Is suicide based?

Went for a long hike in the wilderness today and contemplated Schopenahuer’s essay. What exactly is the problem? Why are people so out off by suicide?

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Bc nobody knows what happens when you die until you die and hell could be waiting for suicideanon.

Humans are social animals. When one person opts out of life, they all start considering it. Suicide makes the living insecure. That's why it's a crime.

That’s true I suppose

Read Cioran my guy
“It is not worth the bother of killing yourself, since you always kill yourself too late.” - Cioran

>Nothing wrong with it, but if you do it for some reasons it is bad
Why, retard? Why would the motivation make any difference?
Cioran was a fakecel.

Because if you are too much of a bitch to be able to handle and live life to its natural end then you are, with respect, a throbbing pussy.

>You need to live a shitty life to its shitty end to make me feel better about my shitty life!
You're such a small dick little bitch. Grow a spine.

based cioran enjoyer

Try not to injure yourself with those edges, try to cope with being suicidal by taking a walk or something.

You have no confidence in your own ideals.

Vitamin D is also very good for you, strongly recommend.

Humans have divinely implanted “morals” which is why everyone knows murder is bad. Everyone also knows suicide is bad. The question is, why? And the answer is, murder is bad because it’s a transgression against the love commandments because you deprive another man of life. Life on earth serves a purpose for that man. Likewise, it is not God’s order for you to prematurely deprive your own self of this life opportunity.

Death is death. It's always going to be scary. Suicide is definitely not a coward option though, to actually go through will it is next level. I just think it makes everyone feel bad, but loss will always feel like that, nothing has really changed.

I think you have to distinguish between death and dying. Dying is obviously scary, because it is generally painful and one does not know how extreme the moment exactly before death will feel, death not so much. The terrifying thought is what if the moment of excruciating pain right before death stretches out into eternity for a phenomenological reason we are not aware of.

Death actually sounds peaceful when you put it like that. Also not just how painful dying will be, but the general anxiety you feel looming as you get older, have to go see a doctor for whatever reason, and all that. I'm too young to think about that but I still do, I hate going to the doctor and shudder at the thought of anything worse than the flu. Dying slowly at old age sounds like absolute shit too.

The Good needs us to fight even when we can't see clearly what we're fighting for

Life is short, fight for goodness even if it's just to spite evil, just in case there's meaning in all this (there is)

This is correct

Good answer going to return to god after many years thanks to this post.

because if they accept yours, they have to accept their own.

I don't understand this quote. If someone wants to end suffering that is ongoing the how could it be too late?

No, Chad! Don’t kill yourself, you can still make genuine connections even in this gynocentric culture that objectifies, not every girl is a whore that sees you as a walking dildo.

>Everyone knows these are bad
Not even close. These are timeless questions.

Stop it your scaring them

Fantastic post my friend. I'll carry your words for life.

Depending on if you're talking personal or institutional.
It's sad to experience the death of a loved one - group dynamics. And for those group dynamics, suicide also has a hint of self importance: "I'm so singular that I can decide my OWN death." And in that sense it exacts upon a population a wind of solipsism, because in their midst was one who was 1. enacting and unveiling a hitherto unknown precedent 2. not of them, 3. and before them; and now they know existential loneliness without that mystery solvent: Suicide is proof of God via proof of external - and physiologically estranged - intelligence, through revelation. Maybe, then, God really IS dead, and any fear of God is precisely the pressure of that fulcrum beyond Him. Like a star at night, a million years gone - still shining.

of course he's going to say it's based, he killed himself.

I'm reading cioran right now and don't understand that quote

Murder is bad, because if you killed one of your fellow tribesmen, his brother will kill you in your sleep or potentially get kicked out of the tribe to await certain death in the wilderness. The ones that survived passed on their genes to not kill their next of kin. Members of other tribal groups are fair game, as we're not related by blood and they're seen as a competitor to our own genetic group for a limited a access to resource. Suddenly murder is a -ok.

He's talking about the fact that people kill themselves after life has already hurt them, so they kill themselves to late. It doesn't make sense when you take into account the avoidance of future suffering. Cioran is a fun writer to read, but half of what he said was just meaningless blog posts back in a time before blogs existed.

Life has a way of changing drastically, sometimes it will put you through the meanest storms, if you give up and kill yourself, then you will never live what comes next, it's sad.

> everyone knows murder is bad.
> human history is a history of mass murder

>it is not God’s order for you to prematurely deprive your own self of this life opportunity
what opportunities? i was never given any, only setbacks. i am now 24 and working as a student carpenter instead of having become the intellectual scientist i always aspired to be when i was younger, simply because i was robbed of the circumstances required for such a profession. God has given me jack shit, he can go fuck himself

>Humans have divinely implanted “morals”
You misspelled conservation instinct, but whatever.

This reminds me of one of the existential thoughts I have been dealing for a long time now.

How the perception concepts such as death, suicide, sickness, and old age drastically change from our childhood/teens to adulthood.

Back when I was younger, I had an immovable positive outlook on life, that I could overcome anything. And now, I feel so fragile and weak. Like everything life throws at me is a storm I cant stop, but rather just endure through it. The pain remains. I feel like I have become weak. I want to regain that youthful strength, but I think it might be impossible.

Indeed an unbreakable will is the product of ignorance.


Suicide is le bad because it makes people stop and take a rational assessment of living life.

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dude, you're only 24. You've still got 20 years to go before you can start whining.

A silly non sequitur. Very French indeed.

Which nevertheless could have been created by God.

Not everybody knows murder is bad. You could consider those who do not understand this to be guided by demons, if you would like to look at it from a religious perspective.

The soul survives death. I have become aware of this from personal experience which cannot be explained otherwise. This would imply that the state of a soul, the terrible anguish and oppressive darkness that characterizes the soul of a suicide, would remain after death.

