His criticisms to modern society are very interesting, why isn't he discussed more in academia?

His criticisms to modern society are very interesting, why isn't he discussed more in academia?

Attached: Evola.jpg (1280x1753, 156.11K)

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He's just an outside observer to most intellectual traditions of the last 300 years or so, besides maybe Hegelianism so very few people even encounter his works. The main translator of his(outside of I believe Revolt...) into English for instance has found him in the 90's because he was referred to as "the Italian Spengler" and iirc the first people who translated RatMW were like new age hippies or something. So to get a discussion on Evola you have to find a far-right intellectual type, which just wasn't something that happened post-war and pre-internet, the intelligent people with far right sympathies were just funneled through the grifters and instead were ending up on the conservative side of the liberal tradition.

Remember the whole go online and find million obscure authors and then find easily available writings of them thing is a very new development. If its 1985 and your syllabus doesn't have something, none of your professors or peers know or mention something and if this something is even in a library but it was never borrowed and hidden between similarity obscure tomes it may as well not exist.

>"the Italian Spengler"
In fact, the very first Italian translation of his magnum opus was done by Evola, under the title of "Il tramonto dell'Occidente" (lit. "The sunset of the West").

bla bla nooo the academia are jews waaah waaah wahaah

To get published in Academia you must be against right wing fascist racism, and in favour of left wing marxist racism. His work just simply isn't relevant to any left wing marxist racists, because the representation of their favoured races in pop media is more relevant to them academically.

you know you're onto something when you have the most butchered wikipedia article ever

Attached: 32708evola.jpg (680x550, 125.71K)

They are actually.

Because he said not so nice things about wahmen apparently, that and muh Jews that's enough to get him blackballed . I like him though

When I was a leftist and reading his work, I couldn't help but be greatly entertained by his idea of spiritual racism, where it had nothing to do with the genetics of the person (and material race was the lowest form of race), but rather that the spirit of a person.

And on that basis he argued for the superiority of the Aryan race, and the inferiority of the Jewish race, and in his examples be brought up that a Jew by blood could have an Aryan spirit, and thus be superior, and an Aryan by blood could have a Jewish spirit, and thus be inferior.

So then it was only natural that when I heard petitions to pray for the Christian Race in the Orthodox Christian liturgy, the whole idea of spiritual race clicked, the necessity for Orthodox Christianity became clear, and how any material basis for race necessarily is completely arbitrary and subject to eventual dissolution.

what book does he talk about this


I think it's Myth of the Blood

Because it is difficult to profit from any of his ideas and concepts. The long-nosed overlords aren't able to extract value and live parasitically off a people he envisions.

People cleave to their illusion of freedom and choice. They are trapped, caged and unable to view the very prison they build around themselves with each netflix special, each uber takeout and each lie they speak when they say they are happy.

Attached: 54e7dbafcd506_corneliu_zelea_codreanu.jpg (240x240, 7.04K)

Because he's a crazy person who believed in magic.

>Abstract concepts of spiritualism and positive mental headspace


Attached: 5lodis.png (472x471, 71.31K)

He says the example of a jew with an Aryan spirit is extremely rare and he was still very conservative when it came to race in society. He was strongly against racemixing, especially with the "darker races".

His views are basically the same as those of ancient kings and emperors.

Because the most prevailing belief currently held in academia is that democracy is what should be sought morally, and the egalitarian attitude utterly dominates.
Evola, of course, being a Traditionalist, rejects democracy, and as such is immediately discredited for academia, as he dared to transgress against the most sacredly held belief: democracy.
This egalitarian attitude has reached its peak academically in thinkers such as Derrida, who strive towards a democratization of truth, which Evola would fervently reject.

Also, like Guenon, Evola's views are contingent on some amount of experience which is utterly impossible for the vast majority of modern academics to have, them being entirely closed off to anything beyond the corporeal.
Since these experiences are necessary to understand his positions, academia is unable to properly and honestly engage with him.

