Which book offers the best posmodern literature experience?

Which book offers the best posmodern literature experience?

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Anyone ever noticed that there's not a single good book on this list? None Ive read so far at least.

>all of them are shit
Postmodernism is a mistake

how come if i fart and im not careful it will become a shart but my friend can push like hes trying to deliver a baby and blow a massive wet sounding fart and he tells me it's not a shart?


Where are the postmodern chads at?

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which ones are good and why?

No guys really what are some most enjoyable postmodern books tho

Red, green or blue?

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>The Mezzanine
>Pale Fire
>Rings of Saturn
>New York Trilogy
All of these are absolute masterpieces and only a tasteless retard would dismiss them all out of hand.
>Why are they good?
Why don't you fucking read them and write us a report on them you nigger?

The only postmodern novel I enjoyed was American Psycho tbqh. I enjoy the classics more.

into the trash it goes

Catch-22, Slaughterhouse 5, and Fear and Loathing are all enjoyable reads and good books and shouldn’t be grouped with hipster shit like Infinite Jest and Gravity’s Rainbow.

The Wake would have been a choice than Ulysses. The problem people are having with these lists is that none of the titles are usually enjoyable on the first reading. PKD on the other hand is an author that is approachable and could be considered postmodern

Is Rings of Saturn any good?

post modernism is just gay sophistry

Honestly, I'm sure there are good postmodern novels out there, I was about to give 2666 a read. But I always get a feeling as these authors are trying to hard to present their thoughts as something out of the ordinary.

— Look at what I thought of, ain't that something new? Ain't that a twist? So, how is it?
— Empty shell of art created out of artistic impotence.
— But nooooo! You just don't understand my meta-irony!

That fucked up spelling is meta-irony btw
(buy my book)

Gravity's Rainbow is just a better written catch-22 you pseudlet

one of the best books i've ever read, supremely /comfy/

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Better written? Are you serious? Also no one sucks shit out of someone’s ass in Catch-22, you fucking degenerate.

Is Ulysses post modern? I always thought it was considered modern, not that it really matters.

I think slaughterhouse-five is the easiest and most immediately fun post-modern read.

I strongly recommend Life A User's Manual.
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle falls apart when two characters appeared near the end.
I don't know Labyrinths, but Fictions is almost perfect. I only disliked one story.
I don't know the other books.

GR is absolutely objectively better than Catch-22 in every metric you can come up with. Better prose, denser, more thematically meaningful, deeper characters, more impressive structure, it's even funnier.
You clearly haven't seen a single passage except the coprophilia meme page that gets posted all the time.

to be honest, having read a lot of postmodern literature, postmodern doesn’t really mean anything in the context of writing beyond the rejection of the “traditional” linear novel format. Two books can have absolutely nothing in common whatsoever and still both be Postmodern.
My favorite is 2666 though.

This is easily one of the most retarded political memes I've ever seen.
No "Alt-Right" person likes him. If you think so, you're out of touch with reality and you're politically illiterate

Imagine being triggered by a book lmao

ik, also postmodernist arent marxists

My favorite is Horcynus Orca, but it was also one of the least pleasant reading experience I had. In my experience post-modern novels are more stimulating than enjoyable

Postmodernism is dishonest at its best. Once you become mired in forms like postmodern art, literature, music and cinema, society becomes stuck in a rut it cannot pull itself out of.
Modern civilizations should be upholding a sense of tradition as they once did. We should be rewarding writers who are not making a living through things like "subverting expectations".
With postmodernism there is no myth or legend. What are the archetypes of postmodern literature? Cringey pseuds?

Phenomenology of Spirit.

About half of these can be replaced by a better books their respective authors wrote
>SH5 -> Breakfast of Champions
>Man in the High Castle -> Ubik
>Pale Fire -> Ada
>Invisible Cities -> If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler
>Rings of Saturn -> Emigrants
And so on. Those were off the top of my head

> has Calvino
> doesn't have his best work
why bother?

You're just railing against what you imagine le pomo to mean from retarded talking heads you listen to, not from anything you experienced yourself.
Not a single one of the books in OP is "dishonest," they overwhelmingly don't "subvert expectations," and almost all of them directly tie into western traditions, myths, and legends.
>What are the archetypes?
Peterson faggots always prove that they do not read. I hate all of you.

I always viewed it as a sort-of branch from modernism to post modernism but that's just me.

Comfy is just a codeword for boring

Stick to marvel movies

Neither of you provided a single argument in defense of postmodernism and neither of you can name a single archetype. As is usual with purveyors of moral decay, all you can do is make personal attacks which make you look weak.

