Psychology is not a science

>psychology is not a science
how do you respond to this?

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meow at them

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It’s a soft science at best, psychology is for faggots OH MY GOD QUEEN HE GOES TO THERAPY IM GETTING WET NOW

>cool it with the antisemitism
It shuts them up immediately

Those large libraries with mediocre books seem very cringe.

Tell them that I agree.

I would tell them that they are correct and attempting to turn non-scientific fields like psychology and sociology into sciences is ruining those fields

This is stupid. You can do empirical experiments in psychology and sociology, which is literally what science is i.e. fields that apply the scientific method.

By agreeing.
>You can do empirical experiments
You are thinking of psychiatry.

>meme post
Grow up

The only memes ITT are sociology and psychology. Psychiatry is the real science.

Empirical experiences are only valid if you have reasonable control over the input and output variables of the experiment. This is very difficult to do in psychology, and absolutely impossible in sociology. They are not hard sciences, sorry.

Yes, you can but the studies are rarely reproducible because it's very difficult to control all relevant variables and it gets far worse because most psychologists don't grasp even basic statistics.

>reasonable control
There are no strict boundaries
>They are not hard sciences
Sure, doesn't mean they're not science

> rarely reproducible
They're reproducible more than half of the time. Sure, not a great figure, but not "rarely reproducible" either.

Either way, that's just a practical limitation because many psychologists are idiots, not an inherent limitation of the field. If most physicists were retards who couldn't do an experiment properly it wouldn't mean physics is not a science.

Lol psychologists know this especially. It's a hack field of lots of conjecture and circlejerking. It's not the 60s and 70s anymore, that bs won't fly.

>Sure, doesn't mean they're not science
Why is it important for those field to be called "scientific" if they cannot provide constant and trustworthy results? Call them sciences if you want.
If I draw a watch on my wrist, I have a watch on my wrist. It doesn't mean that it can accurately tell the time.

>If most physicists were retards who couldn't do an experiment properly it wouldn't mean physics is not a science.
Sure, but most physicists are competent, while most psychologists aren't. That should tell you all you need to know about this field.

becuase people dont live and understand their lives "scientifically"
storytelling isnt a science either

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But check those experiments and get new results every time!

Also, keep in mind such retarded fields of gender studies sprung from the cesspool of sociology/psychology.

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Correct, but it could have been one. Not sure if it's still possible desu.

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>gender studies
That's just because psychology was hijacked by jews/psychoanalysis/frankfurt school. It was fine when it was white in the 19th century with people like Gustave Le Bon. Psychology still has the potential to be a good field, but now it's parasited by the eternal leeches.

social psychology is the hardest science

>Ivan Pavlov's experiments with dogs and classical conditioning (1900s)
>John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner conduct the Little Albert experiment showing evidence of classical conditioning (1920)
>John B. Watson Kerplunk experiment
>Solomon Asch's conformity experiments shows how group pressure can persuade an individual to conform to an obviously wrong opinion (1951)
>B.F. Skinner's demonstrations of operant conditioning (1930s - 1960s)
>Harry Harlow's experiments with baby monkeys and wire and cloth surrogate mothers (1957-1974)
>Stanley Milgram's experiments on human obedience (1963)
>Philip Zimbardo's Stanford prison experiment (1971)
>Allan and Beatrice Gardner' attempts to teach American Sign Language to the chimpanzee Washoe (1970s)
>Martin Seligman studies learned helplessness in dogs (1970s)
>Rosenhan experiment (1972)
>Kansas City preventive patrol experiment (1972-1973)
>Elizabeth Loftus' and John C. Palmer's car crash experiment shows that leading questions can produce false memories (1974)
>Vilayanur S. Ramachandran's experiment on phantom limbs with the Mirror Box throw light on the nature of 'learned paralysis' (1998)
>Bruce K. Alexander's [Rat Park studies]] looked at the development of drug addiction

>Experiments in psychology
>Do you live in ze pod and eat ze bugs?
>Ok condense down the entirety of your whole being's 'satisfaction' at this moment into le number from 1-10
>Average 'satisfaction number' is 5.4
>Experts say that living in the pod objectively makes for happier and more complete people
>Note: This finding cannot be reproduced

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Nothing from this millennium... curious

Pavlov was a physiologist, schizo.

