That one time I sent Cormac McCarthy a bunch of cartoon fanart

I was skimming through my sketchbooks and came across cowboys I drew years ago and thought, "Hey didn't I send this to..." I slowly began breaking in cringe-sweat as I recalled that one time I sent Cormac McCarthy a selfmade book of art.

It felt like a good idea at that time. It was fun so I lost all reservation and spilled my heart and soul into it. Today I found a copy of it again and wasn't able to keep a straight face.

The emotional fanletter, clustered formatting, the animeish art, and that embarrassing song lyric plastered next to a picture I sprinkled with a Photoshop snow effect.


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Post it.

Did you get a reply, even just a form letter?

Corncob probably got a good chuckle out of it. Dont feel too bad big buy.

You can't say such a shitty fake story WITHOUT posting the drawings. Don't be a faggot, OP. Remind me why I still come to this place

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You know what you have to do.

The fact that you sent it to corncob of all people makes it even better

OP delivers

pic related is the idiot in a cage


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OP here

drawings of some flowers that were mentioned in blood meridian and sampled by holden

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keep posting, retard

Cute! Poste moar op

If I got da art like this I’d be flattered. Not cringe at all

yall just trying to keep me posting lol, but thanks

here is something everyone has been waiting for


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another scene

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You should have drawn the gunpowder pissing scene or the one where the kid and toadvine are hiding in the dunes.

Disappointing. I wanted cringey OC naruto chrischan art. Not your run of the mill amatuer sketches. I wanted lolz except I got zzzz

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I do have a rough draft of it somewhere, but never finished it

>the one where the kid and toadvine are hiding in the dunes.

I have it somewhere. It wasn't toadvine it was the priest



da road

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ok why are the furries and why are they so cute

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Sorry to go off topic, but how is it possible after 9 years they don't improve at all? In fact in some ways the original is better since it's stylized, it doesn't contain unnecessary, ugly fold marks masquerading as details


the hermit from BM

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These drawings are great user, why would you be embarrassed of them? If you have any of the judge pls upload them, I'd kill to see how they look.

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Probably didn't practice.

You know these aren't bad and are only fishing for compliments indirectly, I see through your attention seeking tactic.

you're right. visual artists tend to have lame trannified personalities like that

I wrote to Michael Crichton once. Got back a signed picture and a personalized letter.

It does look like some Zelda fanart a little bit, but good stuff

it's like donkey kong country 2 vs donkey kong 64. dkc was a polished and tight 2d platformer that's one of the best in the genre, it looks great, plays great, sounds great, beautiful world. pretty much perfect.

dkcountry was a jump into 3d and despite the huge technological "improvement" it's total dogshit, a junk version of mario 64, plays shit, looks shit, not fun.

that's kinda what this guy did imo, spent years learning to do shadows to make it 3d, which adds nothing actually, and meant he neglected everything else.

This. He made this thread knowing we would want to see these "embarassing drawings" so when we see that they're normal he'd get some praise

The original is not "stylized" it's just a lack of detail and skill. The 9 years later isn't exactly good for such an amount of time but it's definitely better. And yes fold marks do constitute as detail, which that image has more of. Of course if someone seriously practiced for 9 years they should be a lot more skilled maybe that person just didn't practice much.

I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s a very feminine quality to these drawings. How rounded the lines are. It reminds me of school girl classmates making passible reproductions of sanrio characters in their notebooks.

possibly ftm
posts read similar

The real cringe here is
>about drawings
>on Yea Forums

they're not chrischan tier but they're still cartoony and cutesy for the subject matter, imagine corncob flipping through them

this is great and fits the book perfectly

How old were you when you sent this?

because of the dissonance between the childlike anime style vs the western depraved subject matters (pic related). here is a pic of judge first time anyone compared my art to zelda fanart, thanks. I like old anime styles

lol im in touch with my feminine side

thanks yeah this is probably the only picture out of all my drawings that fit the style and vibe of cormac mccarthy

too old to be drawing and writing fanletters. also these drawings are over 7 years old.

