TaoNEETs, I kneel

TaoNEETs, I kneel...

>Being still, they do nothing, and once thoroughly non-doing, all demands fall rather on the busy-bodies.

>Gent Wholeweave went to see Laozi, asking, "I had heard that you, sir, are a sage. I have thus not shirked the long journey that brought me here, wanting only to see you, finding new lodgings a hundred nights in a row and walking until the soles of my feet were calloused, never daring to rest. But now that I have met you, I see that you are no sage! It is as if the rat-hives are brimming over with your discarded leftover food, while you abandon to their own devices those who are lost on the side roads. That shows a real lack of human-kindness. Here you have endless provisions of both the raw and the cooked stretched out before you, and yet you hoard and gather it to yourself, giving it no recognizable shape."
>Laozi was silent, giving no reply.

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Who the fuck is Gent Wholeweave?

Sounds like a Pynchon character

>Core principle is not-doing
Yeah I'm thinking based.

welcome to the religious club

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Based and lying flat pilled

Ashtavakra Gita

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Have you mever been to a monastery you dumb american? Monks were unpaid labour for their jew masters.

Kys faggot

Seethe harder protowagie. You will never be a real neetchad

no they weren’t. where did you get this impression?

It's probably some stupid indian

i dont get it.

>tfw unironic taoNEET
My transformation into a total loser is approaching completion. Do I care? No. My parents do though, they are such a hassle, you'd think once I moved out they would give up. They think sitting in an empty apartment with nothing but a computer and some books for a whole year in a city where I don't know anybody is not the way to live. I don't even have a bed.

Detachment is liberation.

How do I become a genuinely unbothered taoneet going with the flow instead of being a neurotic neet plagued by insecurity

How can philanthropyfags recover?

Idk what he's talking about unpaid labor but monks do have an almost completely busy daily schedule from what i have seen

If you're unironic about the spirituality you will find the answers. Detachment. If you're actually a loser just gaming all day I would say that the insecurity is warranted and you should develop some skills or good hobbies, reading counts of course. Even just working out a lot is good. If I lived in the country I'd be outside all the time, would probably have a garden and go hiking a lot.

>the spirituality
I loved the Daodejing and Zhuangzi but I'm not really into the alchemy stuff.
I'm not gaming all day, it's just that I lack any kind of goal or hobby, I just exist. And it's not satisfying because I'm just a failure in every way, no friends, no ambition, no girlfriend, nothing. I'm just a guy on neetbux who spends his days waiting for death in his downtown apartment

it's impossible that you don't have any interests


Shitposting, illegal drugs and passively consuming media don't really count as interests

>waiting for death in his apartment
I know exactly what you mean. Finding some sort of meaning or an ultimate goal is a personal thing that I can't help you with unfortunately. For me alchemy is essentially that goal. The various bodies of light culminating in the immortal body of glory. Related to that I study and read a lot, and then I have 1 or 2 other serious hobbies. Some guys really get into lifting/body building and we would have the time for that, but personally I'm not interested. I suppose there's church and community involvement/volunteer stuff. Hiking or mountain climbing would be good if you have that sort of thing within range. I'm just listing things off that I've thought of.

As for insecurity I'm just detached from it. If it emerges at all I just detach from it, which is part of the practice. Also the average person is a slave-caste shudra dog so their idea of success, coming from a sick and highly degraded society, is totally irrelevant. That said, I want to be someone who I can respect.

You need that meaning or ultimate goal. Idk man. If you took the ascesis pill you would definitely have the freedom to work towards it. I'm sorry if you don't believe in that stuff.