Seethe moar

Nigger, (You) are the one who made the sweeping declaration that thirty books written across four continents over the span of a century are all garbage for the same vague reasons that do not actually apply to any of them. I am not defending "postmodernism," I don't give a shit about made-up labels most of those authors would openly reject, I am defending the books on the list.
I'd confidently bet $500 that you haven't read a single one of them. Why don't you pick one - any one - and explain how it is eroding the fabric of the noble west or whatever the fuck kind of crusade you imagine Nabokov and DFW secretly colluded on.
And if you pick Fear and Loathing then base your criticism on the goddamn Johnny Depp movie, your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

I never made any claims that the west is noble. I merely pointed out that postmodernism is the proverbial canary in the coal mine as it relates to western thought and morality.

Before I continue with a summation of one of these books, I'll point out that the angry verbiage contained in your post betrays what must be stunted emotional growth. It would do you well to learn to control your emotional state, even in the deserted gutters of the internet.

Now, onto your most delicious request to "pick one - any one - and explain how it is eroding the fabric". There's so much to pick apart here, such as a statement that lazy postmodern writing is a form of collectivized crusade to erode what came before. On the contrary, postmodernism is simply the result of lazy deconstructionists and charlatans who treat their art with about as much respect as you have with your posts here.

Naked Lunch - A book which glorifies drug addiction, proliferates an anti-authoritarian attitude, revels in sexual degeneracy and was clearly written as nothing more than a titillating cash grab which was pornography for the Keruoac generation.

>not the heckin moralino!!!!

lmao people like you don't understand art, stay in your lane before you make a fool of yourself again.

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Naked Lunch doesn't titillate anyone, it is abjectly horrifying and shows the depraved horror that Burroughs saw in his world of drug use and degeneracy, glorifying none of it. You haven't demonstrated any knowledge of a book so far that you couldn't pull from the first paragraph of its wikipedia entry because you clearly don't have any such knowledge.
>treat their art with no respect
The fact that you're leveling these criticisms at authors like Nabokov and Gaddis is laughably retarded. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and are only going to further embarass yourself.
Please, for the love of God, read a book. From OP's list alone, Gaddis, Nabokov, Borges, Baker, Eco, Auster, and Sebald's books would all be more than enough proof to you that this imaginary postmodern bogieman you've built in your head is about retarded Netflix shows, not century-old books. Almost all of them would hate today's globohomo degeneracy even more than you and without being so clearly powerless to detach from it.

You see, you yourself are skipping over the books in OP's image which clearly do represent what I'm talking about. I can understand your defense of Nabokov and Eco and would agree with you that their books are not without merit. But Catch-22? Vonnegut? Pynchon? House of freaking Leaves? Hunter S Thompson? Are you really trying to say that these are defensible alongside Nabokov and the other authors you mentioned?

You haven't read any of those lol

The Flounder by Gunter Grass is delightful. The Tidewater Tales by John Barth is another favorite. Both novels are very funny and life-affirming while also having some very dark moments, Grass especially with the dark moments. And both novels play into and comment on the nature of story-telling, which I love. I'd highly recommend both. The Tidewater Tales, I think, is one of Barth's easier novels to get into. It's got his trademark style of wordplay which gives it endless rereadability, but the plot isn't so complex like Giles Goat-Boy or his other long novels.
It's arguably THE definitive landmark of modernist writing. Just because a book has elements which were influential on post-modern writing (which all the big modernist texts did) doesn't make it post-modern itself.

>It's arguably THE definitive landmark of modernist writing
It's true because Ulysses was just a meditation on breaking the rules with the wink of an eye. Smash the stylistic forms, subvert the reader's expectation. James Joyce was the first cringelord.

Not the heckin expectations

Yep, Joyce was the Rion Johnson of literature.

Stick to your starwars movies

Stick to your sewage pulp "postmodernism" which has been dead for 30 or 40 years already.

Nice try satan

infinite jest is good because when i read it sometimes i laughed and sometimes i felt sad and sometimes it made me think

Nice try lucifer

Dumbest shit i've read in a while. Beethoven subverted expectations.

Cry all you want, pop culture has been playing catchup to gravity's rainbow since it came out

Hahah...are you comparing Pynchon to Beethoven? My absolute sides.

>pop culture
Don't you see? That's the whole problem.

>Are you comparing hurr ka durrr
Subverting expectations has been done for 10.000 years you fucking retard, it's what makes art exciting. History will decide what writer becomes the equivalent of Beethoven, not me or you.

Methinks user doth protest too much

Also Rossini > Beethoven anyway

There's a way to do it with meaning, and there's a way to do it without meaning.

>How dare you disparage the heckin drug culture!

You have no idea what you are talking about

Insults and personal attacks continue to show your weak position.

Heller, Vonnegut, and HST aren't artistic geniuses but they cared about their work and produced solid stuff for what they were going for. All of them are very genuine and put pathos into everything they did, they weren't frauds or charlatans or whatever.
I won't defend House of Leaves and won't read it.
Pynchon is the greatest living author in the English language and nobody who posts shit like this has bothered giving him a try.

House of Leaves is a fucking masterpiece and I'll post angrily on the internet if you disagree so you better watch yourself