The more books I read the more I think women should stay at the kitchen, shut their whore mouths, cook me some sandwhich and just lost fat so they look better while they suck my dick and I cum inside their pussy.
Why does the fuck this happens?
The more books I read the more I think women should stay at the kitchen, shut their whore mouths, cook me some sandwhich and just lost fat so they look better while they suck my dick and I cum inside their pussy.
Why does the fuck this happens?
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Unbelievably based
Greetings to all, I hate women
your pineal gland is beginning to decalcify, you can see God righteousness
It's the truth brother
You are learning. Regrettably, in our postmodern age, the natural state of affairs has become modern fiction.
shouldn't the leftist be frowning?
If you hate women so much then just become gay.
ok ok all jokes aside, how come they all look exactly the same?
Know Your Meme filename
muttburger phenotype, even their trannies look like that
Yeah I saved it off bing detective
Most polcels are shitskins.
I feel bad for this tranny because this is the result of these leftist networks, they have no ability to criticize each other in healthy ways so they elevate total fucking retards to the top and waste years upon years over setbacks like this, or in petty debates over shit nobody should care about
Trannies are a good thing in disguise, they are incredibly obnoxious and polarizing and highly visible, so not only will normal productive people be tempted to purge them, they will be easy to purge, and a lot of stupid people will go with them in "protest"
You must secretly want to be one
No, I dont hate women more than I hate my dog for being a diferent being than me.
Women are diferent, and their biological role isn't to fight wars, politics, make art.
Winning competitions and wars and overpowering your oponents in bussiness, politics, social peers, is the realm of the male, who competes to become the leader of the pack.
Women are just the prize of the alpha leaders.
This is why they dont need nothing more than their body and being cute and not fat and not a whore/crackhead to be the princess males compete for the right to bride.
Is a basic social arragement based on the mere fact women only makes a single egg every month and can only carry a single pregnancy in a year, a male can pregnant millions of women in a year by comparison.
By this mere biological and physical fact, the role of women, and their brain structure, which controls their personality, has been breed to prefer the roles of motherhood and taking care of others.
This is why in sweden there's less female engineers than in arab shitholes.
Is basic biology, and the women that were more like males, were more likely to die than leave offspring.
Therefore women best biological strategy to make their genes to survive is to be an npc and be inside the flock.
Which is not the case for the males, since the male npcs, most likely died without offspring.
Is basic biology that created our brains for millions of natural selection in evolutionary male bottlenecks.
Women were selected simply for the capability to be cute and produce healthy offspring, which one of their indicators of genetic quality is their physical beauty.
Males weren't selected for their physical beauty but a wide range of traits, that make them superior for arts, philosophy, war, politics, making money, sports, science, etc.
TL:DR cope roastie.
No I hate trannies if that wasn't clear from my post
>tfw reading the Illiad
All the Chad warrior kings have harems of the top tier women from the cities they raided, Imagine raiding a city and taking all the best women back to your palace and having non-stop orgies. I was born in the wrong generation
The goal of Jewish operant control (seen particularly in the American military brats shown here) is a general weakening and homogenisation of the population. Thus the Kierkegaardian levelling and effeminisation shown in these low testosterone males.
alpha/beta is a false dichotomy which was disavowed by its very creator, so you can stop pretending to act like a total moron now or maybe you can't?
Your secret's safe with me ;)
t. beta faggot.
Look up who owns the world and who gets the hot bitches and who fucks the hot young supermodels.
Not the average bottom 80% male loser.
You need to be a top male in your social circle if you want the hot young bitches cunny.
It isn't a secret!
>I ONLY fuck vapid sluts
most women are goldiggers and dumb.
Look up their meyers briggs, 95% are the emotional dumb stupid feeling npc sheep types.
Less than 3% of women are the NT types.
>only 1 year of data
>fucking facebook
jesus fucking christ
Sounds like women are more interested in money than some alpha/beta cope
>jesus fucking christ
Daily reminder that discipline and intelligence is the real genetic inequality between the ones that are billionaires and fuck every day a diferent hot young super model in their yatch and 90% of the rest of genetically inferior mass of plebbians who can only make mean memes how they hate being poor while the alpha top males make more money than the entire race of lower intelligence plebs.
