meds if one of us runs out.
Read (or watch) some Shakespeare. Pretty much anything worth learning is there.

Why do I try to act this way in front of others for example.

This - all fathers are imperfect Christs. What did Thomas Jefferson, Aquinas, Newton, and Churchill all share in common? They all thought thay Jesus's ethics were they best man had.

>We share meds if one of us runs out.
>Read (or watch) some Shakespeare.

holy wow
Plutarch yes - probs not Motaigne and Emerson


Blood Meridian


Ultramind solution


Too bad Churchill was on the wrong side of history, and was also a dunked degen

As others have said, the Bible is honestly really good for healing depression. Anything by Dostoevsky is also good.

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Plato's dialogues.


>What books user?
Plutarch’s Lives and Moralia, Montaigne’s essays, and Emerson’s essays and poetry.

Jordan Peterson is go-to cope for fatherlessness. I really like his psychology and life advice, but, politics and philosophy wise, not so much.

I’d watch Fight Club and read Nietzsche. Also, Mein Kampf.

Eat less. Literally all there is to it.


>Which book to read for the best life advices?

Hast thou a friend whom thou trustest well,
from whom thou cravest good?
Share thy mind with him, gifts exchange with him,
fare to find him oft.

But hast thou one whom thou trustest ill
yet from whom thou cravest good?
Thou shalt speak him fair, but falsely think,
and leasing pay for a lie.

Most dear is fire to the sons of men,
most sweet the sight of the sun;
good is health if one can but keep it,
and to live a life without shame.

More blest are the living than the lifeless,
'tis the living who come by the cow;
I saw the hearth-fire burn in the rich man's hall
and himself lying dead at the door.

The lame can ride horse, the handless drive cattle,
the deaf one can fight and prevail,
'tis happier for the blind than for him on the bale-fire,
but no man hath care for a corpse.

Cattle die and kinsmen die,
thyself too soon must die,
but one thing never, I ween, will die, --
fair fame of one who has earned.

Cattle die and kinsmen die,
thyself too soon must die,
but one thing never, I ween, will die, --
the doom on each one dead.

Moon Palace by Paul Auster


When I was a kid until I was 16, my dad used to cut my nails, shave me, trim my pubes, pop zits on my face and back until I would bleed and weep, smell my penis and armpits after I showered, and sometimes showered with me. He would beat me if I ever denied him. This went on until my mom and I moved to another state after she divorced him. He also signed me up to play baseball, basketball, football and soccer against my will, all of which ended in me humiliating myself. It got to the point where I was on my knees begging him to not make me play. He wanted me to be good at sports even though I was an overweight spaz. He made fun of me whenever he saw me playing video games.

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Fuck off this website and Exercise. A book is just gonna give you an excuse to laze around more.

Oh father, wished around you where
to teach me how to pussy get

Meetings with Remarkable Men - Gurdjieff.

Should I join the Marines if I'm young and in similar shape? I feel like if I were in the company of other men, working together to survive bullshit, I'd be able to pick up what I lost through bad parenting. At the very least, it would give me an identity, stability, skills, and perks to help me discover what I want to do later.

I'll be able to ace the ASVAB, don't worry about that.

> Zen and Daoist literature
mind recc'ing some?





I’m reading the Kaufman one and it seems pretty good. Reads well anyway. It’s the one Everyman’s Library uses.

Brothers Karamazov


do it.

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Confederacy of Dunces


don't do it bro

okay, so I got two conflicting responses, and they're both dubs. wtf? what am I supposed to do here.

Listen to me

stfu, you didn't say shit.

If you're doing anything else with your life why shouldn't? It's probably better than doing nothing

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but like, will it help me grow in the way I want?

>The Holy Bible is unironically all you need
Genuinely kys.
I would bully you to high heaven.
I would bully you so much to the point you feel lik you're suffocating and finally off yourself to hell.
You had no father, and neither will your children because you are a trash human being, a p-zombie with absolutely no qualia.