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Cathedral Edition

Previous Thread:>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent
Never going to be created.

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What are you guys currently or planning on reading?

Bran’s fifth chapter was alright, his chapters are a hit or miss for me. Though this chapter was okay for me for what it was. Bran getting to ride horses was sweet and something I didn’t expect to smile at. But his inability to remember what happen to him is such a cop out. Also, nice to see the fallout from Ned and Jaime’s fight is about to bear fruit. Theon getting very little love from Bran and the fight with the wildlings and the deserters was low-key great. Also, Theon gets very little love by anyone who isn’t Rob

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Fuck Chinese fiction that isnt about Murim, cultivation, and fucking mad bitches.

>fucking mad bitches

Why yes I am a big balled heterosexual that likes going balls deep in petite Asian bitches. How could you tell?


Just read John Barnes A Million Open Doors and Earth Made of Glass
There's two more in the series but I can't find them at the library or second hand stores just yet
Very interesting potrayal of Globalization and culture shock, the main character coming from a culture inspired by Troubadors and is thrust into a very Protestant inspired culture.
Really enjoyed them, has anyone else read this series?

>we are literally going to get a series about Yi Ti before TWoW
I hate George so fucking much.

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Reject Chinese Xianxia, embrace West Webfictions! I recommend Worth the Candle, an amazing isekai deconstruction with extreme meta-narration, written by the author of the Metropolitan Man. It's also from the rationalist community, so if you liked Methods of Rationality and similar, then you should like it.

Anyway, I'm about to attempt reading Gardens of The Moon for the second time, the first ending after I saw the next chapter going into a different era than the previous events. This time I intend to read the entire book, then decide if it's worth continuing. Any good tips for reading Malazan? I've heard it's cumbersome.

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reject webfiction, read a fucking book nigga

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>Reject Chinese Xianxia, embrace West Webfictions!
Why? I don't read xanxia because most of it is trash, but if there is a xanxia worth reading why should I reject it? Western webfiction is similarly trash, there may be one or two stories worth reading, everything else is trash.

When do we get a Dream of Spring?

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I've read about a thousands normal books, webfictions are just better at telling the story, that's all. No constraints of publishing, too large volumes, any bullshit like that. Just pure story. I honestly have hard time going back to normal books after it, they feel rushed and poor in comparison.

Recommendations for good tecno-thrillers?

Jurassic Park, but I'd suspect you've already read that seeing as Chrichton basically created the genre.
There's not really that much content other than his works though.

>Nobody praises it as great
people do praise it a lot. in fact i tend to read opinions where they say it's the "best webnovel they dropped", which sounds bizarre to me.

it doesn't exactly sound appealing, but then it's supposed to be really good? i'm just confused.

Yeah, I just hoped since his death others have been trying to continue this type of low-scifi, high adventure, cinematic books

>people do praise it a lot. in fact i tend to read opinions where they say it's the "best webnovel they dropped", which sounds bizarre to me.

>it doesn't exactly sound appealing, but then it's supposed to be really good? i'm just confused.

Back when the story was still posted on Royalroad, some people made lengthy, thousands word long reviews with maximum rating, saying they are dropping it due to author being too cruel to the characters and they could no longer bear feeling so much emotions for them. It was some real schizo shit, but highlights TWI's greatest virtue - characters that you learn to love, and boy there are a lot of those.

Personally, I've read around thousand normal fantasy books before venturing into webnovels by accident, and The Wandering Inn is definitely among the best stories I've ever read. It's not perfect, there is a lot to complain about, but mostly because it's so good that it's worth complaining about. It's not just some popcorn story with some events that you are supposed to enjoy, it's one of those that have something to say, whether you agree with it or not, but to me it's a mark of every great book I've read.

The problem with getting into TWI is that it has 9+ milion words at this point, and the beginning is not that good. It's not bad, but there are only glimpses of what makes it so good, and many people would quickly drop it. I considered dropping it several times during the first three volumes, and I am so damn glad I hadn't.
The real TWI starts around volume 4 or 5, the world grows much larger and characters become amazing, even those that were previously just a plot devices or expositions.

Now that I am at it, I can just as well sell you on reading TWI:
It's an Epic Fantasy story where a young woman named Erin Solstice is suddenly isekaied into a fantasy world. There, instead of becoming a warrior, craftswoman or mage as is cliche, she instead becomes an Innkeeper. She is the main character, but as time goes on the story expands into multiple storylines on five continents following other characters, with events that will shake the entire world. The Inn is always at the center of everything, though.