>>Ok condense down the entirety of your whole being's 'satisfaction' at this moment into le number from 1-10
This always kills me. Every therapist I’ve ever had (and I’ve had a lot as I’ve been in therapy since I was a child) has always asked me to rate my emotions on a scale of one to ten, as if something as complex as psychology - especially the psychology of someone who needs a therapist - can be reduced to a number. Logical positivism is a cancer. I hope Karl Popper is rotting in hell.

You're not that complex sweaty

I don't think too highly of psychologist in general, but if they really asked you to grade your emotions on a scale of one to ten, they really were bad at their job. That or they thought you were simple.

"That's correct."
>You can do empirical experiments in psychology and sociology, which is literally what science
You're missing the part where these are supposed to be high quality and replicable. You're also missing the replication crisis that's currently ongoing and it's absolutely worst in the "sciences" that are filled with institutionalised halfassed science produced by ideologically driven morons. That being primarily social science and psychology.

>They're reproducible more than half of the time.
You should be flogged.

This is the primary cancer. Consider the following:
> Eighty per cent of psychology undergraduate students are female and at Russell Group institutions, the proportion is even higher, standing at around 85 per cent. The result is that psychology professions are pervasively female-dominated: 80 per cent of Clinical Psychologists and Educational Psychologists are women.
>57 per cent of all undergraduate students identifying as female
Similar numbers across the west. Similar divisions in social sciences.

As fields become women-centric they also lose sight of scientific rigour and increasingly push out sub par studies so everyone can get along and get a degree and get ahead in life. Of course saying that would break sacred axioms of social science.

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what a beautiful cat

>how do you respond to this

Ask for evidence why the scientific method isn't applicable

Low IQ post

Shit rebuttal, he's right and you're wrong.

Did OP make this thread expecting Yea Forums would side with him?


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LMAO if you have to ask that you should go back to your alma mater and ask for a refund


Wrong again.

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A survey is not a scientific experiment and you are not a scientist. Economics is also not science by the way.

Took you a while to use inspect element

The subject matter is too complex to the point that it is essentially impossible for its practitioners to draw any fundamental conclusions from their experiments, there are too many variables that affect individuals' responses to effects. Even in the most typical, plain, uninteresting, averaged of individuals there are going to be broad differences in personal ideology which are so subtle that the best the scientific method can do to explain differences is to ascribe them purely to 'chance'

The field fundamentally tries to deduce the nature of the inputs from the outputs, an approach which is well-suited to hard, physical sciences, but the nature of the inputs in this field is so much more infinitely complex than physical outcomes to the point that the same people in the same environment responding to the same effects will produce radically different results, to the complete bewilderment of everything its practitioners thought they had established from previous outputs

The complexity of the study of the psyche cannot survive in the rigours of the scientific method, and it is unironically by far more difficult a field than any physical science and I have only the utmost respect for actual psychologists (i.e. philosophers)


fun fact: unless you get it through military , the only way to get a psych practise is if you
1. not white
2. a faggot
3. chop your dick off

And he is remembered for his contributions to which field?

this is part of a cognitive therapy exercise.
they are ment to show trends, like trying to quickly skim a journal for data points.
but theres other things that go with it.
if all they do is ask you on a scale and just drop it, then more than likely they want to appear professional that do professional work.


hey man
whatever works has been the motto ever since a monkey took a rock to bash a nut.
its not like medicine is any better

It's as much a science as astronomy.

The best way to respond would be to ask how you separate science from non-science. If your demarcation criteria is “the stuff you remember from high school science class”, then yes, psychology is not a science


Physiology, schizo.


theres a joke about public policy here but i cant put my finger on it

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Why is OP seething?

What is the psychology you are referring to? There are certainly nonscientific topics in psyhcology, but some of it can be categorised as STEM.

It's not, it's a corruption of Christianity and confession.

Take them. Are sociologists and other similar non-scientists really so desperate that they now try to attribute the fucking Pavlovian conditioning to their field? You're delusional.

Turns out they don't work better than placebo.

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