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another judge holden

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the kid from BM leaving home

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>too old to be drawing and writing fanletters. also these drawings are over 7 years old.
Come on user, there's no harm in being specific
At what age did you read the books, at least?
I find all this very interesting and kinda cool honestly

17 when I found out about corncob. My english teacher back then was the type who'd watch Oprah and I am sure she saw The Road recommendation on that show, so one day she didn't want to teach us actual literature and instead put on The Road the movie. I liked the intensity and decided to google the author and here we are

I don't draw fanart but Cormac McCarthy is the only fanart I did. A lot of this stuff was drawn on-and-off throughout the years and I sent a handful of artwork with a fanletter when I was 22

pic related

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clearly fishing for compliments but they're pretty good

maybe he was so happy he ate it.

He looks more victorian in this one. That looks more like a fedora than a cowboy hat.

imagine being such a cynical fuck about everything. lighten up

not that user but
>doesn't even say anything particularly malevolent
>probably right as well
if this is what it's like to be an optimist, I'm glad I'm not fucked in the head like you

thanks good to know people actually think they're good. i know a lot of you love corncob so im releasing these pics into the wild after 7 years


judge is a cultured man/overman

pic related, here is everyone's favorite from BM besides the judge: Toadvine

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You're not the only one who thinks this. Perhaps its just how generic the style is. It feels derivative of more child targeted media

Not how I pictured toadvine; a man with no ears and a branded face and necklace of teeth.

My favorite characters were Bathcat, cracker and coon Jackson, and the injuns just because that one red niggers death was so abrupt.

>It feels derivative of more child targeted media

thats it, a lot of my inspos were child or teen oriented media though i dont watch the shows myself. bigger eyes, soft round lines, very friendly looking stuff. I was asked to work at highlights (children's magazine)

it was a necklace of ears because he doesnt have ears

toadvine has the most art besides the judge from what i've seen. i havent seen a bathcat or the jacksons yet. i have them somewhere but never completed it

my favorite is the judge

pic related: the head in the jar

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That’s the cartooniest head in a jar I’ve ever seen.

Bathcat wore the necklace of ears, then Davy Brown after he took it from Bathcat’s corpse. Toadvine had teeth, which got him in shit outside with the governor’s guards in Chihuahua.

You know i was expecting cringe art bits it’s pretty decent.

>That’s the cartooniest head in a jar I’ve ever seen.

now imagine corncob flipping through my drawings


more judge

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>Listen to me Joe Rogan, let me tell you a somethin' 'bout fuckin' Mexicans.

Definitely reminiscent of those old Zelda illustrations

Who cares, at least it's more interesting than the boring threads that get repeated day in day out

I picked a simpler and less realistic style because i wanted to pump out a lot of sketches at once, but then i realized that the style was out of touch with the subject matter. This may or may not work depending on how i pulled it off. Sometimes a simpler style may work as a way to detach the audience the more ridiculous, tragic, or violent the content is. Example: penguins memory, barefoot gen

here is our main character (kind of, before he disappears in the middle of the book and pops out again near the end)


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the scene where the hermit makes that blue moldy rabbit stew (the rabbit ears is a nice playful touch against the utter fuckedupness of the book) and they talk about god:

The way of the transgressor is hard. God made this world, but he didn't make it to suit everybody, did he?

I don't believe he had me much in mind.

Aye, said the old man. But where does a man come by his notions. What world's he seen that he liked better?

I can think of better places and better ways.

Can ye make it be?


No. It's a mystery. A man's at odds to know his mind cause his mind is aught he has to know it with. He can know his heart, but he don't want to. Rightly so. Best not to look in there. It ain't the heart of a creature that is bound in the way that God has set for it. You can find meanness in the least of creatures, but when God made man the devil was at his elbow. A creature that can do anything. Make a machine. And a machine to make the machine. And evil that can run itself a thousand years, no need to tend it. You believe that?

I don't know.

Believe that.

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