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The story's greatest strengths are:
- Incredibly good dialogue, the voices of characters are so distinct you don't even need to look at the text to know who's talking
- Compelling, multi-dimensional characters that act true to themselves in a way that you learn to hate or love
- Rich world with thousands of myths and legends that shaped it throughout uncountable thousands of years
- Epic Story about events larger than life, intertwined with normal Slice of Life, although my personal opinion is that TWI should be called 'Slice of War Crime'
- Incredibly evoking storytelling, few stories will make you feel as much as TWI
- The story is a part of LitRPG genre, but it was written in parallel to it, not growing out of it like the other stories, so instead of typical gaming system you get one focused on storytelling, similar to D&D and other table-top games.

If I had to name some of its flaws, it would be some inconsistencies in the world, taking short-cuts to arrive at certain plot points (the author will have its great events, and is going to do anything to get them), overly dramatic storytelling at times. Still, those flaws are dwarfed by all of the good in the story.

Now, one strange thing that I'd recommend anyone interested would be to NOT READ IT at this point in time. The author is finishing Volume 8 at this moment, and it's been almost 6 years and 9 milion words since the story started, so obviously it improved a lot during that time. Because of this the author intends to rewrite the first volume after finishing V8 to bring it up to current standards. If you are interested, I advise to wait a few months until the rewrite is finished. Still, it's absolutely worth trying out. 2/2

thanks for the helpful writeup. this series definitely has a weird reputation but judging from what you wrote it seems like something i would very much like.
i'll follow your suggestion then and wait for the rewrite.

Doctor Who: Love and War.
Maybe Bastion afterward.

>But his inability to remember what happen to him is such a cop out.
Did you miss the part where a magical being jumped into his head and plucked the memories out? You need to step up your game because ASoIaF is a text to be combed for important details.

>isekai deconstruction
>with extreme meta-narration
>from the rationalist community,
I'm impressed. Never before have I been so compelled to not read a book.

Does it take normies years to read ASOIAF or why do they exclusively read those books and nothing else? It's like the ultimate brainlet move to restrict yourself to one series.

Normies won't engage in anything unless they've been told it's Socially Acceptable. Quality or content is utterly irrelevant, they simply won't ever engage in something that hasn't been explicitly approved as Socially Acceptable by the masses.
You ever had someone ask you for recommendations, then proceed to never even look at anything you recommended? It's because they're a normie, and they hadn't ever heard of what you'd recommended. If they haven't heard of it, it's clearly not Socially Acceptable.

They only know GRRM, Tolkien and Rowling because they had successful adaptations. When you start to actively seek new authors instead of reading whatever everyone else is reading, that's when you stop being a normie.


Wait that shit isn't done? Do ANY web serials end? Practical Guide to Evil, Worm and Mother of Learning are the only ones I know of that seem to have actually finished.

Little Big.

Its not Dune or LOTR, its not BOTNS, its gotta be Gormenghast. I struggle to think of even any 'real literature' that matches my love for Gormenghast.

I don't know what no cap means and why everyone keeps spamming obnoxious nigger speak, that shit is going to get filtered like s m h t b h f a m was

>John Barnes A Million Open Doors and Earth Made of Glass

Many webserials end, but not many great ones have ended as of yet.
Reverend Insanity was going good until Chinese Government took issue and ordered the author to stop, too much authority bashing within the story.

Void Herald has written three finished good and popular webnovels, 'Vainquiar the Dragon,' 'The Perfect Run' and 'Never Die Twice.' I recommend The Perfect Run, NDT and VtD if you can withstand LitRPG, VtD in particular is a very funny story following a Dragon discovering LitRPG system of his world after meeting an isekai loser. VtD is much shorter and condensed, being a story of a Necromancer in pursuit of Eternal Life and fighting with Gods. The Pefect Run is a super-hero story, with a MC being able to go back in time to earlier 'save-file,' being in pursuit of the perfect run (speedrun, basically), good overall, although meanders before the end and loses some steam, still finished on a good and satisfying note though.

Wildbow wrote Worm like, 9 years ago? Ward a few years later, and two other webnovels, Pact and Twig, haven't read them but Pact is supposed to be good. At this moment he's writing Pale.

Mother of Learning is a classic and everybody knows it, same with Practical Guide to Evil, although I personally dropped it midway through.

Everybody Loves Large Chests is a weird shit, but it was popular and also finished, although it had way too many rape in it for my taste.
A webnovel with actual good NSFW content would be either 'Blue Core' or 'Erogame', with the second one deserving to be called one of the best things written within the last decade or two, some even speculate it was written by Yudkovsky, the author of Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality (which counts as a webnovel as well, I guess). Another great rationalist work is Worth the Candle, which I already mentioned earlier.

TWI, according to Pirateaba's staff member, is around a bit below mid-way through. So considering it's Pirate we're talking about, you can very well expect 20+ million words before it's finished, provided they won't die. It's their one and only Magnum Opus, I wouldn't be suprised if they didn't write anything else once they finish it, they are already doing 70-80k words a week as it is. Literally one of the most prolific writers the mankind has ever seen. And they are still writing side books and comics during their breaks. Literally a content machine.

