Anons who effortpost on Yea Forums, why do you do it...

Anons who effortpost on Yea Forums, why do you do it? Why don't you write a book or a blog or a joournal article instead? What makes effortposts worth it to you?

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maybe if you're into failed pixie girls

Deny this I do not

Maybe you are right, I have been thinking about it, and considering that my attempts to post anything meaningful here were shit, maybe this is impossible.

>What makes effortposts worth it to you?
They're not, but this is a forum where I can air my retarded thoughts about things since I don't really have anyone irl I can talk about lit with on a regular basis.
>Why don't you write a book or a blog or a joournal article instead
It's a lot tougher to do those things than post on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.


because no one would reply if I posted it on a blog

You don't know what it's like out there, I've spent six months reading about something and tried to talk to someone who has studied it for ten years voluntarily and they get standoffish and tell me it's "weird" to talk about it "outside of work"

I've been on dates with girls who claimed that their entire lives revolved around studying a thing and then when we met in person they got angry at me for trying to talk about it and told me they "go on dates so they can put their brain on ice"

You don't know what it's like

Yea Forums is the only place people actually talk about anything

Because you're guaranteed some kind of audience here, whereas nobody (NOBODY) reads blogs any more. As for actual journals, they aren't going to accept the writings of a rando. Not that they matter either since people don't really read them much anymore either.

It's just my natural autism at work. I write several paragraphs about stuff even while phoneposting, hoping I will catch the ear of some kindred spirit. Usually it fails.

Damn. I had no idea how bad things really were.

Few reasons:
1. I am sometimes on adderal and being productive in an unpoructive way feels good.
2. I can talk about things I find interesting in depth, without all of the bother of editting or airs. Allowing me to either write down a stream of consiousness, and not being bothered about connecting the content to a cultivated persona who might have “standards”
3. The temporary and anonymous nature of the platform allows you to think and act in a way you cannot with a blog. there is a “serendipity” to it. You can always come back and its like you never where there. its usually a fresh start.
4.I like the sound of my own voice
5. I can shitpost a little more in it
6. a wider and oftentimes entertaining audience. Sometimes you get legitamently good responces. or at least a passing smirk. And if not, its still better than a blogpost with 0 comments.
7. I dont have to remember or do crap if I dont feel like it atm.

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I don't even look after I effortpost, I just try to be helpful or informative and close the thread usually

When you fail, how does that make you feel?

>You don't know what it's like out there, I've spent six months reading about something and tried to talk to someone who has studied it for ten years voluntarily and they get standoffish and tell me it's "weird" to talk about it "outside of work"
Reminds me of when I emailed my philosophy professor during undergrad asking if we could discuss The Republic and he said he couldn't find any time to do it.

Professors are the worst culprits. Their brains are so rotted by answering emails and doing busywork that they don't even remember what it's like to have a conversation about their field outside of a structured environment that is 98% fluff, like a conference or a presentation of some sloppy derivative work in progress.

Well, it's par for the course. Most people don't really care about this stuff. At this point it would be weird if they did.

What is to be done?

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>they get standoffish and tell me it's "weird" to talk about it "outside of work"
Lmao it's so true. Not everyone is like this though, some are happy to talk with you even if you know almost nothing

It fills the time between telling people at the bus stop and the pub my retarded ideas on restoration theatre.

>Yea Forums is the only place people actually talk about anything
Ok here me out. What if- speaking hypothetically here- what if we got rid of Yea Forums? Huh? How bout that? Then there'd be no where to talk about this stuff. Then they'd be forced to talk about in irl. Just think about it. Just think about how ancient peoples in the 90s did it. There was no Yea Forums. This is the way bros. We have to shut down Yea Forums.

Yes, but they would all move to the same city.

You know whats to be done

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>think about how ancient peoples in the 90s did it.
We had phonebooks to solicit unrequited penpals for our hot takes back then. Amazing books: you could just stick a pin in it, and send off your jottings on the state of modern cuneiform translations to someone as equally uninterested as user.

The logistics dont work that way though. Wed all have to go live on a commune together, which would be simply horrific

Ok here me out. What if- speaking hypothetically here- what if we got rid of that city? Huh? How bout that? Then there'd be no where to talk about this stuff. Then they'd be forced to talk about in irl. Just think about it. Just think about how ancient peoples in the 90s did it. There was no Yea Forumscity This is the way bros. We have to shut down Yea Forumscity.