What about chainsmoking and fapping all day while getting deep into star wars lore? You dick

How did you find personal meaning? Did it just click at some point on its own?
Lifting, volunteering, hiking, I thought about that kind of stuff, occasionally I go for a hike or whatever but I don't really give a shit at the end of the day.
It's not that I don't believe in the meditative practices and so on, but I don't have the drive to keep a routine and I also don't really see the value in going through them because I don't believe it has much of an influence on the eventual outcome of life anyway.
>I'm just detached from it
How? Is it a conscious process?
I know intellectually, in theory, that the average person isn't any better than I am, but it doesn't make the visceral feeling of worthlessness and shame go away.

nigga just make it a goal to get a gf, you'll be forced to get your life in order. You're just going to feel more pathetic for every year that passes if you don't do anything, unless you're some demigod who can live alone and be content through a bunch of ascetic practice - which is harder than you think

I've given up on women years ago and just the thought of being in a relationship fills me with dread. At this point I don't want to be a normalfag I just want to be content and at peace with my existence

Keep going

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>be free of desire
I acknowledge the necessity of this and the worth of the teaching. But I can't flip a switch in my mind to go from desiring to desireless.

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I tried to meditate and had a regular practice for a few weeks but eventually I stopped. Maybe I'll try again.

Meditation is easier and more useful if you use it as a means of reminding yourself of the Truth. It should not be a difficult or strenuous task, because the Truth brings peace.

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he's Cad Partweft's cousin

Not him but how is it genuinely possible to stop wanting food, sex, etc.
It seems pretty inescapable. Perhaps I am just a naive and unspiritual person, but I do not know how just meditating would solve any of this or help you conquer your ego truly.

Meditating makes you feel at peace with just being

How is this not just giving up on life and quietly waiting for death?

How though?
I keep hearing about these mystical practices from spiritual traditions, but how is just sitting there supposed to produce the miraculous spiritual revelation that will fill my life with peace and clarity?
Does it just... happen?

Kinda. It surely helps with not overthinking and being more here. Just try it out if you want

What is this godlike religion??

Based indolent chinamen

you want me to try... sitting?
I feel so hopeless to ever find any truth if this is a genuine recommendation.
I have tried just sitting there and breathing before and it doesn't help... I just get so mad thinking of how uncomfortable I am sitting there, and I think of past people who pissed me off as well. When I sit there doing nothing it just makes me mad, I don't feel enlightened by any means.
So what is the proper way of doing it?

The Way

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I think it helps to be in a state of disillusionment with the world. Then read Ashtavakra Gita and fully absorb the undeniable truth of what’s being said. You will know if it’s working or not because your whole body will have a feeling of lightness and you will have indescribable peace. Focus on the Truth that you are Awareness, this world is just a dream, a playground, your own imagination. You have no fear or guilt about anything. You have nothing to achieve. You already are perfect.

I don't know man, I just tried it using headspace and it helped me to be calmer in general, nothing as extreme as enlightenment or anything similar

>Ashtavakra Gita
The contents sound reconcilable with Buddhism despite being Hinduism

Except for rejecting morality and duty, maybe

>Through effort and suppression
>he may appear outwardly composed,
>but inside he craves the world.
nigga called me out almost 3000 years before I was born

You can't just read the Tao Te Ching (or Bible), do nothing and then call yourself a Taoist.

What should a man in sync with the Dao do?

Have the equivalent of professional training in an ancient tradition.

Its realer than Buddhism in that it doesn’t advocate the dissolution of the self.
Buddhism is anti-sapient in contrast Daoism is everything mist people ascribe to Buddhism without the paradoxical nirbanna aspect.

That’s ironic when dealing with “Taoism”. Lao Tzu would disagree

Worshipping meditation or your mind is not going to bring you any closer to enlightenment.

let the adults talk

Who the fuck worships meditation lmao

I miss pre-COVID days. It seems like everyone has gotten more mentally ill over the last two years.

It's easy for you to say that since you're a Westerner thousands of years later and can interpret the many sayings and ideas in Taoism to mean literally anything, or more fittingly, nothing.

Gent is an honorific title that the translator thought was a suitable equivalent to the original Chinese context
Wholeweave is a literal translation of the name of the man instead of a transliteration

except you start taking pride in privation and feeding your ego with that instead
fool's gold

That would be the mind thinking "this is done." Accordingly, the mind thinks neither "this is done" (renunciation), nor "this is undone" (aspiration).
No pride.
No lack of pride.