If You Give A Gay Their Way

I wrote a book explaining how LGBT dissidents are ruining America. I shared this here a couple weeks ago and multiple people told me to take it back to the drawing board. I ended up paying an user to help me edit it, and I think it's pretty good now. I've archived it so you can read for free.


>Alternate link in case archive goes down

Attached: IYGAGTW Cover.png (1169x1793, 2.74M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Here's the preface so you can see if you're interested

Attached: Preface.png (527x563, 66.31K)

>this future bestseller
let us know how that works out for you

The cover should be parody of if you give a mouse a cookie

>The LGBT hordes have become a problem; a problem that, unlike their victims, has gone unmolested.

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decent bait

That guy gangweed is a hell of a writer. That was a joke he put in when editing it

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based. send me the amazon link I'll take a copy.

>future bestseller
"They" won't let that happen buddy.

(((They))) probably won't, but I'm more interested in spreading the word around than making money. As long as the archives are up, I'm happy

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How are you already being hate bombed? Did you advertise this on twitter or some pro-gay and pro-trans site/forum?


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>Had it ended there, it would be a touching story showing homosexuals make lovely parents
>Unfortunately it becomes a touching story when they're arrested for victimizing the boy
Honest chuckle which is more than most books give me. Keep writing.

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I sent out review copies to a few people and shared it on Yea Forums and /pol/, but that's it. Not sure where this brigade came from

Don't you think it's more likely that the right leaning-pages got spammed for their transphobia? People come out of the woodwork when you post something "incorrect".

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That's how. SJWs and discord trannies monitor /pol/.

chuds can't stop seething

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The majority of peope who retweet and tweet at the Governor of Florida are not Floridians nor are they Republicans. Why is this different?

Unfortunate, but some sacrifices have to be made to get the message out

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>I'm. Not. Mad.

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ngl this is peak comedy, richard gervais would be jealous

two dad's what?

>troons seething
Im going to buy it. I love making Evil seethe

The graph is showing interactions on tranny posts, not total number of posts. What you're implying is "the right constantly thinking about trannies for no reason" is explicitly the opposite: it's the number of people who RESPOND when trannies are shoved in their face. Content that drives outrage is the most engaging material on social media in all contexts so this is entirely trivial.

Just bought it hope it’s a good read

no no no this can't be happening hetero bros...

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/pol/yps have been milking this one story for over a decade... you'd think if gay parents were all evil pedos there would be more material

There are plenty of stories that showcase the indoctrination of faggotry, if only you were to listen to them.

Attached: Villarreal.png (644x416, 83.87K)

Yep, another single clickbait article that the armchair culture warriors have been obsessed with for over a decade. 99.99% of gays have no idea that article exists, meanwhile it has been living rent free in /pol/'s heads for years (as intended, since it is clickbait grift). Anyway, that dumb fag is wrong. The best way to get boys to think faggotry is cool would be to revive classical education and expose them to real "queer" heroes like Hadrian, Pelopidas and Alexander instead of banal liberal sacred cows like Harvey Milk.

the jews of sexuality


I mean it’s not like straigh couples haven’t been whoring out their little girls in beauty pageants for years for the hopes of striking it rich
The only thing people can conclude is that most people probably are unfit to actually raise kids

Yes. Straight whoring is the natural precursor to gay whoring.

Writing is a bit too zoomerish and low brow for me, any sample arguments rather than masturbatory prolusion?

It's unironically true.
Just search the names of the faggots.

This is funny as fuck.

> No Epub


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If you have to make a purchase to leave a review on Amazon, you OP are a truly magnificent bastard for taking money off these flaggots.

I salute you.

>unabashedly based
nice review user

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this is what heterosexual "men" actually have sex with

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Can someone explain the Reddit = Eglin Air Force Base thing he mentioned? I've never heard that before.

Seethe harder chud

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>the phallic figures projected on the walls of Plato's cave
...is this the power of pseuds?

Honestly, this book is pretty based.

I think on Amazon your review still stays up if you cancel the order. I haven't tried it, but I imagine they "bought it", reviewed it, and then immediately cancelled the order.

based AF

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Nobody thinks this hard about homos and is not a homo themselves. This should be read and marketed as OP's journey of self discovery. It would raise its appeal to onionsboys and psychology departments.

>If you have to make a purchase to leave a review on Amazon
You don't, but reviews from people who bought the product show a "Verified Purchase" on their comment.

>Some people think that . . . .
You literally started your book in passive voice. Fucking retard.

>>Some people think that . . . .
>passive voice

I don't think the problem is really gays. We don't want to admit it but it's men. Men commit 99% of the rape in our society. Men start most wars. Gays are just bound to be the worst because they are mentally ill men.

I don't know about ending the book with "And thats why I'm homophobic". It seems like that gives detractors an easy route to write the book off.

Lmao are you the same retard that always replies to all the faggots here with pure seethe?
>The LGBT hordes have become a problem; a problem that, unlike their victims, has gone unmolested.

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Passive as in it's weak and could be a lot stronger if it said "Certain men say"

Those are women though

>comma splice in the second sentence of the book
I’m good.

>the woman sexuality

That's not what "passive VOICE" means. It's a specific type of grammatical construction.

O shit I meant to say those are lesbians



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