Sounds like great times

>that fucking image

Ok, let's meet irl, Mr. hypothetically. Name a place and a time.

You imagine the pre-internet era as if everyone was discussing Plato all the time. People simply didn't talk about their pet interests with others nearly as much. In general there was a greater incentive to conform.

Ok the place: here, the time: now- in the the Twilight Zone...

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So long as mandatory return addresses don't take off here, it's a beautiful future too.

No. I love her.

if you got rid of Yea Forums I would have no access to would-be art-lovers and would have to resort to my pubs and bars full of deanos, bazzas and Y'R AIGHT Y'R AIGHT
I would an hero, I can't leave this place

I don't want to write a book i want to tell something interesting to my friends on Yea Forums

Your friends left without you and said you'd cover the bill.

unironically what is Yea Forumscity?
hardmode: no London or NYC

It ain't interesting and we aint yo frens phillip

Topeka, Kansas

It hasn't been London or NYC in decades upon decades user. Berlin has a better recent history than either and Berlin is awful.

Ignore them user I'm your friend

you will never be welcome on this site, repulsive reddit scum

Iowa City.

I am human and I want to be loved juat like everybody else does

'not berlin' isn't a city

Quintessentially reddit thread

This isn't the wrongest response i can imagine. Of the Midwestern options, I'd probably still place Minneapolis over it

zoomers arent human, zoomer

Jokes on you. Yea Forums is Reddit in another form.

Circa 2010 this was actually kind of true. By 2014 it was no longer true and in 2022 there is basically nothing in common between them anymore. Yea Forums has more in common with Twitter now by far

She's an easy lover
She'll take your heart, but you won't feel it
She's like no other
And I'm just trying to make you see

Twitter? How dare you.

trying too hard, newfag

Because every time I have ever tried to talk about literature that meant something to me, I have been given shit about it and told that I was a pretentious ass who is either lying or wasting my time. I like Ulysses, I like Infinite Jest, I like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, I like Catcher in the Rye, I like Dhalgren, I like Moby Dick, I like Gravity’s Rainbow, I like everything Joyce, Asano, Salinger, and Dickinson have ever put to paper. I like works which help me to challenge and understand myself instead of merely feeling some sort of vague interest in the plot or a character or two. And quite frankly, if I had to live my entire life holding conversations about literature exclusively with the kinds of people who think that “no one knows what Bildungsroman means you’re just trying to act smart”, I would have killed myself years ago because there would be no hope left for society.

There are people who read. There are people who care. There are people who challenge themselves and understand just how beautiful the written word can be. I want to talk to as many of those people as I can, and unfortunately this is one of the best places I’ve found to do so. So I’m going to effortpost until the fucking cows come home because god damn it Holden Caulfield gets it and Pemulis is the best character in IJ, and Joyce is the greatest goddamn genius since Shakespeare, and Dickinson makes me cry, and more than anything I’m really really fucking bored. Is that a good answer?

Also, OP? She’s super hot. Anyone who disagrees is just wrong, sorry.

No actually I'm not a newfag. It is you who is the newfag


>unfortunately this is one of the best places I’ve found to do so.
>tfw you lose hope in the world

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Iowa city resident here. It is hell. Kill me now.

you need to go back

I suppose at one point i wanted to make effortposts on Yea Forums in the hope that it would somehow improve the quality of the board overall. But i was mistaken. Then, i hoped that by making effortposts i would at least attract quality discussion to myself by demonstrating a degree of competency in the subject. But again, i was mistaken. So now i reserve my effort to helping individual anons with their questions where i can. Which is rare because i don't like retreading old ground. Still, i think that is the only worthwhile avenue left for this board.

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Pol Pot, like Lenin, did nothing wrong.

Assuming you actually buy into all that communism crap. Otherwise, yes, they did a whole fuck of a lot wrong.

Never. I'm going to rub my reddit all over this place

1. People are actually interested in effortposting here, so reading other effortposts is enjoyable.

2. I enjoy talking about what I know about.

3. Sometimes, responding to something gets me thinking about what I already know in a different way, and exploring different topics.

Effortposting is a way to help refine your own understanding of whatever it is you're talking about. Actually coherently expressing ideas helps distinguish if your ideas are fundamentally retarded or not.