How did the Catholics manage to have the best writers in history?

Dante surpasses all other Western writers in cognitive acuity, linguistic energy, and power of invention, while Cervantes is easily the greatest prose writer in the Spanish language and in world literature.

How is it that the greatest novelist in history and the best poet of all time could be born from Catholicism?

Attached: Cervantes_Jáuregui.jpg (1443x1893, 410.54K)

Gee, I wonder why

It's Med supremacy. No one rates Catholic writers from Lithuania or the Congo.

Except Dante and Italies upperclass are mostly the descendents of Germanic tribes moving into the region.

You forgot Shakespeare

Provide evidence that Dante had significant Germanic ancestry.

Attached: tuxedo pepe gun.jpg (860x778, 104.55K)

How could he be anything else when he came from nobility.....

Dude was Italian as fuck. Just look at his fucking nose.

Also the best composers, sculptors, painters, etc.

Thats nice but being a noble literally means being a descendent of a Germanic tribe invading the region. Period. Eventually some Romans married in, but the med race does not exist.


Nice, got any arguments?

>How is it that the greatest novelist in history and the best poet of all time could be born from Catholicism?
Got any to prove that the Italian nobility, especially the Florentine ones, is of Germanic origin?

Typical revisionism of an Anglo-Saxon and Frenchified Protestant Europe.

The Greatest Empires have the greatest writers. Prove me wrong.

>Also the best composers, sculptors, painters, etc
Who? Give me examples.

More concern about transcendent things, while pr*ts care about money

He was a Lombard. He tells us that himself in the Divine Comedy. He is quite proud of his Lombard heritage. Lombards, 'long-beards', were the German conquerors of Italy after the Goths.


Bach considered the best composer, Michelangelo the best sculptor, da Vinci the best painter.

Bach was lutheran retard

I read about it. Is it just a conpiracy theory or is it based on facts?

holy cope

He converted to Catholicism, windowlicker.

I meant Mozart. Sometimes I get Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart's denomination switched. I'm not sure if Mozart is considered better though, but he is considered one of the best.

Wrong Bach. JSB was Lutheran all his life, kill yourself

Tommy Pinecone himself confirmed it more than a decade ago on Yea Forums.

Velazquez, Mozart, Beethoven, Bernini...
Are you even trying?

The Dutch Empire was trash though. And there is no good dutch literature.

Spanish ---> Cervantes

Italian ---> Dante

Portuguese ---> (?)



Catholics are not motherless unlike Protestants...

Attached: mary-and-angels-648x1024.jpg (648x1024, 102.67K)

Isn't Camões better?

Because Christianity is the true religion and God unironically protects and rewards the faithful. Dante is overrated though.

You are right.


>Because Christianity is the true religion and God unironically protects and rewards the faithful.
This is unironically true and even atheists have to agree with the latter as history proves it. Christians are simply blessed

Pessoa was a dimwit, stop memeing him

Pessoa was a sadboy nerd.

He was a retard

The high nobility was german, the lower nobility patrician. By the time of Dante it was all mixed already.

Luis de Camões — but the thing is the portuguese and brazilians will tell you his most famous book is The Lusiads, hoewever it filters everyone, because it's shit; what Camões is really good at are his sonnets. They are increadible.

I did a lot of research brehs and I think I have come to an answer that will satisfy both sides.

It is safe to say that dante was NOT lombard(langobardi), nor did he ever want to be. but there is heavy involvement of germans in the area, be it the holy roman empire shitting down the throat of italy, or norman invasions, or of course lombard states in the south and north.

Even the guelph and Ghibelline war takes its names from german noble family welf of bavaria and the staufer family which of course is also a german family. Meaning the guelph and Ghibelline war was one between german nobles. And Dante was living in the middle of it.

>Guelph (often spelled Guelf; in Italian Guelfo, plural Guelfi) is an Italian form of the name of the House of Welf, the family of the dukes of Bavaria (including the namesake Duke Welf II of Bavaria, as well as Henry the Lion). The Welfs were said to have used the name as a rallying cry during the Siege of Weinsberg in 1140, in which the rival Staufers (led by Conrad III) used "Wibellingen" (the name of a castle today known as Waiblingen, as their cry; "Wibellingen" subsequently became Ghibellino in Italian).[6]
Dante probably had some german ancestry but I think he was mostly native italian due to the fact that his city was not north enough to get GERMAN'd that hard and his nose is obviously romanesque.

>Dante is overrated though.
Fedora here, Dante definitly isn't overrated, the Divine Comedy is even better than the Bible.

Rent free

Can you recommend me good sonnets of Camões?

No u

I just so happened to come across this evidence in the last couple of days while reading Lapouge's Fundamental Laws of Anthroposociology. Picrel shows Florence to be among the most highly dolichocephalic (Teutonic-Nordic) regions in Italy. Dante was Florentine

Attached: florence highly dolichocephalic.png (2720x1536, 2.31M)

Catholics don't know what art is, they are spiritually American. An American Catholic is practically immune to the concept of art.

lmao there's always one

>Vinci the best painter
>not even the best renaissance painter (Raphael)

You misspelled Titian.

Titian is great but The School Of Athens is one of the highest peaks of painting period

> Catholics are spiritually American.
What are you on about? It's a testament to the truth of Roman Catholicism that your typical American Mutt flees from it like a demon from holy water.

Americans dont understand what art is for. Catholics are the same way, they don't understand what it's doing they just see the sitcom characters like bloody Mary and Jeezy and go "yes, ok, that is what are is supposed to be, up to code". Btw all the greatest Catholic artists were hypocrite degenerates like Caravaggio for this exact reason.

Raphael was Catholic too

>Catholics don't know what art is
Baroque (?)

>they are spiritually American
Wtf does that even means.

>American Catholic
So, a Mexican? Americans Catholics are basically Protestants due to the dominance of Anglo-Protestantism in the United States.

Yes. That Michelangelo had no idea about art. If only he were as enlightened as you.

he was an artist, I'm talking about the Catholic audience which are allergic to any subject matter not exactly quotable from the big book

>they are spiritually American
>Wtf does that even means.

It means they go to church on Sunday and then get a large mac, a double cheese, a large coke, large fries, a mcmuffin, a mcflurry, a dr pepper, a double whopper, a mcchicken and a nugget special on their way home.

Portuguese -----> Galician ------> Rosalía de Castro

Gee I wonder what Catholic artists and sculptors he could possibly be talking about. Gee I wonder what era he could possibly point to as the pinnacle of artistic achievement. Are you retarded? Do you have no notion whatsoever of history? Do you just not know anything about art? What a ridiculous question

Don't forget that Shakespeare was a crypto-Cath

Did a Catholic girl reject you are something?
One of the most common criticisms levied against Catholics by American Protestants is that our theology is based not only on the scriptures, but ongoing revelation and tradition. Rosary beads and the sign of the cross aren't in the Big book but no Catholic objects to their use. You paint with a broad brush, and it is a wicked one also. "First cast the beam out of thine own eye." The Lord Christ did teach.