>They are trapped, caged and unable to view the very prison they build around themselves with each netflix special, each uber takeout and each lie they speak when they say they are happy.
We all live in our own prisons


Because no one knows who he is.

um because he's a literal fascist? why do you think

Evola is just drawing on critiques outlined by Nietzsche, Marx and Guenon respectively. And yes I know he was anti-marx but he still stole his ideas about the workers alienation of the end products etc

tbhq believing in atlantis and hyberborea metaphysics, being anti-semitic and a fascist doesn't bode well in modern day academia

Wrong. Libtard academics working on sociological studies on "right wing extremists" study Evola's ideas since he's a big influence in intellectual fascist circles. There's that silly book about Steve Bannon's influences for example

I don't disagree with you. But the point is that his racism is deeper, and better thought out than a crude materialistic determinism that both fascists and marxists subscribe to.

>them being entirely closed off to anything beyond the corporeal.
What does this mean? They do plenty of drugs don't they?

Because he defies what is considered 'moral' or acceptable today ie not supporting our democracy and doing wrong think

This but unironically. Evola is generally a waste of time though, like all philosophy.

Drugs are corporeal.

Even for the drugs that open you up to demons, like DMT or whatever, most materialists just chalk it up to material explanations, like "Oh, my evolutionary monkey brain invented these creatures that, coincidentally, every single other person who has done these drugs sees, because it is more evolutionarily beneficial to be understood in some way when tripping balls. What, many people have had shared experiences of seeing the same non-physical entity? Sorry, I can't hear you over needing to socially fit in with people who would laugh at me if I admitted that demons are real.".

Them being, for the most part, materialist/physicalist atheists has made their worlds smaller in a literal way. For Guenon and Evola, reality is tripartite: the corporeal (material world), the psychic (non-material but not divine, 'demons' would be here), and the intellectual (god/ the absolute). The goal and aim of Guenon and Evola is to ascend these worlds as high as possible.
Anyway, these attitudes which the academics share, have made sure that they are enclosed in the corporeal/material world, and are thus unable to both experience and understand anything beyond that. Inherently this is due to a complete and utter lack of faith and belief, which in turn has tangibly made their realities smaller.

Drugs are largely corporeal, but the effects of some psychedelics can definitely poke holes in the shield protecting materialists from the psychic order, and thus open them to the possibility of seeing psychic entities, demonic or not. I definitely agree with you, but I would mainly add that drugs have the potential for helping the user reach the psychic, but never, ever, ever, the spiritual/intellectual realm.

It is indeed amusing to see the lengths materialists go, and the paths they forge to uphold their materialist views, and they inevitably, when confronted by the unexplainable, claim that there is some 'scientific' and rational explanation that we can't yet access due to our current scientific ignorance.

Democracy is not even a "belief" is more like a fetish.
Leftists don't give a fuck about democracy.
Libertarians don't give a fuck about democracy.
Rightwigner (fascists and proto fascists) of course don't give a fuck about democracy.
Democracy is a taboo/fetish. Nobody actually gives a fuck or truly believe in it.

Here is my galaxy brain XXI century take.
We already saw the devastating effects of "the death of god". Now we are going to be witnesses of the death of democracy.
Or to put it in Nietzschean style, democracy i dead.

>drugs are corporeal
>but never, ever, ever, the spiritual/intellectual realm.
But didn't the UR Group publish an article on the "Corrosive Waters", which explains how an initiation can be reached via drugs? Even Evola stated he experimented with ether and achieved initiation in The Path of Cinnabar.

Wikipedia is such a shit hole nowadays man. Anything slightly anti-narrative is given the treatment. I remember reading Evola's intro and it's like
>He advocated RAPE!
Other pages do this too where they emphasize and point out what is in reality an entirely minor point or aspect of a person or organization in an effort to discredit further reading or color your perception of them as monsters. Any holocaust article or page on NSDAP officials does similar where they just spam it with heart-rending pictures of kids in concentration camps and stuff like that. Totally non-objective and agenda-driven. Not even trying to defend these people but like damn this is supposed to be a neutral encyclopedia not another Party mouthpiece.

yes you fucking faggot jesus

>any material basis for race necessarily is completely arbitrary
It's not. You're generalizing the particular.

The only time that a material basis for race isn't completely arbitrary, is when they can actually trace back their genetic lineage to a patriarch, and define their race as membership within an actual traced family tree.

Most materialist racists nowadays don't even know their great grandfathers name, let alone are able to draw, which is when the haplogroup cope, or the "state defines your race" cope comes in.