Webnovels seem to have gained popularity only recently, and even I don't know that many of them, focusing mainly on RR (Royalroad). There are other websites Wattpad etc. who focus on slitgthly different genres like dramas and romances. AO3, fanfiction.net and forums like 'sufficientvelocity' or 'spacebattles' focus on fanfiction from what I've seen, although there are original works there as well. Most of Fanfiction is trash obviosuly, obviously. But the ones like Methods of Rationality, The Metropolitan Man or Purple Days shine among them.

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For me it's a close tie between Fellowship of the Ring and The Lies of Locke Lamora

>20+ million words
What the fuck. I don't even think I've written that many words ever, including all the times I've posted and whatnot.

I keep meaning to read The Perfect Run, actually, but I rarely like to read more than one thing at once and I keep going from one book on Kindle to another. I've actually been on a LitRPG binge lately, to see if any are worth much. So far I've only fully dropped one (Ten Realms, god that was just not good how is that consistently rated so highly) and I'll generally say that so far, nothing has REALLY topped He Who Fights With Monsters (which isn't amazing, it's just pretty good), though I haven't read that many, admittedly.

>NDT and VtD
loved perfect run but couldn't really get behind these even after reading a few handful of chapters. VtD's characters don't really feel authentic to me and i can't really get behind NDT's MC.

>Void Herald has written three finished good and popular webnovels
Objectively, yes, they are finished and popular. I don't think they're good, though. The Perfect Run is utter garbage, at least in the first few chapters that I've read, where a lolsorandumb character does stupid shit in an utterly uncompelling setting.

I don't like Wildbow, personally. His stories start off readable and then later the protagonist murders a baby to stop three trillion villains from ending ten worlds (Worm), or suicide is the only moral and valorous option (Ward, from what I've heard).

Blue Core is about a living dungeon that gets immensely horny the minute an elf steps inside, kills her pursuers, and somehow convinces her to become a breeding sow for new monsters.

Methods of Rationality is an utter pile of shit written by a self-aggrandizing grifting piece of shit who knows nothing of actual science. "Rationalfic" in general is utter trash, of course, because for some reason it seems that in pursuit of rationality you have to discard things such as tension, prose, or pace, and the result is an r/atheism circlejerk about how basic middleschool science knowledge should make you God. Metropolitan Man gets its dick sucked because it is "rational", while frankly it's just the adventures of a rich retard given a pass by the author, aka the ideal redditor power fantasy.

TWI is so long it has become unreadable. That's just a stone cold fact.

>The Perfect Run is utter garbage, at least in the first few chapters that I've read, where a lolsorandumb character does stupid shit in an utterly uncompelling setting.
you're probably judging it too early. even his errant actions make sense and the premise and setting actually turn out to be very good.
i had a similar initial reaction with his erratic behaviour and randomly having a communist character, but my worries were put to rest pretty fast after that. its in the same league as mother of learning imo.

Western webnovels are the filth of the filth. Asian webnovels are 100x superior with a better catalog, better tropes, and more variety. The translated asian web novel has on average better prose than anything on royalroad. Even the fucking website hosting them is 100x better, novelupdates.com has 100000x more tags than royalroad and looks/works so much smoother. Anything posted in the english language after 1950 is dogshit and that still holds for webnovels. Asian webnovels are the superior race.

i know this is bait but i unironically have trouble reading translated webnovels now that i've read more RR stuff.

The Shadow Rising (Robert Jordan)

Is there a Deltora Quest omnibus ebook?

>dat webm
umm... what is that from?

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Due to circumstances I won't be posting writeups in the thread for now.

Is that you, reviewfag?

I meet a girl that never read a Sci-Fi book but says she is interested, what would be the book that would most likely impress her?

Do you know what she has read? Anything she especially liked?

Enders game. Retards love enders game.

She might find out Orson Scott Card is a Bad Person(TM) and hate user for it, you need a safer bet.

Give her an old school degenerate rape book.

Is Urth of the New Sun worth reading? It's kinda hard to find a copy of it in my language so I need to act fast before someone buys it up.

Why wouldn't you just read it in English?

Seems like a difficult read for an ESL like me, especially considering how Wolfe throws in made up words sometimes that may sound plausibly English.

Hitchhikers Guide

people love that shit

Wolfe never uses made up words.

Words not usually used in modern speech would fit better I guess, but it's kinda how it feels like to me sometimes. It's hard enough to handle in a native language.

>Words not usually used in modern speech would fit better I guess,
It's called archaic


rec me some stories where the main character is a human raised by non-human's. bonus points if they are raised by monsters and not just elves or other humanoid races.

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stop bitching about learning new words you double blackamoor