This is ressentiment.

it really depends on the context.

i've often said i'd happily kill myself the moment i run out of money to live life the way i like to live it.

in some ways perhaps this ethos inspired me to avoid being poor? hm.

despair at ge 24, they tell you to shut up and get old
despair at age 44, they tell you to shut up and carry on balding.


ignore the clamors of the lower world.

murder is not necessarily bad at all; even a horrible killing spree leads to reformations and advancement in law to ensure that the horrible scenario does not occur again. ideally anyway.

and from an Abramic biblical point of view, pretending to blame the cause your sins on some random person and killing them alongside your ugly slavering fellow villagers is 100% approved by the God.

alons y

parry, riposte, nose-bridge bash

>Humans have divinely implanted “morals”
>Everyone also knows suicide is bad.

Those who murder in the name of progress are often murdered by those who come after them. It is the opening of a Pandora’s box of evils.

Regarding what you consider the “Abrahamic Biblical point of view” None of what you say is sanctioned by Jesus Christ.

Those advancements could just as well be made without murder.

>Those who murder in the name of progress are often murdered by those who come after them. It is the opening of a Pandora’s box of evils.
yes, and so murder solves the problem of murderers as the murderers are themselves (likely) murdered. there's no deficit there until the murderers are not murdered, in which case their act of murder can be said to have worked.

>None of what you say is sanctioned by Jesus Christ.

of course they could be, but again we have to say "ideally".

something such as that example can be said not to achieve that outcome only if the society is very stupid and does not investigate the "horrible mass murder" in order to figure out the cause and adapt the laws to counter the gap which enabled the "horrible mass murder" to occur.

a high school shooting today, for example, is a waste of time, as the society is too retarded to learn from it. it is even, i would say, counter productive.

As if laws had anything to do with it! If you mean to say that laws could be enacted that would prevent mass murder don’t kid yourself. It’s a question of sickness of soul. The sick-souled materialist could convince themselves that they are above the law and are firmly on ‘the right side of history.’ This reasoning need not happen consciously on the part of the materialist, it is often fed to them as “correct.” They are often too dull to realize what they are. When materialists of this sort reach critical mass you get mass murder. If they comprise a smaller portion of a society you get rioting and terrorism even if society is relatively well sorted out. How else do we get rioting such as we saw after the death of George Floyd?

this dude is really great at using a lot of words to say absolutely nothing

those things dont really have anything to do with the subject, but it's interesting that you've equated 'materialist' with 'brainwashed faith-based masses' who believe that if they all believe a thing then it both makes it so and justifies their actions.

i think of materialism in terms of evidence-based rather than baseless (often self-serving) belief,

e.g. george floyd riots, taking it out of all political context, was a case of people wanting to loot and get free things, and they decided upon a belief which they felt morally justified their rapacity, hailing, even, the corpse as a holy martyr whilst the evil priests (news anchors, politicians) at their pulpits (tv news desks) looked on basking in their power to direct the mob at their whim.

BUUUUUUT this has zero to do with the "well, even murder can be justified in that at least it forces some legislative action" point that i was making; in the sunny-side-up sense of the thing.


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ha, he self-refutes and doesn't realize it; in a way you could read that entire paragraph as highly praising suicide in that suicidal people are beyond all form of bribery and corruption, having nothing by which they can be bribed and corrupted.

kind of interesting actually, wonder if that was his intention

Ask me what kind of antidepressants I take and I'll tell you 100mg of Forestanon

There is no argument against suicide if the afterlife doesn't exist. Unfortunately we don't know that for sure. We have to remain in this earth and cultivate our spiritual strength so that whatever is transmigrated is well prepared to meet the challenges in the next incarnation.

>We have to remain

you say we have to wait ...but.. waiting to die! Wouldn't you rather know ASAP?

Suicide is painless.

>BUUUUUUT this has zero to do with the "well, even murder can be justified in that at least it forces some legislative action" point that i was making; in the sunny-side-up sense of the thing.

>even a horrible killing spree leads to reformations and advancement in law to ensure that the horrible scenario does not occur again.

You were unclear in your original statement.
Murder forcing legislative action is a moot point because legislation will not solve the problem of mass murder. Only a change of soul can. You can agree with that.

Also, I do not disagree with your characterization, but it does show evidence of a religious impulse in Man that a materialist worldview (of which the mainstream contemporary western worldview is one of many in contradistinction to a truly religious, Christian, worldview) is not sufficient to satiate.

by that logic so could paradise or an end to endless reincarnation or some unfathomable weirdness.

>Also, I do not disagree with your characterization, but it does show evidence of a religious impulse in Man that a materialist worldview (of which the mainstream contemporary western worldview is one of many in contradistinction to a truly religious, Christian, worldview) is not sufficient to satiate.
it's more of a philosophical dispute of this as to to the focus of life; being either the pursuit of truth in demonstrable evidenced-based reality (to study and understand the causes of things) vs. the pursuit of self in an intangible non-evidence-based version of reality or solipsism or autism, or whatever.. you can put this into the language of Gods Creation, if you like, where reality is 'gods creation'.

>Only a change of soul can. You can agree with that.
soul / psyche;
spiritual strength / intellectual strength

In those terms, I agree. BUT blindness towards reality will never ever lead one to study and understand the causes of "X HORRIBLE SCENARIO"so as to be able to ever change or prevent the thing from occurring again and again.

Even in terms of the worst sort of suicide; desparation or unhappiness, even this reflects on the people around the person and their inability to bother to help the person (or having caused the upset in the first place) when they could have done something about it. It's a harsh and bitter lesson for them, but even in this extreme example,you can see, a purpose is being served.