Evola is Vāmācāra Guénon is Dakṣiṇācāra, that simple. Evola is better for Kali Yuga, Guénon puts too much trust in bureaucracy.

Guénon us a good foundation of course saying one is better than the other is silly, they are just different points of view, but nonetheless the point still stands,
And yes self-proclsimed evolians who simply read the work as some pseudo-justificstion for materialist racism are not at all related to Evola at best they read a quote here or there

>population genetics don't exist because feelz = realz

Population genetics exist, but actually defining clear-cut races according to them is a blatant gigacope cope for not actually being able to trace your patrilineage.

>drawing conclusions from population genetics is a cope because im a contrarian retard

You can draw conclusions from population genetics.

You can't define races from them.

Stop being an illiterate inbred.

The conclusion of population genetics is that races exist. Those are the populations in question.
>BWAAAA you can't have orange because red and yellow!!!! WHERE IS THE LINE!?!?

bla bla nooo the academia are jews waaah waaah wahaah

There's an interesting feature to Wikipedia where the more sources a claim has the more likely it is to be a lie. If I'm seeing [][][][][][][][]][][][][][][][][][][][][]]] next to a claim, I'm thinking it's made up.

>Julius Evola was a far-right[1]2[]3[4]5[6]6[7]8[8][234]543[7]658[7]876[98]9[][][]sfdg[][][{}6345sne.ed3859 rape advocate [][][][][][][][][][][][]{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} and major influence on the 2015-2016 Trump campaign[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ which was determined to have been influenced by Russia /_/|_|[ ] [] [][] [][][][][][][

1. Because he didn't cuck out and denounce Italian Fascism after WWII, but instead constructively critiqued it.

2. His work doesn't fit neatly into any of the discrete disciplines that academics love so much. He's too political to be considered part of Guenonian Traditionalism, yet he didn't have enough political influence in his lifetime to be considered an important historical figure. His writings about metaphysics and religion don't really fit into Western philosophy or religious studies either, because he begins from the position that the truths of Traditionalism are real and beyond the need for empirical validation.

3. The only academics who tend to publish on him are involved in "far right/fascism studies" which only really exists to demonise and discredit its subject matter rather than engage with it.

Fascism Viewed From the Right and Notes on the Third Reich both contain chapters on his racial views.

>Races are a spectrum

You keep proving that point, that these ambiguous, spectrum-definitions of races are a cope for being a racial orphan, and that you're looking for commonality between people who you share some DNA with, but have no idea how.

This modern attempt at defining race through DNA commonality, rather than direct lineage, is a symptom of how modernity has destroyed your family and nation, not a solution to the problem of defining national identity.

Trannies have infected your brain. Races aren't a spectrum when you can actually trace your racial lineage to a common ancestor, when you aren't a racial orphan.

Kill yourself /leftypol/ nigger fuck off back to where you came from.

>orange doesn't exist because color is a spectrum

Colours don't have ancestors. Humans do.

Get the tranny brainwashing out of your skull.

There's no doubt in my mind I have unbroken patrilineal continuity to magnificent kings. Is it okay if you prostrate before me and kiss the ground before my feet, slave? :)

Yknow, I always dismissed these claims of DMT opening you up to demons out of hand, but when I actually stop and think about what my experiences on it were like most of the time... you might have a point.

From what I've read about DMT, it seems to be the manifested collective intelligence of fungal spores than anything. Fungi, especially mycelium, seem to have a decentralized intelligence and consciousness. They are immensely important as decomposers and preservers of life. Fungi is obviously self-aware.


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no way? I'll spread the word, thank you

He’s Italian and Italian philosophy gets ignored.

Also, he’s tainted even among right wingers by his proximity to fascism and the occult.

he knew very little about marxism except that it was "bad" to him. He was very open minded though, and a curious man, so once one of his students started telling him about his marxist adventures in the 60s he had a lot of fun and was very interested

Your fixation on race's relationship to personal identity is embarrassingly myopic. Race has broad social consequences beyond just what it personally means for you. It doesn't fucking matter if you're a 'racial orphan' or not, race is still a fundamental difference between a society like Haiti's and a society like Canada's.
>a solution to the problem of defining national identity.
So we should ignore the obvious potential solution to the problem, racial nationalism, because of your esoteric sperging.
Okay when bro what's your better solution to the American question?


What is Evola's definition of nature?