Whenever I want to read books I am busy.
Whenever I am free I totally forget I can read books and I'll just be binging some dumb Tiktok or Netflix shit and feel bad afterwards.
How do you Yea Forumsizens manage to read and complete books in a disciplined way? How many have you read so far in 2022? I respect you if you've completed a single book.
I can never find the time to read books
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It's called self control
It's not self-control. It's more being comfortable with doing nothing or not being stimulated. I naturally assume most people on here spend the majority of their day on the internet in some fashion. Stop trying to stimulate yourselves 24/7. Getting a job can help to break this cycle. The next stop is transferring your entertainment addiction over from tiktok to books.
I'm not a disciplined person so I don't have any social media and I torrent movies whenever I want to watch one (I watch about 20 movies a year). I read at least one hour everyday.
You now realize the origin of the zoomer haircut.
>tiktok and Netflix
Sounds like overstimulation
I've read 5 books so far (6 if you count the second sex as two books)
Today i've read the stranger, finished it in one day.
It's good Friday you should be spending time with your family, ingrate
I'll be doing that on easter.
How are you all spending your easter weekend, Yea Forums?
>tiktok or netflix
See, that's your problem. If you stopped acting like a normie for a moment, you might do something else.
I just read 1 hour a day put a timer on for an hour and maybe add 5-10 minutes extra for taking a shit, getting water or getting distracted.
>Whenever I am free I totally forget I can read books and I'll just be binging some dumb Tiktok or Netflix shit and feel bad afterwards
You answered your own question here bub. Just reduce the time you spend on those pursuits for other ones.
People always say they don't have time but for the most part they always do.
I do the same for practicing piano. It works well
This is the key. Once you start timing yourself you also notice how fast time passes and how much you waste by doing fuck all.
I'm going to start doing it again.
do you lack any testosterone? you realize that tiktok and netflix are womens activities? I dont understand how a man could be stimulated by that.
When you're a religious retard, reading books is of no use to begin with, because all you can see is the debilitating 'light' of Christ.
I've never had this problem, always an avid reader, until recently. Chalk it up to some pretty tragic life events on top of covid madness, vidya games, or maybe just not having a book that enraptures me at the moment. I'm in the middle of 2666 but I haven't read it or anything else in weeks. Pretty much when I'm not working or taking care of my dog I'm working on my writing or just wasting time on Yea Forums. Trying to get into the nightly routine of reading before bed to get back on the horse instead of sitting on my patio smoking and getting drunk (which was fine when I was reading something on Kindle, and maybe that's the problem: I'm reading a physical book right now).
replace your tiktok addiction with a Yea Forums addiction it will fix everything !!
Does this actually work? I might do this. A daily reading hour, I suppose. And setting it at a fixed time might be smart as well. Maybe I'll group it together with my other fixed-time events.
>I don't have this problem
>proceeds to describe having this exact problem
>said "never had" this problem in past tense
>user has no reading comprehension and just makes a joke instead
hi fren
I hate this faggot haircut so much. It's like the jews are convincing the white goys to fuck their hair up nigger style to eliminate racial differences. Why would you want hair that looks like unshaven pubes? Even long girly hair on a man is better. Im gen z.
Take the audiobook pill
It is sad that the majority of younger people today (< 30) cannot even focus for long enough or commit to completing a book. And not something difficult and complex, even just a short, basic novel. I won't even make fun of you.
I don't know what to tell you for advice. I'm addicted to the internet too I suppose but I still read a lot. I'm grateful for the fact that I got into it when I was a child and continued it through high school and would challenge myself with more difficult books. Practicing meditation helps with focus/concentration. At first you probably won't be able to do it for 5 minutes but if you keep up at it you'll definitely improve and it will help with things like reading or focusing in school if you're a student. For reference I've easily read over 2000 pages this year, almost all of it non-fiction.
Audiobooks are for brainlets, sorry. I guess if you're listening to fiction on your way to work or whatever it's fine.
>I don't have time to read books
>but I have time to read and post on Yea Forums
I see it as a good way of busting out high school lit I missed like Lord of the Flies when I'm washing dishes
Yes you nigger, what is your point here?
Sounds like you have a /pol/ addiction
>oy vey!
Your haircut is fucking gay, ugly and niggerish. Nobody except newfags and seething trannies frequent pol now, but I cannot deny that their ideological influence has essentially taken over many boards, which is good, since it scares away the normalfags and keeps things based.
>based means retarded
>saying nigger and naming the jew isn't based
Back to r3ddit.
>listen to fiction all day at work
>it is just Merlin getting shit on
Why do you continue to pursue something you know you feel bad about afterwards? If it's an addiction you need to find a sense of closure. You need to not only know, but really feel that no matter how many videos you watch, it'll never be enough. There will never be any one video at the end of it that gives you a sense of finality, an answer, or a result. The curiosity that keeps you clicking is for curiosity itself, nothing more. Once you see this and accept it as the truth, it's much easier to let go of it and seek genuine fulfillment through reading. If you're really having trouble, watch an interview with the writer or something to motivate you to at least open the book and start reading. If an hour is too much at the beginning try ten minutes. It's better than nothing.
Are you 12?
I never understand this talking point. You can definitely absorb information by listening to audiobooks so what is the argument against them.
>t. 15 year old redditard
Go back.
You "absorb" information much better through reading it. If you're just listening to a story audiobooks are sufficient though.
back to /pol/
Yea Forums is just a suburb of /pol/. /Pol/niggers live in your tranny heads rent free.
>actually getting mad at people saying nigger on Yea Forums
Le lmao amirite m'redditor?
It's Patrick Mahomes actually (unironically)
>so mad it replies twice
Kek how's the transition, fag?
>media matters
Now you need to ask yourself if you can read one whole book in a day why have you only read 6 books in almost 4 months? You can easily read 100+ books a year, a figure which most people would assume to be an insane amount.
>everyone on Yea Forums who hates niggers trannies and jews is from pol
You are a retard.
How much time do you do spend on your phone a day?
>left wing memes
it is not without reason they call you npcs
lmfao i was wondering why my thread was so active and then I saw the absolute state
Stroking my cock to the thought of your thread... Is that ok Daddy?... It's all for you handsome... Fuck, my cock is unironically throbbing in my hand so hard right now...
so this is the power of Yea Forums...
what about for something like epic poetry or other stories rooted in the oral tradition? I suppose that the classics are too "Brainlet" for your taste as well? Does something need to be written down for it to meet your criteria of quality? Language is spoken first and written second
The power of pomo...
>whole world outside
>wants to stay cooped up inside rather than celebrating the world God left for us
OP try reading before bed. That's when I do 90% of my reading and it helps me sleep too. Use a warm colored reading light for optimal comfyness
I use a phone locker.
OP, lock away your phone, turn of your router. Sit down with a nice cup of tea and an interesting book. Take the day off.
Just read some, let your mind wander some, read some.