And they will sent the kids of the low intelligence plebs to die in wars in the interest of the high intelligence alpha chads.
The low intelligence cucks will slave their entire lifes for peanuts while the alpha chads will be given simply each year more and more money for no particular reason.
They will leech of your work, fuck and groom all your hot daughters and sent your male kids to die in wars.
And you will still vote thinking you have real political power over the alpha chads.
The pleb castes are dumb and their only purpose is to wagecuck to sustain the alpha dudes expensive lifestyles.
Low IQ castes are no more dangerous than the livestock of the farmer, and is as laughable the livestock will revolt to kill the farmer and be free.
Because the low IQ would do the same shit and join the farmers if they were genetically a farmer and not a livestock.
I have no idea who they are, and you have no proof of identity of who they are,
but I do have one that is very prolific and has a name.
Honestly, if you've seen what ratiod means, you'd know why right-leaning posts reference them more.
People have more to say about why they dislike something than why they like something. This is a universal rule across all platforms from Twitter to Facebook to Youtube to pol.
Never fails haha
>women should stay at the kitchen
No, let them go out to work, see how they like it
>shut their whore mouths
Right on
>cook me some sandwhich
Can't do it yourself?
I can but my gf makes better sandwiches than I can. She also makes me lovey dovey bento boxes that make all the femoids at my job seethe.
Unavoidable, but the simpguard will always attack you for stating any truth.
I didn't come to 4channel to hear some chud cry into his keyboard
it's true, I envy that I'll never have the power to make women seethe at maximum capacity as a man.
You have to be a woman and treat your bf like a king in public and women go absolutely nuts wondering what is going on.
No you probably came for the degen cuck shit on /gif/.
Cry harder
When you spam images and say other people are crying/triggered etc it stands out, you'll learn stuff like this when you get older and remember stuff like this bruh
When you act like a chud it stands out lmao. Wow keep bitching anonymously about how you hate women, very brave
I mean... that's kind of an insult... I guess... I mean insults are supposed to be linked to a characteristic/trait that the one the insult is directed toward relates to, and people relate to and thus feels harmed.
You suck at insults... I guess?
booty blasted lmao
>She also makes me lovey dovey bento boxes that make all the femoids at my job seethe.
Based with trips of truth.
once again I'm not insulted, I'm insulted that he thinks I'd be insulted because that means in his mind I in some way identified with the picture.
The kind of mom I had, told me after I'd came home crying from the bus in elementary school because he wouldn't stop putting boogers in my hair, despite me being bigger, was "beat him up, and keep punching him!" I got suspended and she was so proud, of course she was also in law-enforcement and so was my dad.
Do you think I could relate in looks to that gif?
Uh huh
>muh intelligence and discipline
yes logan paul sure looks like someone intelligent and disciplined lmao or all those cryptotards, faggots like you with muh discipline and intelligence have memed the average normie into believing in some sort of divine justice because you can't cope with the fact that this world is run by interdime demons that do whatever the fuck they want
>mad beta orbiter doesn't understand he's bumping the thread
I fucking hate bernie but he actually had a good jaw and chin
>Why does the fuck this happens?
>Lost fat so they look better
You're right on everything but this, peak feminity is reached with a bit of fat.
A woman is designed to be somewhat thick, if you want to fuck a flat chested girl, you might as well have sex with men.
Incredibly feminine features with slight bitch titties. Post """dick""" and then we'll talk.
>A woman is designed to be somewhat thick, if you want to fuck a flat chested girl, you might as well have sex with men.
>not going back to /soc/
>Why does the fuck this happens?
stop being mean to me
That's anger, which is reactionary. You're angry because things are so far out of place that you want to see the pendulum swing in the other direction. Ultimately, things have their place. Healthy women who serve a legitimate function should not be despised or demeaned, though I find myself feeling that too. Women do not change things - they don't challenge or progress anything. The function of women is to preserve and maintain. They are, at length, what we have made them. Now they are serving the function of preserving the culture given to them by evil men, and so all we can see are evil women.